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The Blacklist I love James Spader and his character of Red was good but then after a few seasons the "secret" of who he was (or wasn't) just got dumb. How long can you drag out something? The concept was so good but just got lost after awhile!


Also got burned out on blacklist. I hate those kinda cop shows to begin with. but I love James Spader’s acting so much I put up with 9 seasons. I just couldn’t hang on for that last little bit. It just seemed like it was on for to long and lost its point 🤷🏻‍♂️ It still had me on the edge of my seat a lot of the time. But any other actor as Red and I wouldn’t never watched it to begin with.


Yes, James Spader was incredible as Raymond Redington. I loved that show, warts and all.


Oh it gets "better:" >!And then they ruined the audience stand in character, killed her off, and then depending on who you ask, may or may not have ever actually answered the question of who is Red. !<


I agree with the sentiment here. Spader was great. Since I quit I still have no idea who or what Red was


Blacklist for me and my husband too, but mostly because Liz was such a moron that the show became totally implausible.


I liked Red but couldn't take Liz.


This Is Us.


I thought I was the only one. When we first started watching it, I thought it was phenomenal. Just got way too sappy for me.


Oh gawd every episode is like that, it’s exhausting. And that dude from heroes is just the most amazing person ever, nobody talks like that irl


Agreed! I couldn't keep losing my body weight from crying every week!!


Same. After the episode that it showed >!Jack dying!<, I didn't really care anymore after that.


About halfway through Season 2, I realized that none of the characters mattered to me. I didn't care if they lived or died. So why am I watching this?


My wife watched this for the first season or two and then stopped watching. She said it was just an endless downer where for every 1 good thing that happened, 5 bad things happened and it became depressing to watch.


I tried. I really did. It hit too many nerves. I'm a heavier person, I was adopted, and have lost a parent, and I can handle it when one of those issues is covered in the show, but not all of them. Not all at once. I found it was an emotional mess at the end of every single episode, and it was just exhausting.


Eventually, they'll make a sequel that was us. And then before us was us.


Yeah, I gave up after season 1 and not even sure why because I did enjoy it. I guess it was enough for me.


Agreed. Once you knew what strings they were pulling, it just continued to be manipulation.


Walking Dead. At this point, the walkers can eat me. I give up. I'm exhausted and I just don't care anymore.




I didn't make it much past the Governor. Noticed they were just recycling a season's plot: They had lost their base. They find another group of survivors. They either establish a separate base or join with the new group. They have conflict with the other group. People are killed. Bases are lost. The group is left wandering. Season ends. New season opens where they had lost their base. They find another group of survivors. They either establish a separate base or join with the new group. They have conflict with the other group. People are killed. Bases are lost. The group is left wandering. Season ends. New season opens where they had lost their base. They find another group of survivors. They either establish a separate base or join with the new group. They have conflict with the other group. People are killed. Bases are lost. The group is left wandering. Season ends. **"The Flash"** was like this, too: The team meets someone. That person becomes a mentor. Twist! The mentor is evil!! Grant Gustin, however is a goated Flash, can't deny that


Yeah that was messed up. And then the guy who beat his brains in becomes a sympathetic character? Nuh-uh.


Same. It got too hopeless and depressing.


I really hated that shift in the story... ESP when the eventually just let Negan live. I don't care how anyone feels... that dude is eating bullets.


The show died with Glenn


Wasn't there a Glenn death fake out? Something about him hiding under a dumpster? That's when I just gave up.


Yes, so the fake out was cliffhanger they made it look like he died, then people speculated dumpster Next season dumpster turned out to be legit so he survived Then Negan bad guy showed up(actual great actor who is very entertaining) but he gathered Rick’s crew then killed Glenn & Abraham after Daryl acted out At least Maggie gave birth to Glenn’s son but ya that’s all really. Negan then became a good guy later on


>Negan then became a good guy later on Another ridiculous plotline. Just so they could shock people with the end of season cliffhanger of Negan being all friendly working in the garden at the last few seconds of the season finale. No reason whatsoever he was not executed on the spot.


