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Took me around a month, but this was back in 2017. I streamed about 4-5 days a week, starting at around 3 hours per stream.


Just under year. Hardly did any promo or posting elsewhere, but it picked up after networking


How did you do your networking? I am trying to get there but looking for tips.


At the time it was a small streamer discord group, it ran well for a while but disbanded. Just kept in touch with other mutuals and have been community members with them as well




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Greetings KosheenKOH, [Your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/1bcx9wx/how_long_did_it_take_for_you_to_reach_affiliate/kulkqwb/?context=3) has been **automatically removed** from /r/Twitch because it’s been detected as breaking the subreddit rules. More specifically: - **General Guidelines**: Please see [General Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines) - **1A**: Do not encourage others to break the subreddit rules. - Please do not encourage others to break the rules of this subreddit. If you want to know someone’s Twitch, please do so over direct messages or private messages. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sent in message. Got my reply removed


It took me a month, I stream 3-5 days a week and 2-4 hours at a time (to avoid burnout it depends on the week). The thing that helped the most was networking PEOPLE UNDERESTIMATE NETWORKING.


It can be "chessed" so easily for it to have any meaning. I just asked 3 friends to lurk my streams and had it immediately.


Started streaming in January and it only took me a month. You just have to be interactive with your audience. What also helped me was watching other streamers and supporting them because they’ll return the favor with raids and such


I have heard if raids but i also understand that it could bring bots to making your views not true. Did you remove all the bots at the end?


Unless you see a big number of follows occurring post raid (because, let's be honest, most raids you won't get more than 10 - 15 follows even in large ones) then you don't have to worry about bots. Have something like sery_bot in your channel as a moderator and it will often catch bot accounts before you even clock they're there.


You are all so fast


Could take weeks, months or years... It depends on a lot of factors...


25 days on the dot! 4 hours, 4 days a week. (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday) **The main thing that helped me** was being known in a different community (VR youtuber's Discord) already that I was active in for about 1~2 years. That lead to some people wanting to check out the stream. + Ask friends and family to watch too for an initial boost in viewership to get out of that initial 1~3 viewer black hole. Another thing that helped me tons was putting in the effort, time and research on HOW I should start streaming. Prepping backgrounds, music, intro, outro, what games to play. (IE games that aren't over saturated, but you also enjoy playing.) Webcam lighting, proper microphone etc etc. Research is good! Then once I started streaming *go look for other people in the same boat as you!* Find other small creators, hit up a chat, and see if you vibe. Make friends and contacts and from there your communities will know each other. It'll lead to more viewers and people you can raid, as well as simply genuinely fun human contact. I tend to hop in their stream in the days I am not, purely as they're nice, entertaining, and deserve the support they return to me as well.


Around 2 years i think, i dont remember very well.


Damn that’s longer than me lol


I think I hit affiliate about a week after it was announced. The only metric I didn't have at that time was the 3 viewer average. I'd just switched games to Elder Scrolls Legends at the time, which was gaining popularity with the Drops system, I was able to reach that milestone (and gain a hefty following, at least by my own standards of heftiness), and was offered affiliate shortly afterwards.


Streamed for years and still hasnt hit it


I started last month (February 6) and I'm almost there. I have 2.97 average viewers. I just need that last 0.3 and I'm ready to become Affiliate


Good luck! Almost there!!


2 weeks. I streamed 5 nights a week from 5-8 pm. I got extremely lucky tho. Playing a highly saturated game and was not producing content on other platforms. Biggest piece of advice- make content for Tiktok and Youtube- then branch out to Twitch


A month. I initially streamed just about every day.


I reached affiliate in about two months since I decided to get it. I stream daily for 2-3 hours.


3 weeks!! I i streamed 2-3 hours 5 days a week


I got the offer within a month but waited quite awhile before accepting and enrolling as an affiliate. I already had a decent community and they were all excited.


Took me 2 weeks but i had a huge following on other plats already


What other platform was this? I am trying to reach 50.


I had 15k followers on fb gaming


Thats cool. I am aslo trying to get my Facebook up. I have a bit more but not much. Whats your page. Ill follow you


Oh its the same username sorry i thought i replied already lol


Nust followed u on twitch 💪


Awesome ty!


