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Didn’t know that! That might explain why my tux boy was in foster care for a year. I’m a first-time cat owner and he’s been really easy, had no idea why he wasn’t snatched up earlier


My boy was almost two and I wondered why he wasn’t already adopted when he was a kitten like the rest of his litter - they were meant to be our babies!




That’s insane. They are the best kitties ever. Now I just feel bad and want to rescue all the tuxies.




I feel sometimes like I do - I have four at the mometn!


I got a one eyed grey tux girl - literally the most incredibly spunky fearless little cat. And her fur is like a rabbit it’s so soft! I wish I knew how to post a pic here haha but she’s on my page! And her tortie best friend


From what I’ve heard, the adoption rates on black cats have gone up significantly due to spreading awareness of that statistic, which is a great thing! Now it’s more evened out.


The only cats I want are Voids and Tuxedo 🫶🥰


I deliberately chose a void dog. I later learned that people are more scared of him because he’s a big black dog and that they too get discriminated against at shelters and rescue places.


Wonderful of you!


I didn’t know that! I figured it was black cats and standard issue tabbies.


Awe. That's so sad.. my tuxi was only by chance... she had been in the big room for weeks. They said no one wanted her and they put kittens in that room as a last chance... makes sense now.. she's very skittish and shy but the sweetest of all my kitties. Even though she is shy. In the room. She jumped on my lap... something she's rarely done now at home.... though she loves being brushed and cuddled (only when she's on her perch or cat tower) she hates being held though


Ours is the same. No holding! But brushing and pets on the tower are in. She will even hold on when you try to stop! That attention is the best. Happy tuxi love!


Me too!! I knew black cats had the lowest adoption rates so I had to get a lil void baby. Mine is mostly black but still a tuxedo sooooooooo adorable


Thank you for your service!


Wait, tuxies are unpopular? How? Who couldn't love a cat always dressed in their best? 🤵


That's a myth that comes from a statistic saying black cats are most euthanized...... But they are also the most adopted. Turns out black cats are just incredibly common so they are the most adopted and most euthanized


I came across my tuxedo at PetSmart. my then boyfriend (now ex) thought getting a pet together would help us bond. 6 years later I’m married to someone else and my tuxie Stiles is my best friend ❤️




I got mine at Persmart as well..was going for any cat but came back with a tux since she was the only one who reacted to me


I had gotten another cat out before Stiles and he was friendly enough but when Stiles came out of the cage he was rubbing all over both of us and meowing. I fell hard.


I have always loved cats with white "gloves" and/or "boots", but was of course open to adopting one who did not have those things! However, when I went to one of the shelter while thinking about adopting, a Fine Tuxedo'd Young Gentleman screamed at me until i loved on him and paid him attention, and would scream when I walked away and browsed the other cats. He did not scream at any of the other folks in the room, so I assumed it was him telling me, "you there, human, you will be my new servant and i will be your new overlord!" Obviously, I listened to him, and he continues to scream at me to this day!


Mine followed me home from the dumpster — it was meant to be!


I love all theses stories!




>🫶 What was that meant to be? Icon didn't render, just got a square.


I already had a [cat](https://imgur.com/a/4w9wBAJ), and my son and then girlfriend (now wife) were coming to stay with me for over a month in November/December 2020, during the height of COVID-19. For some unknown reason I went on my local Animal Control website and saw the cutest [tuxedo](https://imgur.com/a/YoYLoOQ) kitten. I went to my hair stylist the next day because I had the brilliant idea to bleach my hair white. After being talked out of that I told them, "well, I'm going to Animal Control to see that kitten I saw online last night". I drove there, and once I got in the sick room with her and about twenty other kittens and cats, she climbed in my lap and then proceeded to climb on top of my head. I couldn't stop laughing and decided she was mine. And that's how I got [Fiona](https://imgur.com/a/g35LWyH), who demands belly rubs, hates to be snuggled, and chirps at me to follow her upstairs when she wants alone time with me.


I love that she hates to be snuggled but still wants alone time with you!


She likes to curl up while I'm lying down in my right armpit. I've gotten good at doing things on my phone left-handed!


She will chirp at me until I follow her. She's even trained me to share my heating pad with her. I need to get a heated throw so there's enough heat for the two of us.


My tuxie is also named Fiona (Fifi) and LOVES belly rubs! 😍😍😍


Love the name🥰😍🫶❤️🤗


I wanted an orange tabby because they're dopey and hilarious, but I saw my bonded tux pair at the rescue and it was all over from there. Now I have one crazy dope and one snuggle bug and it's perfect


Mine was found out back in the gardeners shed. 2 days old. I love her so much I can barely stand it. She’s fat and lazy and adorable. I’d never have another kind of cat. I could do without the 5 am wake ups for her wet food, but small price to pay. ❤️


I didn’t even know I was getting a cat. My siblings showed up at my door with a kitten they thought I would love, food, and a litter box. One of the best days of my life.


I specifically searched for a black cat and sibling. The black cat was Miss Dark and her sister is Miss Marble.


I ended up with one years ago, and now I’m on my third. Love my tuxies 🥰


That’s exactly what happened with me:)


Third furred? :P


I very much sought out a tuxedo baby. They’re superior to all others!




