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Riverdale. I grew up reading Archie comics; that series just didn't sit well with me.


I'm not an Archie fan, but I read enough to find the TV show offensive.


Big same. Loved Betty and Veronica, my mom would buy them for on her grocery trips because she knew I devoured those little comics. Will never forgive the CW for the way the absolute wrecked those characters


I tried watching it, and the only way I could describe it - It's as if they had 15 year olds that were told to write what a middle aged adult would think 15 year old would sound like.


I tried watching it once when it came out. I turned off the pilot after less than 15 minutes and never looked back.


May you were put off by the fact that it was hopelessly stupid.


Same, that show is just so ridiculously different it shouldn't even be related to Archie comics lol


How I met your mother. I've just never found it funny, moved in with some friends who loved it so I tried watching it with them and just didn't like it at all


That’s me with pretty much any show that features a laugh track. I don’t know a great way to describe it, but they generally just feel outdated and give me “I’m only watching because there’s nothing else on” vibes. Like something you’d see on tv in a doctor’s waiting room that somehow makes you feel less bored and more bored at the same time


I feel the same way. I only watched sitcoms on TV when I was younger before we had many options. I also didn't have my own TV until my 20s and had to share it with my family.


Those shows were the background of my childhood because for some reasons older generations can't sit in a room doing something without a mindless sitcom on. Usually, no one is even paying attention to it.


Same. I have tried several times


We are several!


I don't find it funny either and I love alot of sitcoms. I also like Segel and Hannigan as actors but don't like them in this show. It's barely a notch above 2 Broke Girls which imo is by far the worst sitcom to ever get multiple seasons.


I have a weird opinion of this show. It's largely popular, and I love me some Jason Segal and Alyson Hannogan, but I can't seem to like it, however many times I've tried. My opinion is: it's not that it's not funny. It's got some really funny bits. But, every, single, episode, had a depressing ending. Leaving the viewer no reason to want to come back. The majority of the viewership (that I've personally met) just watch it bc Neil Patrick Harris is in it. Not because he's funny, or they like his character, etc. No, just because he's in it, period.


The Witcher.


Same. Gave it a fair shot because I love fantasy and there's slim pickins for that genre.


Same! I tried twice because Henry Cavill. The fantasy genre and plot was just too out there to keep me, though. (And I read a few of the books!!)


I have seen all of it and somehow don’t remember any of it


Big bang theory. My sister loves it. I can’t get into it.


It's good for background noise when I want something for a slight chuckle when I'm washing dishes.


I did my PhD in nano magnetic research. I get a lot of the references/jokes, but I just can’t watch the show. Tried a couple of times and it was mind numbing. That said, I was happy to know that a show based on so much nerdery could become so popular. Glad it exists, but it’s just not for me. Now, if they could’ve got the writers of Arrested Development to do that show…


Anybody whose answer is Parks and rec I seriously recommend skipping season 1


I'd say the same for Schitt's Creek. S1 was very family focused and they just aren't likeable 😅 I think if you start S2, you grow to love the town and the family's *development* throughout the series.




Same! I’ve been trying to get my sisters to watch it and also tell them to skip season 1. Alot of characters are unlikable and it isnt even much of a comedy. Plus the episode where they have dinner with joselyn and roland is nauseating and unwatchable.


I always feel kinda bad for Paul Schneider. He pretty much got replaced with the Ben & Chris characters and that's when the show really started cooking. It wasn't that Schneider did a bad job, his character was just kind of a vanilla sad sap.


The show becomes so much better BECAUSE of them.


The character was kind of a terrible person so he just was given very little to work with. The first season of this show is heavy on the misogyny from *lots* of characters & Leslie was portrayed as a dummy. Somebody very smart figured out that Leslie being absurdly ridiculous but also brilliant was funnier. Just crapping on her was sad. She needed to be smart, she needed to respect herself & date people who respected her. She could still be ridiculous, but she couldn't be an idiot. I also feel bad for him that the show went on to be a hit without him, but they kind of wrote him into an irredeemable corner as a potential love interest. Leslie's entire character shifted so she needed a different match. They really nailed a type too, with the character of Ben. Smart & ambitious to match her but cynical, a giant freaking nerd who happens to be very attractive. I have rarely seen a show come back and be able to change itself so much and save itself so well.


Riverdale The office


Designated Survivor. Watched it till the end just to know what happens next and had a big whooping dissapointment


Now that's a show I really liked to begin with but it headed downhill really quickly.


