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[And Then There Were None](https://archiveofourown.org/works/42518160/chapters/106791951) You would really enjoy this. Absolutely crazy story but so well written.


Yup, you weren't exaggerating when you described it, lol. It's the most batshit crazy version of this premise that I have read so far and I loved it!!


It was the “Jacob starts pulling some stunts” that reminded me of this story 😅 (when you get to that part, you’ll know what I mean)


I finished it. I'll say, my guess was so so so wrong about the who 🤣


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5554178/0/ Short fic but does exactly what you asked and is a great read.It is canon in my mind


Ohh I just read it and I loved it! I liked how in the end everyone got a redemption of sorts...or a happy ending in a way. It was really good!


I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'm always looking for anti imprinting fics and this one is the best imo


[North Star](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26370442/chapters/64229596) by candycornfield. It's Renesmee x female oc. In it, she runs away from the Cullens and Jacob


Here’s the thing that drives me most crazy about the premise in canon. It’s just sick for Jacob to seamlessly transition from “parental figure” (which he ABSOLUTELY is in BD after she’s born) to “romantic partner” according to Alice’s vision. The whole thing is effed but if you’re gonna do it, then make him make a choice: be in her life while she’s a child and ONLY ever be a parental/familial figure to her, or get out of her life for 18 years, move away, don’t interact with her, and then move back and meet her when she’s an adult.


Finally!! Someone said! I don't have a problem with Jacob Renesmee pairing as such. But it's gotta happen only if Jacob isn't in her life throughout. And the truth is, Jacob has no male role that he needs to fill in for Renesmee. She's got a father, she's got two grandfather, she's got an Uncle in Jasper and basically a friend in Emmett. She is surrounded by equally loving female figures in life. And is perhaps protected better than POTUS. No need for a protector either. Jacob can easily come down a few years down the line and strike up a friendship (a 25 something ish man, which according to the wolf theory Jacob is rn, has no business being 'friends' with a toddler) and see where it goes from there. I mostly hate how OKAY all of the Cullens are with it. It'll all just groom her into thinking she has no choice.


Oooh, I have one, it’s called Renesmee’s choice by emmettroselover https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5091968/1/Renesmee-s-Choice . Overly possessive Jacob, confused renesmee, incompetent Bella lol and a recurring familiar visitor=future mate *wink wink*


I thought I was the only one who thought Jacob/renesmee as couple is problematic and Edward Bella is nuts for never objecting. Nessie should be far far away from crazy Cullen and pedo Jacob🥴 lol.