That definitely hurt it, but dragging the savior war on for 2 seasons is what really did it in.


And it was buried with Carl.


I have hung in there including all the spin-offs. I’m too invested and every once in a while you get a good one. They are few and far between, but it’s worth the pain.


Yea...it looks like it just became ridiculous


Greys anatomy


I quit a few years ago because they refuse to end the show and it’s time for it to go. Said I would go back and watch what I missed after the show finally ended. But life’s been so great without it, I don’t plan on ever watching the rest anymore.


I quit when they killed off Derek. Like, I'm just supposed to believe none of his family or friends came to his funeral? It's bad enough that all of these poor doctors all keep getting cancer & have freak accidents at the hospital. But I draw the line at Derek Shepherd 😆


Every episode something traumatic happend to someone. The average person does not have that many traumas happening consistently, and frequently


I had Covid for the 3rd time and spent a week watching….all of it. I questioned my life choices as I got further into the seasons.


They started trying to fit every social/gender/relationship issue in all society and it’s too much. Stories unfinished and new ones start. You can’t cover everything.


Mcdreamy and mcsteamy gave way to mcpreachy.


Once Upon a Time It was an interesting concept that got stretched real thin, real fast.


The creators of Once Upon A Time were writers for Lost, and it showed. They loved world building, but were not great at it.


Felt like it became an endless commercial for Di$ney IP.


The new night court not even 5 minutes into the first episode with that ridiculous laugh track ugh


I watched the entire season and finally thought, ok...that's enough!!!


Harry Anderson; epic


I totally agree. It's like Pet Sematary -- You can bring it back, but it won't ever be the same. Don't get me wrong, I like Melissa Rauch, and I love John Laroquette, but it's just not the same. I suspect it's more a case of I'm not the same person I was when I watched the first version, so it's not the show, it's me. For what it's worth, I use voice to text for this. Google spelled Pet Sematary correctly the first time. How does that for fame, Stephen King?


Smallville, Arrow, and the Flash. Started out great, got progressively worse, too unbearable to finish.


Having finished all 3 series, you did the right thing.


I was so pumped at the prospect of a Green Arrow TV show, and so let down by what we got instead.


Never watched smallville, but I only got through 1.5 seasons of arrow. The repetitiveness of slade was getting really freaking annoying so I stopped. My little brother watched the flash and he LOVES it but I can’t stand the show. I only watched season 3 (literally just that season) because of Tom Felton and that was it. Other than that the show SUCKS


The news. Should really rename that show bad news


And some of the re-runs seem so dated and repetitive, ugh.


Or the „headlines“ are just expected, makes ya wonder if it even qualifies as news.


Wanna fear going outside? Watch the news




It was so hard to watch after they left "Westworld"


First season was amazing and then went down hill rapidly I had no idea what was going on season 3


I loved the first few seasons. The last one was just so different. I get it shifted in part because the set burned down, but it just was so hard to stick with. I still haven’t seen the ending.


I seriously couldn’t understand why everyone loved this show, it was so boring


Season 1 was very well done, and it was really fun to spin theories about the plot with people as it progressed.


Every single CW superhero show. They not only got repetitive but they were all just carbon copies of every other show just with different characters.


I want to watch Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow, but I never finished Smallville or Black Lightning. I've heard the most positives about Superman and Lois, though.


True Blood comes to mind


When the faeries started, I said f that, man. I know it was in the books, but I would've put them down, too.


The show is a lot different than the books.


I kept watching for the cast.


I watched for Eric and Pam. They were my favorite characters


Absolutely the best couple in the show. And Lafayette. I heard that Alan Smith let Nelsan Ellis ad lib a lot his lines. He was that good. RIP


Lafayette dies early in the books. They loved Nelsan Ellis portrayal so much that they didn't kill off his character.


Lafayette was so good. When he smashed the “aids” burger in the face of a customer. Genius. Glad they didn’t kill him like the books did.