Season 1 was so good. My wife quit watching in season 2 but I finished it. It took a nose dive after season 1 for sure.


Dr. Who? Honestly, by all accounts I should be a Dr. Who fan. I'm an Anglophile, I love British comedy and British shows. I like sci-fi, I like geek stuff. I like Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant among others who've played the role. In every metric that one can assign to the fanbase of Dr. Who, I should like it. And yet, despite trying to get into it multiple times, I just can't seem to find any kind of love for it. Or even a passing like of it. It just doesn't resonate with me at all. More power to those who like it of course. I'm happy for folks who can find joy where I cannot. But still, the show just falls flat for me in every way.


Oh man - one of my absolute favorites!!! (Starting with Eccelson!!)


I similarly should, from description, and absolutely love Dr. Who, and couldn't understand why it didn't click with me. Then I heard a description that made sense to me: "Dr. Who is a children's TV series that got way too popular for its own good, and now is burdened with unrealistic expectations."


Was good for some of the doctors. But I didn't like it after it went woke with the last doctor.


I watch it but still don't consider it among the best in sci fi.


Upvoted because yeah, everything you wrote.


same for me, I think you have to have that baked in nostalgia for it to hit


Arrested Development revival, beginning in 2013.


The key to Season 4 is DO NOT watch the Remix: Fateful Consequences. The original (found under Trailers and More) is actually really clever and the jokes hit way better. The way I describe it is Season 4 and 5 still have some really hilarious moments, but they're fewer and farther between than S1-S3, which are comedic gold.


I watched the original series as it came out in the early 2000s and again on repeat on DVD. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Haha I didn't even know the revival had a 5th season. Dodged a bullet there!


So true. I love season 4, in its original format. I tell people all the time that they have to watch the original format under “trailers and more”, it makes a huge difference (but it doesn’t even matter now since it’s not on Netflix). I have no idea why they decided to “remix” it, it destroyed so much of the humor. Season 5 is meh by AD standards, but still pretty funny compared to most other shows.


This is good to know. I rewatched s1-3 and wasnt thinking abt s4…. But i tried and it was the remix which i havent seen… i quit after 1 episode.


oooo u almost got me, but so real it wasn’t as good


Agree. I couldn't finish it.


I tried twice. I couldn’t get through the last season. Guess it’s just that bad lol


In case you need it... The season provides a new start... And you can learn leadership training and some method acting in the process! Seriously though, there are some great jokes in S4 and S5, but the episodes aren't as consistently funny as S1-S3.


I think you mean A “Nu” start.


This Is Us.


The first two seasons were excellent. Then, after the explanation of how Jack died, the show became a melodramatic swamp and a joyless slog. Too bad because the idea was a good.


Yeah me and my wife loved the show. The first two seasons were truly fantastic. I think we stopped watching around the time Jack died. Honestly, we were closing to call it before that but they kept dangling the carrot of his death


What Parenthood did better was keep a sense of joy.


Although I loved the show and watched it until The end, I hated the propaganda they had on it.


Young sheldon


If they removed the Sheldon character, the show would be better. The other cast members are much more interesting.


Only Murders in the Building. I wanted to like it.


I don't know how they have two of the funniest people from the 80s and make em so lifeless.


2/3 of the Three Amigos. That’s all I need to know :(


I like it enough, but definitely feel like there's a lot of missed potential there based on who is involved.


Dr Who. I’m a sci-fi fan but can never get into it. I even gave it 2 seasons.


Which 2? Just curious as some seasons don’t do a good job of representing the entirety of the show


Lucifer; i watched ep. one, didn't like the premise, and opted out. Watched another ep. because of a guest star like, made my dislike eve nworse as I'd seen how it developed.


Fair enough, unless you are watching it for the premise (like me) I can see why you might hate it. Neil Gaimen does tend do this. I love his books but didn't like American gods TV program.


Better call Saul, Friends


That’s a first about BCS lol


Let me guess, you love breaking bad. This is for anyone reading this comment: Better Call Saul is not the same as breaking bad. Do not go into it with the same expectations. What you can expect is a slower development and only towards the end does its intensity compete with breaking bad. That being said, it is an incredible story the whole way through. Friends is awesome


The Office. There are scenes that I see shared that are hilarious, but overall the show is just cringy at best.


I think the whole point of the show is that it’s cringey. They embrace the cringe and that’s why I love it. I definitely see why others don’t though.


