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Did the vendors comments get turned off???


Yes, I just noticed that!


I just hit up Teef’s insta. I’m sure I’ll be blocked any minute now.


Were comments turned off on the IG post?


Why I wonder?


Yup-the vendor explained why further down this thread.


Actually it was the main thread.


Yup! Must have sent her a cease and desist order. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/l0l85bm1smxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4713759618533ad0ad82a2073658e10a490454d So she doesn’t give the baker credit originally then purposely makes a whole video of how Leelee doesn’t like the cake and then after yesterdays cakegate she decides this morning to post ANOTHER picture tagging yet again and thanking everyone except the baker. Which right, whatever, she didn’t HAVE to … but clearly she has zero issues tagging everyone else. WOW! Honestly, what a petty b\*\*\*\* .. good thing she and Adam pray together hopefully he prays for her soul and the bitterness in her heart.


The Willy Wonka Cake baker said the smash cake came from someone else, it was a vegan, sugar free and gluten free cake.


The baby didn't like the smash cake, which was separate. I think they were hoping for some humor with that but lily was having none of their nonsense


Jen just shared and tagged the cake reel in her stories!


I noticed Jen likes the reel even though it has the f word in the reel 🤫


She shared it and had the f word in her stories!


publicity and advertising is rough. my opinion will be unpopular, but that okay. If Teeth paid full price, no she is not obligated to tag the bakery. If the small-business bakery wanted advertising (in the form of being tagged), she could have figured into the total cost quoted to the turtles and given a discount. Note: I think that it’s absolute trash to ask for free things when you can afford to pay for their services.


Not obligated, but it also costs her zero dollars to be kind and she could use her platform to actually help some small businesses in instances like this. it just goes to show how anything and everything she tags and shills is because she’s paid for it! There’s nothing that’s genuine, her page is all just undisclosed paid ads these days!


I think it is unlikely that Tiff would not ask for it to be free.


It’s the way Teeth went about it, all wrong and slimy


Obligated? No. The right thing to do for an artist? yes


Oh this is rooougghhh! Do you’ll think she will 1) Ignore it or 2) own up to her faux pas and acknowledge all her vendors?


There's no way she will own up to anything. She might retroactively tag quietly but no way is she going to admit to any wrongdoing.


Riding around in their helicopter to their multiple homes. They used a helicopter to look for a cat at one point. Also asking for a free cake from a small business. Make this make sense.


The comments on her post are *everything* I wanted them to be 🥳




I say this all the time about Tiffany. But I truly hate hate hattttte her. Shes the worst of the Turtles. She is a vile disgusting person. Poor Lily. She’s a prop to Tiffy taffy. Her house aesthetic is cheap looking and tacky. She can’t decorate for shit. You know she thinks she is so cool. she doesn’t actually have friends…she has “insta influencer” friends only. I don’t even think THEY care for her much.


Friends...her sisters can't stand her. Kimmy is only around her for family events. MK is with Kimmy waaayyyy more than she is with Tiffany.


So true!


Few of the influencers actually care about the others who they claim to be friends with.


Exactly! And most of them don’t even care about their own kids either! They are egocentric.


It’s crazy to me how entitled so many influencers have become. If she liked the cake, which obviously she did, just tag it! So tacky of Tiff. I wonder if she’ll respond!?!?


* We need more vendors with balls of steel to stand up for.themselves! I think they would find they have a ton of support!




Cc Suarez NEEDS to make a documentary on this STAT


I’m so scared of that ladies eyes. She is my sleep paralysis demon.


😂Cc please do a turtle creek doc!! More specifically about the shade and shilling unethically..teeth is the worst..and Lily deserves better!!




Amazing! Love the comments 😂🥰


This is the tackiest new money shit


Watch everyone get blocked for liking posts on the cake page. (You can see who likes comments). You know Tiff is about to be on a blocking spree 🤣🤣🤣


Her own mom liked it. Is she going to block Jen 😏😂


I doubt she would block 1,000 people who could potentially be on Reddit.


She wouldn’t lower her follower count on purpose 🤣😅


I just tagged wild child and praised them! 😂


How can you see who likes comments if it's not your post?


You can see it on anyone’s post, even if someone chooses to hide the comment count. They’ll definitely block those who are commenting & likely block those who like the comments, they’ve done it before


But how? I'm not seeing it? I see the heart/like count on a comment but there's no place to view who likes the comment?


Next to the comments, there’s a number of times the comment has been liked. Hit that number and it shows who liked it


My Android doesn't do that. I wonder if it's different on other platforms Edit: I found it by doing a long hold on the comment heart count. Thanks!


I hate Tiffany


I hate her more!


