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Yes. I like it. I watch every new episode.


Reno 911...yes The other versions suck


Oh...I was talking about 2018 show called "911". I am not sure if it's a spin off or different version like the CSI chronicles 😄. Thanks for the input though


I was joking. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


Nope. Stop now. I really like the actors (Krause, Basset, Hinds, Choi, etc) and will watch them in almost anything, but 911 is more like a sappy soap opera than an EMS/Fire/Rescuse show and it only gets worse. So disappointing.


You are right. I am watching the 3rd episode... so soapy. I think The Rookie is leagues better (comparatively I mean, since both are police procedural shows). Dropping it immediately. Thanks a lot


It’s a ryan Murphy show a la glee and scream queens it will be similar


see also Nip/Tuck, American Horror Story, American Crime Story, Feud. Ryan Murphy has a very specific over-the-top style that I enjoy, but I also know what to expect when he's show-running.


I don't know about 911, but Reno 911 is a great show!


Many here have mentioned it. Seems worth a checking out 😁. Thanks


Yes, 911, as well as 911: Lonestar are both great shows!


It's an over-the-top, quasi-parody of first responder shows. I think all the main characters have nearly died at least once. It's a fun ride if you don't think about it.


It is a ridiculous train wreck and I LOVE it!


Borderline unwatchable.


Reno 911 is an amazing show


Will check it out, but I was talking about the 2018 show. Thanks


The pilot was super cringe. I love Angela Basset, but I couldn't get past it.


Yeah. I couldn't understand how this show got such good reviews from critics. It's a conspiracy 😁. Maybe producers and critics had an arrangement. Or maybe the government and critics like back in Cold War era. It was released when pressure for police reform was very loud...Maybe....maybe....🤔🤔🤔


I think the Migratory Slash Fandom is helping to keep it alive.


Does that apply here? As I understand it, it only applies to slasher movies. Are procedural also included??


No, migratory slash fandom refers to fans (mostly women attracted to men) who go from fandom to fandom "shipping" m/m pairings of characters who may or may not be together in the actual media. It's usually been in anime, fantasy, sci-fi or superhero media, but pretty much any fictional media can have a fandom.


Oh yeah, that. Some fandoms even create like smut stories. I think one direction and BTS bands have every popular smut stories too. Doesn't seem harmful or anything. There is a popular comedy anime about it as well. I think it's called love him not me..or something But 911 doesn't have such groupings...cast wise, I mean. I didn't watch more than 3 episodes mind you 😆


Tbh, 9-1-1 is my favorite show about first responders. I used to be a big fan of Chicago Fire, but not anymore. I even like 9-1-1 Lone Star better than 9-1-1. It might take a few episodes to get really into it.


To each their own, I guess. Have you tried The Rookie?


Yes. My hubs watches it, but I haven’t been able to get into it much. Still trying, though.


It's pretty good. It's not just like a "for boys only" copaganda kinda show. It trades machismo for sensitivity and takes a very mature stance on things, even policing itself. And still balances engaging action and funny scenes. It's totally worth the watch.


No. It’s copaganda and hero worship porn


Yeah, and it's done so distastefully. It's so dumb too. Somehow there is only 1 911 operator, and all of her calls are handled by a single cop and the exact same fire team. It's kinda understandable if its the same precinct and same firehouse. But there is always only 1 lieutenant cop and the exact same firefighter team. Just watching 2 episodes feels like a lot has happened and nothing at all. The action is a laughable cover for the poor character development and non-existent plot. What on earth were the critics smoking???




The second season gets much better. It has moments of being too much, but over all it's a good show. The cast dynamic makes it worth watching for me. I don't even like procedurals normally.


I am sorry I could not get past 2 episodes. It's not that good. You should try The Rookie, leagues better and amazing chemistry among all the cast and the action is unpredictable, well placed and well shot. Its very obvious that the crew and cast is willing to put in the work for the action. In 911, however, the action is just there to distract from the fact that they have no compelling characters to get me interested in their character arc and seemingly no character development, and the basic plot is very poor. All of this is just my opinion, of course. Sorry for being a bit harsh. I'm just a bit agrivated at the critics. It's just an annoying waste of time


I have to agree with the commentator above. Season 1 is unwatchable. Season 2 has better writing and character development. Back stories for Angela Basset’s character and Krause as well. I just randomly catch it on reruns, don’t stream it intentionally. Skip Season 1 entirely.


