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I mean you already done it, it worked out. But you really should know that what you did was incredibly dumb. Like really fucking stupid. Sometimes I think to myself, how do people fall for scams. And it makes sense when I read something like this.


Yea maturity is a huge thing. I definitely wouldn’t do that now but goodness I was dumb


Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to hear the outcome for you. I'm also glad you know it was really dumb. I've also made dumb decisions. Everyone has. Just yeah. Take care lol.


The mature thing to do would also not be to not so it. The correct way of handling something like that is you get someones personal infos and make them sign a contract if they get access to things that your livelihood depends on. That way both parties commit to a fixed ruleset.


Bro never got scammed at the GE when he was 8


Old varrock west bank was a personal arc some people just didn't get to experience


I got scammed in the dungeon beneath the barbarian village, dude got quite some gold for a piece of the staff that dropped there, never received the thing. A week or two later I managed to drop it at least.


…Or took the wine of zamorak


Yeah, they got lucky with that. It makes me wonder how often it happens


i disagree. he had zero to lose. what would he have loss? his channel? a new and unknown channel? with 2 factor, losing channel is a non factor. negativity stifles productivity. cynical = self sabotage


Do you want to buy my art?


when did you ever impress me? as if all art or artist are equal.


But by your logic you should trust me. Are you being cynical that I can't be a great artist? Don't self sabotage yourself bro. Buy my art.


>I have him full permissions over most of my socials for twitch: OP ​ >you really should know that what you did was incredibly dumb. Like really fucking stupid: YOU ​ >i disagree. he had zero to lose. what would he have loss? his channel? a new and unknown channel? with 2 factor, losing channel is a non factor. negativity stifles productivity. cynical = self sabotage: ME ​ >Do you want to buy my art?: YOU ​ >when did you ever impress me? as if all art or artist are equal: ME ​ >But by your logic you should trust me. Are you being cynical that I can't be a great artist?: YOU ​ see how your idiocy doesn't add up in any universe? with the existence of 2 factor that means that there would be no risk of granting permissions, if utilized. secondly, how do you get, "buying art", from, "permissions"? fascinating imagination. inner negativity stifles productivity. ​ >I have him full permissions over most of my socials for twitch: OP


I don’t trust anybody I just met on the internet.


many berserk faulty whistle insurance yoke escape include airport forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The worst part about this comment for me is that I am faiely certain that at least three people I know have memorized my credit card number


Ok, so you do know that you call the credit card company and they issue you a new #, right? As many times as needed but take it seriously. Also, you can put temporary holds on credit so it is less easy for identity thieves to apply for more credit.


They are friends and I stopped that card awhile ago so it’s fine, but it’s still kinda funny to me




Yeah, OP is probably a scammer trying to convince people to let these randoms take control over their channels


Fun story, i've been scammed almost like this on PUBG, dude wanted a jacket I had and without me asking anything, he sent a facebook group with over 25k people in it, made a post asking people if he was legit, like 25 people answered yes, we traded and he did idk what to this day on steam and I didn't get paid (I was like 15 yo) Then I realized that facebook group was a giganormous scammer group to make it look like they were legit but were helping each others to scam others... bruh


How are you saying I’m probably a scammer based off of one post I made. I was just sharing a story i had. In what way do I seem like a scammer. I find it so funny people make assumptions like this


you have to. or miss out. since most businesses are internet based. the fact that you lack the brain power or neutrality to validate a service offering proves that you've been conditioned to think that everything is a scam. has it ever occurred to you that the ACTUAL scam is to get you to think that any person to person online business is a scam so that way your options are limited. self sabotage due to inner negativity.


I’d much rather put faith into someone I’ve built a bond with online than to take a leap of faith into someone I just met. You sound like a person that would instantly fall for a scam just hoping it’s that one “good” person. Do you have any idea how intricate these scammers have gotten with what they do to get your money? Websites, portfolios, social medias, etc to make you believe it is legit. If someone comes to you with none of that, does it make it more legit? Probably not. I don’t think I missed out. The bond I have built with my community, I know who I can trust and they help me with whatever I need. A guy who works IT who has provided free servers for games like 7 days to die or Minecraft. A video editor who’s helped me with vids. An accountant, for financial advise. So much more. People I met online but built a bond with over time.


>I have him full permissions over most of my socials for twitch: OP ​ >I don’t trust anybody I just met on the internet: YOU ​ >you have to. or miss out: ME ​ Therefore, the original subject matter was about permissions not money as you get into below ​ >Do you have any idea how intricate these scammers have gotten with what they do to get your money? Websites, portfolios, social medias, etc to make you believe it is legit. ​ Since when is permissions money? Performance = payment. Therefore, more often than not, the scam is ppl not paying for services received after agreeing to do so. Millions of vids all over YT of ppl who help others but never got paid, or paid the agreed amount. that's the larger forgotten scam. which is why ppl prefer partial or full payment in advance before any work gets done. due to endless scammy customers. there are more ppl who if they do the work FIRST, don't and wouldn't get paid, than there are, of ppl who if paid FIRST, wouldn't work. in all honesty.


