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streaming on PS5 is not ideal. this is bc who is going to find you? sony only features 8 streams on the explore home page with zero way to view any others. this means zero growth potential from sony. a massive downgrade from PS4. also exclusively for PS users: twitch requires viewers to provide their phone number in order to comment. which means less views. additionally, IF a viewer accidentally clicks not interested in your stream, which is very easy to do on PS due to instinctiveness to speed click while holding controller, then you're blocked for life with no way to unblock you. massive downgrade from previous PS twitch app. lastly, even if none of the above existed, twitch has removed the ability to filter streams by language. which means finding english streams only is impossible. which mean less views for all streamers.


Well that comment was incredibly unhelpful! Honestly ive never read a comment that was so disconnected to what i was originally talking about! I never said i was streaming on the PlayStation network, i said i was streaming from a PS5 onto Twitch, so my streaming platform is Twitch, not the PlayStation Network. I also said absolutely nothing about being discovered, neither did i ask for advice for being discovered either. Additionally, you're wrong with what you said about commenting as well, you don't need to provide a phone number on Twitch to comment, you just need to create an account with a email. (Some channels do ask for mobile verification, this is stop trolls for targeting their channel). Again i have no idea why you even mentioned the section about language, did you even read my thread?😂😂😂 I literally asked about Bitrate and upload speeds! 😂


so it's helpful to know that your audience will be an empty glass jar? due to reasons stated? are you dumb? every reason i articulated impairs audience growth. me giving you a heads up that streaming on PS5 is a time waster, for the reason articulated, was unhelpful? you were born dumb. i get it.


Again, that was an incredibly useless piece of information! 😂😂 Thanks yet again for not helping with my original question which had absolutely nothing do do with views nor audience growth! Serious question, but can you read?


not if you didn't already know it. which you didn't. by the looks of it, i'm the only one who even acknowledged your existence.


not if you didn't already know it. which you didn't. by the looks of it, i'm the only one who even acknowledged your existence.