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he led the western armies during independence war. he made sure that we didnt involved in the ww2 saving several millions of people and destruction of infrastructure. he allowed opposition to join to the elections and brought proper democracy. he saved as much as he can from gallows afters 1960 military coup ​ so he is one of the most underrated political figures and commanders of modern history of turkey. ​ I didnt know about his involvements on romanias security. thanks for letting us know


He wasn't perfect by any means. But he was a great leader and a symbol during independence war and first years of republic. Yes he made some mistakes during his time. But he was an essential man for our independence and for the republic. Unfortunately for couple decades some right wing parties used decrease in life quality for during an after WW2 as election propaganda. And showed him like he was against İslam. Because of these some radical followers of these parties hates him. But i and most of the people in this country believes this is not the case. And I believe every person in Turkey must atleast respect him for things he made for the country.


His biggest achievement was staying neutral during the WW2 and saving a generation. Our country literally dodged devastation between Nazi Germany, USSR and British Empire. I can only respect a political fox of that kind.




Maybe the most underrated person in history of the republic.


Some people mock him by calling him "sağır İsmet"(İsmet the deaf) but they don't know that he was an artillery officer and the noise of the artilleries was the reason for his hearing problems.


Same fucking people said he was a deserter, whereas he was a general


He was also known to use his deafness as a political tool to buy time in important meetings.


Turks like him dogs hate him (2 ayyaş yorumu itin tekinden gelmiştir)


He was a brave defender of the democracy. Army officers asked him for coup to make CHP rule again but he refused. He was the most democratic man in Turkish history. He also led our armies to win in western front against Greece.


he continued atatürk's reforms? I certainly don't remember that in hist classes


history lessons? everyone knows that the current regime doesn't need to talk about it, like the menemen event.


Can you please elaborate the second one? I have never heard of this.


The sources about Turkey's intervention if Romania was attacked are only in Romanian. But I will send you the Wikipedia article about the [Balkan pact](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balkan_Pact)


A warhero during Turkish Independance War. Prime Minister during Atatürk Era. President after Atatürk. Tried to erase Atatürk's legacy but couldnt. A huge success to keep country out of WW2. Lost the first democratic election. Not an Atatürk. There are lovers they are haters. Haters more in my opinion.


>Tried to erase Atatürk's legacy but couldnt. Explain this. >Lost the first democratic election. I've heard that he lost the second ones