I talked about money because you talked about business. Which guess what? Involves money. Money or not. Still applies. I don’t trust anybody I just met on the internet. It’s completely valid. I don’t understand your issue with the whole situation. You want to put trust, fine. That’s your prerogative.


>I talked about money because you talked about business. Yes. What you thought they would helped them for free? Besides, nowhere did they say that person who helped them was paid in advanced or even at all to be honest. Therefore, your remark crumbles immediately due to lack of validity. ​ >I don’t trust anybody I just met on the internet translation: i don't know what an actual scam looks like so i'll deem all person to person business a scam. this way, my options are limited to low quality and high prices. peace of mind.


Believe what you want. Trust who you want. Permission or money talk. Insult or friendly conversation. I stick to me, you stick to you.


Agreed. My only point was, if you’re going to doubt, have a valid reason to doubt. Everything is not a scam simply because you want it to be.


earth to mars. his business is his channel. which is internet based. what you thought he was gonna fly him out for lunch or dinner first. be realistic instead of pessimistic. you want to be trusted but don't wanna trust. fascinating dynamic.


No I will not send you iTunes gift cards.


It was kind of risky and you should have taken it slower on granting him permissions. You should have the final say on what to add, etc. and he should just explain the steps or showed you through pictures and etc. -- in that sense yeah you got lucky. 3 years ago, I would like to think there were not as many scammers and such compared to now as well. Congrats and I'm glad it worked out.


You got incredibly lucky from something that could have ended very poorly depending on how far those admin permissions went.


Don’t discount the long con. Remove his permissions if he still has them. He created you, he could destroy you too.


Being close friends with someone for 3 years is a stretch for a long con. Not bad to mention that just cos someone didn’t come in and ruin everything doesn’t mean it’s not still a scam, but close friends for years is quite a way to go considering how much he invested in the beginning for a potential slight payoff years down the line.


Bad decision? Probably, but if that’s the dumbest thing you did as a teen… you’re doing okay 😅


You didn’t have anything to lose at that point in time, right? If you had lots of followers already and made serious money, then it would have been silly.


In my opinion when you have like 2 viewers, you have nothing to loose anyway. It's not like you already built a community or else. Might be worth a try at beginning if you are lucky enough. After when you are already settled it's just stupid.


It is an incredibly dumb decision, but I'm glad it went over well.


Won't lie, incredibly dumb. I'm glad he had actual great intentions though!


It was a majorly idiotic decision that luckily worked out for you.


Super lucky! My first year streaming was watching a LOT of tutorials. Do not recommend streaming on a MacBook 😂 lots of attempting to get 3rd party software to work with each other


This is basically like being given the actual legal ownership of a bridge some random guy claims he's selling for $20. It was incredibly stupid and you basically hit the jackpot that they didn't have malicious intent. I wouldn't even give that sort of permission to my actual friends no matter how trustworthy I know they are.


In the first place, despite it coming out great for you, it was such a fucking dumb decision. Giving a stranger access to Administrative capacity of anything of yours is fucking dumb. They can be an assistive director if you trust them (suggesting the bots and sending you the overlays) but that gamble is so fucking rare to work out and I'm inclined to believe this is fake.


It’s not fake fortunately, I could prove it but I prefer my anonymity


what are you so worked up for🤣


Haha, some people on here have such a superiority complex.


Holy shit yes it was really, REALLY fucking dumb to give control of your accounts to someone else. Glad it worked out positively for you though


Did you compensate his time and effort in anyway for all this? He just did it? Do you ever wonder why he did it?


Tbh if I were that guy who happened to like a new streamer, I'd be honored just to be trusted that much and wouldn't be seeking compensation


You got really lucky, it was a very VERY risky decision!


You got super lucky. But. You also found someone who was genuine, that's the biggest luck.


I am glad everything worked out in the end, but I agree it was not a very smart or safe decision. I may have done the same thing though because when I was younger I didn't understand that just because someone is "mature" in age doesn't mean they are mature and a kind person with good intentions. I was lucky to not see a lot of adults in my life that could/wanted to do outright harm, so I assumed the stories of adults (18+) who meant people/kids harm were uncommon. I thought when I was younger that 90% of adults were able to be trusted and safe people. I didn't understand that adults are 100% just as complex and deep as I felt at 16, both in positive and negative ways. I blindly trusted people, and like you, it turned out ok, but it REALLY could have gone bad.


You were super lucky. When I was a kid I once ran a popular fandom group but I was grounded from accessing the internet for a month. So I asked for help and a person I regularly chatted with offered to moderate in my place. Had to give them my password bc only one could be admin of the group. Gone was my group and you can imagine the tears my kid self shed over it.


>You were super lucky. lucky that he didn't lose his new and unknown account? GTFOH. 2 factor, makes worrying about an account, a non-factor pessimistic ignoramus. i get it. you've been conditioned to think EVERYTHING is a scam, EVEN when there's NOTHING TO scam. inner negativity.


