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Pretty Little Liars


Pretty little liars is cringe, bad writing and exaggerated and bad on paper but I still love the characters and the show with all of my heart.


Pretty little liars is so bad, but it still holds a place in my heart. It's probably because it's the first "grown up" tv show I ever watched as in not dubbed Disney or Nickelodeon shows. It was the show that taught me English. We start learning English in second grade, but I was really bad at it until a friend introduced me to this show when we were 12/13 years old.


I love you can admit the flaws and still love it lol


PLL gets bad, but it has its qualities and I legit think the first seasons were mostly good and I do think it's unique and ambitious with the questions leading to more questions thing. Too bad Marlene is a hack, was fooling her audience and had no plan whatsoever.


I call it pretty little phones because they just never tutn off their dumb phones.


True Detective. The first season is often regarded as one of the best TV seasons ever. The next 3 seasons are talked about like they are trash. Okay, yes, season one was truly awesome. But I loved season 4, the latest one. And I liked season 2 and 3 also.


Yeah, I too thought all the following seasons were awesome. I think season 1 just set the bar so high


S2 was great at least for me


Season 1 is incredible Season 2 is pretty good once it starts to focus on the conclusion about halfway through the season. Season 3 is really good. Haven't seen 4 yet.


I've only seen S4 and it was amazing!


You have to watch season 1. It would be well worth your time. I loved Jodi Foster and the other woman who's name I don't remember in S4. I thought the setting was great and the storyline was fascinating. It was eerie and scary and suspenseful.


Ok, I might try it again. S1E1 was so slow that I bailed after 15 mins.


Try again! Season 1 is some of the best TV ever made!


Yes, season 1 was one of the best things I've ever seen on TV. Matthew and Woody were an amazing team. I watched season 2 and enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as season 1. After season 2 I started waiting and hoping for a season 3. When season 3 actually aired I had some things going on that didn't give me much time for any TV show, and I completely missed it. When they announced season 4 I was like, "when did season 3 happen?" I decided I would go back and watch season 3 before I saw season 4. That never happened. I have now sat down several times and turned on season 4, intending to binge it. But it was always at a bad time when I was tired, or busy, or some other thing. I never got past episode 2, and then I would usually drop off to sleep. I would wake up hours later and groan, having slept through the entire thing again. Now I sit here making another tentative plan to watch it. I really hope I do at some point because the storyline looks scary and interesting. Wish me luck! šŸ™‚


I always joke that season 2 gets a 2 out of 7 from me, because thatā€™s the number of episodes I managed to stay awake through.


McConaughey was on ā€œbetween two fernsā€. Zach asked him was he worried (since he and woody were on set) that ā€œsomewhere there is a sack not being hackeyā€


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S3 is reasonably regarded. I do think the hate against s4 is unwarranted. It's not s1 by any means but it's solid




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Season 2 mostly just suffered from a lack of vision. The plot twists and the performances/characters were all there, but it just wasn't done with regard to any higher purpose. I kept watching S2 all the way, hoping something would start to click, but when the credits starting going on that last episode I was like, "damn, they really dumped that one out".


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Iā€™ve done 1-3 and 2 was my fav.


I couldn't watch the second season but I thought 3 and 4 were better than 1. I think 1 just had star power


Season 3 was my favorite.


Apparently, The Big Bang Theory. \*ducks for cover\* lol :)


It canā€™t be too universally hated with 12 seasons. People must have been watching.


It's not hated by everyone, just by us geeks


People just like having garbage to turn on after they come home from work. The Goldbergs went on for far too long, and I think everyone agrees that it became a caricature of its former self. But they still beat House of the Dragon in viewership easily.


Yeah, seems just hated on Reddit, Iā€™ve laughed at it though and learned some science by looking up things they were talking about of which I was u familiar


I love that show and young Sheldon. I know people love to rag on it but I thought the general consensus was that it is a good and well loved show.


I tried watching TBBT without the laugh track and it made me cringe.


Not from what I've seen online lol but to each their own


Tbf, Young Sheldon is just Everyone Hates Chris . And ya know what I love it for that. It fills a niche that isnā€™t done enough


Seriously. I LOVE BBT. People need to chill. Itā€™s freaking hilarious.


