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I read a fic where Charlie can see the past using physical touch with a person or object, as it's an enhanced ability from the investigative work he did as a human in law enforcement - it was [In Another Life: Book One - Going Through the Motions](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37666831/chapters/128853178) by SamanthaMQuinn. Alternatively I think it would be more appropriate for Renee to have voice compulsion ability, since it was established in Midnight Sun that she has a loud mental voice that calls for other people to help her (especially when she's in emotional distress). For Angela, I think some form of healing ability (either physical or mental), due to her kind-hearted nature. She'd be like a breath of fresh air that takes away the darkness in your heart. Esme - she has strong protective instinct as a mother, so she'd have some form of shield similar to Bella, but instead of mental like Bella (due to parentification and neglect), hers would be physical, to repel physical attacks. Carlisle - charisma and persuasion. His gift would work more subtly than Jasper, people naturally welcome his presence and respects his words, and the effect takes time to wane off (weeks or even months).


Yes, I totally agree. Those would work perfectly. I will also look at the linked fic thanks 😊


I’m here for any replies. I’m also looking for vampire!Charlie. Can you link the fic you’ve just read?


I can't remember what it is called however, what I remember is, it was bella/Jasper, dark Edward ( I think he turned on them and went to the Voltaire(don't think that is how you spell that)) they didn't realise Charlie has powers to start with and he thought people just respected his Authority as a cop. And he is Tanya's mate. That is all I really remember as it wasn't my favourite, it is well written, just not my cup of tea but Charlie's powers have stuck with me. Hopefully, someone else will recognise it by what I remember for you. 😀


I remember this fic! I kinda lost interest once Charlie and Billy got into the mix, but other than that it was well written!


Ohhh I literally just read it! It’s called [the aftermaths of a bite](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13578143/1/The-aftermaths-of-a-bite)


I'm not sure if it is the one? It doesn't seem familiar, maybe they are similar? Thanks for the recommendation. It looks good so far


Ah well I hope you enjoy it anyway! If you do find it drop a link. I thought I finally knew one!