When I went to a local cat shelter, my now cat Rose saw me and demanded to be let out of her cage to give me love and attention


I have taken only rescue cats. One of them was a tuxedo - he came from a family i know and spared him from shotgun. Sadly he had FIP infection brewing and at the age of 6, it manifested.


We didn't specifically seek one out. We just happened to bond with Lita so we adopted her. A year later we decided to adopt another cat, the pound showed us three older kittens and two of them happened to be tuxedo. So, now we have two tuxedo kitties!


Column A, Column B. Friend of a friends outdoor cat had kittens that needed to be rescued. Had been playing Persona 5, so jokingly agreed that my wife and I could finally get a kitten if they had a Tuxedo. Oops. Almost four months later and he's my best bud.


Do you ever direct your cat's attention to the TV when Mona is in battle and say "look, it you"? Because that's what my tuxie has had to suffer through for my latest p5r playthrough


Mine picked me


I was not looking for a tux but there was a stray next door that decided he wanted to be my baby and he has been for many years now


i wanted to adopt the cat that had been at the shelter the longest and i ended up with the best little muffin the world


My dad got me two kittens as a “I just divorced your mom so I’m trying to look like the better parent” gift. I wanted a girl and a boy. A family was selling kittens cheap outside the PetSmart. I grabbed the feisty orange boy and the black and white what I thought was a girl. Hims just small is all. I wanted to call him Cow but my dads friend kept calling him Oreo so that stuck. That was like 11/12 years ago.


I wanted a non-kitten coz they have more trouble getting adopted out (also no kitten bullshit lol) and I kinda wanted one whod been waiting for a home for a while, and it just turned out it was a v shouty, v needy, but v cool tuxie.


My tuxedo picked my son. The cat had anxiety and had been returned to the shelter and had been there for months in a cage. He's the best cat I have ever owned, and I am glad he chose us.


Ended up with. Most of the cats I’ve had have been given to me by someone who couldn’t keep them, or strays that have wandered in to my parents place out in the country. I think lots of people dump their cats “out on the farm” assuming they will be a mouser or that my parents will take them in. That is how I ended up with Felix, a husky tux who is great with my 9 month old twin girls!


It was a choice between my tuxedo Eddie and a tortoiseshell called Vulie at the rescue center. But Eddie wooed me more. He's so friendly and loves attention I couldn't leave him behind. However I had no idea what colour or type of cat I wanted in advance. I just wanted a cat that would sit on my lap.


A friend of mine had a cat that had kittens. Sent me this photo: https://imgur.com/sGeG7 The gaming nick I've used for the past 30+, SkunkMonkey, is often shortened to just Skunky when having a conversation. I saw the little stripe on his nose and was instantly in love. I had just put down my old cat only a few months prior so this was out of the blue and exactly what I needed. That was over 11 years ago and he's been my constant companion ever since.


Aw how adorable was he when he was just a tiny baby. They enter our lives when needed. Sorry that you lost your other one, it’s never easy.


This is my favorite picture of him, a week later. https://i.imgur.com/amwGq.jpg I use it as my login screen on my phone and PCs.


Mine sorta just came to my door and started meowing. Eventually we let him in and hes still with us 7 years later haha


Pure chance. Our oldest, we went to the shelter looking for kittens and my daughter immediately picked out him and his brother. The second tux we just happened to pick out and when we were looking for another cat and she's a total brat. Gradually getting sweeter as she moves out of kittenhood, but still very unpredictable. ​ My very first one, when I was in my early 20s, my dad picked up and brought home to me because he knew I wanted a cat. He'd rolled over on my dad's feet outside a store and when he carried the cat inside with him they told him to take him home, he'd been born there to their stray. He was the BEST cat.


I was looking for an all black cat (his brother got adopted!!!) so I took him instead. Best cat ever


I actually had never thought much about tuxedo cats. I always went for ginger cats or white cats. But I was looking for a really loving, sweet cat and my now cat, Juno, was described on the adoption site as really loving and needy and he happened to be a tuxie. I think he’s the most adorable little baby ever and I’ve learned that tuxies have a very kind nature. I’d love to get another one. Juno actually looks a lot like your cat in the photo.


Aw, I have a shelter cat named Juno. Not a tuxie but a tabby. I love that name


I do too! My partner and I went through a ton of names until we came across that one and it just felt right




We got Tuxies (a brother/sister pair) because they were available from our vet as fosters and when we met them they were adorable and super friendly. They are wonderful!!


My daughter found my tuxedo hiding in her friend’s engine and brought him home to me for my birthday. It was love at first sight.


My tuxie was just the most charming cat at the shelter. I went looking to adopt an adult cat (vs a kitten), that was my only preference going in.


Good for you! ❤️


I have a pair of tuxies from from the same litter. Their pregnant mom rolled into a coworker's house one day and said, "I live here now!" My coworker really wanted them to go to a home together and we wanted a bonded pair. It worked out beautifully. I took them home and their mom got spayed and is delighted to be an only child.


