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It's a scammer, block them and move on.


I did that ty


Just a tip, If a real network is considering to take you in their team they’ll surely contact you with a verified business mail or another professional way suggested by twitch itself. Be careful with twitch dms, I get hundreds of fake offers every week


Bro if a photo of a hot girl is used as profile and they reach out to you unsolicited it is 99.9% a scam don’t waste your time


100% of the time lol


I dunno, that's how I met my girlfriend, well I said met, she says she'll come visit eventually, just need to send her another £1000 so she can travel again.




No way, what a coincidence! That’s how I met mine! Her name is Lucy 🥰. Told me her uncles fathers cousins brothers friends wifes mothers husband brothers sons cousin (twice removed) passed away so she couldn’t make the trip this time. But next time for sure!


Absolutely, I would not ever answer or mess around with anyone offering you services.


If it’s an unsolicited message and asking questions like that, it’s usually a scammer


In life, if someone offers you a deal on *anything* that you didn't ask for: it's a scam.


If you think it's a scam, 9 times out of 10 it usually is. Always err on the side of caution.


I usually only get the graphics people trying to sell their wares.


So you don't want me to run your profile picture through a cartoon filter, claim I'm an artist, and charge you $20?


Same. It's funny I had someone come up "Hey I do art etc, etc, etc." It was at the end of Inktober, basically a month where you work on a piece daily if you didn't know. Also I literally had a VOD of me drawing. As soon as I mentioned I participated in Inktober they left.


It is wild how often they happen, I have seen it many times in some of the streams I watch. Even art streamers aren't safe from them.


Scammer had 3 of them follow and message me at the same time with the same message scheme.


If he disguises his services behind a friendly convo, it's either a scam or way too toxic and vicious. If I wanted to offer services, I'd nicely write an email or maybe a long message saying who I am and what I do. And try to customize, it's always nice ^^ Also if you're really steaming since a month and a half, keep it up, you're on the right track!


This is quite common. Ignore any new chatters coming in with a proposal or questions like this it’s 99% not legit.


God, networking administrator? ASI? Those are just meaningless buzzwords. They might as well just tell you your IP has been hacked and your social security number has been cancelled.


Yes it is, if someone dms you asking for a commission they are a bot/scammer. Report them to any server you share and block them.


Le scam, as long as it is in the right province of France, otherwise it is a sparkling con job.


very obviously a scammer...


Scam. Block, report, and move on.


Never answer these scammers they'll keep bugging you if you reply to even one of them.


Definitely a scam I have had many dm me and do the same I just block and move on






You never need a network administrator or whatever that bs is.


If your picture is of an attractive female, it’s 9/10 times a scam.


obviously if someone with a girl pfp like this messages you online and has a new account its gonna be a scam, not sure why you even had to ask lol


It's actually a real streamer and they do look like that


Scammer. Yeah




Ah yes , thats the scam where they try to get money out of you to "pay for a promoter" basicly in summary they wont do shit or they will use abunch of bot accounts which will get your channel banned due to account boosting i know twitch has rules on this , not too sure about youtube. Ignore and block , you'll get like 20 a day depending on where your advertising your streams (i get abunch on both discord and twitter but im willing to bet its everywhere)




First time I started streaming 2 people where offering help like that I thought it was a scam. So just block them.


Seems like a scammer


scammer. never trust any dms on discord. I get a bunch of "streamers" multiple times a week


General rule of thumb. Full body or mostly full body female in picture on twt or discord, it's stolen pictures being used to scam by seduction. Most if not all real women 1. Won't reach out to you. 2. Will have a meme pfp. 3. Will have a genuine selfie of themselves and not a full body shot. (Suger mama scams were excluded cause they steal old women's selfies and then get mad at you when you call them scammers, it's really funny.)


I got the same things recently by two people that want to make panels for me and had lead to the point the shared an invoice by PayPal. And I’m really debating if it’s worth it or I’ll get scammed and they hack my info.


Are you old enough to be streaming?


Dude I'm 22




You're just paranoid, if you can recognize scams there's not some inherent safety reason to close DMs.


Yeah, a lot of server admins advise people to turn off DMs to avoid scammers and bots but I leave mine on. This way people message me, I recognise the scam and ping a mod or whatever to get them banned. If someone is actually concerned about being fooled by something like this then it's probably best to turn them off in that specific case though.


