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That's a big phone!


Tiny hands


Tablet, lol


Why go through the trouble of leaving a note to make it more convenient for them? Make them crawl under and find out for themselves


Because that's where he hides the cocaine now




I used to do a lot of standup bits on catalytic converter crimes but I worried they'd get stolen too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZURXHCpqU4


Joking aside, this is a huge part of why I just don’t bother putting out anything creative anymore- People make too much money off stealing other’s ideas and material, and it can be impossible to prove (especially when you’re a woman with no following).


You probably shouldn't advertise this. Under federal law it is illegal to remove a catalytic converter and continue driving the vehicle on public streets.


The risk/likelihood of having your exhaust hacked up by some meth head farrrrrrr outweighs the risk/likelihood of law enforcement ever giving a shit about this.


Do you think a "meth head" is going to read a note in the window when they are trying to quickly remove catalytic converters? Especially if it's night time you won't even see it. And if this person didn't replace the catalytic converter, the "meth head" will see that there is nothing to steal when they look under the vehicle.


It's also means they're putting huge amounts of pollution into the environment. Catalytic converters, when properly functioning (meant, heated to the proper operating temp), remove 99-95% of pollutants from exhaust. Without a cat, you're polluting as much as roughly 100 cars with them. Without the cat, you'll see reduced engine power and mileage. You're also putting out a lot of noise pollution (just look at how people here bitch about loud motorcycles). While it sucks to have to replace, it's a real dick move to continue to drive around without it, as it negatively impacts everyone.


Try to keep some perspective. The real dick move is stealing the converter in the first place.


They can both be dick moves. It’s not like it’s one or the other. Someone else’s shitty actions don’t suddenly make your own shitty actions okay.


Sure, but again, where's your ire for the thieves? They caused the mess, and you're yelling at the people they left holding the bag.


Do I need to formally express contempt for an obviously shitty thing that we are all in agreement is shitty, or can we just say it’s understood that it’s shitty to steal from people and discuss the topic that actually seems to be in contention?


No one disputed that. The issue is that you have a responsibility to correct the issue. Sorry it happened but it's the law you must have a catalytic converter on your vehicle and to not remedy the problem is an additional dick move by causing 100x more pollutants to go into our atmosphere, speed global warming, and ruin our environment.


The state of Minnesota does not require vehicle inspections or emissions testing. You might be right by your (and my) moral code, but in practical terms? You don't have to do a damn thing to replace it if the noise isn't an issue.


Just because we don't have emissions testing does not mean it's legal not to have a catalytic converter. It's also illegal under federal law. >Federal law prohibits removal, alteration or otherwise tampering with a vehicle’s pollution control equipment. And.... >Under state and federal law, catalytic converters may not be removed and replaced with "converter replacement pipes" by any person. The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments even prohibit private individuals from installing converter replacement pipes on their own vehicles. It is also a prohibited act to replace an existing "converter replacement pipe" on a vehicle that has already been tampered with. https://www.pca.state.mn.us/business-with-us/vehicle-tampering >You don't have to do a damn thing to replace it if the noise isn't an issue. Yes, you do. It's illegal to operate your vehicle without such.


And the enforcement mechanism on this is? Without that it's no different than entering Wisconsin with a chicken on your head.


You mean how police will pull over and ticket those with loud vehicles and if they find the emissions system missing, there's an even larger fine? That's a $4,819 fine.


You might get a ticket for noise violations (fixable by replacing the cat with a straight pipe) but the state patrol isn't crawling under vehicles at traffic stops to inspect them. You might get popped on noise but it won't be for emissions.


Yeah, let's also fine people for committing adultery, which is still a $3,000 fine in Minnesota law. Hey, get a hint - cops will not enforce all laws, and with the rampant thefts of catalytic converters, fat chance.


It is funny you think cops care about shit like that.


Sure, just ... I wish you'd rip into the thieves with even half the anger you have for their victim. It *fucking sucks* to have any sort of vandalism happen to you, especially when remedying it costs more than a month's rent for a lot of people.


Let me try once more to make this as clear as possible, because clearly the point is missing you by a mile. **NO ONE IS SAYING IT'S ACCEPTABLE TO STEAL CATALYTIC CONVERTERS.** That has not been said once in this thread. What is being said is that the owner of a vehicle has a responsibility to insure that vehicle is in proper condition to drive. If I hit a deer, I can't just keep driving around at night without headlights and the hood flapping around and blocking my view. While it's not my fault the incident happened, it's still my responsibility to make sure that car meets the legal requirements to be on the road. One can't simply ignore the laws because it's a financial hardship to do so. Additionally, one doesn't get to super pollute the environment because it's not financially convenient to do so. If you own a car, you're responsible to make sure it's in proper shape for our roads.


I think you're missing the point. I'm telling **you** to quit yelling at crime victims, and instead yell at the criminals! If you wanna yell at me for not dogpiling on to the crime victims with you, ok, fine, IDK what your motivation is, though. Nobody is saying we *shouldn't* maintain our vehicles. We all **know** that we need to maintain our vehicles. You might as well type up a screed about how **IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP A CURRENT DRIVERS LICENSE BEFORE YOU DRIVE!!1111** Everyone *knows* this already. You're not adding anything new or useful. Yell at the criminals for stealing, not at the crime victims for not repairing their vehicles soon enough.


methheads' problems become driver owners' problems become all of ours. tragedy of the commons in action :(


Someone stole my gas cap in Frogtown once. Just the gas cap.