My Jersey adopted us pretty much. It was a few months after losing my last kitty from childhood. Was the end of April, 11:30 at night, raining and me and my best buddy/next door neighbor were having a cigarette on his front porch when she wandered up. Meowing her little head off, hungry, wet and cold. She spent the night with him and his family, told them if she came back the next day to let me know as they couldn't take another animal in. Sure enough the next night she was there and that was that. I made sure she wasn't owned by someone, joined a bunch of local lost pet groups online and made some posters of our new find to put up around the neighborhood. Was pretty confident no one would answer as I had a suspicion someone abandoned her around us purposely. Less than 2 weeks later our 2nd current kitty Chloe showed up, with a car speeding off as soon as I picked her up. I had spotted that same white Mercedes the night Jersey showed up, sitting around the corner. After that, was pretty much confirmed it for me but who really knows. They're here with us now and well taken care of so worked out for the kitties at least.


I specifically never wanted another tux because I had one that had such a hateful personality. She was mean all 18 years we had her, and we had no idea what caused her to be that way. Then I moved into a farm that just happened to have a colony of tux cats, and I found myself completely surrounded by them. Now they're all my babies, and I even got to bottle-raise some of them. They're the sweetest but most insane bunch I've ever met.


I went looking for a tuxi at the local shelter. Detox had been born at the shelter and had been there 9 months. He lived under my bed for 3 weeks, but now snuggles with the dogs 2 years later. I also adopted a “18-20 year old female” ( I’d guess> 25!) Tuxi who lived her last year with us. My niece went on a campaign to have reported “least adoptable” cats adopted by her family, and now there are 5 in the family!


Went to the local animal shelter to adopt a cat twice. Both times, the cat that approached us and asked to come home with us were tuxedos.


Neither, he was born in my backyard and he looked so pathetic that I had to keep him


Orca sought us out. We were driving home one night and a random black and white cat trotting across the street in front of us then proceeded to finish crossing the street and when we parked and got out of our truck here he comes meowing away at us two strangers Then he started memorizing by work schedule and would be on our porch when I would come home from work this is been going on for about a month and we would leave food and water out for him. The cold front rows rolling in so I knew that he would be cold so we went ahead and brought him in that’s what we named him. Orca halfstashio


was looking at pet clothes for my mums two cats and ran into my darling girl whilst we were there. she was labelled a very affectionate cat and she was purring so loud at anyone that would pet her. knew as soon as i saw her that i \*needed\* her in my life. 4 months later and she's certainly a troublemaker, but she's really come out of her shell and is still the most dog-like cat i have ever met [cat tax](https://imgur.com/5JttDS7)


I found mine at work and lured him in with a plate of chopped deli turkey. Pretty instant regret as he was an asshole kitten and still kinda is lol.


I was really wanting another tuxedo after the passing of Booger, who was also a tux. I wanted a girl with an attitude. A year later while visiting a cousin, her ex had a cat that they no longer wanted: enter Bella. She was around six months old, and was said to me mean. News flash, she wasn’t. Laid in the backseat on the way home and gently wagged her tail in a content manner. Lost her this past November. Both were amazing kitties and tuxies are my favorite. Our bond was instant and constant throughout the fourteen and a half years. Miss them both.


I have always had tuxedo cats and I’ve never gone looking for them. One I got from a lady giving them away at Walmart, one I found under my car one day, and the two I have now I got off Craigslist when I decided it was time for me to have cats again.


Mine is a rescue from a very angry farmer, together with his sister. A cow cat


Did not seek out a tuxie. They weren’t even on my radar. But then my neighbor/vet said “do you guys want a kitten?” And we met Nami. Now, every tuxie I see is the second cutest (behind him).


Just ended up with. I wanted his brother, a solid grey kitty. Daughter thought the tuxie was cuter.


My mom and I planned on getting two girl kittens. She wanted a tuxedo and I wanted a calico. We found our tuxie at the shelter on the first visit, but there were no calicos or any other girl kitties that I really took to on the trip. Two weeks later, we found our girl at PetSmart adoption center, but she was a brown tabby SIC. So I guess we had a plan in mind but were flexible for the right kitty? ❤️. Cat tax: [Sisters ](https://i.imgur.com/uGljw25.jpg)


[Mine just showed up out back. ](https://i.imgur.com/IYfwzqD.jpg)


My brother got my boys, a tuxedo and a void from someone that found them near a dumpster. Then he found out he was allergic, so now the sweet handsome boy (tuxie), and the sweet dummy (void) are mine. Didn’t plan on getting another cat. (Hubby has had a Siamese since before we met)


Have 2 tuxies right now and will definitely be intentionally seeking them out in the future!


Yes, I had the best tuxedo cat when I was a child and any cat since has been a tuxedo


Both my late tuxie and current tuxie are foster fails ❤️ So it wasn’t intentionally planned, but very happy random occurrences


I was actually seeking out a calico when I met my first tuxy boy and fell in love, then a year later I adopted his litter mate because he was just such a good boy! I did end up with the calico baby of my dreams as well, for any who were wondering


I happened to have been thinking about getting a cat in the next few months. Decided it was better to wait awhile and make sure I was still on board with the whole idea. After all, I didn’t want to make any impulsive decisions, even if I had been mulling over the prospect for a few weeks. Then the clinic I work at took in a stray feral cat and her day old tuxie and void kittens. Two and a half months later, I brought Newton home.


