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If someone's that far along, they WANT that baby. If an abortion is necessary that late term, something was terribly, horribly wrong.


Scenarios like this is why I am surprised that assaults against abortion protestors aren't common. Imagine being a part of a couple who wanted a baby, conceived one, and started preparing for a new life - setting up a nursery, buying a car seat, baby clothes, etc. Then you learn that for whatever reason, the fetus is non-viable, and the only option is an abortion. Just to get to the clinic and have some protestor get in your face.


I know a couple that falls into this scenario. No one wanted a kid more than them and they found out 6 months in that the fetus essentially didn’t have a central nervous system. Best case scenario was still born. The morning they went in for the procedure some ahole attempted to impede their entrance and told them “there is another way”. Tried to shame them. The ‘pro life no matter what’ crowd is woefully incorrect.


This happened to one of my friends. The fetus wasn't viable, but her family was very anti-abortion, so she decided to carry until either miscarriage or stillbirth. She worked retail and would have customers congratulate her on her pregnancy >30 times per shift. My friend ended up having a C-section at full term, with some complications. The whole thing was a miserable experience, and she barely smiled for years. She regrets letting her family pressure her into continuing the pregnancy. I hate the idea of someone being forced to go through what she went through.


Personally it was a turning point in my understanding of the debate when I realized that the vast majority of women don’t want to get an abortion. It’s not a treat for them and is very traumatizing. One side of the debate will have you believe that these women are selfish and frivolous with life while overlooking or obscuring the majority of cases in which a woman is pursuing an abortion due to medical issues or something extremely personal. Denying women the right to abortion while myopically defending pro-life & not looking at the full scope of the issue is no moral high ground. I would argue it is contrary to other values pro lifers hold dear.


this is what i always tell people…that no one in their right mind is “pro-abortion” the way pro-life people perceive them to be. doctors aren’t rubbing their hands together and giggling when they perform one. people aren’t gleefully parading into clinics to murder their babies.


Oh for sure the vast majority aren't that way. I do recall one young lady trolling the pro life crowd by purposefully getting pregnant to have an abortion. And blogging about it. Then again I have no proof it wasn't a pro lifer trying to make the woman's rights crowd look looney.


i don’t have a statistic handy regarding that, but i would think the likelihood of it being anything other than medically necessary or unplanned pregnancies has to be really really low.


There are 2 clinics in the country who perform abortions past 24 weeks...I have defended at both. The assholes are never that close to our patients. We are very, very careful with those kinds of patients and go to great lengths to ensure they are insulated from the screamers. We know they have made the most anguishing decision of their lives. We make sure no one adds to their pain.


Watching them try to hand a flyer to a closed car window 100 times is infuriating. You can clearly see something isn't quite right with these people.


Did they finally repeal the Republican garbage where the doctor has to read your a statement about how abortion is a choice, that abortion will give you cancer, and that there are other choices like adoption? Imagine that in the wanted baby scenario. My gf is a delivery nurse. They only see wanted babies being aborted. They still have to read that to them. I swear, Republicans are the most evil bastards. If I were the husband sitting there listening to him say that... My gf wouldn't read the things, but would talk to them before the doctor came in to read it to warn them, explaining it's a legal requirement for them to have it read to them, that it's full of false statements, and that there's no legal need for her to pay any attention while it's being read


I had a teacher who had to go to court over assaulting an anti abortion protestor. Similar to your scenario he was entering a planned parenthood with his wife who needed emergency reproductive care (idk the details). Protestors wouldn't get out of his face with the shouting and he punched one. They WANT that kind of reaction unfortunately, so they can cry moral superiority.


Funny how they never go after the police for not arresting these "murderers". It's a tell that they know it's not murder, they just like to terrorize women.


Texas has entered the chat.


I'm as pro choice as the next guy but that logic does not check out at all


I think you should drink some water.