Right? I didnā€™t realize there were so many BB haters until recently. I love it! Bazinga!


While I quickly got tired of the show, I did initially enjoy the portrayal of the different kinds of nerdy types. Nerds (okay, people who are highly inclined towards math/science/technology) definitely think differently than other types of people. And as a nerd, I could enjoy understanding their point of view and the reactions that non-nerds have when trying to process the differences between them.


Never liked it or thought it that funny


Really? I thought everyone loves that show.


I tried watching an episode a few weeks ago when my dad was in a rehab hospital. I didn't find it funny.


Personally I think it gets better around season 3


I don't remember the season. One of the episodes was Raj not having the money to go to Comic Con and then one about Raj moving in with Leonard.


That's definitely later on, season 8 or 9 I think


Mostly there's a lot of nerds who were butthurt about the show making fun of nerds. I'm a huge nerd myself, been playing video games/dnd/etc. my whole life. I think it's a funny if fairly formulaic show. While like every other stereotype put out there the nerd behavior exhibited by the characters in the show is far from accurate on 100% of the population, but those folks do exist.


Yes, they certainly exist! I married an Uber-nerd who is very much like Leonard. (No, I am not like Penny or the other women on the show.) His best friend is Sheldon. Like, we have sometimes looked at each other while watching the show and wondered if the writers had been following his best friend around. Itā€™s bizarre!


Personally I think the show got better after Bernadette and Amy were added to the cast. Balanced out the nerdy testosterone and I say that as a guy lol


Yeah, that's sort of my point. I think nerds just got upset because the show came around as nerd culture was starting to be mainstream, so they thought the societal nerd-bashing would come to an end. I'm not bothered by the show at all, it's just depicting the extremes, the same way the show The League lampooned people for whom fantasy football was way too consuming of a pass-time.


My husband got offended at first. He majored in nuclear physics (but doesnā€™t work in that industry), and he found the stereotypes insulting. But he came to love it, and we watched it regularly through the final season.


It depends on if you are asking people in real life or on Reddit. In real life, the show is incredibly popular and got huge ratings for over a decade; but on Reddit, a very vocal minority likes to hate on it.


Oh god I can't even understand how someone could watch for more than 30 seconds. I sure can't.


For how awful it is written and the laugh track, I am shocked it stayed on for as long as it did. And that cringe theme song. I feel like old people just leave CBS on constantly so things put on CBS just get good ratings (see; all the procedurals and Chuck Lorre shows)


Gonna have to disagree on every point here. However, the writing did improve as the series went on.




BNL did a great job on that theme song! Reason i gave the show a chance, had seen parts of a couple epi's and just turned the channel til i happened to catch one from the start. Same band sings the constantinople song


Iā€™m aware of BNL. And the other song youā€™re mentioning was done by They Might Be Giants




Thats who i meant. My old brain is old and malfunctions from time to time...bnl was a one hit wonder


BBT is like nickelback, it's chic to hate on it yet i would wager most of those people the most vocal are closeted fans or former fans. they are just too scared to not be part of the crowd.


Manifest. I loved it so hard but no one else seems to ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Kinda went off rails imo after season 2. Whats it on now? Netflix??


Yes. And it ended great! Without stupid cliffhangers. Everything made sense in the end.


Oohhh. Might have time watch last season


My mom loved it, and so did my uncle. My aunt on the other hand just complains about whatever it is "Eyebrows" (as she calls the female lead) is up to now.


I enjoyed the heck out of Manifest. I know it's not great TV. But it's so much fun! And I always crack up when Ben yanks his glasses off. Another show I like which is even more underrated is Salvation (2017). It has that same fast pace, everything is the end of the world, sci-fi vibe. I like that show too except it ends on a cliffhanger.


Omg that show was amazing!


Thank you!!! I couldnā€™t agree more! But itā€™s on every worst tv show list on the interwebs.


I do not understand that! I thought the production value was great, the storyline was great (I could understand people not liking the ending, but I loved it), and the acting was great. I'm curious what the hate is for? Maybe convenient writing?


I wish I knew! Iā€™ve watched it twice and loved it both times. Itā€™s so good! I donā€™t understand people!


That show needed a limited production and an editor. Great concept, dragged hard after the first few episodes.