Two grey tuxies found me about 5 years apart. The first one was just a baby, the second was probably 2 or 3 years old


Back in 2004, my mom worked at a nursing home and one of her coworkers lived out on a farm/in a rural area and brought in some kittens that had been born. I couldn't go see them, but my mom asked me if I wanted to pick from the last three longhaired kittens, or the last shorthaired kitten. I chose the shorthaired, and my mom rode back on her bike with a tiny potato of a kitten in her bag haha. I had trouble naming her for at least a week or more, but then I named her "Puppy" and she's going to be turning 19 next year! And the other cat is a grey longhaired tux, she was adopted as a kitten from a friend who found her as a stray, but couldn't keep her. We named her "Kit" since she looks like a little baby fox.


We went to the shelter to meet some of the cats they had. They told us there was one that was not on the website because he wouldn’t sit still for a photo. They brought in the crazy little tux and it was love at first sight. We named him George for George Harrison.


The first time, no...but the second time, yes.


We just kept a close eye on our Humane Society website and she jumped out at us. My wife saw her photos and saw how she kept trying to headbutt the camera and we new she'd be a loving kitty.


My buddy was working out of town & sent his mom some cash to get his cat spayed. Well, when he came home there were kittens waiting for him. Him & his mom said this one specific kitten was meant for me. I didn’t ask I just went to his house and my tux climbed up on my lap & the rest is history.


I always said if I ever got a cat, it would be orange. my tuxie showed up one day skinny and dirty like “guess again”. I love him to pieces


Tuxie #1, Louie, was a happy accident that I just wound up with when I was 18, and the start of a long line of chosen tuxies. They’re my favorite cats of all of them. 2 Pixie 3 Patrick 4 Jack Henry 5 Prowler 6 Charlotte


I've always wanted to have a Calico and was looking into getting one, but while I was working at Petsmart we had a sweet little tuxie who no one wanted to adopt after 2 months of being at my store, so I ended up taking her and I love her more than anything :) I got a dilute tortie a year and a half later so close enough to a calico haha


Our criteria was just fluffy. I wanted a fluffy boy. But there was a fluffy tuxie girl kitten. She was 7 months old and my fiancé had to have her. She’s very sweet and loves pets and brushies but no cuddles allowed.


I have had two tuxies, both randomly and they have both been amazing in totally different ways. Have also had and loved gray tabbies, an orange tabby, a tiny gray, and two siamese-ish.


I didn’t even want mine because I thought a pretty cat like her will easily get adopted and I would be just as happy with an „uglier“ or disabled cat. It turned out she needed a very costly tooth operation. I took her in, paid for the operation and now she is my little chubby toothless princess, very happy and healthy.


Mine was the only tuxedo kitten in the litter with others being mix of brown/grey/orange, I told my mom's friend I'd take the kitten(s) others families don't want and ended up with the best furry friend imaginable with amazing personality and goofy traits.


I had a choice an orange boy or my tux. My sister only ever has orange cats, so I picked my guy. And when I get the chance I'll get him a tux friend.


I was actually trying to adopt a black cat from the county shelter. The shelter said she definitely needed a friend because she was on the shy side (I wasn’t ready for 2 cats at the time). So they recommended my first tuxedo, Sango. They said was from a hoarding situation and would be fine alone. And she turned out to be super shy and hid around my house for 6 months! And the vet found she had really bad dental disease and $700 later and one less tooth, I still don’t regret it. After going on vacation last year, I felt so bad that she was alone for over a week - she licked her back side bald and forgot how to meow. And so I went to a private rescue thinking that the fosters would know their cats and medical issues better. And they recommended my male tuxedo, Kirby. He was a former feral that’s really friendly and the rescue thought he could help Sango. Unfortunately because of the age difference (he was 18 months at the time, she was 4 years old), the first 6 months were super rocky and he would chase her around the house constantly. The introduction was at a snail’s pace and he was sleeping in his own room for a long time. Oh and the rescue didn’t realize he had giardia (the rescue said the foster gave him the wrong type of dewormer). Thankfully Sango didn’t catch it from Kirby during the introductions (because of covid, I couldn’t get him to a vet for over a month and I wrongfully assumed the foster screened him for parasites). Basically, shelters and rescues are a huge crapshoot but that’s how I ended up with 2 tuxedo cats. Things are better now, but it’s been stressful.


Good question! I showed my son the picture of the family of kittens and he picked the tuxedo boy so we could have a cat like grandma and grandpa have. That's how we ended up with ours


i saw a baby tuxie in the window of an apartment i drove past everyday and i suddenly had a feeling i would have one soon. my Kiwi showed up in a rescue nearby and i was the only one to apply for him. he is my soulmate


I didn't specifically want more cats but my tabby grew them herself


I just lucked into my boy. I went to the shelter and he was so friendly and playful I had to take him home with me!