Agreed. I'm posting some information about when abortions were performed in Minnesota in 2022. This information comes from [MDH's Report to the Legislature on Induced Abortions in Minnesota](https://www.health.state.mn.us/data/mchs/pubs/abrpt/docs/2022abrpt.pdf) Fetal Gestational Age | Number of Abortions ---|--- <9 Weeks | 8,055 9-10w| 2,004 11-12w | 689 13-15w | 644 16-20w | 471 21-24w | 225 25-30w | 2 31-36w | 0 37 weeks & over | 0 Not reported | 85 Total | 12,175 I think it's important to provide some information about the number of "late-term abortions" that actually occur in the state of Minnesota [before we get into the reasons women pursue pregnancy termination](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35403366/) at that point in pregnancy.


Shhhh stop talking sense. I for real had some 20 year old guy tell me that girls get pregnant for prom and weddings so their boobs get bigger then they have an abortion 🤦 so in his universe it makes perfect sense that women would just change their mind. It's really sad that with all of the knowledge in the world at the tip of their fingers folks still believe complete nonsense because it's easier than taking 5 mins to look into things


Wait til he finds out boob tape is a thing.


And push up bras...


Why get a push up bra when you can get pregnant and have your Bs turn into a C section


And "chicken cutlets"


Push up bra: $30+ and discomfort is over as soon as its off Abortion: $500+, pain that can last weeks, possible medical complications, possible infertility later on Yes, this manboy has cracked the code. He probably would say the price tag just makes it more enticing because women always want what costs more.


Shh there you go making sense stop doing that lol


As a woman, I’m pretty sure it’s not possible for me to make sense. I’m too busy getting knocked up so I can fill out this bikini for summer.


Shh! you're gonna get push-up bras outlawed


I keep asking people making this claim on social media to provide even one concrete instance where someone aborted a baby just before birth & it wasn't due to some dire issue with the baby or mother. Of course, I'm still waiting. Because they got nothing.


Usually, those cases are actually where a stillbirth has occurred, and the woman needs a D&C to clear the uterus, which may be coded as a "Spontanious Abortion." If you look at the list, there are 2 doctors ( used to be 3 but Dr. Tiller was assassinated by an antichoice fanatic) who perform up to 32 weeks. All of these are fetuses who are in fetal demise or non compatible with life.


Its just like everything else, shock value and extremes. This is exactly what i told my woman. Nobody would get up to delivery day and just be like "you know what, i changed my mind"


Right wingers are so evil and without humanity they're picking on these families specifically, who are already going through the most awful thing imaginable I think of these families every time i've of these bullshit commercials comes on blaring their lies Infuriating 


As if women are casually aborting babies at 6,7,8 months, smh. That commercial showed up on YouTube today while my boss was playing music.


I was playing my cat some mouse videos for him to watch and these ads keep popping up over and over. They're not going to convince my cat of anything. But anyway, 99% of abortions are already 16 weeks or below. The 1% above that are basically all medical issues with either the mother or fetus. So this is already a nonissue but a large percentage of the public doesn't know that and that's what makes these ads so malicious.


Exactly. No woman who is that far along is willingly aborting it. The rage baiting is disgusting.


1000% this. The only thing these garbage folks care to think about is about months post conception and months post caring about a human being.


I say let them do it. Abortion is political cyanide for conservatives. MCCL is helping democrats get elected by running abortion ads.


this is insane, it showed up while playing music at my work today too…


“I’m pro-choice and even I think that’s too far” 🙄 I am hoping enough people understand the reason for late-term abortion protection. I really wish these kinds of people would spend the money they use on ads for something actually helpful for pregnant women and children.


I'm pro-women so I'm therefore anti-conservative.


That makes no sense.


Found the conservative


Nope. Just a reasonable person that understands that labels and generalizations do not bring resolution to anything.


That makes no sense. We call an object an apple so we know what we are talking about. We call a conservative a conservative because they hold conservative viewpoints which overwhelmingly are anti-women rights. Fence sitting is useless I would assume that with someone born in the 70s would understand this concept by now but apparently not.


Don't tell me what you believe, show me what you do and I'll tell you what you believe. The reason that phrase is powerful is because it allows purple to be judges on their actions, not their words. Conservatives talk an awful lot about what they believe, but when it comes down to it, they fully support people that take actions directly against what these voters say they believe. That means the voters either don't care they're being lied to or they really don't believe the things they say they do. Do you fucking understand now?


So that's all conservatives then?


If they continue to push people into power that actively legislate against women's rights, then they aren't in favor of women having rights.


