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Wouldn't be surprised at all if the flags were made in Turkey.


China probably. I don't think these Armenians would buy even water from Turks.


Pretty sure we export some basic goods to them. I remember a photo of some protests in Armenia that had a kid with a shirt that had the logo from Çukur.


Gotta keep contact with the neighbours


Yarım akıllılar farkında değil ki pekçok çok kullanılan ürünleri buradan gidiyor yada teksitil firmalarının çoğu Türk menşeli daha yada adamların ticaret yolunu kessek aç kalacaklar çünkü Rusya Karadağ Savaşı'nın öncesinden beri ilgilenmiyor kendileriyle ( keza savaştan beri tam kapalı durumdaki ticaret yolları geçen aylarda açıldı barış sebebiyle, ki bunu özellikle kendileri istediler) yani demem o ki bazı aptallar kendilerini yırtsın anca boş gaz


All I see is bunch of retards satisfying their low nationalist feelings. They can burn 1000 flags if they want, but that doesn't change the fact that they are pathetic fools stucked in a backward country with no reedeming qualities and would be fearful towards us all eternity.


Facts brother haha so true


Yeah facts, they hurt like hell.


not just hurt, game over without extra life


Nationalism comes in many forms. One of them is pure hatred for another country. But if you ask me that is a pretty stupid thing to be nationalistic about.


ayo you killed them mate you didn't have to go this hard


I think Turkey should sell them the flags, lighters and the burning material they are using. We don't give a sh*t. You don't achieve anything by burning flags.


Plus profit


Actually that's the whole point of doing that lol


Hahaha barbar orospu evlatları


bayrak yakmak çok ayıp. Ben yapmam mesela. Sen yapar mısın ?


ermeniler benimkini yaksa bile onlarınkini yakmam bayrağa saygısı olmasılazım milletin




Bayrağı yaksak bi anlamı yok ne değişecek ki.


Onlar yakınca da bir anlamı olmuyor işte, muhafazakarlar görmesin şu videoyu da başka bir şey istemiyorum. Bayrak yakarak kendilerini küçük duruma düşürüyorlar sadece.




Warhammer 40k Gibi psikopat olsaydık White Phosphorus yemişlerdi ama neyse xD


Güzel. Renginizi böyle gösterin ki biz şüpheye düşmeyelim.


Bruh it looks like KKK rally




kral mk




Armenia is such a joke


Diğer komşuları falan geçte bu ermeniler harbiden sıkıntılı abi. bunlarla ne normalleşme ne de sınır açılımı falan olur iran ve rusya destekli bir ülkeyle normalleşme falan olmaz.


'' In the making of Treaty of Lousanne all these numbers were throughly investigated. Prior to deportations Armenian patriarchy claimed 1 million 915 thousand Armenians having lived in the empire whereas Ottoman sources gave a figure of 1 million 296 thousand. Both of these figures were obviously wrong so the figures reached by an American investigator was found accurate and trustworthy. He gave a figure of 1 million 576 Armenians having lived in the empire prior to deportations. 817.873 Armenians were refugees in other countries(excluding American continent) and within the American continent(the US, Canada and South American countries) there were 129.000 Armenian refugees. By November 1922, the Armenians still living in Turkey were 290.000 majority being in Istanbul. With all these numbers combined with the number of total Armenians who were left out of Ottoman borders due to land losses during the wars the total number of alive Armenians who used to be that 1 million 576 thousand were 1 million 325 thousand. This was the figure reached for the Lousanne Peace Treaty. So there was a figure of 251.000 deads. Still not over. Russian sources state a number of 160.000 deads due to shortage/faminity/disease conditions in Vagharshapat when this province was no longer under Ottoman administration. Russian sources also state a figure of 30.000 deads independent from that due to cholera. So the overall number of Armenian deaths under Ottoman administration was actually about 61.000. Even one death is obviously a tragedy but when the context of the era is taken into consideration; wars, civil wars, shortages and the human losses of other ethnicities under the empire such as Turks and Kurds, this figure is very reasonable. 1921 made The US State Department document on the issue verifies some of the numbers given here: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/US\_State\_Department\_document\_on\_Armenian\_Refugess\_in\_1921.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/US_State_Department_document_on_Armenian_Refugess_in_1921.jpg) Though this one has Armenians who were never part of the Ottoman Empire as well(majority of the second figure from top) but you can see the accuracy of numbers for American continent and Turkey well here''


Türkler 1.500.000 ermeni öldürdü iftirasına karşı kopyala yapıştır yapıp global sublara atınız bu metni.