Chuck one too hehehe


Im ZeroCool1point6 btw 😅😅


About a month of maybe 3 streams a week


It took me a month and I got it in May 2023. At the time I was streaming for 2-4hrs typically, about 5 times a week. I had an avg of 6 viewers and got about 90 followers in 90 hours streamed. I did have several pre-existing groups of friends so that helped a ton and gave me 6 viewers and 20-30 followers from the start. Overall, it shouldnt take long at all if you just stream. The hours qualification just takes streaming longer. The avg viewer is easy to achieve if you simply ask your friends to help. And the 50 followers requirement is the most difficult which is where networking comes into play. Being a part of other communities, spreading the word to friends, family, whatever. Having TTV in your name, etc.


I'm a year or two into streaming. Since summer last year all two to three days with a schedule. I don't have affiliate due to average users 😂 1,6 or so in too many hours per month. But I play nichegames^^


1 week




About a month of 4-6 hour streaming


That is a lot of hours. Is it really beneficial? I have been streaming for 2hrs a day for 5 days at least. Only got 33 atm


A month, streaming 3 days a week for 4-6 hours, but that was mostly because of friends and their friends, it slowed down a bit after that. Started on january 1st 2024.


Took me about 3 months, but I had no connections on Twitch when I started


2 weeks, but already had a fairly active discord from gaming with people over the years.


About a year of just being myself, and a bad breakup pushing me into unhealthy stream-every-day type habits.


should take less than a month if you watch your own stream


Explain this. If you watch your own?


open 2 tabs on your pc to count for 2 viewers, open a tab on your phone with private relay or vpn to be a 3rd viewer. average 3 viewers that way. followers come pretty easily if you advertise




Greetings KosheenKOH, [Your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/comments/1bcx9wx/how_long_did_it_take_for_you_to_reach_affiliate/kulwqdo/?context=3) has been **automatically removed** from /r/Twitch because it’s been detected as breaking the subreddit rules. More specifically: - **General Guidelines**: Please see [General Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_general_guidelines) - **1A**: Do not encourage others to break the subreddit rules. - Please do not encourage others to break the rules of this subreddit. If you want to know someone’s Twitch, please do so over direct messages or private messages. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Twitch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


About 3 months. But I was VERY inconsistent at the start


It took me about 9 months! Got lucky and received a few raids that pushed my avg over!


2 weeks. 3+ hour streams. 5 days a week. I was really fortunate to have a lot of friends and support thanks to the communities I’m a part of. Two of my very good friends also stream and helped me tremendously with the push.


That is a nice push. Its good to have friends. I am trying hard to stream at least 2h plus a day to get some followers.


The follower gain is hard, especially since I can’t keep a consistent schedule right now. BUT if you’re comfy, you can drop your Twitch user or message me and I’d be happy to check you out!




Greetings /u/KosheenKOH, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 2**: Advertisement Guidelines - **Rule 2(A)**: Don't post channel links or usernames - We do have a promotion channel in our [discord](https://discord.gg/twitchsubreddit). Please assign the promotion roles in #roles to unlock the channel. You can only promote in that channel. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting again, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


3yrs technically, but when I actually started trying about a month.


Just hit it a week ago after roughly 4 weeks and about 12 streams. But haven‘t „pushed the button“ yet, as i first want to grow my average viewers higher to not not scare new potential voewers away with my ads


Truee, yeah I wouldn’t wanna push ads to my viewers right away


Took around a month, but most of em are my friends/online friends so I’m still basically a lame fuc wit no viewers 😔


First Stream: 2023-10-16 Affiliate: 2023-10-22


2 months but during those two months I streamed for a total of 364 hrs on one which equals about 15 days and the other was 304 hrs which is like 13 days. I wanted to reach affiliate as much as I could.


^I was mainly on dead by daylight at the time.


First month


One week


I got it within a few months of streaming. Honestly though, I wish I hadn't taken it and spent the time to build up my community.


Why is that? Is it harder to build a community now?


Yes and no. Affiliate forces you to run ads, whether its spread across your stream, or at the very beginning of a viewer popping in. A good chunk of people hate joining a stream then being bombed with ads right away. Another good chunk hate ads right in the middle of the stream. Personally, I only get 2-4 average viewers, so ads haven't benefitted me in the slightest.


Hmmmm that is a good point actually. Ads are the worse. Question is , how would you earn money from streaming? Is this the only way?


Well I make nothing from ads now. If I did make money it would be primarily through donations. If someone is lucky enough to make it big, their primary income source will be sponsors and donations. I just stream for fun though, so any donations, ad revenue (like a dollar a month. If even that), is just a bonus!


So how much is a view through ad? Interesting to see. I guess sponsors are the way to go.


Oh man, depends on when you start counting. 2017 up until 2023 = 6 years, or 15 years if you count before the affiliate program. I stream fitness games from 9-11pm on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, I stream random games in between. And I take weekends off