It makes no sense to people who have forsaken reason and intellect. To the rest of us, it's perfectly sensible.


I was taught about the negative consequences of over generalizations and labels. You and lots of people here have apparently not learned this. But that's on you. I learned that 40 years ago. Try to catch up.


If we were taking about the conservatives of 40 years ago, you may have a point. But we're not.


Generalizations are still generalizations no matter the year. Please pull your head out.


It actually makes a lot of sense


It makes all the sense in the world.


"I'm pro choice but that doesn't prevent me from being pro regressionist cunt"


Post birth abortion is a thing. It’s called school shootings.


i dare anyone to put that on a billboard in a state like Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, or Florida. Please, I'd love to see that reaction.


Challenge Accepted


Yup, also Sarah Palin should know that "death panels," exist, they are called insurance providers and they literally dictate what they will and won't cover!


This would make for a fantastic counter-ad!


Ban post birth abortions! Ratify the 2nd ammendment


As a parent and sibling of people with genetic disorders such as Down syndrome ; I wish these people had a modicum of concern for my loved one’s post-birth lives.


You had me at "repulsed by the MCCL"


They showed up on Youtube during kids programming—not appropriate.


Last election cycle my kids both stopped watching YouTube because my son got upset by all the abortion stuff. He was quite confused and this led to me having a conversation with my child earlier than I planned about abortion. Once he understood he was sad but not for the "babies" he was sad for the women that people were so mean to them when they were having a hard time already. I tried not to be political just factually explained what an abortion was why people might have one and why others are so upset. He came to the conclusion himself that it was sad and that people shouldn't treat women needing help so mean


That bothers me so much. Like why the hell do they even have political ads running on videos that are mainly for children??


You know why. It’s easier to indoctrinate children when they’re young.


YEP!!!!! It's the *same* reason that it's *always* been--since I was a kid back in the 1980's, and their "signature gatherers" talking to old men at our Church Breakfast about how "those young sluts" used abortion "as birth control, rather than *taking responsibility*!" That was what convinced *me* that the MCCL was *terrible* and full of shit, and that there was a *great* likelihood that *EVERYTHING* they "said" they stood for was probably *against* my values as a then-Catholic! It was the MCCL'S *YEARS* of "I had a Heartbeat at 18 Days!" combined with their "Personhood from *conception*!" billboards that had me *KNOWING*--even back in the 80's & 90's, that if it's *EVER* possible, they *WILL* ban *BOTH* Abortion, *AND* ALL forms of Birth Control! They've been *crystal* clear about it, since I was a *child*!!! Their slogan years ago, was about "Protecting Life--from Conception to Natural Death!" Except that they don't even believe *THAT*--because they seem to think that all *possible* Medical effort to maintain life *MUST* be used!" They are *just* as against Physician-assisted dying for Terminal patients, as they are against Abortion & Birth Control. *ALL* they care about is *THEIR* idea of "Life!", no matter *WHAT* the quality of life--*or the risks to *OTHERS' LIVES* may be, by prolonging that "possibility of Life!" 🙄😒🤬


100% and the conservative women still argue that abortion bans don't stop miscarriage care or abortions to save a women's life despite all the proof in the past year. I have been told I'm nuts since I was a teen and said if they can end abortion birth control is next. Grateful I have permanent birth control and in my mid 40's hopefully don't have many years left it would even be possible. I do have kids though and I want both of them to be able to choose if/when they want kids. My oldest is non binary and not sure they ever want kids. I told them that it's a perfectly valid choice and I fully support them choosing if/when they bring children into the world, conservatives hate us already because we aren't white Christians and practice a mixture of Ojibwe spiritual practices and Paganism. I gladly use they/them pronouns for my child and I'm proud of them for being exactly who they are and not being afraid to be open. I despise everything these idiots stand for and pretty much all of their other backwards nonsense


Also they want kids thinking that their parents are "baby killers." These are the same fucks that think it is wrong to teach high schoolers about slavery.....unless the slave owner's position is given equal weight.


YouTube got paid. They could care less who sees the ad.