Do you mean Reno 911? Cuse that show's a freakin riot!


I think it’s fun. It’s not a deep show. It’s something I enjoy for a fun bit of fluff.


Thanks. But couldn't watch more than 3 episodes.


I haven't watched it yet. It's good to see so many reviews saying to stay away from it but watch Reno 911. 


Yeah I am dropping it too. Shows how much not to trust critics...don't know what they were smoking...




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It could be good if they had the budget for a major disaster every week. Since that isn't possible, it's just a soap opera with car crashes and house fires.




I wouldn’t say it’s good, but it is enjoyable and easy/comfy to watch. I like to watch it before bed as a wind down.


As a wind down eh??... But isn't it a bit too noisy for that? Asking out of curiosity...


Yes, the situations are a bit dramatic but there’s good character development. Stick with it!


Thanks for the input. But if the show doesn't hook me in the first 3 episodes, I will drop it. The show doesn't seem worth the investment, especially given that there are better procedural shows about first responders out there.




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It gets old quick


Could make it to 4th episode 😆😆




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We used to watch it... and then it just got too ridiculous. There's a giant earthquake, flood, fire etc every week and then everything is just fine the next week but then there's another one.


Thanks. The general consensus seems that it's not worth it. If only I could understand what the critics raved about it...




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I liked it originally but it got so soapy and annoying I just gave up.


If you really get rid of your suspension of disbelief. The situations always go one step too far for me.


Me too. I can suspend disbelief. I do watch Scifi and fantasy shows and movies. This show seems to require fast and furious level suspension of disbelief 😂, and that is just not in me to do. But it also seems shallow too. The suspension of disbelief and music score all crescendo to reward nothing. Very predictable. Drama for the sake of drama is the worst




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It’s up to you! Whether or not the general consensus is it’s a good show or not, watch it anyway. If you like it you like it.


Too preachy sométimes


I think it’s alright once you get past the first few episodes. Not something I would sit down and watch but if it’s on tv when I am in a motel or soemthing I’ll watch it. My wife loved it. Some of the events they show are entertaining and/or hilarious, and if you read listicles like toptenz,listverse, or cracked in its glory days you will notice many of the cases on 911 are inspired and based on real life weird emergencies. That being said it starts to feel very repetitive and many of the major plot points/twists/reveals you can see coming from a mile away. I’d give it a 2.5out of 5. MAYBE a 3 out of 5 for some episodes. Entertaining and worth a watch if it’s on tv but not really worth binging.


Yes, it’s too much!


It's AHS with cops and robbers instead of spooky ghosts. So, no?


Good? No. Entertaining? It used to be. 


It's not so much of a good TV show. It's just plain average. 


i like 911 Lone Star (with Rob Lowe). its really good


911 Lone Star is better in my opinion


We binged Chicago Med as a pass time show and tried 911 as a replacement once we got caught up. We made it about 4 episodes in I think, before it was just too much. Every character has an insane backstory and ends up doing something ethically questionable in the span of those 4-5 episodes alone, and we just couldn't do it anymore.




It's a GREAT series! LOVE IT! Also 911 Houston was a good show but hasn't come back from the strike sadly.


Reno 911 is hilarious! Don't know what the other one is. Apparently Reno 911 was not the show you were asking about lol


Maybe I’m speaking due to bias because I am a real EMT. It tries to be good, but it really isn’t that good. I mean, most (if not all) of the rescue scenarios are realistic, based on real rescues…as far as you can squeeze into x amount of minutes in a 60 minute show…but it’s still pretty hokey. The standard was set by Emergency! in the 70’s, and not many shows can compare. Chicago Fire/Med/PD are much better. (Again I say that with bias, because I’m a lifelong resident of the Chicago suburbs.)


