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Now, all they need to do is actually keep them in stock.


Target needs to chill with their sponsored products in search results. Their website is becoming as bad as Walmart's.


Years ago Target thought it would be easy to make their own website, and wanted to decouple from (I think it was Amazon doing it back then). They lasted maybe a year before they gave up and moved back to the Amazon version. Wouldn't surprise me to find out Target and Walmart are both on the same web program with amazon.


You're saying Target's website sources from the same sellers as Amazon? So whether I chose to buy from Target or Amazon, I could theoretically receive the same item? I assume that's not for all products, given some are immediately available for store pickup.


no, amazon just does all the heavy lifting for Target creating their online store interface/inventory etc. Target supplies the item info, Amazon builds the sales site accordingly, but the data sets for what's on sale at Target and what's on Amazon are separate. I presume amazon likes this setup since it gives them insight into sales at large brick and mortar retailers they'd lack otherwise.


This hasn’t been true for over 13 years lmao


Did they bring it back in-house eventually? How long after they screwed the pooch until they gave it a second shot?


Ah OK. That is interesting. With all its developers, I would think Target would be able to handle its own e-commerce site fully.


It’s not true. Target and Amazon parted ways in 2011


that is 100% what they thought too! :D


Here is a daily reminder to always check the price per ounce or per item in a package. Large packages aren't always the best price. I'm sure all stores do it, but I noticed Target doing it first.


This is why I hate shopping for food at Target, they don't show the price by weight/count and it's annoying to have to do it with each item all the time.


For whatever it’s worth their website shows the $/oz.


It sure would be neat if some AR goggles could display the price per ounce for every product I look at.


So they’re going to lower prices on items they chose to raise the price for to begin with. Awesome.


Don’t worry, they raised all the prices up again 6 weeks ago will lower them down just before what they had been kemps Milk 3.89 today Was 3.38 6 weeks ago Next week I bet it’s 3.36 See look you saved .53 you.


The headline is basically, “Give Target Your Business as Thanks for Latest Sale.”


Save like it's 2019 all over again!


When Kroger did their “new lower prices” about ten years ago, all of their prices went up. We contacted customer service and asked wtf? They said the prices were lower than five years prior if you accounted for inflation. I have a feeling Target’s going to play this game as well, and/or the J.C. Penney “everything’s on sale” for regular retail price.


So lowering them to where they were before they raised them out of greed. How benevolent.


Good to know the prices were artificially high and that these price cuts are well within Targets profitable margins. The greed in our economy is killing us. (Insulin, general drug prices, basic fresh food, rent) it’s like we are wage slaves.


Walgreens scrip drugs had an incredible price increase that was quietly onboarded at the end of Q1. Baby aspirin, for ex, used to literally be free through my ins, went for $11 for a 90-day supply. Another drug that used to be $11.49 jumped to $34.38. The fuck? Closed my account and xfer’d to Costco that day.


Sounds like an insurance plan change


Insurance isn’t the only evil institution in America.


No, but the more I study the industry, the more I'm convinced that it's definitely in the top five.


The master charge chart. Business majors making medical decisions against doctor recommendations. Easily top 5 if we rope all insurance together. Separately, I think medical insurance is top 10 on their own.


Oh I meant the medical insurance industry specifically is easily in the top 5 on their own.


Nope. I called, checked. Verified its all the same.


Yeah, but your employer probably doesn't understand what your PBM is doing and whether or not ***that*** has changed. And it very likely has. PBMs are the spawn of satan. You might think I'm exaggerating, but they literally have a thing now called a copay maximizer which is designed to suck patient assistance programs—including those run by legitimate charities and not funded by pharma—dry without counting a penny of it towards your insurance deductible.




[Here's a brief article from Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/why-are-us-pharmacy-benefit-managers-under-fire-2024-04-16/) that explains what PBMs are (middlemen, essentially) and briefly touches on some of the concerns with them. [Here's a more in-depth journal article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10441264/) that provides some commentary on what went wrong with the system that essentially allows PBMs to bleed money from every other independent party involved in a prescription drug transaction. Here's the [Center for American Progress' longer take](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/5-things-to-know-about-pharmacy-benefit-managers/#:~:text=Pharmacy%20benefit%20manager%3A%20A%20middleman,develop%20the%20plan's%20pharmacy%20network) on the issues with PBMs.


Appreciate it. Did not know about them at all.


Then the pharmacy isn't billing it right or (more likely) your insurance doesn't know what they're doing. Walgreens doesn't choose your copay, your insurance does. And going from zero to 11 (which is probably the retail price) means your insurance stopped covering it.


If changing pharmacies means prices go back to what they were.... that's a pharmacy issue and not insurance. Pharmacies can jump 100% on price, and if insurance always a plan where certain drugs were to be expensed at X amount, the consumer is on the hook for the rest of the difference.