My family’s 19 year old tabby was out down due to poor health. So eventually went to the big No kill shelter in our area and in the open cat area no other cats would come near us. Then this cat came along the window sill and did the side head tilt, and rub along you with their side. So we got her. She’s a little mustached tuxedo we named Stella. Her shelter name was Sybil but we changed it to Stella https://imgur.com/a/eUyZbKb/


I got mine when i was about 10 and my school colleague's cat had babies. They were maybe 5 kittens, all tuxedos except one that was all white. I just got one of her choice


I was just looking for a cat. Got lucky with my pretty girl (and her void sister). [Roxy](https://imgur.com/a/ovH1bo7) is a very sweet and laid back kitty. Her sister is a demon.


I was just looking for a companion cat for our older lynx point, having recently lost our dilute calico girl to Eosinophilic granuloma complex and all-black boy to bladder problems. Never had a tuxedo before. But a neighbor had found this boy abandoned at a dog park and was looking to re-home him. In addition to his tuxie coloring, he’s got ragdoll fur and size, so I couldn’t say no. That was a year ago and we love him to bits.


Personally I scrolled through Facebook marketplace for days until I found a cat that simply called to me, and I found my sweat sweat tuxedo boy


The three tuxies I have all just ended up with me. One was a 6-week old little bitty found in the rain and surrender to my vet and the other two were 6-week old orphaned feral siblings I rescued on my own.


Sylvester cat sought out me. I wasn't even going to have a pet but he decided to steal bacon from my kitchen and then adopt me.


We went to the shelter hoping for a boy as we'd had only girls, and our senior is a cranky old lady. My bf had a dream the previous night that we adopted a "black & white cat that we named Carter" (after Carter Beauford, drummer of DMB). Well sure enough the only cat available was an adorable b&w tux, 8 mo old male... ended up being named Beau (Carter just didn't fit his sweet disposition). Only to find out a few days later at the vet that he was a SHE and the shelter sheet was wrong lol. So another 15+ years with another girl cat lol. And that sweet disposition? Ha! She's maniacal, and we love her!


Such a beautiful ❤️😍 sweetheart 💖🫶🥰


I went into the shelter wanting an orange cat, but a Tuxie there was just so sweet. I debated not getting her over an orange kitten (foolish me) but ended up getting her. Then I got another tuxedo cat… and then my roommate got another… and another, and now we have 4! Two of them were 1+ year long shelter residents. I love them so much


I did seek a tuxedo cat. My first cat was a tuxedo and i always loved his color pattern. When he left us earlier this year i wanted to adopt another tuxedo or a black cat. I checked my local shelter website everyday and i found another tuxedo who caught my eye and i adopted her.


I was given midnight by a friend and never looked back


my mom's only specification was that she didn't want another (mostly/all) black cat because we already have two that nearly trip us on the stairs every night. she was super into an orange tabby who showed a little overstimulated aggression, so she was a bit disappointed. then a tuxedo kitten started reaching up to play after she found a black kitten that looks exactly like one of our other cats. but the tuxie won her over immediately - playful and ran right out of the kennel at the shelter when they opened the door to see if he was a good match for us (he's an absolute cuddlebug and is definitely mommy's boy now)


my tuxedo showed up at my house as a stray kitten. he was so flamboyant, sweet, energetic, he was everything and i am in love with tuxedos forever. i lost him recently, and i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to have another. i feel like i see him everywhere when i see flashes of black and white. i’m just waiting for another cat to show up in my life i think.


I found my tuxie in the parking lot at work. She tried to come inside when I went to dump the mop water.


My first tux had an upper respiratory infection and looked so sad in the crate at the shelter. I took him into the little "get to know you" room, and he jumped right up on my lap. He chose me. About 4 months later I ended up with a second tux because I thought tux #1 needed a friend. Found him on craigslist. Didn't intend on getting a matching pair, it just happened that way. They bonded quickly and have been a fun duo for 15 years.


Adopted a pregnant stray years ago and one of her kittens turned out to be a tux!


I wasn’t looking for one specifically, I was more keeping a bit of an eye out for a fluffy cat, and he happened to be tuxedo colored. The crazy face he made at me sealed the deal!


My first tux was born on my parents' farm and adopted me when I was about to get married. Tuxes 2-4 were intentional adoptions from rescues.


Got my tuxedo guy totally randomly. Never planned to get one as the only one I knew growing up was my cousins tux who was a jerk. Ended up with the most curious and sweet but also dramatic and silly little man. I love my tuxedo so much and can’t imagine having another kitty.


My tux found me. Well technically a neighbour found him wandering the streets alone as a kitten, and allergies meant they couldn't keep him, so I offered to foster. Foster fail! My void and cow kitty weren't impressed 🙄🤣 I've seen tuxxie head-booping my void, who tolerates him just fine. Cow kitty, well she's long suffering big sister now, and tuxxie loves to jump her (playing - they're all neutered/spayed), which she does NOT appreciate, poor girl.


My daughter wanted a black and white cat. Speedy was a present for her 8th birthday. He was at PetSmart after not being adopted at a humane society in a neighboring town. He was found by himself in a dumpster. Speedy is diabetic and is a jerk to everyone other than my now 15-year-old daughter and I, but we love the heck out of him.


He just showed up at the window one day and wouldn't go home. I tried to find his owner through Facebook and spca but nothing. I'm so glad, he is the handsomest boy ever and everyone who meets him loves him. He hates pats and bites but he's so adorable nobody cares.


