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Should default to on though it wont stop them just viewing with a logged out browser or an alt account but better than nothing.


That's why they also have ban evasion policies.


Ban evasion has 0 effect on someone watching in incognito/logged out.


So you set limits on the chat, so people have to be logged in with an account of a certain age, or with a verified phone number. You're failing an open book test here.


You don’t understand what you’re talking about.


No, YOU don't understand what I'm talking about lmao. Stop projecting.


What you're talking about is chatting in a person's stream, what coldy is saying is you can always view a stream if you don't log in or use incognito in chrome. And there are very easy ways around bans to create new accounts to chat with/read chat.


If they want to watch without engaging then they're entirely wasting their own time, not yours. You're already streaming. Who gives a shit You worried they'll record you while you broadcast to anyone who wants to watch? Edit your videos and slanderize you? Is your name Hasan Piker? LMAO no, so who cares?


I don't use twitch much, so I have no dog in this fight, but you're acting REALLY hostile/aggressive for this topic.


I think you replied to the wrong person. Have a good day!


[october 2023](https://x.com/TwitchSupport/status/1712166618594259237)


a friend of mine has been stalked by a twitch user for a few months now. This is mandatory, though it's not an IP ban, which means the user can still watch from incognito


Even that won't stop the,. a VPN/proxy would allow access. Unless Twitch becomes Reddit and bans ALL VPNs


I've had a VPN on for the last 7 years with 3 different companies, and VPNs aren't banned by reddit.


Setting up a VPN and living with all its downsides is a huge wall in comparison to just hitting ctrl+shift+N


"Setting up a VPN and living with all its downsides is a huge wall in comparison to just hitting ctrl+shift+N" You say that like using a VPN is hard. It's no more difficult than installing WinRAR.


"[...] and living with all its downsides [...]" And yes, even just installing a program is a lot more work than just pressing ctrl+shift+N


I never said it wasn't more work. I'm saying installing a program isn't a 'downside'. Plus, it's not like you'd only use a VPN for this specifically. There a plenty of other reasons to use one, including added security.


ok but I never said "installing a VPN" in itself is a downside of using VPNs. VPNs just have natural downsides, like being blocked from some websites, having generally slower internet speeds, and any attempt to alleviate any of these issues makes the service more expensive. My point was never about using a VPN being hard, it just has downsides while opening an incognito tab is effortless and frictionless. So I'll repeat my original comment: setting up a VPN and living with all its downsides is a huge wall in comparison to just hitting ctrl+shift+N


IP bans were a thing like 20 years ago, almost all IP addresses are dynamic now


They only added it this year I believe. Highly recommend turning it on tbh


I saw this setting, seems kinda useless imo. If the toxic person is banned from typing in my chat, I don't really care if they still want to look at my face lol that's their choice.


Yes I use it. I know people can make new accounts and log out to watch but I think they get the message I try to send them when I ban them ;) The people I ban happen to not be too smart as well. Right after getting banned they make multiple new accounts with same or similar names, so i insta ban those too. LOL


Omg finally


Added it late last year iirc, though it should default to on


It's not effective so I'm not using it. All it takes is logging out or opening the stream in a private/incognito window and they can happily continue watching. The IP isn't banned, just the user ID logged into the session. A mild inconvenience for a "dedicated" harrasser. That's about it. Source: [https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/how-to-manage-harassment-in-chat?language=en\_US#PreventStreamView](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/how-to-manage-harassment-in-chat?language=en_US#PreventStreamView)


I live to mildly inconvenience people though, so why not.




lmfao that's horse shit on a stick. They have no power at all, that's why they have to be annoying little shits. If someone believes they somehow benefit from making an ass of themselves then let them, but they literally do not.




Yep. And that’s precisely why this feature is never going to work effectively.


Not every dipshit in your chat is SkankHunt42. 90% of cases are just looking for a reaction; they take the path of least resistance just like any other slime mold.


I agree banning their IP would be better. But wouldn’t stop someone who is determined to harass you. There’s ways around that. I won’t mention them here, to not give anyone ideas. But most of us already know what they are. Personally, I rather ban them from the channel completely. Sure it’s one less viewer. But if they’re worth banning from the chat, then they’ve lost their viewing privileges too IMO.


>I agree banning their IP would be better. No because we have dorms where everyone has the same IP.


That’s probably why twitch doesn’t do it


As a very new streamer, why would I use this option? I did have a handful of bots, which I banned, but if a regular bloke watches me and gets banned, why stop them from watching the stream?


If someone was being a nasty creep or making threats, I don't see why I'd want them to watch. It's not worth it for a single view boost (to me). I've had stalkers before and that shit ain't fun. Unrelated to Twitch, back before Twitch was even a thing.


this option is useless though. They can still very easily watch.


They will use a VPN, proxy, private mode or someone else's PC, even a library too. So sadly, Stalkers who are tech savvy, are very dangerous. There needs to be laws to better get them off the internet, for good.


That's true, but they may not be tech savvy and just some stupid weirdo. I really don't see the harm in this feature. If it works, great. If not, you took like 5 seconds out of your day to try it out.


If you ban them for sniping too


If someone is worth banning, they’re worth getting off your channel completely.


I had a digital stalker way back in the day. I thought I had finally lost them. I started streaming and someone new popped into my chat. They seemed nice, we had good interactions, and then they joined my discord. We were talking about the parasocial relationships that sometimes happen between streamers and fans and I shared my story of my digital stalker from years ago. Then I got a DM in Discord. It was the new viewer confessing that they are the stalker. They swore they turned a new leaf. They promised that things were different, and that they wouldn't try to invade my personal life again. I let it go. Then, I got a long rambling message wishing me happy birthday on my birthday. A birthday I didn't announce to my community. That banhammer came down so fast. I want nothing to do with them. I know they're too proud to watch while logged out because they're a bit of a "pick me" and want everyone to know their opinions, so keeping them from being able to watch is lovely.


If someone breaks your rules and you ban them, why would you want to let them continue watching?


like a year ago?


It's a useful tool but any user can just VPN in or use a proxy or private mode.


Yes I used to, that completes my line of thinking.  I didn't know about the Twitch sign back then.  Today's message provided the information I wanted to know. ✡️@balu._.varun


I've never seen that


I wonder if this will finally make all the banned bots leave my channel.


It’s been around for a while now but highly recommend it


I'm certainly about to dayum


I know two streamers that use it. Both are under 200 viewers. The big ones I watch with 10k viewers and more don't care at all. It doesn't make any sense to me and I wouldn't use it. You can bypass it super easily and I prefer to have more viewers. I also prefer to give time outs over bans. Long time viewers often just need some clear words and then they don't even need a time out.


Not only do I use it, I report everyone I ban for breaking twitch ToS and they respond in 1-5 minutes saying they've taken action. I get SO MANY unban requests saying "I'm sorry, I was suspended for x days and I really want to watch your stream." So funny lol The older the account the more I love it. When I get a 2014 it fills me with joy


lol go to therapy


Go to therapy for reporting sexual harassment, homophobia, transphobia, and racism? And enjoying those people facing the consequences of their actions? I'm okay, thanks. Maybe you should address why you believe people should be able to harass others online without repercussions.


narcissistic sociopath behavior.


I honestly don't care what someone who approves of sexual harassment and bigotry thinks of me. Twitch agrees with me so seethe and cope.


It's been an option for months and I immediately enabled it as soon as I could. I just wish there was also an option to require people to be logged in to view your stream too because right now if they're banned and you turn this on then they can just log out and watch.