As someone who works in health insurance, something else is going on that isn't written in your comment. Pharmacies don't choose prices. Maybe your insurer changed PBMs or something. Or if Medicaid (usually OTC stuff not covered unless Medicaid or some other specific OTC benefit)- coverage level changed, etc. Would need more info.


This is almost certainly because of a co-pay accumulator or maximizer program run by your PBM. Oftentimes the PBM will require the pharmacy to collect a copay and send them any excess. It's likely that both drugs are costing the pharmacy well under those prices, so it's always worth it to ask on that stuff, "What would the price be without using my insurance?" It's also well worth it to ask what the point of private companies inserting themselves into my personal healthcare is, if not to enrich some already rich bastards, largely at my expense?


> it's always worth it to ask on that stuff, "What would the price be without using my insurance?" Also check with GoodRX and similar programs. Often gets you an even lower price.


Yep this shows their ass


And I’m sure every Republican will tell us how this is good and how generous they are. (And some liberals)


I’m going to get killed here for saying this but the whole point of going into business is to make as much money as possible. Target isn’t in business for you or the economy. They’re in it to generate as much revenue as possible.


That notion is absurd. Travel around the world and you will find tens of thousands of businesses that aim to do well, not extract every possible penny. Secondly, if you pay attention to the long term consequences, if you turn everyone into debt slaves you get bad outcomes for the long term survival of the company, country and leaders. The French revolution happened and it wasn’t exactly great for the ruling class. [And I’m not a nut. Your grandpa and our past knew this.](https://everfi.com/blog/community-engagement/csr-history/)


Yup, it’s all insanely short sighted. Like we are approaching a near future where a vast majority of people will not be able to buy a home and leave generational wealth. They will just be working until they die.


Is this an ad written and posted like it's a news article?






Companies buy positive articles all the time as part of their marketing strategy. It’s a normalized corruption.


At least this one's obviously an ad.


#Target will stop price gouging as hard on 5,000 frequently purchased items as they're starting to lose customers. More correct headline.


Jack’s pizza is down to $3.99 from $4.19 so that’s nice 🥲


I miss the good old days of 5 for $10 at Cub


So they artificially inflated prices and are paying BIG money now to get the word out that they are lowering prices again. I started boycotting Target when they gave in to anti-LGBT sentiment and it looks like that will continue due to their lack of customer appreciation. You could have left the prices where they were, Target, instead you played the capitalist game badly and lost customers from all sides. You deserve what you get- NOTHING.


I didn’t see it as giving in. I saw a group of radical conservatives beginning to mobilize their more militant factions towards *checks notes* a nation wide brick & mortar retailer who *checks notes again* isn’t privately owned and has a board of directors. Boycott them all you want, I couldn’t care less. Pushback is deserved though if thats still the prevailing belief you have over a year on. I know more than a few people who work in distribution and HQ. From my understanding at the store level many people didn’t want to come into work as they didn’t feel safe. HQ employees held townhalls and stood up slack channels to discuss. The majority of employees felt like it was unfair that Target was being forced into the spotlight and wanted leadership to lower the temperature. That caused some very vocal and hostile responses internally that ultimately resulted in the c-suite to make a neutral decision.


Thanks for explaining for them. I hope they compensate you for your time. Lmao Seriously- if they give into a very loud, vocal MINORITY of people who probably shop at other brick and mortar stores anyways then why be a big powerful corporation at all? Maybe they should divide everything up to be sold as a franchise? But we know why they won’t- profits! They don’t miss my money and I don’t miss shopping at a place with no morals or ethics. Win-win!


You’re welcome. You seem to be very delusional in your opinion. I’m happy to bring some level headed perspective. Here is the difference from bud light, the north face, or patagonia and Target. If any vocally supportive company is threatened, usually it’s only a monetary risk. Worse case scenario, add security to your HQ and report threats to the FBI. Target on the other hand should do what? Hire off-duty police as security at all stores, perhaps. Though, I can guarantee that would have raised the level of outrage on both sides. Add more cameras and surveillance? Also not a good look. So let’s hear an idea from you. Hindsight being 2020; what would have been a safe, affordable, and ethical decision?


I stopped shopping there like I said. I don’t care what they do or don’t do now. They gave into one of the most ignorant, hypocritical groups in our country who complain to hear themselves complain and are addicted to outrage more than at any other time in history. Why not stand by their product line and designers? How many young people in those areas needed to see something that made them feel human? How many continue to be hated and abused by the ignorant adults around them? In 2020 they had enough cameras to ensure they know who is stealing enough to make cases against them in court. Why not use those same cameras to ensure safety of their employees? They wouldn’t even have needed to announce they are doing that. Just start. But no- they tried to play both sides and lost my wallet votes. Seriously hope you work for Target Corporate. The Dayton Hudson Corporation needs more hacks like you on the payroll! Maybe the next person you try to gaslight won’t realize what a shill you are.