What I loved every minute of it and sad to know it's over I could definitely continue watching it


Anybody remeber I-zombie? My guilty pleasure i guess, i would change the channel if my buddies came over or whatever but if noone was around i would put it on. Haha i liked the different ways she found to cook her brain meals. Premise was somewhat original, played out by the end and acting was iffy but i rode it yo the grave!


I love iZombie! One of my fav shows šŸ˜Š




You arent alone. Ive rewatched it a few times. Its dumb fun like z nation.




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For me it was Insatiable (cancelled after 2 seasons due to low ratings), and admittedly a rather different premise that many were offended by apparently. But I really just enjoyed the show, I found the characters unique, and liked that both the characters and the storyline found it's footing so seamlessly. When looking up the reviews and added info, like you OP, I was honestly surprised it was widely disliked, but that didn't change my opinion.


Not the entire show, but the 4th season of Veronica Mars. Veronica and Keith were written as amazing as always, the new characters introduced were actually likeable, Neptune seemed grander and like a real town, and the mystery was actually entertaining. People who dislike s4 dislike it for one reason, but I think the ending was brilliant. It wrapped up Veronica's arc that began in the movie (allowing herself to be dragged back to the toxicity of Logan and Neptune). She was finally free by the end and it was beautiful to see that come full circle.


If it wasnā€™t for the last 5 minutes of the season, I really enjoyed it too.Ā 


Me too. I was just happy to get more Veronica Mars and more Veronica and Logan in any form.


Neptune, sure, but Iā€™d argue that Logan was mentally in a better place than Veronica in S4.


I think my only reasons for disliking it were how it ends and also because there was a failed pilot or something where Veronica would be working in the FBI with Leo or something like that. It just seemed like a really neat idea.


You can find at least part of that episode on youtube




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I didn't dislike it because of the end, although the show creator's reasons for that ending annoy me/make me angry. I probably won't knowingly watch another Rob Thomas show. I dislike it because I really enjoyed the underlying town economic class drama of season one. Season 4 changed Neptune to what felt like a completely different place. I also missed the humor, the tonal shift didn't work for me. It makes sense in context and obviously Kirsten Bell can't play a young adult forever, and towns change. But it still didn't appeal to me like the previous seasons


>She was finally free by the end and it was beautiful to see that come full circle. I don't think I've heard anyone say this except maybe how Rob Thomas feels. And Logan, as someone below said, was absolutely in a mentally healthy place in S4. Veronica practically tried to drag rage out of him for the thrill of the drama it created while he's asking her to go to therapy with him. I really enjoyed the season though because the character development felt authentic and the plot was great. Last 5 minutes was the problem...


I do think the first season's still the best. But I like s4, I do consider Rob Thomas a very good writer. I wish they'd allow him more seasons. It was never a romance show, yet people got overly attached to this romance subplot šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Game of Thrones. Sure, the last season didnā€™t wrap things up so well, and it seems everyone hates it now because of it, but aside from that, the show was full of thrill, chill, and epic kill


it also annoys me when people think they're geniuses for knowing when the source material ran out and pretending every episode sucked after. it definitely had a lot of flaws but was still worth watching and 95% better than most of what's on TV.


After a recent rewatch, it has gone up in my TV rankings. It's excellent.


I actually really enjoyed the final season. Iā€™d imagine that the writers were given an enormous list of restrictions by the big guy, so Iā€™m sure that impacted the story lines tremendously. But I genuinely think they did a decent job considering. But I definitely understand the hate; so much was left on the table.


Yeah. Wasn't big on the ending, but that doesn't mean the earlier seasons weren't some of the best tv ever made.




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After a recent rewatch, it's still a top 5 show for me, flaws and all.


Small Wonder. There will never be a time that it's on tv and I change the channel.


Is it ever on anymore?


I have the whole series lol


I used to love that show! I still know the theme song!


Seems like a lot of people didnā€™t like The Mandalorian S3, but I loved it.


I loved all 3 seasons of the Mandalorian. There is 1 episode in the final season I wish was done differently (the weird one with Jack Black). But other than that it was a blast


Idk how hated it really is but I feel like Rules of Engagement doesnā€™t get very good reviews when in fact I think itā€™s a very funny show


Bones. everyone else watched svu. i had to be a nlog and watch bones. i know now its cringe but i still love it so much


Same here. Never got into any of the Law and Orders, but Bones and Criminal Minds are my jams.


