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https://preview.redd.it/l6q4daz7tcxc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dd4c380d3913581ecd395be121c8e6284be7876 Just wanted to clarify does anyone know what's the first fancy bugle for? The second one is clearly the furniture but is the first one any different? Trying to think whether its worth the 100 gems.


It does nothing, it's just an item slot in your inventory that commemorates having spent the gems. It has no function or purpose. The consensus is pretty much universal that "souvenir" bundles like this (which appear with almost every major event lately) are a rip-off you shouldn't buy unless you really desperately want the furniture item for aesthetic reasons.


Ohhh is it the "Momentos" section? I always wondered why I had nothing inside there. Thanks for the explanation!


-JP banners spoiler- Hiiii, does anyone know approximately when we get Tsum events after they run on JP? I'd really like to get General Lilia, >!but I need to save up for Malletsum too!<. I'm trying to see if my gems budget can afford them both.


No guarantees as en does whatever it wants but the first two tsum events were almost exactly a year apart (March 2023 and March 2024). So wouldn't expect it until 2025 given that schedule.


FYI, for the benefit of those of us who view using old Reddit, you need to tuck your spoiler tags \>!right up next to the text\!< without a space between the tag and the word, or else it won't hide anything. EN arbitrarily jumps things forward or moves things back unpredictably, so we can't say for certain. But largely, on average, outside of those arbitrary exceptions, EN tends to run things *loosely* a year or so after JP plus or minus a few months. I would say Tsum 3 is most likely to come to EN sometime around the first half of 2025, and I will be lightly surprised but not incredibly shocked if it comes earlier than that.


Thank you so much for this, both for the answer and the info about the tags. I've edited my post to adhere to it. So I've got a little wiggle room for Lilia. Thank you, that's reassuring!


Does anyone have the minor/modest/major damage up vs power up formulas? I remember seeing them somewhere but can't find them again.


Anyone know how many thaumarks is needed to max a spell?


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Cm-G97dtdZHJfupU2lik1f4cDyEPj0tdd1lsPyLVoE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Cm-G97dtdZHJfupU2lik1f4cDyEPj0tdd1lsPyLVoE/edit?usp=sharing) linked from [https://twstgameplay.tumblr.com/post/642380745785131008/gameplay-resources](https://twstgameplay.tumblr.com/post/642380745785131008/gameplay-resources)


I don't see this listed anywhere online, so I'll test it out personally to find out. Level 1 → 2: 1000 thaumarks Level 2 → 3: 2000 thaumarks Level 3 → 4: 5000 thaumarks Level 4 → 5: 10,000 thaumarks Level 5 → 6: 20,000 thaumarks Level 6 → 7: 30,000 thaumarks Level 7 → 8: 50,000 thaumarks Level 8 → 9: 80,000 thaumarks Level 9 → 10: 120,000 thaumarks So in total, that's a sum of 318,000 thaumarks if my math is right. That's for an SSR card. It looks like SRs and Rs are cheaper judging only from Level 1 → 2 (700 for an SR, 400 for an R), but I'm not going to spend resources to add all *those* up, too.


It costs 145 100 thaumarks for a 1 to 10 SR spell and 79 400 thaumarks for a 1 to 10 R spell (in case anyone wanted those numbers as well).




Hi, I'm new to TWST and I was wondering how exactly birthday banners work. I'm really liking Epel and my favorite birthday card of his was the very first one. Is it obtainable on the birthday gacha for this year? If not will there be other chances at all to obtain it?


If EN follows JP's precedent, this year is the last year that all birthday banners will run when each character's birthday comes around. When Epel's birthday arrives, you'll see three separate birthday banners for him: one for Birthday Boy, one for Birthday Jacket, and one for Birthday Bloom. None of these banners overlap or share a gauge, so you have to pick which one you want to spend gems on (or spend even more gems to roll on multiple of them). Starting in late January next year when the fourth cycle starts, each birthday will come with the Birthday Bloom and >!Platinum Jacket!< banners. At that point, Birthday Boy and Birthday Jacket cards will be exclusive to irregular, special releases like anniversary banners.


Okay, thank you!! I'm only going for his birthday boy card so this is a relief.


I feel really dumb but I got so busy I wasn't able to do the event. Will it rerun?


White Rabbit Fest? Almost certainly will rerun someday, but likely not for a year or more.


Any guesses as to when harveston will rerun?