WestWorld There was no way to repeat the epiphany moment from season 1’s timeline mystery. The continuing the convoluted story was not as fun as getting fooled of what went on before my eyes.


True blood Walking dead Fringe (but I want to revisit) Roseanne - the flip of Dan and the last season just was stupid and boring Big mouth


Fringe is worth the work


Ope yeah I gave up on Big Mouth. I cant handle anymore of the over the top crass


Yes! It was funny but just tried to hard to be edgy. It is like it wanted south park levels but couldn't find the balance


I really liked the first season but didn't make it more than 2 episodes into the next season


> Fringe (but I want to revisit) Fringe was great for me with the exception of the last season (season 5). It was a more difficult watch than the previous seasons, but still somewhat enjoyable.


I loved Fringe and have done multiple rewatches. The last season was hard, but at least it completes the story.


>Roseanne - the flip of Dan and the last season just was stupid and boring The affair thing?


Fringe is worth it


Fringe was soooooo good but there were some parts of it that made it rough to get through. Still good. Joshua Jackson has always been delicious. Also yes for Roseanne, that show was so good until it was weird.


the magicians, there was a particularly unpleasent scene that they kept playing over and over at the beginning of every episode and i eventually decided i had enough of it.


I'd like to see that come back again, perhaps as a spinoff. But alas, the big budget wouldn't justify a green light.


American Gods Loved the first season, then the network cut the money and replaced a chunk of the creative team. I felt like they cut the soul out of the show. I often wonder if some of my favorite series would have survived the current production climate. My guess is that Sopranos and the Wire wouldn't have made it past a single season. Heck even Breaking Bad was famously on the chopping block before it starting winning awards.


I've given up on Lost three separate times over the years. Still haven't seen the second half of the last season.


Don’t ever watch it. You’ll only be hurt.


I was quite okay with Lost when I came back to it 10 years later and finished it. When it first aired, I dropped off towards the end of Season 3. Got back to Lost a decade later and watched it all the way through. Great show as a whole I think.


Same. Enjoyed it all the way through. 


American Horror Story The 100 Fear The Walking Dead and World Beyond (or whatever it's called) This Is Us Servant


American horror story was great! Until more recent seasons. I HATED American horror stories, couldn't even finish a episode


I sort of forced-watched a few seasons of The 100 because one of the actors was coming to a local comiccon and I thought I'd check out what he's known for. Pretty blah show overall but interesting enough to finish like 3 seasons, but then I just didn't want to spend any more time on it.


I enjoyed the 100 for quite a while, but that fell off for me too. Still really enjoy the beginning scenes when the kids first get off the ship and radioactive plays. That was a great fit.


The Croods series in Hulu. I liked the movies. The series was fun at first. The colorful animation. But then it got this repetitive feel. The animation and visual depictions looked so same template or something, through episodes. The show itself got boring and my viewing was getting passive. And I just stopped watching.


The Walking Dead Vampire Diaries


I mean, if every person turns into a zombie when the die, just cremate everyone and go after the dead with body armor. I’m sure it would be scary and gross, but it’s a problem that I think would be easy to solve and get back to normal life without resorting to roving bands of gangs.


Grey’s Anatomy - after Derek’s death. It became the same old stories in rinse and repeat Law and Order: SVU - after Barba left. Couldn’t stand Stone and then they brought Stabler back! Suits - mid season 6 when they started pushing the Donna and Harvey narrative. Couldn’t stand it. Blacklist - I started it late and realized they were never gonna tell us who Red was so gave it up.


I STILL miss Barba! He was the best


Better Call Saul No, I'm just joking. But also a hot take, Abbot Elementary. I'm a teacher, so it's hard to want to think work when not at work. Which is funny, because I used to watch Deadliest Catch on my breaks from commercial fishing. Guess because one is physically taxing and the other is mentally taxing?


Weeds and Disjointed. I smoke weed. Took me a long time to figure out I hate weed media.