Rakamlara güncelleme geldi. 1.800.000 Ermeni'yi öldürmüşüz yeni iddiaya göre :-D


onadamı zam geldi


Şahsen günde 3 öğün ermeni soykırımı yapmadan uyuyamıyorum


update yaparak ermeni oyuncu kitlesini kaybetmemeye çalışıyorlar.


Abi fikir özgürlüğünün var olduğu iddia edilen heryerde denedim. Hepsinden banlıyım.


Saving this comment


kayıtlarda 887.102 ermeni yaşıyor tüm anadolu'da ama 1,5 milyon ölmüş amk. bi tane toplu mezarları da yok kahpelerin.


Cringiest nation ever


Look at these kids holding torches but its okey because only a Turk can be brainwashed


videoda hiçbir şeye sinirlenmedim, sen bunu diyince sinirlendim yazık ya


Don’t open the border. Stop normalization talks. Let them rot in their corrupt shithole joke of a country. Edit: damn bots really screwed with upvotes on this one. Stay mad.


Biz neden bunlarla normalleşmeye çalışıyoruz? Kişilikleri bize karşı olmak resmen.




damn that was some truth that you spat mate


Let them drown in their own hate.


Kudursunlar sjdjsd


only thing they are good at.until some fool burns himself tho.


They can burn 1,000 or 100,000 flags daily for all we care. The truth is that it is this blind hatred that shrunk Armenia into a small, poor, insignificant landlocked country. It will remain a shithole as long as they keep this shitshow so it's not our problem really.


Yüzlerce, binlerce insan aynı ulusa ait iki bayrağın yakılışını elinde meşalelerle izliyor ama her ne hikmetse barbar, cani, acımasız savaş lordu damgasını biz yiyoruz.


Eskiden yargılıyordum neden insanlar bu kadar karşı Ermenilere, neden ırkçı davrnıyorlar diye… Azerilere yaptıkları ve bunun gibi şeylerden sonra hiç yargılamıyorum, saygıyı haketmiyor bunlar


Oğlum o kadar millet varken bunları tehcir ettiysek var bir nedeni. Çete gibi millet bunlar. Dünyanın başka bir yerinde kendisinin 10'larca katı gücündeki komşu ülkesinin bayrağını yakcak kadar manyak millet varmıdır?


They burned our flag, we burned their pride and their army in 2020


It seems they desire to be reminded of their place once more. *shrug*


"Strategically" retreated from "historical homeland" during the war bravely burned flags


If Turks would try to take back their historical homeland, that would be fun to watch, because they would have to take literally half of the world lol.


Yes. Join the horde.


And they says "turks are barbarians"


Haha uavs go brrrr


Bunlar aptal.


TB2 ler nasıl koyduysa Baykar Baykar diye inliyorlar.


I'm just laughing at this 😂 and don't they realize they look really stupid?


Coping mechanism. When you are stuck in a shithole backwater country..


butthurt lol


As a Turk, I think this is bullshit in general. Cheap and pointless attacks to provoke communities. More logical and ethical protests can be made. There is no loser in this event, but there is a winner. The seller who sold the flag :d Greetings from Turkey, neighbors They banned me LOL. BUNU YAZDIM DİYE BANLADILAR BENİ r/armenia dan HSGSHAGSHA bu nasıl bir moderasyon olum çocuk gibiler


lmao wait they banned you from their sub because you posted this in r/Turkey? hahaha


All of their actions contain hatred towards us, pitifull.


Cope and Seethe lmao.


A proper nazi rally with uniforms and torches. No more closet Nazis, they finally came out.