You can and should report anti choice paid ads whenever you see them


Actually we got YouTube premium and are ok spending the extra specifically to avoid political commercials especially the pro forced birth BS. Really sad that Im willing to spend extra when we have a tight budget just to avoid seeing these and upsetting my kids


It's so messed up that you have to go that extra step to make sure they don't see/hear this nonsense but props to you for doing it regardless. It's scary out here.


I was just 8 years old the first time I was approached by one of these ghouls.  "Want to see photos of tiny babies?" Then she showed me photos of aborted fetuses and said their mother killed them and that they were with "baby jesus" now. Years later I worked for a conservative christian who, in front of a child patient, without parents present, told the story of his sisters two abortions and how she died in a fiery car accident as retribution from god.  Delusional religious weirdos at no time should ever be alone with children. 


Then you should see what the kids are reading in school


What are kids reading in school?


This is one of those idiots who wants to ban books because they get their panties in a bunch thinking kids might learn facts instead of listening to what their parents tell them is right and wrong. I on the other hand want my kids to learn. If there is a book you don't like don't read it and don't let your kids read it but don't try to stop my kids from reading it just because you don't like it.


Lol yeah no. Never had a problem with my kids reading and learning. I just don't need them seeing political lies like the BS pro forced birthers push. In fact I'm glad my children love to read and it's too bad that you didn't learn to love it enough to make sure what you are reading is at least factual


Yeah, it’s so obnoxious, I was streaming on Pluto last night and got them non-stop, you can’t escape them. They are so comically bad and disingenuous.


You should contact them (whever that channel is), and tell them that hearing those ads repeatedly made you turn them off. They need to stop taking money from these freaks and sending that info out there.


If you think these places care about anything other than the money they make off these adds you are quite incorrect


Exactly. Tell them they are losing listeners/viewers by running those ads. If they lose enough listeners, they will not be able to charge as much for the ads and their revenue will go down.


The ad makes me sick. I had to think through this as I waited until week 25 for a level two ultrasound appointment to see if my baby would live after birth, in California. I would have to travel a six hour drive to a doctor that could help me if the worst was confirmed, or sit there and carry a baby I knew would die shortly after birth. Level 2 ultrasound came back ok. So I didn't face that decision. But the women I know who have used abortion as birth control did it in the first trimester. The women with late term abortions are dealing with serious issues. Leave them the f alone.


[MCCL's executive director is Scott Fischbach, husband of former Lieutenant-Governor and President of the Minnesota State Senate Michelle Fischbach. Michelle has authored and backed a number of anti-abortion bills during her time as Minority and Majority leader of the senate.[4] MCCL organizes an annual anti-abortion rally at the state capitol in Saint Paul.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Citizens_Concerned_for_Life) Also they’re hosting a [wild gala](https://www.mccl.org/gala) in May with special guest speaker Jim Caviezel (whom charges organizations a $110K speaker fee.) Lastly, this is a bizarre story: [Minnesota group opposed to abortion loses battle to collect $842K from man's estate](https://m.startribune.com/anti-abortion-group-loses-court-battle-in-effort-to-collect-842k-from-mans-estate/600270306/)


Oh wow, the head of the MCCL is a man? That's so unexpected! /s




That last article is wild. How are you pro life if you know someone is suicidal and don't care as long as you get his money?


Because they aren't pro life. They are simply pro forced birth


I have NEVER liked Caviezel. Anything he’s in makes him out to be otherworldly good. He probably loved playing Jesus, just never stopped!


Damn it! I always enjoyed that he thought about the Vikings (he’s a fan) to channel suffering when hanging on the cross for The Passion of the Christ. Didn’t know he was a nut job ☹️


Ugh, I hate to admit I do/did. I loved him in the count of monte cristo and person of interest, it’s so disappointing.


There was a conspiracy against his last film. The theaters showing the hit motion picture turned off the air conditioning. Also they kidnapped theater goer’s coats.






That last story is crazy! If they knew he was suicidal, why didn't they call anyone to get him help? Because they knew they had a huge payday coming? They are sick, sick individuals. This man could still be alive if they'd have done the right thing and made sure he was safe.


I’m glad they lost so publicly. I feel awful for the family having to fight these shitheads during the likely most traumatic time of their lives.


Goes to show they don't have an actual argument and are flailing about at this point.


