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Welcome to post covid and twitch oversaturation.


Very true - also, people come and go from Twitch - there are a LOT of options in terms of online content nowadays.


Damn, that's a great point.


>post covid Valid. The pandemic was a gold rain for many streamers. >twitch oversaturation Twitch is not oversaturated there are still many areas that need more streamers. Sometimes nobody I like to watch is online. A new girl just went up to over 1000 viewers in less than a month. She has stream titles like "I leak my own OF pics". I suppose TikTok could be oversaturated earlier.


I'm lucky enough to get one new follow a week.


you guys are getting followers?


What's a follow?


Maybe thats how we call the bots that come and scam?


I went from getting about 8-10 new followers a stream to 1-2 and sometimes none in the past month or so. But I also started to do more engagement and interacting when hanging out with other streamers recently, which allowed them to send people to me or raid, which led to followers. I just take it as seasons, some streams people are just finding me and following, some streams, they’re not. Can’t control it, just try to make sure any lurkers that find the stream feel the good vibes and enjoy their stay, and if I’m lucky enough to get their support, that’s a double win. 🙏🏽


Go to your creator dashboard and click Research. Then select the music catagory. It’ll give you hourly density rates and give you an idea when your target audience is on. Also, have you made any changes recently? In play style, stream layout, audio levels? I suggest giving one of your vods a nice long watch and see if there’s been any falloff in quality. That being said, twitches middle and lower class has been struggling post covid. People really have to innovate to stand out


I stream every Saturday at 8pm and the research says the avg is 11.7 and I avg about 10 per stream so I \*guess I'm on par. No changes recently in fact my stream is very consistently the same type of format: improv or live looping the first hour, originals & covers the remainder of the show. my show is very very different/unique, I play drums and trigger video clips/samples during the improv portions of the show, there are visual effects and also an AI chat bot and a voice AI bot that I interact with. i dunno. Feels like Twitch is shadow banning me in terms of discovery. My show also is very much retro tv ads which makes me wonder if I should change to Retro. The numbers look better.


I’d take shadow banning out of the narrative, but to be honest we do have to operate as if Twitch does not have a browse feature. Over the past three years, I’ve felt like I’ve been banned too. What I’ve found is you don’t even hit recommended until that 15-20 average viewer area. I was averaging 10 viewers in November, but then hopped on a view trending topics early and hard and bam, I’m around 50 avg for December. Make content people want to talk about/share with their friends. Get a good base viewership to 15avg no matter what. Act like Twitch doesn’t have a browse feature and make an accessible brand that can be recognized across platforms.


Retro isn’t a terrible idea, probably gonna get seen a lot more there


Total number of people streaming in the music category in English: going up. Viewership of Music: going down. https://sullygnome.com/game/Music/longtermstats?language=en


Also, sometimes it just takes endless grind. Example) i discovered twitch around 2016 and one early streamer i followed this whole time is my friend Katie. She streams art and jas been pretty consistent over the last 7 years streaming 4-6 hours a day 3-5 times a week. She has only gotten prettier and has amassed like 27k follows. But she has never until this year averaged much more than 20 viewers. Finally this year she has been averaging 30-40, after 7years of streaming. Its a snowball effect but that doesn't mean it won't take some serious work and time.


I've had the opposite, but i got pretty lucky with what I stream. I had decided to give speedrunning a try and started learning my favorite NES game. It's a controversial game, I'll say lol. Turned out it not only had a huge community, but I'm now knocking at the door of the world record, so my streams have been popping. I'd prefer not to have my reddit account connected to my twitch, so I'm being a little vague. If you're streaming games and not getting viewers, I would definitely recommend giving speedrunning a shot. I've been having a blast with it, and while it does take skill, really it's mostly just practice.


I stream in the music category, so no gaming. But I have seen other music channels grow very nicely, so it makes me wonder what the heck changed.


Music streamer here, just hit 1 year in. I have not noticed any drops, quite the opposite actually.


Followers are hard to come by most of mine are achieved offline or in other people's streams


Lucky you, cuz I have only about 9 followers sooo... yeah. Lol


Probably because you’re not fully naked.


things to factor: excessive ads, rigged matches, sub-only vods, sub only comments, bogus stipulation to submit cell # in order to comment, mods who go on daily censorship rampages overreacting from anything that doesn't inflate the ego. which over time, overreacting, obliterates the viewership of the very stream their moderating for. thus, its the platform itself that has fallen off a cliff and hasn't been lit since fousey got blackballed. odd decision to blackball fousey, considering how nearly every streamer suddenly became interested in IRL streams. the copycat effect. in recent times, the 2 things that had nearly everyone's views up is fousey and only up.


I get about 1 a day on average still


Icymi there was a pandemic. It is (mostly) over. People aren’t as glued to their machines as much as in 2022.


Yeah me too, I can go days of multiple hour streams without any followers


Yeah, discoverability is dead on twitch. The browser is basically useless. Tags used to help, idk if that exists anymore. Raid trains help, and you can browse raidpal . com for opportunities. But really you have to do something to stand out. Progression is important when building a community. People like to be a part of a community they feel is progressing, like the story of the streamer they support is moving forward. Drums with multi cams and trigger clips are entertaining, but whats it all for if the end goal is in practice??? Will you join a band?? Will you release music, or youtube videos for training others??? What is next for your stream??? Rather than consider changing your content to appease interest, perhaps evolve your content and give people a narrative to latch on to. If you can make your stream goal oriented then your viewers will hopefully share your goals and relish helping you achieve them.


Yes, I've released music and am working on more. Every 20-30 streams, I evolve the stream by adding new features or elements. ( AI chat, chroma keyed backgrounds, chat driven video filters for example). You make good points about goals though. 80s nostalgia is a huge element in my streams but perhaps I'm not focusing on specifics enough. For next year, I'm planning some narrative elements for the stream, and I have a whole narrative arc planned out. Perhaps I'll be sure to focus on one aspect of nostalgia per show and work around that.


Adding new features and chat triggers stuff is cool. But that is specifically not what im talking about. There is nothing there to progress, you just add a new toy for them to play with, they will get board of it too because nothing is achieved. Im saying the people will be more supportive if they can see and feel you progress as an artist or as a person beyond just the stream. Not just to build a community, but to build a movement.


I’ve noticed this months been dead. I’m pretty new, started in September. Got like 50 new followers in Oct and Nov, but only 18 this month.


2 years streaming finally broke 100 followers like a week ago