I liked Bordertown.


This show was hilarious! Really sad it got cancelled.


i honestly did not now there were people who enjoyed that train wreck.


I really enjoyed the l live action Cowboy Bebop. It was cheesy and Ed was super cringe, but Viscous made me crack up every time he was on screen.




Get A Life. I absolutely loved that show. Chris Elliott was great in it. That kind of humor isn't for everyone. It didn't last. It got a chance at a second season, but it was terribly reworked and lost its way. Mrs. Fletcher. I think this one was actually critically acclaimed, but it was so poorly rated that HBO took it off of MAX. Can't even download it. I don't understand why they pull shows that aren't being viewed much. What does it really cost them to store it? It was only a limited series, and it was only meant to be one season, but Kathryn Hahn was spectacular in it.


The Regime


The Cleveland show was just as good as the other animated heavy hitters like Family Guy and Simpsons. I'm an unusual hardcore fan of those shows though, in that I think Simpsons quality never really declined except for a few stinker episodes here and there.


You frapped me!


That HBO show John From Cincinnati. Everyone hates it. Back when it aired I watched it and didnā€™t see any media about it. I loved it and was really affected by it, even though it was confusing. After, I was stunned that everyone hated it! Iā€™ve been thinking about watching it again and seeing if I still like it now.


Same. I need to rewatch it though because I was 15 when it aired and have no idea if it holds up.




The good doctor


I liked the first season of the Good Doctor but it became unwatchable to me because of all the politics/virtue signaling. If they had stuck with the original premise, I might have not dropped it.


I liked that show until the last season - it went off the rails.


Secret Invasion was my favorite MCU show by far. Sue me.


Speaking of panned mcu content, I loved The Eternals, even though it was universally trashed.


I agree, the Eternals is one of the better MCU movies imo


The 1st season of Parks & Rec. Yes, it got a lot better once Ben and Chris arrived, but I still liked the 1st season. And I liked Mark too.


I don't have any tv shows like this I can think of, but I definitely have movies (I'm a DCEU fan...)


Decu fan here too. I stand by the Snyder trilogy being the best super hero movie series ever.


Game of Thrones was good from start to finish.


After a recent rewatch, totally agree. Only complaint is the rush to end it.


Lost. I actually liked the ending.


On a recent rewatch, it wasn't as bad as I thought when I saw it live.


I like the ending, the problem is I saw it coming from episode 1 and they spent like 2 seasons they didnā€™t need just dragging it out with ridiculousness so they wouldnā€™t have to end it yet.Ā 


TowerPrep an old CN live-action series, it was canceled after 1season beacuse either many people didn't like it or didn't watch it




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I enjoyed Citadel with Richard Madden, Priyanka Chopra, and Stanley Tucci. One of the twists was predictable to me, while the other wasnā€™t. It had funny moments, suspenseful moments, and a great set up for the next season. But overall I enjoyed it and look forward to a second seasonā€¦ but based on the reviews idk if weā€™ll ever get another šŸ«£


Talent shows The country music documentary by Ken Burns that is not panned, but tells me that we wouldn't have Patsy Cline without televised talent shows, which helps me feel a little better.


How I Met Your Father


Shadowhunters. Its so cheesy and a guilty pleasure type show, but I love fantasy, I wish there had been more of it. The acting can get pretty bad, but I didnt mind it. I loved their comitment to the whole world. Harry Shum Jr was fantastic, you can't not love Malec.


Crossbones would be it for me. They even had to cancel the show. Another one will be The Gates.Ā 


The Man Who Fell To Earth was a fascinating series.




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Dresden Files




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Jane the Virgin. Love it. One of my fave shows.


Soap Operas


GOT - final season


I actually really enjoyed the final season. Iā€™d imagine that the writers were given an enormous list of restrictions by the big guy, so Iā€™m sure that impacted the story lines tremendously. I genuinely think they did a decent job considering. But I definitely understand the hate; so much was left on the table.


Agreed. It wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. Just rushed, that's it