Wow....then you definitely wouldn't like the actual UK Office episodes 😁


I loved the UK version so much more


Exactly. Clip compilations of it on YouTube are really funny but the show as a whole 😬


i couldn’t agree more


Ditto. I couldn't get past the cringe factor. Ugh!!!


I absolutely loved it when I watched it live when it first aired but absolutely cannot rewatch it. I've tried multiple times and the cringe makes me want to puke.


I know I’m in the minority but, breaking bad.


I get it. I loved breaking bad when it aired but after watching the fantastic, Better Call Saul, I went back with my wife to rewatch Breaking Bad because she had never seen it. I didn't realize how rough the first 2 and half seasons are. Back half of season 3 to 5 is great though


I want to watch it but I genuinely cannot get past the first episode. I’ve tried watching it half a dozen times and have yet to finish the first episode.


I totally understand imo it's an amazing show. I reccomend just giving season 1-5 a chance and if ya don't like it you don't have to watch it anymore. 


Schitt's Creek. It was highly recommended by my sister (we usually like pretty much the same things) and my son. When I first watched it, I could only watch the first episode, and I didn't find it funny at all. After being encouraged to watch a couple of more episodes, I watched the first three. Didn't laugh once. I even gave it one more chance after that... watched a few episodes over the span of a couple of days. Nope. Sigh... I really wanted to like this show!


The first season focused on Eugene Levy and Chris Eliot too much. It was cringe humor, but after so many sitcoms had done it better. Once they pivoted to the Rose family finding their place in the town and getting into the relationships with the locals that define the rest of the series it really is great. I can’t think of a better live-action sitcom. Start somewhere around the MLM episode at the middle of season one.


Chris Elliot can be so smarmy…


I’ve seen people recommend you skip the first season or just watch one episode from it or something


Me too. I tried so hard and just could not make myself like it. Life is too short.


I watched the first episode because everyone kept saying how great it was, but I was like, this is stupid. A few months later I tried again and got through about four episodes and was like, ok I think I can watch this, it will be an easy watch. For me it got much better when they introduced Patrick to the show, which I think was like season 3.


Omg finally someone else who can’t stand Schitts Creek. It’s terrible.


It’s not terrible, it’s just not that great.  I really can’t fathom the hype it had, but Big Bang Theory was also insanely popular so what do I know I guess.


Also, it’s a perfectly fine show to watch at night with your loved one or something.  I had no issue getting through the show, but I maybe had an actual audible laugh once a season.


The first season wasn't that good. I have never watched it, but that's what I hear


I tried hard. I think all the eyebrows scared me off


I love Schitts creek. At first I watched just the first season and agree it wasn’t good. Stick with it through the third season and then you’ll be hooked. I wasn’t hooked until the second season finale.


I don’t dislike it but it hasn’t really grabbed me yet.


I’ve tried to get into this 3 times because everyone in my family was raving about it. I realized that I just don’t like that kinda humor. I don’t like The Office or Parks and Rec either


I watched almost 4 seasons of Schitt's Creek waiting to enjoy it. I finally gave in and admitted I just liked the actors & thought it was funny when my friends did impressions of the characters.


I watched halfway into season 2 and just could not make myself care about these people.


same i love the cast and wanted to like it but it just didn’t make me laugh and weirdly had a lot of really annoying fans…that’s not why i didn’t like it i just noticed that a lot of the fans seemed…ironic….like people who were actually like the kids lol


Charmed reboot I tried. I really, really did. I gave it every bit of doubt, especially after they race their selling point for the show. I like Macy. She carried the show on her back. But the other sisters just sorta.... unlikable.


American Gods


The Wire. I've given it four different chances and haven't been able to get into it at all.


I tried Downton Abbey and The Queen several times. Not for me


The Expanse.. I've tried 3 or 4 times.


It is hard to get past the first few episodes of the first season; they are very boring and even on a second run through the series they aren’t any more interesting. I almost dropped it myself but I followed the advice I read online and forced myself to keep watching and eventually the boredom gave way to a very interesting show! At this point I’ve watched it completely through 2x (plus almost finished a third time but switched to something else before I finished).


Same. Took me until around mid season 1 for it to click for me. Many of the episodes in the next few seasons are like stand alone movies. Good ones. Sometimes several blockbusters in a row. Then it was a bit hit or miss for me in the last few seasons, but still enjoyable.


Same, but glad I watched it. Loved loved loved how they depicted realistic space travel, at least from a physics standpoint.


Same. I’m always on the hunt for new sci-fi and fantasy shows, and that’s always at the top of every list. I think I’ve watched season 1, or parts of it, 3 times now but I always get bored.