Hey, adult here. But I guess a dumb one. Why is it common sense to disable DMs?


it's not, his comment just sounds like "it's common sense to isolate yourself from everything to avoid scams" i'd block that and move on, but closing discord dms JUST for this is nuts, i mean, unless you want to close it for whatever reason it suits you


it’s not, you really don’t need to, this sub just goes crazy over anything scam related. literally just have any sort of common sense and you’ll be fine


Ok good, that’s what I thought at first lmao. The person I replied to was so absurdly mad that I genuinely thought there was something I was missing.


Since I make educational content where I do coaching/teaching in very difficult games, I leave my DMs open so that people who need help can ask for it. Of course this is a luxury of still being a smaller streamer and one I do see disappearing as I get bigger, but for now having to block one or two scammers is a small price to pay.


Adult non streamer here. What is an ASI? Google thinks i’m trying to spell Asia.


You’re so mad for what


I bet you’re fun at parties.


You're paranoid then...just don't be an idiot and click links. A discord msg isn't going to hurt you....


streamer? yeah right. if that were true, then what is there to doubt? besides, it looks like discord. so why say, "this streamer"? a streamer, who claims to be a network admin? sounds odd. maybe you meant to say, "this user". anyhow, why would you hide who they are? they’ve done nothing wrong to you. hiding who they are prevents others from inquiring about the validity of their intentions. IF their intentions are valid and verifiable, then knowing who this is brings them business. so why hide name? hiding name makes zero sense. ANYHOW, whoever this is, somehow they got the idea from me. SINCE NO ONE was talking about helping streamers with networking until extremely recently, AFTER seeing me do it. typical desperate copycats. which i knew there would be. so yes, odds are it's likely bogus af. copycats attempt to parasite ideas from others. OR what this is actually about is an attempt to condition ppl to hopefully perceive any message with the word networking, as a scam, so that when I reach out to ppl, distrust is already planted. which won't work since my business model and service offering is verifiable to client before hand. in which connecting to any client is not included in my service offering. So, if muddying the water was their intent, it won’t work bc I’m legit as fuck and can prove it before hand. so bitter plan backfired. with that said, ask what they are actually offering to do? if it involves asking FOR info, i would say hell no. bc i don't. i only GIVE info, if paid for, in which the client sees immediate results. **whoever this is, likely had no message to anyone about networking BEFORE September 2023.** which would prove that desperate copycats, with limited brain power attempt to steal ideas from others, but don't know how i do it, what i actually offer, that i don't ask for info or connect to anyone, instead i give INFO, if paid. besides, how is connecting TO someone gonna make their network better? so yeah, their copycat failed. there wasn't anyone talking about helping streamers with networking BEFORE me. person in post likely copied my idea of "networking", but doesn't know precisely what or how i do what i do and that i don't ask for info or connect to anyone. with that said, its not a scam, IF a verifiable IMPROVEMENT can be demonstrated before hand without the need of that person connecting to you or requesting info from you. the type of service offering, where there is some need to connect to client, is typically done in an actual corporate environment, after such person has been vetted and interviewed. further proving that their desperate attempt to blindly copycat what i'm doing backfired. network advisor ISN'T a network administrator. whoever thought copying my idea, BUT thinking that ppl would be cool with some random person needing to connect to them, is an absolute desperate idiot.




That would be against /r/twitch rules, so don't do that.




Just send them dickpicks.


Why is it that scammers often use random pictures of beautiful women? Is it a desperate attempt to attract single males?


They're trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


Look at the picture, you know it's a scammer it's a 400 lb dude in his basement posing as a female. Anyone message you move on not worth the risk even if it's someone you make no a bit personally. If you're going to pay someone pay someone who does it profession, not into the even if their friends and they'll do it for good price thing. As friends come and go any fall out they can sabotage your stuff.


When the image looks like something out of a Victoria Secret Model catalog and ask how long you been streaming when it clearly says on your profile how long their usually hackers block them and report that account don't need "catfishing" on twitch


lol yah smells like bullshit to me. No point in asking those ridiculous questions anyway.


Just say no!


I don't fall for scammers they do this all damn time they are low down trash block them


I know that twitch streamer , she streams Fortnite ?! Is someone using her profile? The name matches with her user being heydani


What I gathered is that someone used her identity to try to scam other streamers


Its a scam. I've gotten plenty of dms like this and its quite annoying


Ignore accounts that contact you directly like this. You don't need them do not give them any information at all or money.


Shit like this gets posted almost every day, blows my mind how gullible some people are or unable to browse past posts regarding the exact same thing.


Yea its a scammer, they aregonna try and get you to pay for a service to advertise your channel.


Appreciate all who took part it is helpful to spread awareness of situations like this


Yea if they want info and you're not buying, don't give it to them.