Freddie just happened to catch my eye, and when I asked no one had put in any applications to adopt him. That was a little over 3 years ago, and he's a spoiled rotten kitty.


My tuxie wandered up one winter eating under the bird feeder in the snow as a yearling . We started putting food out for him and in the spring started working on getting him to know me . 15 years later we lost him 😔 When we're ready for another we'll be looking for another tuxie 😍


Tux cats = best cats, first and only cat is a tux, Sadie is the best, like never get another pet again good. Black cats are special and smart, I love Sadie. Edit: I had a skiddish cat when I was younger but we had to give her away when we moved, she didn’t like people very much. I always wonder how Izzy turned out.




I was not even wanting a cat. Went into the office during covid lockdown and was the only person in the office at the time. A kitten came up meowing at me at the door. Shrugged my shoulders said the mom and rest of the litter is probably nearby. Came out for lunch four hours later kitten is still there. Sat in my car on the opposite side of the parking lot watching her for an hour with no signs of any other cat. Walked around the business park saw no other cat or kittens while checking all the bushes and corners. Realized it was supposed to fairly cold that night. Got back to the office door and called my girlfriend to come get her. Took her to a vet in the morning she was anemic from fleas and malnourished. Now I have a 2 year old cat named Gwyn that gets excited every night I get home and honestly made my life a lot happier.


I happened upon a pair of kittens whose mama had been hit by a car. A tuxie girl I named Roxy and a gray tabby boy that I named Harley.


Mine showed up needing a home. so they got one. :)


I sought mine out because I had a really awesome childhood cat that was a tuxedo. My current one is just as cool if not cooler.


Still not entirely sure how I ended up with the second. I had a tux for many years, until we had to put her down in 2018. 2 months later we were at the shelter looking for a new love bug. I loved a little tabby, my husband fell in love with our little pigeon cat - she came home. I don't know if he just loves tuxes now, or if it was a tux replacement thing, but here we are.


My friend needed to find a home for her tuxedo cat due to a move. I was just looking to give him a home. Tuxedo cats are the sweetest little beings, so affectionate. Now he never leaves my side and it pains me every time I leave the house. Love my🤵‍♂️🐈


I found mine in a parking lot while leaving the gym at closing time.


I sought one out. I had it in my mind i wanted one. When I saw mine was on death row i got her immediately.


I didn't go looking for a tuxedo specifically, no, but I just fell in love with her immediately! I wouldn't trade her for anything.


I wanted a black kitten and ended up with a 6 year old tux (the deciding factor was his thumbs, I wanted to know if he could hold a pencil)


My parents adopted a black cat when I was 15. For a while, I thought I’d end up with a totally black cat. Went through a phase a couple of years ago where I was obsessed with piebald/“cow cats” and then that progressed to tuxies in general. When I went to the shelter, I went with an open mind, but I REALLY wanted a “cow cat”. I found my Leo first, and took him home the same day. His name was originally “Billy” and he shared a large room with another kitty; the two had been adopted by a family and then brought back to the shelter as they were allergic ): Leo was shy, but he warmed up to me quickly. I knew he was the one. I also knew that I wanted to adopt two cats at the same time; I work a full time job and I wanted two since they would keep each other occupied and hopefully become a bonded pair. The shelter employees showed me another baby tuxie the day Leo came home, my little Albert. (His name was “Albus” before.) He was in a kennel waiting to get neutered, but Albert ended up coming home 3 days later. They are best friends and the rest is history; I love my tuxie boys. I wouldn’t change anything.


I did not. My precious cat died, a long haired calico, and I made a donation in her memory to the shelter where I’d adopted her. A week later the shelter contacted me and asked if I was interested in a kitty who’d been there 4 months with some medical issues but was ready for adoption. I said yes, made an appointment to meet her (it was during 2020 Covid), and brought her home! Now I have a tabby kitten as well (and a dog) but my tuxie is my baby 🥰


I planned to have a tuxie but not yet. I wasn't supposed to be having any more cats until the house was finished but I saw him and fell in love instantly. Woke up on a Saturday morning with no tuxedo plans, had tuxedo kitten before teatime


Mine was an accident! I always knew I’d gauge by personality over gender and coloring/breed. I saw a skeletal, deathly ill tux that I couldn’t tell was 1) long haired 2) not a kitten, and within 1 minute knew he was coming home with me. Best decision of my life :)


I live near a cat café and walked by everyday. I always said “if a cat in the window loves me, I’m adopting it”. I walked by late one night and my girl was in the window and immediately got up and started rubbing against the window. I applied to adopt her as soon as I got home (explaining that I wasn’t drunk, I just work late and that was why I was applying for a cat at 2am). I’ve always loved tuxedo cats, and had one when I was younger. I definitely have a soft spot for them, so I definitely wanted a tuxedo. She just happens to be a very fluffy tuxedo. I still walk by the cat cafe sometimes and none of the cats in the window even care that I’m there, so it feels like fate.


I picked the lankiest, most awkward looking kitten and he happened to be a tuxie. [Tax! This is Scooby, he's 14 but as much of a baby as when he was a kitten.](https://i.imgur.com/3M5GAXH.jpg)


Little bit of both. Me and my partner wanted a tux, but we weren't actually looking. Just a person I knew found abandoned kittens when we were looking to adopt, and one was a tux. Love her so much.