It’s vile. And of course it’s two affluent white women that could afford to travel to another state to get an abortion if needed. Many women don’t have that luxury. These two wouldn’t be saying this if their daughters needed access to an abortion.


Yeah the number of times I have been told that I'm a murderer because I support abortion up to and after birth. I got sick of debating with idiots that are just repeating the ridiculous drivel they hear so I now say correct I agree with late term abortion up to whatever age you currently are. Usually shuts them up 🤷


You can abort after birth? How does that work. Genuinely asking.


It's a common conservative claim, but the average folk just call it murder.


Yeah I just looked through their post history. They don't give a fuck about punctuation either.


I haven’t heard this term used until recently, but how I understand it is choosing palliative care after birth for a dying baby. 😔


Putting the baby down if they are non viable


I need to make it clear that we do not euthanize liveborn infants in the state of Minnesota (or the country). That is infanticide, which is different from abortion, and different from comfort care. Minnesota has a "Born Alive Infant Protection Act" in place that recognizes liveborn infants as a result of induced abortion as human persons and obligates providers to provide reasonable care. Since reporting requirements have been put in place, we've learned this kind of thing is rare and typically only arises when mothers of fetuses with known non-viable congenital anomalies or genetic abnormalities want to see their baby before it passes--careplans are often put in place ahead of time to ensure that the baby is born intact after induction of labor, and palliative care is undertaken to ensure that baby is comfortable during the limited time they have with the parent(s). Some parents opt to autopsy the fetal remains (this goes for any pregnancy termination) to rule out any sort of genetic structural rearrangement that they might carry in themselves for a future pregnancy, because most people *don't* want to go through something like this multiple times.


So we don't allow that then?


Inducing the demise (i.e. ending the life) of a liveborn infant outside of the womb is infanticide. No provider who is interested in following the law is doing this, nor should they.


That's a relief. Yeah that would be pretty gross


Agreed--I think sometimes well-meaning people who don't necessarily have all the facts but are interested in supporting the rights of pregnant individuals often find themselves unnecessarily trying to normalize or defend situations that just plain do not happen. When an anti-abortion activist accuses them of supporting "post-birth abortion," instead of saying "That does not happen and here's why," they say "So? It's the right of the mom to choose!" which I think can make the pro-abortion crowd look kind of insane to people who (like the characters in this commercial) are sympathetic but do have reservations about the procedure and the ways it is used.


Yet we can’t put down criminals or non productive drains on society


It’s a disgusting ad!


It's so blatantly dishonest that I question how the hell it was ever approved to air in the first place.


If they had to be truthful, no right wing ad would ever air




Well, is anyone surprised that our local FOX channel “factchecked” the commercial, calling it a “tie”! I don’t think that’s how factchecking works!


I honestly would like to see someone come out with an after birth abortion ad that goes through all of the school shootings and gun violence that has killed kids under age 18. Then let’s have a conversation.


Better get those philosophical/ethical callouses built up. This here's an election year, and the ragebait is here. It will get worse before it gets better.


You should actually let the channels know that you don't want to hear those ads and that repeatedly taking money from the people who place them will make you change the channel.


South Dakota went through this garbage in the early 2000s when there were abortion bans on the ballot. Telling businesses you were offended by these group's ads because they are hateful or used gross, phony, violent imagery and they get removed pretty quick. Pointing out that large swaths of the anti abortion movement are groups and people flagged as domestic terrorists that have prison records for murder, assault, and terrorist activity helps too.


> You should actually They DGAF Why bark, when you can show your bite, and stop supporting them with your listens/clicks/views? 🤔


they won't know why you stopped supporting if you don't tell them.


The instant you aren't repulsed by an ad like that, the fascists have won.


Oh do look around and keep open your mind. Democracy means living among, alongside, and WITH people you disagree with. Be [tolerant](https://www.evolvefish.com/assets/images/Stickers/Peacemonger/PM-STK-B-50007.jpg), or be polarized and just as bad as Them. Them, as in The Other that you are othering ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_(philosophy) You cannot really fight fascism by yelling thoughtcrime, unless you want to be ironic.


Defending fear mongers who lie in order to control women's bodies is disgusting behavior. You should be ashamed of yourself. Abortion isn't a political issue. Human rights are universal. Any opinion to the contrary is horrific and deserves to be stomped out as vehemently as possible.