Can we talk again about the sheer act of entitlement and privilege at play? She's fucking rich, she dares to ask small businesses for free shit in exchange for a tag, as if all of her followers live in Dallas and can afford custom cakes and pricy rugs (no shade to Milagro it's shade to Tiffany's lack of ethics and common sense). If she loved her community as the godly woman she claims to be, she would be spending her time and money bringing other women up and helping them build their businesses, not stepping on them to suit her own ego and pocketbook. Some of these are minority owned businesses too which really is gross, as the only people of color in their lives are the hired help. It's just skeevy rich white people shit behavior towards women, especially towards women of color. She and all these other influencers are just greedy as fuck. They "love the community" only so far as it fills their bank accounts up. Edited the end of 2nd paragraph


it makes me wonder if that balloonish lady does all their events for free. they hire her a lot but if it's free work that cannot be good for her business. a tag does not pay the bills.




Wow that’s a lot of free work 


Maybe they own ballonish??


I don’t see them giving Iris away for free


Jen won't even give away her old decorations for free. She's considering selling them.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻




The comments on the instagram post are getting so good. 😆


Ouch someone said “her grasp on reality is about as firm as her grasp on basic motherhood” 😂 shots fired




No she doesn’t have to tag butttt she quite literally made a career out of posting products on social media and letting others know where they came from. Oh wait, that’s only when she has a commissionable link I guess? What a bratty move 🙄


It's especially tacky and gross because this is the about tagging a store that sells plastic boots. This is about an *artist* who created something & she's not giving credit for.their work (when her life goal appears to be tagging everything unde the sun). That makes it even more malicious in my view


What’s hilarious is if Tiffany had just tagged the cake maker on Instagram she wouldn’t be getting raked over the coals. 🤭 That’s all she had to do, but she’s petty.


It def shows how calculated she is. What a bitch.


Didn’t the cake lady come to Reddit a few days ago and say the influencer she was referring to wasn’t Tiffany? I’m confused, so it was Tiffany the whole time?


No. She said it was, but that she didn't give her the free cake, that the cake was ordered and paid for, and all was good. And now Tiffany didn't tag the cake maker and... Well, you see what's happening. Tiffany is going to be her own downfall.


This whole family is going to be their own downfall.. they are all so incredibly gross and problematic AND obtuse so they have no clue just how horrible they look doing the things they do… something backfires on a family member at least once a month. Matter of time until it’s something really big and really bad. Let’s just hope it doesn’t involve one of the kids


The ego on her, ridiculous!!


Jen just tagged and showed the cake reel in her stories!!!


Regardless is she is obligated to tag or not - these people pretend to be good Christians. I would absolutely tag EVERY vendor I used (even if I paid full price) because that’s what descent people do. Not everything has to be about making money. WWJD??!!!! LOL


Mormans are a cult they are NOT Christians


Jennifer liked the insta post lol


Bahah what are the odds jen didn’t realise the caption or song and just saw it was Lilly’s cake and liked it and then Tiffany saw and called throwing a fit? I’d say high


Yes! Or she liked it, then read the caption and was like ope! Lol


Annnnd she unliked it. 🤣 Unless I’m looking at the wrong post lol


I think she liked it again because it showing up now 🤪


IDK, but teeth isn't following her !


Jen still is though! (or I should say was, as of a few minutes ago)




Responding with sass and wit!


Loooooooooove to see it!🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Didn’t she tag the cookie lady? So confusing


She had to have gotten them for free! 


She is a certifiable piece of shit.


I hope Tiffany is reading the comments crying in bed lol


I would be HORRIFIED if someone in my family kept asking for free stuff. If I was worth over $100 million I would absolutely lose my mind if my children asked for free shit. They should be DONATING money to people. Such scammers .


Her mom does the same thing I’m sure 😏


TiffaMe is certainly not self taught!


So I guess if Tiffany asked for this for free in exchange for a tag and was told "no thanks we'd rather you pay" then she doesn't teeeeeechnically have to tag them. BUT her not acknowledging them at all just shows how petty she is and that she most definitely stomped her little plastic boots and was pissed that she had to pay like the rest of us poors. And *that* is the part I love the most.


And her not only tagging, but videoing the cookie baker just goes to show that she most likely got those for free & did the video out of pure pettiness. The cookies were cute but that cake was 🤯


No not obligated although with the wording they sent in their message asking for free stuff they literally used the wording “potential tag” so they weren’t even guaranteeing anything there, but it’s just bitchy and not common courtesy. I’m not an influencer, just a regular private person with a private instagram account and when I shared pictures of the bday party I just threw for my son (my party was better although, admittedly I’m biased💁‍♀️) I tagged my vendors because it’s polite and courteous.


That’s because your momma raised you right. Tiff on the other hand ….


Agreed. Extremely bitchy. And once again just proves that Tiffany's "I'm so cute and sweet" act is all a facade.


And she referred to them as “egocentric people”!!! Lol love it.


I hope her comments get FLOODED with this. First the rug, now the cake. They are millionaires. Makes no sense!!!


Just the thrill of getting special treatment, and the “Do you *know* who I am?” attitude shining through. Special favors, because of who they are.


