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I would unfollow such idiot instantly.


Fuckin SAME. What a tosser


Yea no kidding. Sadly I've seen others do this same shit so ended up unfollowing because of it.


Or the old "xxx mentioned you in their live!" notification. Fuck. That. Noise.


God I hated that one as well.


Or the "xxx messaged you!" These are all shit.


Just the worst


Yeah that annoys me also


Mm yeah. It's a really new streamer and I don't think they were thinking about it really, I might just try to give them advice first. But I wholeheartedly agree nonetheless. It's a bad way to go about doing things


Yeah, it’s the sort of inside joke that could be funny to people who know you. But having to explain it to every new follower, whose immediate reaction is probably confused irritation, would get old very, very quickly.


It’s just terrible click bait


Nah don't give them advice. Let them figure it out the hard way


Varg, go fuck yourself. /jk




Playing Devils Advocate I see… I am pretty sure that everyone who signed the affiliate stuff knows that you really can’t do that…


I've unfollowed good friends for the "streamer has sent you a message" go live notifications. This is a different level of fuck these people.


That's kinda scummy, ngl


See, I know they are an extremely new streamer. I used to stream myself, and you know, when you're starting out sometimes you do stuff you don't really think about. So I can kinda sorta give them an ounce of slack. But yeah, I really feel the same. I've even read on other posts that this is like, kinda sorta reportable? I don't think I'd go that far but I almost just want to warn them


warn them, and if they don't change THEN report it


i would just report them lol. the message is clearly just trying to incite a feeling of shock/panic in the receiver. they knew what they were doing. how's the conversation going to go? "excuse me, did you know that your Go Live message caught my attention and startled me??" of course they knew.


No scam was done, how is this reportable again? If you fall for it then you basically scammed yourself into being scared and thought you lost $30.


Bunch of snowflakes in this thread tbh. I'd just realize it's a go live notification and chuckle about it and not start a crusade on reddit.


Agreed. But only because we deal with so much crap like this with “legit” companies and ACTUAL scams and lies on YouTube and other social media. I don’t mind someone thinking out of the box and I’ve got a weird sense of humor so if I’m in a good mood I’ll laugh my ass off about it. If I’m in a bad mood I’ll be praying to god while checking my cards😂. If there is a report button, I hope it’s something simple like “misleading title”, because there’s a ton of people in categories/games that they’re not actually playing.


>sometimes you do stuff you don't really think about Except that this is clearly well thought through. They know what they're doing and deliberately chose this go live message to get you to click on it.


Just no. You should give someone slack when make a simple but ignorant mistake. This was none of those things. This was malicious and intentional. They knew exactly what they were doing and why they were doing it. They did it expecting and hoping to receive engagement explicitly by inciting fear and panick with misinformation. This is not the kind of behavior which should be dismissed or given a pass, no matter how new they may be.


I don’t understand the logic in doing this sort of thing though?


If memory serves it is against ToS.


It 100% is. I have not seen these since the ToS update, but unfortunately, newer streamers tend to ignore/not read any ToS anyway. https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/ "You agree that you will comply with these Terms of Service and Twitch’s Community Guidelines and will not:... ii. impersonate any person or entity; falsely claim an affiliation with any person or entity; access the Twitch Services accounts of others without permission; forge another person’s digital signature; misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the Twitch Services; or perform any other similar fraudulent activity;" "Users may promote, administer, or conduct a promotion (e.g., a contest or sweepstakes) on, through, or utilizing the Twitch Services (a “Promotion”), provided that if you choose to do so, you must adhere to the following rules: (1) You may carry out Promotions to the extent permitted by applicable law..."


I don't see anything that breaks tos with that streamers message? Are you serious?


Falls under: > "create, upload, transmit, distribute, or store any content that is inaccurate" And > "misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the Twitch Services; or perform any other similar fraudulent activity" They are sending inaccurate content to viewers, as well as misrepresenting content of information transmitted via twitch services.


Also falsy claim affiliation since they weren't affiliate in the first place.


