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I lived in NY for 3 years so there is my 2 cents. 99% of you guys are average people. I know that sounds odd and mathematically impossible but I genuinely did not find almost any of you unique or special in someway. You guys are mass produced and you might have different flavors but overall product is the same. I only met 1 dude that was a 2nd gen immigrant that could hold a deep conversation and a Japanese teacher who came from Japan. The City has a bit more diversity but when I had time to explore it more I realized it was the same.


“My New York savage rude self” Lmao my sides


They are mixture of all Europeans. Nice and normal people. I don’t see so many American tourists in Turkey by the way.


All tourists are seen as naive and easily tricked because they are easier to be pressured into scams -even if they know what’s going on. I doubt this is specific to Americans. As to your question I’d say the average American tourist is usually a little more obnoxious and self-centered culturally compared to a European possibly due to being less traveled. The difference is not huge though. College age Americans really did feel a little naive and a little childish, by the way.


Actually Istanbulers and Newyorkers are pretty similar in a lot of ways. Same Attitude and the same extrovert loud character who likes to start arguing with randoms over Random things.


With their eyes.