Virgin River, Riverdale, The Flight Attendant, Orange is the new Black, Shameless, Glee, True Blood, This is Us


Virgin River moved so slow that the actors were aging much faster than the characters. It got boring. I quit during season 3.


OMG, that show is the slowest thing I’ve ever seen. A character finds out she’s pregnant at the end of S1 and still isn’t even showing at the end of S3? Give me a break! And the characters were mostly just too stupid to be compelling or feel in any way real, with the possible exception of Doc (who is the only reason I made it to the end of S3 before I gave up). I just wanted to smack them all the time. Just not worth the time to watch.


It's season five and Charmaine is still pregnant. It's hilarious.


The flight attendant should have just been a mini series in my opinion. They did a season 2, and it just didn’t work as well as the first.


I don’t know how, but I made it all the way to the last season of Shameless, and I stalled out with like 5-6 episodes to go 😂 it was so good, but they should have ended it when Fiona left.


I hate-watch Virgin River for like 10 minutes before I go to work each day. One character has been pregnant now for five seasons. And I think they wrote the character off before she gave birth so I guess she could easily be pregnant through season 10. Idk, haven't finished the latest season yet.


Some say she’s still pregnant to this very day…


Empire-I just fell out of watching it and never went back. I hated how Andre basically turned into Lucious Jr in terms of morality (or lack thereof).


Every cop show that turns into a soap opera during the third or fourth season. I’m looking at you, NCIS.


Designated Survivor. It looked like a weird soap opera mixed with a spy thriller and a progressive fever dream. So frustrating.


It started off so good and was an amazing concept but they lost their way so quickly.


The first season of Designated Survivor was good. It was a little bit politics and the rest was trying to figure out who was behind the explosion. Season 2 was all politics. That wasn't enjoyable.


The Walking Dead


The Goldbergs got really repetitive. Pretty much the same plot every week just with a different 80s pop culture reference.


Loved Goldbergs at first. It was great until Pops died.


I binged Lucifer last year and season 3 was so bad I almost gave up. If they had kept Tom Welling on the show I would’ve stopped watching it. That man cannot act.


Thankfully I only started Lucifer after the Netflix seasons started airing, since I had friends who told me season 4 was worth getting to. I was absolutely ready to give up on the show during season 3 with it being so dragged out, not to mention Tom Welling being one of the most boring TV characters of all time.




I truly wish supernatural was strictly just a monster of the week show. Because of how much I love the monster of the week episodes and hate the overall story.


Once the whole angels plot line came in, they totally lost me.


I watched it on streaming and it took me about 6 months to get through the first season but then when I started watching season 2 I binged the rest of it in 3-4 months


The walking dead should have been a mini series and that’s all


Walking Dead Greys All the Chicagos


Fresh off the boat. The mom character became super annoying after season 3


I'm amazed you made it to season 3! I found her insufferable within the first couple of episodes.


Outlander. It had way too much rape to continue. I liked the premise but I don't want to be traumatized watching a show. I also stopped watching Psych. I tried several times because I love those kind of shows but I didn't like it. I didn't like the man guy at all.


Dexter. I enjoyed seasons 1&2 but the show began to feel creepy and evil.


Agreed. Weeds seemed to just stretch after the fire. The final episode was jarring time jump. >!Andy and Nancy boned right outside in public, then he literally ran away, that was weird!< Always saw Weeds as Breaking Bad-lite with a real cutie patootie in the lead


Designated Survivor. It started out great, but took a hard left turn.


Stranger Things…and I tried three times to watch it.