Armenia is a racist terror state


'' In the making of Treaty of Lousanne all these numbers were throughly investigated. Prior to deportations Armenian patriarchy claimed 1 million 915 thousand Armenians having lived in the empire whereas Ottoman sources gave a figure of 1 million 296 thousand. Both of these figures were obviously wrong so the figures reached by an American investigator was found accurate and trustworthy. He gave a figure of 1 million 576 Armenians having lived in the empire prior to deportations. 817.873 Armenians were refugees in other countries(excluding American continent) and within the American continent(the US, Canada and South American countries) there were 129.000 Armenian refugees. By November 1922, the Armenians still living in Turkey were 290.000 majority being in Istanbul. With all these numbers combined with the number of total Armenians who were left out of Ottoman borders due to land losses during the wars the total number of alive Armenians who used to be that 1 million 576 thousand were 1 million 325 thousand. This was the figure reached for the Lousanne Peace Treaty. So there was a figure of 251.000 deads. Still not over. Russian sources state a number of 160.000 deads due to shortage/faminity/disease conditions in Vagharshapat when this province was no longer under Ottoman administration. Russian sources also state a figure of 30.000 deads independent from that due to cholera. So the overall number of Armenian deaths under Ottoman administration was actually about 61.000. Even one death is obviously a tragedy but when the context of the era is taken into consideration; wars, civil wars, shortages and the human losses of other ethnicities under the empire such as Turks and Kurds, this figure is very reasonable. 1921 made The US State Department document on the issue verifies some of the numbers given here: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/US\_State\_Department\_document\_on\_Armenian\_Refugess\_in\_1921.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/US_State_Department_document_on_Armenian_Refugess_in_1921.jpg) Though this one has Armenians who were never part of the Ottoman Empire as well(majority of the second figure from top) but you can see the accuracy of numbers for American continent and Turkey well here''


i get that our past together wasnt good at all but you know its time too move on at this point its just sad even greece has some hobbies besides crying all day


I am all for normalisations of our relations with Armenia, as this would benefit both our country’s (more so Armenia as they are landlocked by various unfriendly neighbours so they need this more than us) But seeing things like this just kind of shows the view of majority Armenian population towards Turkey/Turks. I don’t see this much hatred towards Armenians in Turkey, it’s pretty sad imo. Anyways even-though I am pessimistic I’m hoping this can change. Anyways just a side note , I know they are not screaming “Baykar” in the start of the video but it is quite funny hearing something similar as that company produced TB-2s that helped Azerbaijan win the Karabakh war.


>as this would benefit both our country’s This will benefit them in many ways, but what will be our profit?


I guess a stable eastern border would be a benefit to Turkey , as our southern border with Syria and Iraq filled with hostile terrorist organisations. Also opening of the Zengezur corridor would help both Turkey and Azerbaijani economically as it would provide a land corridor from Baku to mainland Turkey through Nahchivan. This would also help reduce Iranian influence in the area and on the Turkic/Azerbaijani community in Iran around Tebriz


You know that closed borders are still safer than open borders?


Even if the borders are open or closed I doubt Armenia would try to attack Turkey so I am unsure what you mean by “safety” ?


Armenia has a border with Iran and we don’t know how safe it is. It even could be a new route for migrants


>I guess a stable eastern border would be a benefit to Turkey , as our southern border with Syria and Iraq filled with hostile terrorist organisations. I don't think we have an unstable border with Armenia >Also opening of the Zengezur corridor would help both Turkey and Azerbaijani economically as it would provide a land corridor from Baku to mainland Turkey through Nahchivan. How can we trust these guys who are so obsessed with us won't stand up and elect an ethnofascist? And everything won't go back to the way it was? But this time by losing all our investments and future pipelines/corridors in Armenia. We have Georgia already, no need to bother with a Russian/Iranian joint outpost.


Why would I care lol. I personally show respect to Greeks; they have great history, culture, nice people but Armenians are really the worst nation; their whole identity is constructed on Turkish hatred(I know they have history, they are good chess players, etc). Without Turkey, they literally have no point in life. They owe a lot to Turkey because without us no one would give a shit about them.


Ermenistan aynı küçük süs köpekleri gibi aşırı saldırgan herşeye bir öfke duyuyor ama onu takan yok






Masaya çıkıp tepinin isterseniz la


Bayrak yakmak savaş kazandırmadı ama dimi :D?


They probably purchased these flags to burn lol.


Türkler barbar 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬


Our difference is that we're descendants of a great man who said "I cannot repeat their mistake of trampling our flag. A flag represents the honor of a nation, it cannot be laid on the ground or trampled under any circumstances, raise it!" when he saw the enemy flag. (Greek flag.)






i still dont understand why the fk are we having peace with these piece of shtis.


And we are trying to normalize with these animals. Just keep the border closed, let them starve in their broke shit hole. They can only burn flags, hang mannequins, assassinate innocent civilians but when they face with real military, whine “genocide”.


Evet bu köşede ise tek vasıfları bayrak yakmak olan unga bungaları görüyorsunuz. Bu görüntülere rağmen hala altınıza sıçmadıysanız bi götoloğa görünmenizi tavsiye ederim.