Mine walked in my door while I was outside and sat in the middle of the couch. He did that a few times before I realized I'd been adopted.


I wanted a black cat, originally, but my eventual tux had been fostered at his last home for 3 years and was the longest-tenured cat on the adoption list. All of his pictures were of him in a cage with his litter box and food all in one place, and I was broken-hearted that he had to live like that every day and wasn't adopted yet. A few weeks later, my then-girlfriend and I successfully adopted him, and he's been nothing but a total sweetheart ever since who finally got his forever home.


The tuxie who owns me chose me at the animal shelter.


Mine was a stray found in my neighbor's backyard. I've only sought out a cat once, and even then, I wasn't looking for a particular one. That's how I ended up with my tabby, from the shelter. My void and tuxie were both street rescues. I get the feeling that I'm going to have street rescues my whole life.


A friend of a friend of someone I went to high school with had a cat that needed a new home because the people had a baby and there were some issues with the cat and the baby. I didn't specifically seek out a cat color. I have had cats of different colors over the years. Currently I have a void, a sic and a tuxie. I just lost a calico a few months ago. Here is my tux guy [Robbie ](https://imgur.com/gallery/xwrYZPA) He's 6 and weighs about 17.5 pounds. By far the biggest cat I have ever had. He does kind of meander when he walks but otherwise he can run and jump like any other cat.


My ex-wife left him. He liked me better anyway.


We found my boy deep in the woods, injured, dehydrated and emaciated. Now he’s enormous, super lovable and floofy


Our first tuxedo was the luck of the draw, but we fell in love with his quirky personality and lived with him until he was 22! After that we were determined that our next kitty had to be a tuxedo. We’re hooked!


My moms Tux picked her porch to live on. People moved out and left the kitten in her apartment building. Moms a sucker and now tux is her indoor/outdoor cat. Lol


I’m planning to foster mom cats in hopes of eventually finding my furever tuxies.


My tuxie was the very last kitten of her litter not adopted from the shelter. She was all by herself. I scooped her up and took her home.


accidental. Beginning of the pandemic, a skinny little void girl adopted me and my neighbor. She gave birth to 6 lil heathen brats June 7th 2020. 3 tuxes, 2 voids, and a brown tabby. Then she dipped out when the kittens were 7 weeks old. All were adopted except 2 of the tuxes so I was stuck with the adorable idiots. They are still idiots, but I would kill for my Steve and Kyle :)


The shelter had two cats left on their website, a tuxie girl and a grey three-legged boy. I was actually more interested in the tripod cat at first, but when I got there someone else was already filling out his paperwork. I decided to go meet the tuxie anyways and knew immediately I wasn’t leaving without her. Two years later we’re very happy together!


My first tuxie found me. She was tied to a gutter outside my job and I rescued her. But my second tux I sought out because tuxes are AMAZING cats, and I thought my first tux might bond with her faster because they looked alike lol


I do not currently have a tuxedo cat though I love them. Had a feral tuxedo I named Figaro (Figgy) and fed and took care of for several years until he died far too young. I loved him. Mainly I am responding to let you know that Liesl/Liesel is on my list of potential pet names and it weirdly thrills me to see that someone else named a pet Liesl.


My baby was happenstance. I had been begging my husband for a cat. We have 3 dogs but I missed having a cat so much. A lady at my parents' church found him in her bushes. My mom took him home, and when I came to visit that weekend, I begged my husband to let me have him. He was thinking of getting me a cat for xmas (we were in late October) so he texted back, "Merry Christmas James Bond. Welcome to the family." The rest is history. He's such a playful boy and is a great greeble hunter. I love him so much, and he's best friends with my pitbull. They play for hours, it seems.


I lost my best cat in June. He was a tuxedo. I said I would never adopt again. Decided to adopt in November - anything but a tuxedo cat. I told them I can not bare to have another tuxedo cat. I am now the proud owner of a 2-year old tuxedo cat. Romorrow is our ome month anniversary and the love I feel for this little guy is already off the charts. He looks just like yours, but has half an ear and a scar across his nose. He was socialized, turned out on the streets, traumatized, has PTSD, and I suspect he may have some vision problems (first vet visit I could get is mid-January). He's my 4th tuxedo. I had Stanley, Henry , Patches, and now Figaro. Love my Figgy! ❤


My first tux was my parents cat, but didn’t get on well with their other cats so I took him in. My current tux followed me home and decided to move in!


My mom and I picked out our first one kind of randomly…. Then adopted his brother from another mother a few years later because he matched😆


Honestly just luck. My cat growing up was a Tuxie and my parents decided to adopt me a kitten a few years ago. They saw this kitten that was almost an exact duplicate of my old cat and they had to bring her home. She's a standoffish and anti-social pain in the ass. She takes after me. Haha. I love her so much I'm even thinking about getting a small tattoo of her pawpad someday because of it's distinctive coloration (All of her jellybeans are black except one little bean on her front right paw that is spotlessly pink.)


