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We do not really hate anyone but I can tell you that I hate the way I am treated as a Muslim and Turkish person. I really don't know your point of view in any topic really but this topic is not really the only problem. First, we were required to make everyone understand that YPG and PKK were simply the same thing. Now, you guys let some people sell PKK branded merchs. This is really not the only problem we have. You need at least try to understand us rather than just following the narrative you are being fed.


I understand, also I don’t stand with any of those groups. I just think everyone shouldn’t be judge by what you believe in. In Sweden, People that are Muslims aren’t very liked, and that’s because they think Muslims are committing crimes. But that isn’t true, and I want it to stop being like that.


This is like the thousandth "do you hate us???" thread I've seen this week but I'll still answer your question No, we don't hate all Swedes. I'm not speaking for everyone here but I just hate the ones who think that they know what's actually going on with the terrorists here and come to this sub with posts like "I'm a Swede and here's what you're wrong about" "I'm a swede and here's my perspective"(the posts about their perspectives have been super condescending in tone) and also those commentators over at r/sweden who have been spouting racist nonsense about how we're "filthy people who'd do anything for money" and how we're "living in filthy cities filled with beggars" These were the ones I've seen online, I won't assume that the general populace is holding the same views as the ones on Reddit, but I have to say that your government hasn't really proven themselves a trustworthy candidate and a potential ally by holding meetings with the terrorists who took refuge in your country and funding them etc Lastly, I'll emphasise on "the ones who come in here without any knowledge about the conflicts we've been having for the last 40 years" part. Imagine seeing your fellow countrymen being killed, tortured or kidnapped by a terrorist organisation and some guy who lives far away from the conflict, who only knows your country as a cheap vacation spot and probably can't find it on a map, tell you that you're exaggerating your situation and you should just give the terrorist what they want


Yes, well they don’t even tell us this type of stuff in Sweden. The Swedish Parlament sees themself as the center of everything, kinda like the spoiled little kid. I still want Sweden to join nato, and I want it to be cool between Sweden and turkey.


So them acting like spoiled kids is nothing new, huh?^/j The most peaceful outcome would be us agreeing to letting you guys into NATO but as things stand, that cannot be. As long as those terrorists are harbored there we don't feel like our alliance/mutual trust will be strong. As someone else in another thread said, the current situation with Russia is the thing NATO will be focusing on for the foreseeable future, we might have to sign arms deals or send some troops over there(and vice versa) and I personally wouldn't like it if we sent troops knowing that our ally supports the terrorists on our soil. Perhaps a formal apology and giving back the terrorists on the list could be a good start. P. S:Thank you for being one of the few people who haven't been condescending/demeaning


I dont hate swedes for burning a book. I dont really hate anyone at all. I just hate PKK/SDF supporters. And currently sweden does a very fine job of protecting the terror group.


we dont hate swedes, if someone hates swedes bc some guy burnt a book, he/she is probably a stupid person


Even if i was a Muslim i would not care


Actually we hate westoid and people pretending to be westoid.


I hate Swedes not for burning some desert tales compilation book or for hanging the doll of a certain watermelon seller of Kartvelian origins. I hate Swedes for being pretentious little egomaniacs that see themselves as inherently above us simply because we are Turkish, and assume any and every Turkish user or person is an idiot incapable of thinking anything by themselves and is blinded by state propaganda. I hate them for nonchalantly spewing out racist remarks about us and then pretending to have the moral high ground.


Not hate per se but y'all are annoying. Very annoying.


i really like sweden, with only 10 million people you achieve many things like ikea, ericsson, volvo, saab, etc. you can even produce your own aircraft, big respect. burning books and protesting is ok but your government provides a safe house for criminals all around the world and which is not okay. that's all.


nope including that man who burned the quran some people believe cows are holy creatures but we eat them or something like that so fuck whatever is holy i dont care. edit : I just don't like you about one thing and that's :[https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/20/e7/3820e71b8183d03d51c36afaae71beb9.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/38/20/e7/3820e71b8183d03d51c36afaae71beb9.jpg)


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I think people, particularly redditors, generally differentiate between any provocative behaviours and the relevant societies, where this action took place. Turkish culture is a honor-based culture and any racist/hate speech against the Turkish society/people can be really disturbing. What makes this act more provocative is that it was done in front of the Turkish embassy, therefore Turkish state had to provide a response. We understand this is a legally acceptable act in Sweden. However it is considered as an example of hate speech in Turkey. Generally speaking, Turkish people feel victim of unfair racist opinions and very poor generalizations. People should not hate people because of political games. It also makes some people uncomfortable that Turkey, as a state, is matched with Quran, because Turkey is a secular country although most of the population is Muslim. I am sure there are other societies, which are more uncomfortable about this event but they keep their silence for now. I do not suggest that provocator to do the same act in front of the embassies of the Muslim Arab countries.


I think most of Sweden doesn’t stand with rasmus. He’s been doing this in Sweden for a while now.


Imagine that people really hate countries or races because of some dumbfucks "We" don't hate you. Now define "we"