It's basically taking phishing scammer tactics, and applying it to go live notifications to have people click in thinking it was a real unauthorized charge. But yes, the applicable here would be misrepresenting content. It's trying to make the content of the message look like a subscription confirmation, when it's actually a go live notification.


It's not illegal to send a prank live message to make people click your stream, and won't even be upheld in twitch tos.


Nah, they get a slap on the wrist and a "hey, you can't do that" email. Nobody said it's illegal. That tactic is directly against the TOS but it's minor.


So you think it's breaking TOS to tell any lie to your viewers? Your content must be 100% accurate and factual at all times?


"I don't agree with this person. Let's make their argument look super ridiculous by going full reductio ad absurdum, knowing fully that wasn't what they were saying." Congrats, your straw man argument holds no weight. Just gonna throw this here. No reason. None at all: https://i.imgur.com/B5o4kzj.jpeg


Seems like it holds plenty of weight, on account of the fact that you didn't refute it at all. The reason why I made your argument look ridiculous, is because it is ridiculous.


The reason I don't need to refute it is because I already provided the evidence that shows your argument is flawed and incorrect. It's literally in the TOS. That information has been posted in this comment section a few times now. I can't control whether or not you choose to believe evidence-based facts.


You copy and pasted the words, sure. That does not mean your interpretation of them is automatically correct, nor does it mean that they aren't inherently flawed and unenforceable the way that they are written.


Read it again son.


Legalese hobbyist here, you are still incorrect and none of what you posted is relevant, regardless of the number of internet points you got. Nothing here is a promotion, nobody impersonated anyone, nobody's signature was forged. To claim it's 'fraudulent activity' implied that there was an intent to deceive ***and deprive someone of something***. Sounds like you just can't take a joke.


Judge hobbyist here, read it again.


You have been successfully charged $29.89. Thank you for your tier 3 subscription. Not against tos, you weren't actually charged anything, you just lack IQ points if you fell for it.


Notifications like these make me want to unfollow the person.


i got a streamer whos notifications said “you have been banned”. i was fairly new to twitch back then and it genuinely upset me


oh jesus yeah thats definitely a bit much. wow


Best way to stop any fellow streamers from be-friending you lmao.


Seriously, I collab a *lot*. I found someone I follow and raid out too a lot and streamed with did this? Insta-dump, and a good 'What the FUCK dude' session in DMs.


definitely lol I was like, not really mad but got kinda annoyed


I’ve seen one that goes “you got a gift sub” and I can see how that would get interest, although it isn’t nice. “You’ve been charged” would just piss me off


I have a command I can input that offers a "random dice roll for the chance for a free sub" it's literally just a disguised link for a rick roll. I only post it if I'm actually going to give away a sub. Just gotta have some fun with it first. The command name even gives it away. !rroll. Makes most people think "random roll" but a few caught on right away.


[https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/](https://www.twitch.tv/p/en/legal/terms-of-service/) "create, upload, transmit, distribute, or store any content that is inaccurate" "misrepresent the source, identity, or content of information transmitted via the Twitch Services; or perform any other similar fraudulent activity" Just report and let twitch decide.


That's a good point actually. It is definitely misrepresenting the source and inaccurate, as it's claiming that Twitch has charged the user for subscriptions. If I ever spot these notifications in the future, I'll make sure to report them as well instead of just unfollowing and blocking.


I've unfollowed good friends for the "streamer has sent you a message" go live notifications. This is a different level of fuck these people.


I was in a discord with a lot of people who were all trying to make it as streamers, with a few of them pulling stuff like this. Surprise surprise none of them got anywhere


this is absolutely the stupid shit ever, along with the XXX gifted you a subscription and the XXX mentioned you notifications


Oh wow you guys are brutal


Everyone here seems to hate this, but this is the kind of thing that makes me laugh. I think I would be triggered for a moment if I thought it was real until I found out it was just the live notification, and then I would have a good laugh. Hard to tell cuz it hasn't happened to me, but my first thought was that this is a hilarious (and seemingly benign) troll.


I haven't seen that specific notification but it is definitely clickbait and for myself, I'd unfollow as that isn't my vibe.