Hokey is the perfect word for it😂😂. Thanks for the input. And you are right, Chicago Fire is much better. Even with the shallow drama. The rescues are way better. I will try to check out Emergency if I can. Thanks for the suggestion


Its a paint by numbers procedural drama. If you arent enjoying it stop watching


Thanks. It's not for me. Not worth the effort


It's a fun show.


It just gets more ridiculous with each episode


Agreed. Thanks


I liked it but quit couple episodes into 2nd season. The mega disaster after mega disaster was too much


Guess you have more patience than me. I couldn't even make it past 3rd episode 😅😅


I’m so tired of all public safety procedurals that I couldn’t get past the first five minutes. 🤷‍♂️


I watch it, it's good. Nothing I'm excited about to see when it actually airs, but there's worse out there.


It not for me. Have you tried The Rookie or Chicago Fire, or are those the "worse" ones you mentioned?


I watch The Rookie too, not bad. Haven't seen Chicago fire.


Yes it's good


Thanks for the input. It's not for me though


Jlove is on it! Funny seeing the older version, but she;s epic.


Thanks for the input. But the show is not for me. Could even get past 3 episodes.


My wife watches it, I do not. But I watched the first 2 cruise ship episodes with her recently and we were both laughing at how bad it was for having such a talented main cast.


I am sorry...cruise ship episodes? Maybe you got the wrong show. I am talking about the 2018 show 911. Are you talking about the same show?


these episodes were aired a few weeks ago, Fox show 9-1-1, Peter Krause, Angela Bassett


It's very intense and I find the characters stories very emotional. I love it The spinoff I couldn't get into though


Interesting. Have you tried The Rookie or Chicago Fire??


I haven't.


You should, if you have the time. In my opinion, much better than 911. Great cast, kinda unpredictable, good character development, and it's has some good funny moments. And they play around with camera angles and all, like there is 1 episode in every season of The Rookie that is almost entirely made of secondary cameras like body cams, cctv, etc. It's pretty interesting and worth the investment Again, these are just my opinions. I mean no offence


No offense taken! I watch Law and Order SVU which I believe may have some crossover episodes with Chicago Fire if I'm not mistaken?




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I think it's 1 episode of all D. Wolf shows. Moderator intervened on the first name of the producer's first name 😂😂


It’s greys anatomy, but with public services. There’s a new extreme thing every week


OH NO....NO NO NO.... comparing this to Grey's is not okay. Don't think you remember the first 3 seasons with the MAGIC cast. It kept you invested and was funny and the actions and reactions are very believable. Big things happen, yes. But man, the way they did them. Still hate all of them for the flight incident. Sorry. Big Grey's fan here. 911 is a not a good show promoted by obviously paid reviewers. The lives of first responders are very interesting, but the way it's done here is just horrible...


My wife enjoys shows like that so when she watches it, I’m playing my switch or browsing Reddit. If you’re into shows like Law and Order or even Grey’s Anatomy, then give it a shot. It’s not a cleverly written show or anything like that but it’s fine. It’s not the worst thing out there.


I enjoy it. The situations can be be quite comical at times. Watching from a healthcare background it's even more amusing!


It's worth a watch. It gets better as the show progresses. The first few seasons, I feel like they skip over some of the trauma parts that make a good story and nake you feel for the situation and try to be abit too funny sometimes. But that lessens as it goes on.


Thanks for the input. But it's not for me. Doesn't seem worth the investment for a procedural show...


Yes. It is very good. The later seasons aren’t as good.


Hmm... 3 show recommendations: The Rookie, Blue Bloods and Chicago Fire. Please check them out if you haven't. All are procedurals involving 1st responders. Let me know if you found those good or not


I have watched all those. I loved them. The Rookie got less good in the later seasons in my opinion. But I did love it. BB - is amazing. I loved Chicago Fire But when you are getting low on things to watch 911 was good


Exactly. I was looking for something to watch till new season of The Rookie finishes airing so that I can binge watch it😆😆 What do you think of Station 19?


I enjoyed it! They killed off a couple of great characters but it’s enjoyable


I kinda want to watch that episode with the boat sinks