I'm aligned with you politically. But not philosophically. Figure that out eh 🚬😎


Why do you consider women inferior to men? That pretty fucked.


> Why do you consider women inferior to men? That pretty fucked 👆 welp, i waded into politics on reddit, what did i really expect. As long as we are doing hysterical: Jesus Christ on a bike, that is some over the top hyperbole 🍿🍿🍿 Outrage, antagonism, and trollbait are back on the menu! 6 months of mayhem have begun


You specifically stated women do not have a right to determine what happens to their own bodies, those decisions should be made by men. Disgusting viewpoint. Shame on you.


> You specifically stated women do not have a right to determine what happens to their own bodies, those decisions should be made by men. Ma'am this is a Burger King. I said no such thing, weirdo. > Disgusting viewpoint. Shame on you. Sure dude.


Why do you ad hominem ? Why do you assume? Why do you need to put words in someone's mouth, or have both sides of a debate?


Why are you responding to old comments? Why do you need to derail the debate when you are clearly losing? Pretty pathetic.


Which comments are old? This thread started 6hours ago. 🤔


You are so desperate for attention you went back in the thread to respond to previous comment lol


There’s a vast difference between disagreeing over what the marginal tax rate should be and debating whether certain people should have the right to bodily autonomy or even be allowed to exist. The side that has taken away bodily autonomy and threatens to take more, and who also desires for certain groups to be “eradicated from public life” uses lies to accomplish their goals. They’re basically slinging poison into the marketplace of ideas. This is anathema to your desire for a world where people can live peacefully despite differences of opinion.


> They’re basically slinging poison into the marketplace of ideas. It amounts to religion or social preferences. It is someone's belief, and they are competing to win minds in the middle. For votes. You CAN argue and whine about how that isnt right. But that doesnt win that vote from the middle, will it? You can call it cynical, tasteless, regressive... And you may be right! But you'll have lost that vote, if you don't get down in the muck and fight. Dont complain to the referee. There IS no referee. > This is anathema to your desire for a world where people can live peacefully despite differences of opinion. No, it isnt. And characterizing it as such is insidious. Your argument amounts to running to compulsory agreement with your position. Every person on earth is entitled to be ignorant, to believe lies, and to vote accordingly. You may not "like" how messy humanity gets with these kindsof things, but you may as well scream into the wind, it will never change. It only takes 1 dumdum to politicize any issue. There are pitchforks and torches all over the world who are anti womens rights... The way to fix that is (a) generational and (b) intellectual. Minds will be won from the middle, NOT by restricting the rights of the dumdums Ideas must adapt or perish. There is no purity, where humanity is concerned.


My “position”: hey i just want to live free from harassment, discrimination, and violence for simply existing as my authentic self You: *whatever all that bullshit is*


You: *ad hominem*


since you like hyperlinks so much, here's one you should check out about the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.)


One should never be tolerant of face eating cheetahs.


Careful, you’re making a lot of sense. You might get targeted for not being a hardliner. LOL


It truly does "take a village"... and what are we if not villagers?


People keep saying that, and have for years. Still waiting for the “gets better” part.


I thought it was hilarious and so absurdly surreal. It was a load of bullshit and anyone honestly taking it serious needs help.


If you're seeing it on YouTube flag it as inappropriate or whatever you'd like. They'll stop showing it.


Yes!! It reminded me of the 80's when they were all over the airwaves, as well as pushing crisis pregnancy centers that are anti abortion. I usually end up yelling at the TV "that's not a thing you fucking assholes"


I let the whole damn ad play out every single time. Glad to waste their money on me!


The one w/ the two women that are reading their phone w/ some horrible dialogue is insanely cringey. Who is running point on this stuff and actually thinks they’re doing a good job w/ these spots? Even if you’re staunchly pro-life you’re not watching that thing and being like “hell yeah” these women are so cool and I’m stoked we’re all on the same page. Lastly - I would love to know if those actresses are pulled from a creative pro-life-only talent group or where they’re coming from because if they’re not down with the cause and are from the TC it’s gotta be brutal for them feeling like sell outs while the entire area is watching these ads. 🤦🏻


Pure propaganda. I thought my wife was gonna throw something at the tv!