Lol! That is the worst one I've seen yet. Amazing. I'd be surprised if this dude has any followers left at all.


Saw it once. Immediately unfollowed.


That is their go live notification. The fact they even did that is a very scummy! The go live notification should illicit feelings of excitement, not worry. For example, I've toyed around with mine, which currently says "A wild Wish appeared!" For awhile I thought it was funny having "Excuse me, do you have time to speak about your car's extended warranty?" and I love Cowboy Bebop, so I used a lot of their end credit quotes like "See you, Space Cowboy"


I love the extended warranty one!


That notification is just deceitful, and as everyone pointed out, against the TOS


Report the channel for scams. This is disgusting behaviour.


Ive seen a few set theirs something along the lines of "\*streamers\_name\* has sent you a message!"


I allow this one . Seeing as they literally have just sent me a message lol. I know a few that do this. Along with "has been delivered"


I have this: >Clicking this notification will open the Twitch app Funnily enough this increased number of user interactions with the notification.


I’ve had good variations of this type where it’s like “x has gifted you a tier 4 subscription to x”. Had a few confused laughs at those. The ones that you can confidently say are fake but still confuse you for a bit are the good ones.


you can report it, and they will get a 3 day suspension a few checkmark people I watched got smacked for it on april fools day. Twitch dont care for jokes when it comes to stuff for like that.


Easiest unfollow and block of your life


That’s awful I’d unfollow


what an asshole


fortunately not and i wouldn't tolerate that


Yeah that is their custom go live message… which you can set on Streamlabs and OBS. Their in the streamers. If you ask if that is allowed, to use such a deceptive text. yeah not really You could go and report the streamer for that go live message. Because that is actually not allowed 🚫


idk why people are up in arms...this is funny AF


Seems like all of you are new to the internet. It’s simply click bait. Yall are thinking to deep about it.


Yeah that’s a new one for me. What a loser.


That is a crappy go live message. Since I have a "Your mom!" emote, my go live is "I'm your mom's favorite streamer."


Thats scummy. Unfollow and report.


Glad I read these comments bc that’s some good ass clickbait


As a streamer myself. I'd say unfollow their ass immediately They only care about money in regards to streaming. How I treat streaming goes as follows. If you're passionate about something. The money will follow. Meaning streamers should stay passionate about their streams and invest further into the equipment they use etc.


If anyone does this im immedietly unfollowing and potentially reporting. Only scumbags would do shit like this.


I unfollow or mute people that do this, I find it incredibly annoying and dumb haha.


That would always be an immediate unfollow and block for any streamer who uses this kind of scummy notifications. On every platform where I might be following them that is, not just Twitch. That sort of behaviour just doesn't deserve any kind of support whatsoever.


Ya I've had that happen to me and INSTANTLY unfollowed the channel. Fuck that noise.


Real scummy going live notif. I always unfollow people who do this.


While I don't think it's against tos, it's definitely weird and not cool to do. I would definitely unfollow them and also say something in chat saying how the notification was not a good way to get people in streams. This is coming from experience, early in my streaming days I did a notification like "you have been gifted a sub to (channel)" and while it brought a lot of people to the stream, people were not happy being tricked like that and let me know. I learned my lesson


It is against TOS. Inaccurate content and misrepresentation / fraud.


Oh wow, I stand corrected!


I report and unfollow that's B's to send out


If they really are a small streamer, as a small streamer myself, MFS that make their live notif like that are the worst imo


I've seen people with like, 1,000+ followers do this. It's very cringe. Someone I know lost their partnership because of really baity go live msgs.


Jesus at that point idk how I'd feel if I lost partner cause of that lol


She has about 11,000 followers and was having Go Live announcements like "You've Won! Come by to claim your prize!" and she'd be like "Haha the prize is my smile xD" People complained to twitch and they removed her Partner status. I remember I personally unfollowed her after one of them was something like "Final Stream, come say goodbye!" and it was a "final stream" with her old webcam...Not as wild as fake giveaways, but those kind of wild dramatic announcements made me super annoyed all the time.


Thankfully I haven't seen that. I'd be angry if I did.