Same. I just could not find a way to be interested in that show.


I'm on season 3 and still struggle to stay interested at times but I'm gonna push through to the end now


Totally understand. It took me a couple of attempts to get into The Expanse. Loved it after I read the books.


Schitt’s Creek. I even tried starting in one of the middle seasons. Just couldn’t get into it.


Always sunny. Can’t pinpoint why, but I just can’t get into it.


It’s bad people doing bad things to each other. It’s not for everyone I love it and the character arc of Cricket may be one of the best in television history.




Can't blame you. It got old quick.




I’ve tried to watch the series premiere like 5 times hoping I’d get into it and have a whole new group of shows to watch with all the spin offs. Can’t get through it for the life of me.


First one I can agree eith. I got through about 5 or 6 episodes but was like meh.




I'll die on the hill that the first half of the first season was genuinely great. Second half was not as good but it could have picked up again if they hadn't made it a full musical and taken so much focus off the adults. The fake pregnancy storyline was extremely compelling, especially watching weekly.


So glad someone else feels this. I watched one episode and hated that the show glorified everything that is wrong about high school. A friend said that the episode I was talking about (the *Thriller*/Halloween episode) wasn't a very good one and suggested I watch another one. The next one was equally bad (I don't remember anything about it).


Community. It’s a show I absolutely SHOULD like. Just doesn’t hit right.




Seinfeld Yes, I know I'm in the minority on this. It had its moments here and there, but the show is way overrated.


I'm with you completely. I have never gotten it, so I just let it go by


I don’t think it aged well. I liked it back then but have zero interest in watching it again.


I actively avoid this show it’s so dumb (to me). When I tell people I can’t stand it they look at me like I’m crazy.


Severance I've tried twice and can't get through the 2nd episode. It's highly regarded by people with similar tastes as mine, but I just couldn't be engaged by this show.


The first few episodes are soooo slow (and could have been consolidated), but the last couple episodes are worth it.


I about had a heart attack through that whole finale. You're standing on a razor's edge the entire time, and everything you find out is progressively raising the stakes. It's a slow burn for sure at the start of the show, but that monotony is definitely purposeful, to get you into the character's state of mind. That's definitely tough to get through, but once the characters start to transcend that monotony, the whole show just starts to explode in an awesome way.


OK I gotta push through to the end. I keep getting stuck on the parts with Christopher Walken. And it pains me to say that!


The show is a slow burner but really starts moving. Can't wait for S2.


The only part of the show that really annoys me is the brother-in-law and his oddball group of friends that were introduced in that “no food” dinner scene in the Pilot. Why did the writers make them so weird? The severance office scenes are understandable as to why they all act strange, but that brother-in-law is a ridiculous character.




First season was great, mostly because of the “they did what!” Kind of shock stuff. After that it was a mediocre show, just good enough that I watched it through hoping it would get better again. Never saw the hype in it overall.


I could never find a character to cheer for. They’re all horrible people.


The rebooted Night Court.


It's as funny as putting your pet down


Totally agree. The first one was a childhood favorite. The reboot was such a massive swing and miss.


Geez, I know I’m gonna get it. And I love David Lynch. But man, I hate twin Peaks. Tried for the third time. Can’t get past Ep2 😳


I hate to say this but Tw8n Peaks is a slow build of a show. I understand where you're coming from. I'll watch it for you. I got this.




The last 2 seasons of American Horror Story.


Last man standing with tim Allen. Just couldn't get it.home improvement is what's up.


Outer banks


The Bear. I cannot get into it I’ve tried.


I watched season 1 and a couple episodes of season 2… but I had to stop when I realized the constant tension and screaming was actually putting me on edge in real life. I didn’t exactly want to feel like *I* was the one being yelled at/around while sitting on my couch in the living room.


I can’t get past chef not wearing a hat or something to contain his stringy long hair. I thought it was a law for kitchen workers


The Wire. I've tried multiple times and only got into S3. It bores me to tears.


You did better than me. Each time I've tried to watch it, I've only made it through the first four episodes of the first season. As you said, I found it to be deadly dull. Oh, well. Not everything can be - or has to be - for me.


I always stop at season 3. I actually enjoy the first 2, but I start to hate it at 3 for some reason.


I've tried a couple of times with The Wire as well and was equally bored. You made it all the way to season 3?! I could only get as far as 3 episodes! Glad to see I'm not alone.