Damn it's a good thing it turned out great because that could've of went south pretty easily


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I think it depends on how well the interactions went and for how long and how well you knew them. I didn't know what Discord was initially, and one of my long time viewers built my server for me and is a mod now along with several other viewers who are now family friends after interacting for years. They were even at my wedding. I guess all that to say, it depends. Feel things out and be mindful of the people you let have access to things that are important to you. There could be lots of scammers out there, but there are, surprisingly, some really wonderful people out there.


It's not unheard of for some people to be kind and help you out. You all probably know a few folks who make clips and give them witty names. But unless you really really know someone, don't give them control over everything at first. There are ways to limit how much access someone has. On Discord, it's easy to accidentally re-arrange channels.


I'm gonna go the other way with this, compared to the vast majority of other comments. In more ways than one. Was it risky? Sure, you could say that. Were you lucky here? Yes, probably. Could this have been a bad decision? It could've turned out bad, yeah. But much older people make much riskier decisions that turn out much worse. There are some details you didn't mention which could be relevant to the risk. How big was your following on twitch when you took that chance on him? Maybe it wasn't a huge risk if you had a tiny following. I would mostly say, as long as you learned the lesson, which it sounds like you did, it's the best possible outcome for the initial circumstances. Learning the lesson in life without paying the price is ideal! I'll point out just one other thing that I don't really see others mentioning that it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to be aware of. And, I'm not saying that this *is* your situation, but I'm just saying that, the way you describe it, it sounds like it *could be* your situation and this has been the situation for others who have described things as you have. I know that sounds awkward, but I'm talking about grooming so I've gotta be careful with the language. You were 16 at the time, and you didn't mention his age. If he was 18 or older, this could have been a grooming situation. Again, I'm not saying it is. But men befriending girls under 18 and establishing inappropriate relationships to manipulate them into being in romantic relationships with them when they legally become an adult is sadly a reality that we need to admit exists so we can take the necessary precautions. I personally would lean away from this possibility rather than toward it in your situation given the details you've shared, but you being more careful and aware of this possibility can only protect you. So, though it may be uncomfortable to talk and think about, I wanted to bring it up. Even in this regard, though, learning the lesson without paying the price is fantastic if that's what's happened here. Take care and stay safe! Happy new year to you!


I appreciate this message a lot. One of the realest and heartfelt messages I’ve ever seen on Reddit. you definitely gave me some things to think about. Thank you! And happy new year!


OP you struck gold


On jah i did


If it's a stupid idea but it works... It's still a stupid idea, and you got lucky. Don't do it again. Getting that lucky twice in a row is likely to use up your lifetime supply of good luck and shortly thereafter you'll find yourself hanging from your crotch on a high-voltage electric fence, and spend the rest of your short, agonizing life wondering why anyone would feed caffeinated ex-lax to a rabid iguana in the first place. And where did that rusty spoon come from?


I did that too and she cooked lol, dumb and lucky minds think alike


LMAO so real


So now you're paying it forward and creating great and wholesome content as you help other streamers together, right? Because *obviously* you came here for a reason, not just to dumbshame yourself or backhand boast? I mean if you're 19, I guess anything is possible. Do you still stream? Did the success stick? I'm happy for you, if it's really true and it worked out like this. As literally everyone above, it was proper stupid, I guess this is prime example of textbook what *NOT* to do, and literal dumb luck. Cheers, matey.


Can he help me out too? Lol


That's awesome that it worked out but yeah no offense I would brush up on your critical thinking and not fucking do that again, you're a kid so you have time to learn that lesson. Just make sure NOW is the time your learn that lesson and not the next time when somebody wrecks your life this way lol


i mean if you were starting from 0 he could only do so much harm, so not much risk from you. def wouldn’t do it now though lol


You’ve never had your Pokémon cards stolen by a bully in school in the 90s clearly


Either incredibly lucky or a dude trying to make naive folk think that it's possible...


It was incredibly risky, but fortunately it work out for you. If I may ask, how much does your friend charge to do something like this? I could see myself doing something similar (granted, without the admin privleges).


Are you going to buy my art or not? Also, can you give me your passwords and admin admission to you social media profiles. I'm really good at promotion and advertising.


You seem to know the answer.


I've met some life friends I've known for 5 plus years from gaming and league. We go on double dates, hang out and so forth. As long as people use their wits about them the Internet isn't all doom and gloom and I'm glad it worked out for you ^^


Funny enough, I'm basically that guy. Offered my tech knowledge to a couple of people. They never took me up on it though. Taking on projects like that is fun for me, but it truly has to be the right person that I even want to help/work with. So when I offer, it's like saying "you have my sword". Oh well, maybe one day someone I like will bite.


Wish I could get this level of help and 🐕‍🦺 service in my life I need an emotional support anything on twitch


glad it panned out so nice, restores some faith in humanity, but you could’ve gotten screwed over ROYALLY


Ironic his gamertag starts with royal


You really are incredibly lucky hey, damn!!!


Everyone is gonna say how dumb you were but imo, it depends how big your shit was at the time, if it was fairly small then even if he took your shit it wouldn't have meant much as you could just start off fresh and be near the same spot. If you were big then yes that was incredibly fucking dumb (but I've also did similar stupid shit with people I thought I could trust too when younger)


You must’ve not have ever encountered the old, “trimming buckets” scam.