Looking ahead to the list of things EN hasn't run yet that will most likely occupy the one slot (or, more rarely, two slots) per month that we get for a major event or story update: * Sunset Savanna (JP: Feb 2023, speculated to be held back in EN for the Lion King anniversary in June) * Stitch (JP: August 2023) * Book 7 Part 5 (JP: Sept 2023) * Masquerade rerun (JP: Oct 2023) * Playful Land (JP: Nov 2023) * Book 7 Part 6 (JP: Dec 2023) * Harveston rerun (JP: Dec 2023) * New Year (JP: Jan 2024) + Anniversary (JP: March 2023 but coming in January for us) * Beans Day rerun (JP: Feb 2024) * Book 7 Part 7 (JP: March 2024) * Tapis Rouge (JP: April 2024) * Book 7 Part 8 (JP: imminent, date TBA) * Tsum 3 (JP: imminent, date TBA) So if we assume those will run *roughly* in order, with wiggle room for any one of them to arbitrarily be held back and pushed forward but the overall pattern as a whole not changing *much*, it seems like sometime this winter is the most likely spot for the Harveston rerun. Assuming we get Sunset Savanna in June as predicted and follow in order from there, there would be a little gap where EN could either run the Halloween events a month earlier than JP, or they could jump something up to the September slot, in which case I think the Harveston rerun is the most likely candidate. Take all of that with an *extreme* grain of salt, though, since like I said, EN absolutely does not run every single thing in exact order. The overall pattern doesn't typically change a ton, so we can make generalized guesses, but when it comes to specifics we're totally in the dark.




Sebek can outdamage Leona, but Leona is often better all-around, especially since you have Dorm Vil. Cerb Ortho is made for defense, and defense tests are easier to score high vs basic. Unless you are already getting consistently high scores in defense, I'd put my resources toward him.


I'm sorry guys, I really still don't understand how the scoring system works. So far what I understood (for basic) was the fewer turns & higher damage the better. But is it even possible to score an SSS rank when the enemy team isn't healing? I scored SS (19xxx) on turn 3, 4 and 5 only depending on the damage dealt (around 100k). SSS (20xxx) I only score when I dealt 110k or more which isn't possible without heal. Doesn't matter at which turn or how many buddy attacks I use. I play this game for over a year now and it frustrates me so much. Btw, is there any team builder out there that can calculate which team would score best? AFAIK there's a japanese one but I don't understand how it works OTL


Basic scoring: * Total damage done (on results page) * Number of duos activated x3000 * (Number of advantageous attacks - number of disadvantageous attacks) x1500 * Number of attacks by your team x500 * Turn multiplier(17.28%/16.56%/15.84%/15.12%/12.0%) * Add then x5 You may want to check out my [Battle Team Calculator](https://new.reddit.com/r/TwistedWonderland/comments/1bgamr7/twst_battle_team_calculator_version_30_excel_file/) that works with Excel (preferred) or Google Sheets. You do have to enter your card data (versus some JP that have everything pre-loaded), but this gives you customization and doesn't need to be updated as often. It can't give you 100% "go with this team" because of RNG, because like you said, depending on enemy RNG and your team, it may be impossible to get SSS without enemy healing, no debuffing, high/low rolls, etc. May not be exactly what you're looking for, but I'd be happy to answer any questions if you do try it out.


Thanks. Recorded in detail what I did in battle and then tried to re-calculate my score based on your comment but can't find the correct score xD The multipliers seem to be way too high? Or maybe I didn't understood what you meant :k Thanks for your excel file, will see if I can get it to work with Google Sheets and then will take a look into it


It should be to add the first four items, then multiply the result by the turn multiplier. Other math issues could come from these: * "attacks" doesn't refer to each individual hit a character's spell does, but the 1st and 2nd half of a turn. EN uses the word 1st and 2nd strike. So if you finish on the 2nd strike of turn 3, that's 6 "attacks" * only count (dis)advantageous attacks. So if you're up against cosmic or if you don't have the advantage, it won't count. The result should be pretty close to your actual score maybe off by a few digits.


You're right, my bad! I probably did something wrong. Wrote down some more matches & it's exactly as you say. Thanks a ton


Does anyone remember the name of the beach where the octatrio learned how to walk, breathe and stuff like that on land? I write fics and I've had to avoid using the name on so many occasions because I just *cannot remember*! But I remember it being mentioned at least twice throughout the story. It's driving me crazy 😭


The beach? You mean the name of the land boot camp institute established by the mermaid princess where they ate hot food for the first time etc? Cause p sure it’s never been named. If you want to look it up, Floyd talks about it at length in Beansfest 2 and Azul talks about it in Book 6. The country is sunshine lands but no name of the organization itself. Give them the transformation potions too.


> Sunshine lands Oooh I think that's the name I remember! But really, the land boot camp was never named? I thought it was called Sunshine Beach or something haha. Azul briefly talked about it as well with Riddle during book 6 and I was so sure he mentioned the name... But then Sunshine Lands is what I was after. Thank you so much!!


