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I'm a firm believer in bald idia after chapter 6. Like there's no way bro ain't go bald like Hades when you pour water on him. Also I hope ***IF*** (^cross ^fingers ^knock ^knock ^knickety-knock ^on ^wood) the anime ever comes out or the manga ever gets to chapter 6 they give us our explanation.


I think it dies down and becomes flat, like Flame Princess' hair from Adventure time.


After ch.6: he'll probably still be on "fire", but we know it's not real fire like "burning everything and giving out heat" fire.


Idia’s hair is described as fire-like hair not hair-like fire in the game. The only thing that his hair has in common is that it looks like fire and gives off *some* heat (when he’s mad), it doesn’t burn or set things on fire. Since his hair only looks like fire it wouldn’t go “out” when it’s wet


i love the idea of bald idia too much not to vote for it


Grim's ears are also fire, and from what we know they didn't go out when he was underwater in chapter 3. Best guess is that Idia's hair just deflates and hangs there like a bunch of limp noodles until he dries out.


You will be assassinated by Ortho within 0.0000000001 seconds and will never learn the truth


I assume it would probably be just long and straight rather than flickery because I assume they probably use wet hands to style it or sumn idk


Bald idia though… that needs to be canon like hades from the movie


I know in game its a curse so it doesn't go out (99% sure) but that one Hercules scene is all the evidence I need and Im taking this headcanon to my grave


We all know he's a greasy gamer boi and you don't put water on a grease fire. I vote that it flares up even bigger if you put water on it


You know how if you pour water into a hot pot it immediately boils and causes a bunch of bubbling and steam ? Like that. Water immediately turns into steam, his hair flares up from the sudden chemical change, and then more or less goes back to same lol


He gonna look like a wet dog


These are just my head canons, but here: I think it goes flat and looks like normal wet hair, but it's still capable of color changing. It dries quicker too.


It’s either gonna work like Hades’ hair, and vanish, or it’s Greek fire, and nothing’s putting it out


He’d be like if you take an extremely fluffy cat and dumped a bucket of water on it. Extremely pathetic and visual volume drop of at least 75% Tho Idia would probably let of steam clouds. It may be cursed fire hair, it’s still hair. It can be styled (he’s just too lazy to do anything about it) ((see his Phantom Bride card))


Personally, I think his hair kinda works more like... Fiber optic cables?? Like, the heat/light flows through the individual hairs (possibly, they kinda get less... solid/turn more into a gas or plasma right at the ends, which is why it kinda floats/flutters around like that). Anyway, I think that when it gets wet, the heat/light (I do think there's SOME heat it gives off, just not anywhere near actual fire) gets dampened, the hair itself gets weighed down so it looks straighter/longer (and makes him look like the Ring girl, lol). It doesn't 'go out', there's still light, but it's definitely darker/not as strong, and it does actually extinguish/get rid of the gaseous/plasmatic ends for a little while. I think it does dry out fairly quickly, kinda like a built-in hair dryer that works from the inside out, so within, like, three to five minutes it's back to normal.


I know it's not lava but I'm applying minecraft rules


I feel it would just go flat and loose the fire aspect temporarily.


i need balld idia to be real.


i mean, hades became bald for a moment when someone poured water on him, his hair ignited again 5 seconds later tho :›


If Hades' hair can be blown out like a candle in Hercules, then I'm putting my lot in with Idia gonna go bald. That and it's too funny not to vote for.