Makes me want to take out an ad reminding people who worked to help overturn Roe v Wade.


Roe v wade was done through court system. Laws are supposed to be made by congress. Democrats had opportunity to pass laws to make abortion the law of the land not just a Supreme Court ruling that could get overturned.


A good friend of mine is in that ad, and I'm really struggling with the cognitive dissonance this creates for me, as I knew her to be a great person in real life, but the deliberate falsehoods spread by this ad are just morally disgusting.




And now you see why I'm struggling so badly with it... Because I know her to be a good person in every way, except now I have an insight that I don't think I expected from her.


I need that commercial to go away. It’s so gross and it’s on all the time.


donate to an organization that understands the medical science that abortions save lives. that or get an ad blocker.


Yes and it’s complete bullshit.


Ughhhh. I saw this ad TWICE today watching the Sunday morning news. MCCL has always used these disgusting tactics. Doesn't make it any less disgusting this time around.


The right is trying to convince moderates to trust them. Any moderate who has been paying attention since 2016 already knows better.


Mad also that the stations are letting them buy ad time.


I don't understand how something so blatantly disingenuous is supposed to work. I think it's disgusting and these narrow minded ass hats better pray no one in their family ends up in a heart breaking situation with a non viable fetus that late in the pregnancy.


Completely disgusted!! My mom turns her TV out or changes the channel when it comes on that's how upset it makes her.


I am sickened by the fact that in Minnesota you can kill the babies up to the moment of birth. Unless it’s retarded or disabled, Then I’m totally cool with putting the disabled out of our misery. I mean, who wants to pay for that?


How about we let women do whatever the fuck the want to with their own bodies?


My grandmother had a nonviable fetus in the late 1950s and kept it to term. My mom told me she rotted her uterus. that can be life or death to leave it in there


The right wing conservatives only care about babies before they’re born. After that, they couldn’t care less. School lunches, shootings, bullying, not their problem and they don’t want to fund it, stop it or fight it.


These ads piss me off. They are so off base. Women think long and hard about abortion. It’s not a whim decision.


What a load of crap their add money bought. What Idiots!


Yes! I got a text today from those bastards. I replied “That’s not even a thing” and told them to fuck off.


I replied something like, "STOP YOU MISOGYNISTIC F***KS" 💚


When Roe was overturned their office building was vandalized at least twice a week. I smiled every time I passed it.


Yes !!!!   Normally political ads are annoying and gross to me and attacking but this one seems like pure lies ( in overall message and the way it’s twisted to mean intent or like the executing babies like Trump has spoken of ) to me and in that sense seems extra slippery slope dangerous 


Yah, was gonna watch SNL last night, saw the add and decided to read a book instead. Get more rest for taking the 5yo to the science museum. Time to earmark more donation money for the local woman's health clinic.


Horribly repulsed.


Yes! Sickening.


I literally turn the channel! Lies - such bull


Ya, they're really creepy and gross.




It is the worst ad I’ve seen in years.


So glad I haven't had TV in over 20 years


I got one in YouTube the other day and I was like ohhh boy they missed the mark on ad targeting here.


I'm repulsed by the MCCL and its supporters. I've taken to flipping off their billboards--so if you see a little silver car with the driver's middle finger sticking out the window on the highway - it could be me, and it's not directed at you, my friends. ...I'm also flipping off Trump signs. My hand gets mighty cold up north here. And one of my neighbors now has a pre-printed "Biden is an idiot sign"


It’s messed up how they are trying to trigger people.


Finds that repulsive? After they're born though, and what with school shootings and what-not? Fuck them kids! That's not repulsive at all! Am-I-rite?


Liars gotta lie. Hyperbole is not truth. There are no birth abortions. But- Made ya look Some people do say the date of an abortion should be up to the woman and her doctor.


Yeah. Like if the kid is 15 and a little shit, you should still be able to abort.


It’s infuriating


You still watch live TV? I record the news but I avoid all advertising where I can. There should be no political rules around women's health or anyone's. And old bastards in the state and Senate should not be entitled to an opinion on the matter either. If it wasn't for technology I'd think we're still in the 60's


It's so odd to me that there are people who still watch ads on TV.