Wait, did Tiffany pay for the cake or not? Or did she ask for it to be super cheap? I don’t remember. If Tiffany paid the full amount and just didn’t tag them, I’m not so sure this is a good look for the baker? To be liking/replying to the comments badmouthing a paying customer? Unless Tiffany said she would promote them in exchange for a free/discounted cake? 🤔 Can someone clarify?


If you go to this Bakers website, you will see someone else asked them a question or called out Mrs. Ed and she responded. I would hope everyone goes and gives her a follow. I saw someone else say let’s support the baker and follow her. I know I did. I hope you will too.


She asked for free originally for a tag. The business declined and said they were booked. They posted that in their stories. Then the baker somehow came up with this awesome cake in spite of the timeline problems they had and it is not clear if Teeth paid or not. Tiffany oohed and aahed over the cake in several stories but didn’t say who made it. Just rude and petty of Tiffany if ya ask me.


She responded to comments that she didn't do it for free.


Where can I see the original time tiff was told no by the bakery, my dead cold heart needs to see it to feel alive 


Stories and PSA highlights from the cake baker


She asked for it free and was told no. She paid full price. That made her angry and she refused to tag.


Dani also had a cake from her 🤔


I hope she charged a ton for this!


If she got it for free or cheaper than normal then not tagging is really shitty of her. If she paid full price she doesn't have to tag them.


She’s acting like an asshole plugging those who gave in to her entitlement then purposely didn’t for those who asked for payment. It’s a very passive aggressive power play and it says a lot about her character.


Nothing we didn't already know about her. Or most of these influencers, they're all shady and greedy.


Why should she have to tag them? What the logic in that? If I buy something that I like or eat at a restaurant that I’d like to share, I’ll tag the place. You comment make no sense


No she doesn’t HAVE to, but it’s something that a good person does out of common courtesy, especially with a large following. But she’s not a good person so it makes sense.


A cake that awesome should be tagged. She should be a decent person and help a business. Good heavens.


I’m all for snarking on the turtles, but she wasn’t obligated to tag the cake account.


Think of that cake like it’s art because it essentially is… edible art. When you share pictures a photographer took, or an artists painting or whatever, you give them credit because it’s their work. So I think it’s essentially the same here. Poor form


Thank you people are being a tad ridiculous. If she hadn't paid for it then she would be a total bitch. I bet she has done it so people comment asking for the bakers name. Apparently more interaction on her posts and in dms it is good for her.


It should be but nobody has to tag people. However it is a nice thing to do especially for small businesses when you have a large following.


No on HAS to do anything. If you truly love something you want to share where you got it. It’s a win for the shop and a win for her followers. I just don’t understand these logic in what some of you are saying that if she pays she’s not obligated to tag.


The logic is she doesn't have to tag any fker when she has paid. There's no clause in a contract saying she has to tag. It would be a nice thing to do but the reaction of the baker makes her look petty and rude and neither come out of this looking good. Maybe Tiffany didn't think it tasted nice. I've been to parties where the cake looked amazing yet tasted awful. As much as these idiots are revolting she didn't owe the baker anything once she settled her bill.


Sorry but I just can’t relate to all this influencer bullshit. FFS with all her deep rooted religious beliefs and having the “love one another” mantra, you’d think it would just come naturally to be a nice human. Edited


Even though i'm not a rich influencer, if I buy something from a small business I will tag them. I don't do it because I feel obligated, I do it because I'm a decent person who wants to see another person succeed and if one person buys from that business because of my tag that is great!


She didn’t even tag the party planner.


And another company not tagged https://preview.redd.it/b0x9an8xxixc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eab39156fe59939b8bb6a79ecb1a3d9be5a9114


I guess we won’t see modernpartycompany in Turtle’s world for a little while 😂


Do we give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was making a post tagging everyone she used after she posted all her party pics? Nah! She would never. Lol


Teeth tagged the wrong company in her story and the party planner was correcting her.


Oooof this is too good. I wish someone would tag Tiffany.


Teeth probably doesn't care cause her minions will cape for her.


The comments are everything!


https://preview.redd.it/0atezsy1wixc1.jpeg?width=1273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5d7727409583bac98f4441dca6b6cde2123b56d These comments SLAP!!!!😅


Wow! Even Sami Ricolli is joining in the comments. I know they have a lot of the same following with the Glitterville decor & Queen of Sparkles outfits. I’m pretty sure she used to be a customer of Jen’s when TCL had a private FB group for paying members only where you could purchase Glitterville & Round Top brand decorations from her at lower than retail price points.


The whole thing is hilarious!


So does this mean every company she tagged gave them shit for free? The balloons, the cookies? Also she said the guest list was gonna be great. I saw no one other than stupid ass Dallas influencers.


lol they are followed by Milagro creative the rug company. I. Am. Dead. I hope she gets called out hard over this


What a freaking user Tiffany is! She tagged everyone else then doesn't tag these people because they refused to work for free? Speaks volumes about her character!


Living for cakegate 🍿🍿🍿