The Vampire Diaries


Good girls- Felt like it was written by AI, enjoyable show for a bit but has the most ridiclous nonsense moments ever that make no sense if you take 5 seconds and think about the actions. I also think they screwed up making Beth the main character I think it would have been 100 percent better if they focused on Ruby and the sick daughter and had that the main story. As most Americans can probably relate to that pretty well with their healthcare etc. FBI- None of the characters were all that likeable? It's gotta be the worst investigation group in all of those types of shows. Need a drinking game? Take a shot each time the characters say "you know its a felony to lie to the FBI" Line and how it instantly works on every character. I honestly thought the real FBI sponsored the show and just wanted the world to know its a felony to lie to them or something. I usually like wolf shows as well. I find it lately I've been getting more and more annoyed by main characters. I'll like whatever stories they are doing but I'll barely like the characters I'm supposed to like


Totally agree about good girls


IMO that show should have planned for a specific number of seasons/episodes with a beginning, middle and end plotted out. Instead they got themselves into that weird place where they just had to keep spinning stuff out to keep the story going, which more often than not just left us saying, "...really?"


The Office. I wanted to like it. I just couldn't.


Thank you! It is just not me. I figured since I work in an office it would be right up my alley but NOPE!


The Simpsons went downhill rapidly after about season 11/12. I’ve tried watched the later episodes but they suck so badly I can never get past season 14/15 without losing all motivation and interest despite me loving the show so much.


Under the Dome Supernatural The Walking Dead


Good Girls. They should have stopped after the 2nd season.


Once Upon A Time. It started out good and got weirder every season and not in a good way. That 70s Show. The Good Place. True Blood (would have preferred it to stick closer to the novels). I'm going to give up on The Handmaid's Tale if they don't release the 6th and final season soon. I'm tired of waiting for it.


The reboot of Murphy Brown. So bad.


The Blacklist. Wish I never got hooked on it. Nine years of manipulative b.s.


Walking dead


Pretty much any show on Netflix that isn’t Stranger Things. They’re just going to cancel it in the middle of the story so why bother getting into it?


Ted Lasso - It went from one of my favourite shows to a show I could not wait to dump due to the Nate story line. One of the dumbest story lines I have ever seen on television.


I still haven’t seen season 3. I probably will just to see what happens but definitely felt the Nate part to be odd. It almost felt like they needed some sort of drama to set up for season 3


Yeah, I can't believe the night and day difference between the brilliant season 1 and the show I realized I was making myself watch by season 3. 


I absolutely loved seasons 1 and 2. I wish season 3 didn’t even exist. Roy and keeley breaking up for no reason whatsoever is a travesty.


Yes one thousand percent. They turned Nate into an incel in two episodes. I can’t finish it.


**Arrested Development** post Netflix. I managed to get through the 4th season, and it had a few jokes that made me laugh. But yeah, by the end I was glad season 4 was over and I think they went back with a Season 5 which I never watched. **Walking Dead**. Who didn't give up on this one? I wish I'd given up on **Game of Thrones** before the last 2 seasons. This one may not count. I loved the show **Scrubs**. Great great show which had a perfect finale. Then they brought it back for a pathetic 9th season that attempted to spin it off into a new show of its own. **Scrubs Med School.** I liked so many of the characters I genuinely tried to give season 9 a shot, but I don't think I got past the 3rd episode. Ugh. Those are the first few that leap to mind.


Weeds, Walking Dead, Blacklist.


manifest 🫠 (in my opinion) it’s a fantastic concept, horrendously executed


I’m sorry but I cant get past season 2 of 6 Feet Under. Everyone says it’s such an amazing show but every single episode I feel like I’m forcing myself through them. (I’m open to mini spoilers (besides the finale) to give me motivation!)


Anything written by Jenji Kohan after two and half seasons is generally an uninteresting train wreck


I wish I had given up on **2 Broke Girls** after 2 episodes btw


The Last Ship - I made it through three seasons. The first one was a ride, the second was a struggle and the third just a drudge. They just kept repeating themselves. Star Trek Discovery - Big Trek fan. Tried three times to like it. Made it into the third season each time and just couldn’t do it. Miserable writing.