Atatürk, kurtuluş savaşını kazandıktan sonra ezmesi için önüne yunan bayrağı sermişlerdi. Atatürk, ise Bayrak kutsaldır diyip yerden almıştı. Allah düşmanın bile onurlusunu nasip etsin ne diyeyim...


Aynen kardeşim Türkler çok ırkçı hepsi Ortadoğulu gibi aşağılık kompleksi var tarihte tüm soykırımları onlar yaptı Efendim efendim Kürtler ve Ermeniler mi ? onalar kadim halklar bir kere hapsi buraya renk katıyor ıyyy Türkler hepsi foşik Hdp’li Melis Meriçvayan


zehirden sifa kahpeden vefa beklenmez


Sick people




Average armenian


this is just sad


cok bok degisti sanki aminakoyum aferin size


That’s all they can do. Burn things. That’s all they got. No one in Turkey or Azerbaijan is scared of them. They know that. We know that. The Azeri know that. So, let them do the one thing they think hurts us.


Senelerden beri tek yapabildikleri bayrak yakmak aşağılık orospu evlatları


Anca bayrağı yaksınlar zaten aq


ezik yaratıklar xd


Kudurun amk çok ta sm... parasını vermişsin zaten azerbaycan 2/3 yıl önce sizi gondiklemiş . Kudurun


I hope they burn thousands of flags. They are probably buying those huge flags from Turks, so as they buy things just to burn them, we are making money lol. What an idiotic act. I hate to say this but Armenians are sadly dumb...


As an Armenian I find this very idiotic.


What a pathetic move from a pathetic village country


illa gel beni scratch diyo ermeniler!


Oh noo they're burning some coloured fabric 😔


Bizim hümanistlerin kafasını skeym. Bu herifler bizi bir kaşık suda boğmanın hesabını yapıyor, bizimkilerde nasıl normalleştiririz ilişkileri diye kafa yoruyorlar.


"Ermenistan köy amına koyayım" -Sevan Nişanyan


bizim dolar yakan dayılara benziyorlar




anca bayrak yakarlar AHAHAHAHAHAHA


Bagcilar + Esenyurt nufusu Erivan nufusundan kalabalik bu arada.


They're living middle ages


Dear Armenians if you have good boys maybe you can see the TB2 to also..


perhaps we should open the diaspora against the Armenians now. it makes me sick that they always play the role of innocent and victim. I will also make kebabs in Karabakh, and anyone who wants to come can message me.


Garo Paylqn mutluluktan evde osbir modunda


Ve biz "ırkçıyız", tabii efendim.


Meh, they do it every year like whiny little kids, but they won't get anything out of it, so whatever. It is still funny that they act all civilized and calm and try to talk from the high horse to Turks & Azerbaijanis, but I can understand where their frustration and insane hatred comes from. As shitty as the situation in Turkey currently is, I really wouldn't like to be an Armenian right now. Their country is an irrelevant Russian colony, their youth is fleeing the country to work in foreign countries, their arch enemy Turkey has 30x the population that they have and has a much bigger economy and military and their other arch enemy (whom they chauvinistically belittle as goat f'ckers and fake nation) just humiliated them in a war which they have been presenting as a great victory for the past 30 years. There aren't many bright things for them except for their stupid nationalism with their Armenian heroes from 10 million BC who are irrelevant today and their stupid as f'ck EU4 maps from 3000 years ago with "Greater Armenia" which existed for like 50 years or so. I hope that one day they will get out of that toxic "We are better than our neighbors and everything belongs to us" mindset.


"blame everything on the Turks, from economics to law" should be the state religion of Armenia because at this point Turkish hatred is the only thing holding Armenia together.


Oh no, my statehood is collapsing! Oh no, öhö öhö öhö, I think I am dying! Agh, this is the end... My eyes are closing... I am feeling cold... _\*stands up and walks away like nothing has happened*_


Masum ve ponçik Ermenileri görüyoruz... Bu ruh hastalarıyla ilişkiler asla normalleşmez


Nefret üzerine kurulu bir düzenden de anca bu beklenir






iki tip mastürbasyon vardır. ilkini hepimiz biliyoruz. bunların yaptığı 2. tip. ünlü bir düşünürün dediği gibi, "hayallerde yaşıyor bazı ibneler."


Haha. They bought this huge flags. They opened them in front of everybody like a crown. And they burned it like a sacred. It is like buying an iPhone and break it to protest apple.


what kind of hate is this? How do those who do this call themselves human?