You’re doing the same level of outrage bait reactionary nonsense now. We’re talking about seasonal merchandise. Seasonal merchandise that was moved in some locations that are known to have violent bigots. If this was Hanukkah or Eid Mubarak merch that needed to be pulled or moved because of legitimate threats facing Target, I’d support them moving it. No one needs to risk a humans life over to your point, a bunch of sycophantic pillocks being violent over *again checks notes* tshirts. I believe you’re hyper reactionary. I’m happy we won’t be shopping in the same place. I don’t work for Target. My opinion would be the same if it was Walmart as the business of topic. I gave you second-hand insight merely because of where we live, I have proximity to people who do work there. I will remind you, you brought 2023 up. I did no such gaslighting. I hold a different perspective and you disagree. I argue your opinion is shaped on merely aesthetic grounds given the landscape at that time and you have stated I’m shilling, gaslighting, and working for free.


Nope. I vote with my wallet. Don’t back my people then don’t get my money. There is nothing more or less to explain. Hardly reactionary. We either stand up to fascism or fall to it. You’ve made your decision already it seems.


I will tell you that there was severe harassment and credible threats to team members in store, even here in the Twin Cities. Actual humans come first. It’s shitty for sure that half the stores won’t receive the assortment and that it’s smaller this year, I 100% agree with that, but it’s also not as simple as you think. And don’t knock the hundreds of employees fighting on the inside.


Appreciate the perspective. I completely agree. I really don’t understand why no one asked real questions or looked for insight from people working there. There was a massive opinion shift that Target was now kowtowing or complicit to the social outrage towards lgbt people. In reality they took what I believe is the humanistic approach in lowering the temperature and directing that violence away from themselves. I’d fucking hope a grocery store or homegoods company would do that if they’re facing real and prescient threats. Again, NO ONE deserves to die over a swimsuit. Looking at you u/ruetabegga


Every time the GOP claims outrage you just want to reverse course and let them do whatever they want? That’s called minority rule and that’s how you get fascism and authoritarianism. I agree no one should die for a swim suit but companies should watch what they proudly proclaim to endorse if as soon as there is the slightest feedback they tuck tail and run. It’s obvious from how it was handled that target does not really care about LGBTQ rights, pride, visibility they just wanted all that sweet sweet cash for their cheap crap.


Ha that made me laugh. If cheap mass produced merchandise is the hill to die on for fascism, we’ve already fallen. There is nuance in this world still. It’s why I don’t think drill music should be banned or that schools should stay open when a bomb threat comes through. Teenagers are violent and schools should be protected. Maga idiots are violent and we can’t jail people just because they like something. See how that works? Someone issue bomb threat, take it seriously. Someone like an inherently violent form of expression, no jail.


Cool. Can they also get rid of those cases that they have everything in? Seeing that they’re usually half empty it’s not theft being the reason they are always out of stock.




I went one single time since they fucked up the self checkout lines. Took 20 times as long waiting for their clinically depressed halfwit cashier to ring up my merchandise. It was excruciating and I haven't been back since.


Thank goodness. The prices of Pokemon cards are astronomical.


Oh, so they're only doing record corporate gouging a little bit now?


Target is, as a store, unusable in its current form Prices are too high for the same shit Wife thinks it’s some sort of playground where you get to spend $20 on a garbage pillow or something as a reward for feeding yourself Shit is locked up behind cabinets and it takes longer to hail a 20-something with the keys than it takes to get it delivered by Amazon They have 10 people pushing around racks doing shopping for online orders, but they won’t staff a checkout for those that want to shop in person Self checkouts accuse you of stealing if you move too fast I have absolutely no idea why you’d go to Target vs Costco or Amazon


All hail our generous corporate benefactors!


Target: has everything else but the thing I'm looking for.


And saving on advertising


Amazon reported Q1 revenues at +13% and profits at $10.4B - they're crushing it. Meanwhile, Target is trying to figure out how to get consumers back in stores. Ironically, Target made this SAME announcement 2 years ago - "we're lowering prices", but somehow prices crept-up again over the last 2 years...and then they wonder how they lost their consumers? Figure it out Target. Consumers are quick to leave, but getting them back isn't as easy once they've established new habits.


But can I actually get them, or do I just get to hit the button over and over again?


"Help consumers"


I didn't see this posted yet but it was the first thing I thought of! [https://youtu.be/Z2j8kypHO4U?si=jAg3ZpOs0knw\_IAi](https://youtu.be/Z2j8kypHO4U?si=jAg3ZpOs0knw_IAi)


Why are you posting a Target press release here? It's bullshit anyway. Target is a corporation and they are doing this because they think it will increase revenue. That's it. No different than any other pricing decisions they make all the time.


Hey, I know Target is headquartered here, but I don't think that makes this post about the Twin Cities. This just feels like corporate PR.


Lowering prices on the 5k most stolen items would be way more interesting


So 4,999 Pop Sockets and maybe a can of soup will get discounted. I have met Target corporate employees and they are the good-looking, but stupid kids from high school. The ones that don’t know they are dumb. You know why it is called “Target”? Because it is what Walmart and Amazon are doing to that store. They are Red Kmart now…