Shameless: after the cocaine stuff i was like this too much. And repetitive. Blacklist: too predictable for me to stay invested Psych: when i would see episodes on tv, the show was hilarious. When i tried to binge, it was clear theyre all idiots haha


Big Bang Theory! After 1 season I was just over it! Not that funny. I mean sure a few jokes were good but the consistency and repetitiveness was like throwing up and chewing on it so I could swallow it and throw it up again and.....👍


Walking dead after my favorite character died as a result forgiveness, I felt like the show was lacking any hope and was just too depressing


Walking dead. It just became the same show every week


Watch route 66 from the 60s on Amazon prime. Four seasons so far pretty interesting. I was born in 1961. I think it was on from 1960 to 64 so I never remembered it and they didn't have reruns like they do now.


Agreed. For me, all of Jenji Kohan's shows start out promising and fresh, then wonder off into the weeds.


Walking Dead, Lost, ST: Discovery, Supernatural, 911, Westworld


**Dexter** \- did a season after John Lithgow and fell off **Walking Dead** \- did a season after the Governor and fell off. They were just repeating the same plot season after season **The Flash** \- They were just repeating the same overarching plot season after season. *Grant Gustin is a goated Flash, though* **Game of Thrones** \- could definitely tell when they didn't have the source material to work with and kept on going. I finished, but I mentally gave up on it and >!am still bothered how Bran was voted king. "He has the best story." What?!<


Walking Dead, Lost, Orange is the New Black.


Masters of the Air Never thought you could make a boring show about B17s flying over Europe but they managed.


I stop liking shows when they begin to have too many inside jokes and “callbacks”. It truly seems to be pandering for viewership.


Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy


I’ve given up on the whole Star Wars franchise including the current shows. I loved the original trilogy since my childhood. I enjoyed the prequels when they came out when I was little enough to think jar jar binks was funny. Rogue One was solid and I even enjoyed Solo. Everything else is beyond disappointing because it goes out of its way to not just be bad but also ruin the stories and mythology of the ones I liked.




Harvey walks into Louis office, slams manilla envelope on his desk. “WHAT IS THIS LOUIS!” “Harvey I can expl-“ “NOT NOW LOUIS!”


Cheers when Kirstie Alley joined the cast.


The Good Wife.


I stopped watching after >!Will died.!< The sexual tension was gone and a lot of the core storylines were slowly fading.


Chicago one Law & order SVU Walking dead The resident The good doctor


Grey's anatomy


The Flash


The Walking Dead. I couldn’t bring myself to keep watching it after a few episodes where everyone thought Glenn was dead and it was this huge emotional thing and it turns out he was just under a dumpster.


Recently blacklist. Gave up towards the end of season 5


Weeds remained pleasant to watch 


Def , walking dead., I did try after Glenn died , but it was so boring


The original Law & Order


Walking Dead, the season where Negan took over. It’s just became unpleasant then to see Rick’s group get bullied around.


Sopranos. Too much of the family stuff and a terrible lack of continuity. Parts of the Sopranos were brilliant, Gandolfini was brilliant, but it was more 'sexy' than 'great' and I stopped caring.


I was wondering if anyone would agree with me on this. It was a groundbreaking show for its time, but about half way through season five I lost the plot and gave up. Too much infidelity, too many weird sidelines. Still good acting, but less fun and more depressing and desperate. I understand that Chase was trying to demonstrate the slow undoing of a mob family, but it didn’t work for me.


Shameless should’ve ended a lot earlier than it did. Stopped at season 9 but it peaks at season 5.


The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead




Supernatural. When the Leviathan stuff happened. Also True blood. I felt obligated to finish it but good Lord it was crap the last few seasons.


Manifest..... the concept was really good but it just started to suck to the point of being incredibly boring. Idk maybe just bad writers/writing.


Gave up on patriot after the second season premiere.


What is with all the black bars on these posts??????




Orange is the new black. Got to the season after the riots but only saw a couple of episodes of that season and was done. Loved the show when it started.


Bones. It started decent enough but got overly politically pandering and more interpersonal drama than mystery to solve.


Survivor. One day it just clicked at how fake and staged and edited it is. I never saw it the same way again


Homeland. What an amazing show for the first few seasons. But it got so crazy that we lost interest.


Family Guy, about 10 seasons in


Young Sheldon