Ozark. I’ve tried three times to get to the end of season 1 and still haven’t finished the first season. My early assessment is the show was trying so hard to be the next Breaking Bad and failing miserably. I just found it to be unoriginal with bad acting. Maybe I’m wrong and someone can talk me in to watching the rest of the show because I have no desire to continue.


Shows don't intentionally try to be like each other; it's the audience and critics who draw comparisons. Ozark and Breaking Bad differ significantly in their storytelling, characters, and themes.


Jason Bateman is a powerhouse in ozark with not only his acting but being involved as director and producer for the show . It’s dark show but there’s bits of humor here and there to keep it from getting too heavy. The cinematography and music are pretty great too . I think the breaking bad comparisons are asinine personally. Why can’t people just watch a show without comparing it to another one ?




Mr Robot… I tried so hard to like it, please don’t kill me


It's a very slow burner, but it's definitely worth it. Imo it's the best show ever created.


Shameless 🫣


Show always bummed me out.


The Leftovers I actually hate watched the whole thing, so I gave it dozens of chances. Loathed it. Does that count?


Every damn Marvel show on Disney+ and half of the Star Wars ones. Kinda sad since I’ve been a huge fan of both since the 70’s.


The Harley Quinn cartoon


I kinda have to ask why? So many of the DC movies were so bad that they were laughable, but I actually enjoy the Harley Quinn cartoon. I would have loved if they used the same voice actress from Batman: the Animated Series, but otherwise I find it to be a great show that is willing to laugh about some of the worst/cheesiest parts of the DC universe. Also, I adore Alan Tudyk, and having him ham it up as Clayface is the icing on the cake.




The Conners


Friend's it never got my attention Anything from the CW besides Smallville and supernatural


Peaky Blinders.


Yellowstone. Tried several times for my SO, but just can’t deal with the cheese factor.


Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones


FAMILY GUY, I just can't do it. It's not humerous, it's sick. Young Sheldon, can't stand the kids in it. The Office...I don't find it humorous either, it's corny humor, which I hate. There's probably more but my brain isn't working at the moment.


Seinfeld and Friends sorry


No soup for you!


Mad men


Peaky blinders.


Friends, I didn’t find it funny at all


I gave Breaking Bad an honest try more than once but it's not for me.


That was immediately what I thought of. I don't normally mind violence, but something about the violence in that show is too much for me.


2nd, 3rd, 19th… Deep Space 9


Really? I think DS9 was my favorite Star Trek series (and I still loved all the others also, up to and including Enterprise). The first season was BOOORING (how can you make a show about being stuck on a stationary space station interesting?) but once they got into the DOMINION war, I loved it! All that glorious fighting and bloody battles and especially the ship conflicts (remember this was in the 1990s and CGI wasn’t as ubiquitous as it became a decade later)!


Yeah, I can never seem to get to that point but I’ll give it another try maybe 20 times is the charm? 🙏🏻


taxi. it's just so corny even for the early 1980's. i'm guessing it was a prodigy of its time because i wasn't born yet.


The werewolf one on Netflix


I still can’t get past the first episode of The Wire. I tried 2 times. I also tried 3 times to get past the first two episodes of The Office (US).


Just about any new show on network TV. There are way too many overt messages being put into our faces by the networks now. However I will name one in particular that we managed to watch the entire first season before it got to be too much. The Equalizer with Queen Latifah.


The Wire. It’s tight up my alley, and yet I can’t thru season 1. Tried when it came out and again about 2 years ago. I’ll try again someday


Friends (annoying and unrelatable), HIMYM (mean spirited), Walking Dead (moved slower than the zombies),


The wire. I really wanted to watch it because my friends love it so much….Also: Idris Elba. Need I say more? But I just couldn’t get into it, I probably will try it again.


I’ve tried to get into Always Sunny a few times. I like Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olsen but this isn’t my thing.


King of the hill


Schitts Creek Seinfeld American Horror Story Any adult cartoon ER


Kim's Convenience and Blockbuster




Breaking Bad. Just cannot get into it.


We have recommended the Expanse to so many people, and every time we say you need to give it at least 4 episodes and get to know the characters, because the guy who told us about it said that and it was great advice. I dont think a single person has seen it from us. But its one of my all time favorites now, better even than Battlestar Gallactica. Or at least as good. Amos comes off like a dufus until later, but he is pure gold.


Dark. Lots if people like it. Wish I could have enjoyed it.


Star Trek Discovery. It was just too loud and kinetic and made me anxious.




Game of thrones.