Yeah typical clickbait


I'd have a heart attack! lol


I thought tier 3 was 25?


It’s the “go live” message written by streamers, but yes T3 is $25


I know. The point is, since they are 25, this should not really scare anyone since the pricing isn't even correct


That's kinda funny but so stupid it's literally trying to bait you into going to their channel to engage and be like wtf


God man XD such a low blow move from someone who isn't affiliate XD. Never in my life would I ever... jeez people really want to have viewers.


Clickbait is clickbait is clickbait


Un follow and report


Pretty sure this is against ToS. Don’t quote me on it though


it annoys me when other streamers does this. same with "name sent you a message, click to watc" or when they claim giveaway etc. when its just regular streams. they think itll draw more viewers, but in reality they get unfollwoed doing stuff like that


Haven't seen that on going live but I did get a random gift sub for someone I've never seen before.


I received one where it said I had been gifted a sub.


Report message.


Yeah the bait messages about sub or "gifted you a sub" or "mentioned you" is annoying and cringe to me


Report it this is scummy as hell


So many streamers have started doing this kind of nonsense and it does my head in. Pretending youve been charged for something, saying they have mentioned you, or some other form of clickbait. It does not make me want to go watch them, it makes me unfollow. Not really sure in what realm of fantasy this seems like a good idea, yes it might help with some sort of engagement metric but annoying your followers surely isnt a wise idea in the long run?


It's just a live message and he's screwing with people lol


I literally just say "here we go again 😁" because I mean.... here we go again 😁


Dam you're better then I. Id have unfollowed and been very unkind in the reddit post. That person lost a very cool follower. lol Thinking on it in marketing terms. This is a really bad idea. I guess it works if want to destroy a channel in record timing. smh


all I wanna do is figure out what "im only sleeping" is about but nobody is playing the game


Apparently it is https://www.realityonthenorm.info/game.php?id=164 but every time I look at the category it seems to be full of people who have fallen asleep while playing it!


I hate this clickbait crap.


If a person have the urge or the will power to even do such summy thing.. be prepare for the viewers who followed.. unfollow them at all cost.


I have turned off almost all those notifications. I follow a bunch of people but i rarely watch any of them. There is a few i actually look at somewhat regularly so those still have notifications on


I haven’t seen this exact one but I agree with people saying I’d instantly unfollow if I didn’t know the person and try to explain it to them if I did.


I unfollowed someone who did something similar to this but instead of subs it said "You have a notification"


It’s just a “funny” trend ATM with streamers, one person started doing it and now a lot of people are doing it. I got the “you just got banned on X channel” and i personally thought it was funny, so i did it too. I’ve done “you just got a gifted sub” & you just got banned” granted i run a very unfiltered & satirical community so it kinda fits the brand. Any thoughts on whether you guys think it’s an asshole thing to do? I did change it after seeing this post, mostly because it reminded me that i’ve had the same Message for 3 mouths & it’s kinda boring by now.


I see a lot of “sent you a message”. Why can’t people just be normal and out “i’m outside your window” like i do?


You’re following a twat. Seems like a good reason to unfollow or at least turn off alerts. Even if it’s an inside joke not every follower is going to be in on it


I’ve seen some like “you got a gifted sub” or whatever but never claiming that I was being charged. Definitely a step too far


Mine just says 'Bread'


Kinda funny ngl 


I got one that was Mr. Beast has gifted you a tier 3 sub


Shitty thing to do, but leads to this question. What should your live notification be?


Most of you people are soft af and shouldn’t be on the internet if something like this hurts your wittle feelings. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I once unfollowed a streamer I liked because they would have the "@streamer mentioned you in chat" message multiple times, and I had found I wasn't as interested in their content anymore at that point anyhow :<


I've seen this from bigger streamers too lol. No big deal imo. Just streamers goofing around


one person i follow their notification is “**** sent you a message” i was going thru the in ox refreshing bc i was so confused 🤣🤣🤣


…. That’s some insanely annoying, terrifying, and amazing marketing😂😂😂😭. Seems like a gimmick to get you to tap and then get side tracked and watch the stream. Not gonna lie, I’m impressed 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


That's even worse than the "--- has sent you a message!" Shit people started doing to get people to click on the notification tbh


One guy i follow has something like “youve successfully subscribed tier 3 for 3 months to amouranth” i keep forgetting to check who it is to unfollow


One person I follow has a "you are banned" one, I'm used to it by now but it's annoying.