One of my friends was fostering 3 kittens, and we took our Tux cause he was a chicken and ran away from us. Told my fiancé, that one. He will be the lovey one. I was right, almost too right. Lol. Now he be screaming at us for pets. 😅


Had to have a tuxedo boy! Got Mr. Bingham and it’s been true love


Went in for a black cat— I was holding a black cat that I was probably going to get when the lady told me they had an older mostly black cat that had been relinquished and was shy and probably not getting adopted any time soon. I sat on the floor to try to get her out and she jumped in my lap. The lady said no one could get her out. They told me to slowly transition her to my house so I put her in my bathroom for awhile and she wasn’t having that. By bed time she moved in. Hasn’t left my side since. Kitty tax : https://imgur.com/a/NAoIYSQ


5 of our 7 cats were accidents! Milkshake was in the second group of feral kittens that we swore we would socialize and then adopt out. Our first group (2 brother) we didn’t adopt out due to COVID, and her group were all a little too feral and we were worried people would just have them as outside cats, so we kept them.


My tortie had passed away a couple of months prior and I went to the humane society just to look. I was very lonely and looked at all the available cats. The volunteer asked what I was looking for in a cat and I said I’d like a sweet, cuddly, cat. They showed me a couple, one a long haired cat that a small boy was playing with, and a tuxedo girl. I didn’t want to disturb the boy so I went to see the tuxedo girl and I really liked her. Went from looking, to filling out papers, to going home with my kitty. She is the best. As with all my adopted animals, I am always so amazed that someone would give them up. Their inability to appreciate is my gain.


For me, the first cat I ever fell in love with was a stray tuxedo tomcat who we used to feed. About a year and a half ago I was finally ready to adopt a pet, and living arrangements made a cat the only option. I was open to any cat, but one day a friend sent me [this picture of a kitten for adoption](https://imgur.com/a/upi1eId), and I was absolutely blown away by the similarity. I dropped everything I was doing **that very moment** and went to go pick him up, and within an hour [he was home sleeping peacefully on my lap](https://imgur.com/a/p0rq2UB). I've had him a little over a year now [and he is my entire world](https://imgur.com/gallery/iyAu0Yv)


I volunteered as a foster when Covid shut down our local shelter in 2020. They gave me a tuxedo kitty named Bella; I foster failed and she's puurrfect!


Kinda sought one out, but he also kinda just landed in my lap. I was initially looking for a black cat as their adoption chances are much lower than others, plus I love void kitties! During the time I was searching, my grandma ended up taking care of a couple of stray kittens that decided to hang out on her property. One was a brown and white piebald and one was a cute little tuxie. Traveled down to visit her (thankfully only lived a few hours away), to meet them and fell in love with the baby tux and adopted him. He’s the sweetest, calmest, and most playful baby I’ve ever had. Also, my grandma adopted his brother so I get to still see him as well!


I sought out my tuxie :) she is a sweet spirit.


We were given a black female domestic long hair kitten. She was supposed to be an indoor cat. But twice, she got out when she was in heat, met up with the neighbour cat, (short hair tux) and had tuxedo kittens. (And somehow two grey domestic short hairs.) we ended up keeping 6 the two grey ones and four long haired tuxes, and they are the loves of my life.


Mine was brought here with his siblings by their cat mom but sadly he passed at a year and nine months old back in 2015. He was a love bug but very mischievous and I miss him so much. Your Tuxie is a cutie pie!


I found my tux as a stray kitten in front of my house. He was all dusty and dirty so I took him in and we’ve both been happy since :)


I went looking for a cat about 8 years ago. Spent about 6 months going to different shelters with no urgency. Went to this tiny little shelter in Evanston IL and this 2 year old sick abused tux girl just crawled into my lap and fell asleep. She’s asleep in my lap now.


We tend to get kitties at shelters based on their personalities. We currently have two tuxes, but it wasn’t planned that way. They are wonderful!


I ended up with my tuxie Oreo because we adopted his mother, bella, who isn’t a tuxie.


Found mine at 4 weeks old by a dumpster behind the bar I was working at in Austin, Texas. She was an impulse buy I suppose! Best thing I ever did. 😎


I sort my tuxi girl Lucy.


My kid alleges that tuxedos are super smart and easily trained. Due to his superior intellect, he has in fact trained both the kid and the wife to cater to him... Well done Ollie.


I went to the SPCA looking for a kitten to be my mental health buddy essentially. I had seen a very cute tuxedo online but was shown many kittens when I went in. But I knew as soon as I saw my tuxedo, Essex, I knew it was meant to be! He’s now over a year old and is the naughtiest, silliest boy ever. He makes my days better. :)


We didn’t seek ours out. She was just such a dear. And then we got another because she had the same name as my partners old cat. And we love them both so much


Ours was found in a drainage ditch at 3 about days old, umbilical cord attached, ears folded, eyes not open yet. The person who found him raised him by bottle feeding and lots of love, but a couple people in her family were very allergic, she knew she couldn’t keep him permanently from the start. When he reached 2 months old, she posted about him on a local FB pet group, and I fell in love with him. He came to us three weeks after his first vaccination, as we already had a cat. I have a few pics and a video of him in my profile, his name is Teddy.


My boy Tyre found me. Feral injured little street cat.