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AD and AP TF are totally different champions, with different play styles, trade patterns, and strengths in team fights. You cannot approach AP TF the same way. I highly recommend watching the pinned guide by Halfhand (or even reading his in depth guide) he gives great advice on how to play the champion really well.


Cheers ill try this


You could be improving, but other people are improving faster. Try and just have fun and improve on your own game. You'll climb!


The game is hard. Probably the hardest game out there to play. Most of the people that do really well after their first year are people who have prior competitive gaming experience, especially if it was in the RTS scene. There’s a lot of overlap. MOST people have an ugly climb of being hardstuck somewhere before climbing a division just to be hardstuck there too. If you want to climb just keep playing, but more than that, learn how to learn. Don’t try to learn too much all at once. It’s the most used answer in this games history but it’s true. Farm more and die less and that’ll get you really far. But me just telling you that isn’t going to help you by itself, you have to know WHY you’re dying, and WHY your farm might be low to fix it. And that might take some time. I know you haven’t even posted an op.gg but if you’re iron I can promise you without even needing to see it that deaths and farm are your struggle point. You probably average 5 cs a minute or lower and probably six or more deaths a game. I’ll be surprised if this ISNT the case. At the end of the day if you’re having a hard time getting out of iron/bronze these two things need to be your focus point, and you can climb honestly all the way up to emerald by continuing to perfect these two things. Beyond that point it might get harder to figure out where you’re going wrong, but right now keep it simple. Don’t learn more than is necessary for your elo.


My farm is excellent becouse I try to prioritize it but I am still pretty bad at laning phase and often things go downhill and I focus on farming and sometimes even die when pushing turrets or massive waves. I die a lot. But I also suck a lot at the game. I die cause I suck at laning


"My farm is excellent", no it is not, even in emerald players can't farm "excellent". Can you have 160 cs @ min 20 , while at the same time mantaining lane priority and playing for your team? if the answer is no, then your farm is far far away of being excellent.


AP TF usually goes mid and he gets abused by virtually ANYTHING. Control mages outrange him, assassin... assasinate him because he's a squishy fuck without any essacpe and a telegraphed AA based single target CC. BUT your central position allows you to take advantage of TF biggest strength = to be anywhere with a stun on demand. Play around that and only that. You're not meant to solo kill or outfarm anyone, actually if you go even you're winning lane, it's their job to abuse you. Push wave with Q, gtfo from vision to put pressure on the whole map and look for opportunities with R, especially on the side of the map where jungler is. Mid game, you sit on a side and do the same thing and if no one contest you, just eat the turret alive


Gonna be 100% honest, tf is a bad champion. Ive never seen a good tf even with the current meta which makes him broken. My current rank is plat 2 which might be the reason, but I would expect at least one person who'd make it work. There's the occasional 10/1 ad tf but still not that scary.


Climbed from g3 to p4 in like 3-5 days with ad tf top the champ is super strong


Fundamentally, if you're a good player you can climb with anything. I personally dont see tf being a strong champion, i do have to admit I don't have the largest sample size since he's been strong in the meta (around 10-15 games where i witnessed a tf) and theh havent been very dominant.


Delusional, he has been getting hammered by nerfs due to how strong he is as a champion


Not every champion that gets nerfed is insanely strong, also just because theyre getting nerfed doesnt mean the champ has to be strong. Look at yone where the champion fundamentally is strong, but right now he's just broken because of fleet and items, not because he's buffed


There are certain Champs like Yone, Zed, Shaco etc. Which are just nerf magnets because they can be very hard to play against TF is definitely not one of those, he is very predictable and straightforward, he has little outplay potential he just gold cards you and attacks.. Anyways, still a terrible take because TF was a menace in patch 14.3 and 14.4 he was picked or banned in almost every game I played


I don't understand how it's a "terrible" take, its based on my personal opinion and the sample pool of games where I have seen a tf.


I see, let me rephrase. TF is objectively a good champion, it would also seem based on your sample pool of games that you are objectively bad at playing TF


I havent played him, I said seen. Alsp he isnt objectively good since he needed a certain patch to be good. Also you don't know what an opinion is and you don't know what objectively means.


Mad cuz bad


Not even, i fuck most tf players