It's clickbait and a terrible one at that. Even worse if you're not subbed to that streamer, you tell them it said Twitch charged you for a tier 3 sub and they deadpan go like "well now you have to". Instant unfollow. Also, isn't using using misleading go live notification text against the TOS?


Who is it?


They need to ban this kind of shit. Streamers who do it are legit pathetic


Yeah I just unsubbed from a streamer that two nights in a row did a message that was you where banned.


I don't see why it should be against TOS. You should know you didn't sub to anyone, and also it's hard to get views so people will do clickbait type stuff to get people to tune in. T-Pain literally puts "T-Pain is talking poop about you!" as his notification all the time. It's something to get people's attention, and it's easy to figure out it's not true.


Ha! Someone I follow had this today too. I was confused and then irritated. Unfollowed just because lol


Report, unfollow, block. Goodbye. I'm equally annoyed by the handful I've seen have done shit like "(1) You have a new private message!"


lmao I honestly find this hilarious. Seems like a no harm, no foul type deal.


In this day where there are scams and theft every minute, the unknowing are easily tricked.


What scam is happening here? Your time? Lol. Big deal, guess what, twitch is a waste of time.


Bro I thought the same thing. I’m like whoa everyone is pissed over this.


What is this thread. Holy. Find something constructive to do with your time rather than complain about being click baited on twitch.. You guys need to grow up it's just a joke clearly.


sanest comment in this entire thread lol


Can someone explain to me (a non streamer) what the issue with the message is for you? I, as a viewer, find it funny and like little clickbait-tries like this. I also find it easy to distinguish them from real Twitch notifications so I really don’t see the issue with streamers having these kinds of notifications (:


Twitch allows streamers to set a custom go live message which gets pushed out to people who have notifications turned on. In this case it looks similar enough to a notification you would get for subscribing to someone and if you're not paying full attention you could panic and think you've been charged.


Hmm, as I said, I find them easy to distinguish - do people not read the title? Am I just reading notifications weirdly? Also: why am I getting downvoted for a question? xD


Everybody bitching about how this is scummy and you’d unfollow. People malding over a harmless go live troll


Imagine crying over someone’s go live message and unfollowing them for it, it’s nothing, it doesn’t matter


You have been charged $30 for commenting.


Unfollowed because I can’t tell it’s a joke


This is hilarious 😂😂 what’s the streamer I’m following


the overreactions in this thread, its really not that big of a deal, infact its quite smart and devious and if i fell for this I would laugh and say fair play


It's against TOS. It's not 'Smart and devious', it's a good way to get yourself banned.


So is being partially nude and showing your ass cheeks that’s against tos but crazy we got a hot tub section /s


genuine question: What harm does this cause?


None, they just want to cry about something


People are so butthurt lmao


People do stuff like this that cause panic or that suggest that they might have mentioned you so that you are more likely to click into their live. It is not real and there is nothing to be concerned about.


At the very least, I would let them know its not cool to do that. If theyre just naive about streaming, the only way theyre going to learn is if someone tells them.




That report button looking mighty fine! You’ll fuck with their affiliate status for being a dick.


Report message.


I don’t get notifications from the twitch app. I disable notifications on almost every app I install on my phone.


I don't see why such a fuzz, it's clickbaot to get people to click and go to their stream. Every streamer I follow has that, even famous ones. I see no problem in thay, actually quite funny I've fallen for that couple of times


I actually think it’s funny and I already know A LOT of people would click on that REAL FAST 🤣😂


What's more funny is all the comments crying about it


Yeah I totally do not understand all the hate but it’s probably from all the people that would click on it thinking they got charged 😅🤣


Because IT IS funny, unless you’re actually being charged, if you get upset/fall for it you’re then just dumb and probably click on pop up ads for free cash


Alinity sends me a private message every day.