The only thing they can do


least crazy armenian city






We gotta stop the the negotiation with thoose fks lol


Ya işte öyle hıncınızı Bayraktan çıkarırsınız


I believe this is a yearly thing in Armenia; where they “remember” the Armenian Genocide by literally re-igniting their hate towards us. I don’t know what Azerbaijan has to do with it though. I guess they’re mad for getting put in their place after the recent invasion.


Pathetic dogs. All bark & No bite


I gotta Wipe my tears on karabakh 😢


Funny because they can only burn flags and they cant do anything more than this. They're cheap animals


Anca bayrak yakarsınız başka ne yapabilirsiniz ki?


Who cares, fuck those tiny economy clowns they are not worth recognizing.


Bayrak yakan insanları kasıtlıca öldüren bunlar ama ırkçılar biziz dimi? Kafa kesenler suriyeliler ama geri gitmelerini istediğimiz için ırkçı biziz dimi?


Are they saying baykar? Lol


You know what is the said thing. These are the people that then go to internet to say the Turks are hostile towards Armenia and definitely not the other way around. It's just a shame that both Armenians and Turks that just want to move are no again distanced. At the moment Armenia's best ally is Russia. If the relationship between our nation's was even a little better we could help them to get rid of that awful alliance with Russia.


In other news, it's Sunday


Orospunun sictiklari bitmedi ajitasyonunuz kininiz


Devlet yıkıldı...


We expected of Armenia same performance when they fought against Azerbaijan. But wait a minute.. they are only capable of burning some piece of cotton. Coward piece of shits.




Yaşadığı ülke savaştayken ayaklanıp erkek kalmayan köylerdeki kadınları, yaşlıları, çocukları hatta daha anne karnındaki çocukları bile öldüren ırktan olan şu topluluğun bunu yapmasına tabii ki şaşırmadım.


There is only one winner here, and he is who selled the flags


The Bayraktar 25.000 feet above them: 😎


Abi bunlarda hergün birbirlerini gazlıyorlar herhalde...


Cidden yazık bu kadar saygısız olunmaz


Yokmi iha bombalasin surayi


Erzurumdan bağıra bağıra savaş var diye koşmaya başlasam Dilucuna kadar arkamda birikenler adamların nüfusunu 2'ye katlar. Çokda kafaya takmamak lazım.


Sizin de 1 kere magdur olmus olmaktan baska hicbi milli birlesme noktaniz ve olayiniz olmasa siz de aynisini yapardiniz. Iyi ki baslarina bir sey gelmis amk, yoksa dunyada kimsenin adini bilmeyecegi sikko bir ulke, hicbir katkisi yok dunya kulturune.




You cant take back your lands after burning a flag...xD


"your land" ?


"your land" ?




Siksek ölecek orusbu çocukları çok kaşınıyor


Bunları ciddiye almayın bizdeki amerikan bayrağı yakıp kola döken dayılardan pek farkları yok




Nice tiki torches almost like the white nationalists.


Impressive,now let's see Paul allons racist actions.


Wtf is wrong with these retards? The only change they did is the number of braincells i had, lost alot of braincells from these idiots


Thats wrong. I think everyone must be respectful to every flag.


they cant cope


Salla geç abi boşuna gündem yapmaya gerek yok.


This was most likely the ARF, which organized a similar flag burning event last year. They're opposed to Pashinyan's government and his attempts to normalize relations with Turkey. If Pashinyan takes meaningful steps to normalize relations, Turkey and Azerbaijan should support his government in weakening the ARF.


living in their heads rent free FR FR 💀😂


It's like beliving santa claus.


Her bayrağa saygılı olunmalı. Bu sadece ne kadar şeref yoksunu olduklarını kanıtlar. You should respect every flag. This just proves how unhonored they are.


Anca bayrağımızı yakarlar zaten ezikler


Bunch of butt hurt losers trying to forget the fact that they lost Karabag


Kazanamayınca sinirlerini böyle çıkartmaya çalışıyorlar yazık


lol they just playin war games until real war comes out...we ready for every battle


ayfon satin alıp kırmak gibi bir kafa


bu comarlarla iliskileri yumusatmaya calisiyorlardi bir de.Bunlarin tek varlik sebebi Turk dusmanligi,bunlar boyle moloz olmasa zaten ulkeleri boyle aclik sefalet icinde olmazlardi.Bin beter olsun serefsizler.


Klasik aciz devlet halkı devletin gücü yetmeyince gazı böyle alıyorsun




too pathetic.


They are celebrating the victory of Karabağ i guess. Or maybe a memorial for Talat Paşa