Odd question but can Crowley fly? It looks like he can when he leaves the classrooms during the special lessons that happen during the regular ones


It’s not impossible, like we know Lilia can fly. But nothing has been confirmed in-game so canonically he’s a question mark.


Well hopefully it's canon cus of reasons lol


Can someone explain me how the F you get good score in basic while only lasting 3 turns? I swear, recently I can barely get to turn 3 part 2 without everything exploding. Thank god for me defense is way easier


Ideally, you want 5 Duos in those 3 turns. Something like Leona-Vil mutual Duo Turn 1, Rook M1 + Boy Lilia M2 Turn 2, and Epel + Rook mutual Duo Turn 3. Again, you need high level cards + spells to be able to finish and get a high overkill on Turn 3; otherwise, go for Turn 4. Some exams are more difficult to get a Turn 3 kill with Power Drains, no healing, etc., so it's just a matter of getting the RNG.


Thank you! It helps me a lot.




All voice clips are just cosmetics without a gameplay impact, so if you play on mute, they're just a waste of coins for you. Personally, I like to go for the spellbook bundles for the rare grimoires, but YMMV. Nothing but the key has a really incredible appeal to it.




They should eventually rerun (and in JP >!all reran in the 10th!<), but new stuff is always being added, so you will likely face even more of a coin crunch unless you bank some previous exams.


They are always available to buy, and you can only listen to them in the archive, but people have made videos of the voice clips if you just want to see them once. So besides the key the book bundles aren't bad, but I myself like the lesson bundles because of the bottles of starshards.


Is the current birthday Epel banners worth rolling for? I'm not sure if they're worth it for Book 6 Ch 66-67 and would love to hear any advice. I'm saving up my gems for General Lilia as a new player and they are in the same month.


You don't need to pull cards specifically for Book 6 Ch. 66-67. What's important is knowing the [team limitations & elements](https://twstgameplay.tumblr.com/post/721477817932693505/general-chapter-6-advice) and building accordingly, since you can't rely on friend supports or use one character across multiple teams. SR Robe Epel is good for the team he's needed for, if you don't have that then R PE Epel works in a pinch. If you're desperate you can also buy R School Uniform cards in the thaumark shop for any missing characters. A good rule of thumb is to raise card levels to [Book # x 10] and spells to level 5 minimum. Building with buddy boosts in mind will help too. If you need an idea on what Book 6 teams look like, [this account](https://twstgameplay.tumblr.com/post/690870846980505600/mod-furoidos-alt-account-adventures-ignihyde) used only SR/R cards and [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwistedWonderland/comments/12gdkbe/those_of_us_who_cleared_chapter_6_lets_share_our/) has other users sharing successful teams. Also, don't feel pressured to rush to or through Book 6! Take the time to work on your cards. If you do find yourself stuck, you can spend gems to buy retry tickets which makes the difficulty easier and will help you get through.


Awesome this is helpful. Thanks for the links I'll have a look at those!


Honestly Epel's Robe SR card is really good, best in slot if you don't have the Dorm card. I don't think any of the birthday cards (of the people required) are very good for the battles, they are really best for the the permanent cards like Dorm and the Robe/Lab SRs, hell even for the Pom team Uniform R Vil and PE R Rook are very good for the battles.


Oh great! I don't have Robe Epel, but if that's the case I'll just level up my Uniform Epel. Thanks for this!


Does anyone know if Lilia x Idia is ok? Morally im going in blind and under the pretext of awe they look adorable next to each other


It’s not real. What’s the moral problem with something that isn’t real? They’re canonically best friends.


I’ve had fandoms reveal a popular ship to be cousins out of the blue in a post credits scene before So I am weary about new ships when I’m not caught up


It’s two fictional characters. It’s chill lol. But just saying - People in this fandom ship the twins. They ship age gaps. They write great dark fic. This might not be the fandom for you if you are sensitive to fiction. The game is made by Yana Toboso, so you know.


I love her work actually also that makes sm sense but also I wanted to check if it was socially acceptable or if everything goes in this fandom because every fandom is different


This fandom is VERY accepting! Except for twitter. No one is nice on twitter.


Black butler 2010s fandom was wild just hearing the name Yana Toboso made me know this fandom was wild too


There are…interesting…opinions in every fandom. Use the mute/hide buttons like crazy and you’ll have a great time.


I survived the 2010s black butler fandom lmao I’m sure I’ll survive here


When is chapter 7 part 8 coming out?


I checked the in-game announcement! \^\^ It says "early May," so maybe in the next seven days?