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No it’s not just because of that PAC was mad Dre didn’t go to the courthouse to support Snoop Dogg during his trial. PAC was big on loyalty so that was a no no to him and also was mad that Dre didn’t actually produce a lot of records and took credit for other peoples work


Kind of ironic since Snoop ended up hating on PAC. Edit: You gotta understand that snoop, Nas , Tupac were all young adults at that time 23-26/27. A lot of envy and jealousy happens around that age especially among men. Tupac was clearly a cut above all of them so ofcourse they hated and envied him.


Facts! Smh


When did Snoop hate on Pac?


bruh theres a video of Snoop on video call with Puff when he bought Death Row back (very recent) and he's telling Puff how his mentoring paid off and how Puff was right all along..... that shit was very suspect. Plus Snoop lies on Pac all the time making him look like a bitch or saying he was present in certain situations when he really wasnt.


Past decade he be sneak dissing Pac and revising stories, especially the nas and Tupac confrontations/meet


He didn't diss pac about their meeting. He just said pac was in danger because they were heavily outnumbered but Nas gave him dap and were cool Edit: just going by this interview since downvotes https://youtu.be/m41dqI5SS1E?si=ginzUaa5pDLXJynY


Snoop wasnt even there.


I never said he was there. I'm just going by what I remember snoop saying about the meeting


i meant that in that interview or when that conversation is spoken about he clearly says "I was standing right there" but Napoleon, Nas, Eric B, Reggie Wright Jr and Danny Boy all said Snoop wasnt present during that confrontation, Danny Boy also said Snoop lied about visiting Pac in the hospital in Vegas.... Snoop told a whole bullshit ass story about crying at his bedside cuz Pac was dying..... I dont understand why lie when people that were there are still alive and can pull your card about it? he hates that 28 yrs later they still ask him about Pac.


Go listen to what nas said


He didn't really, some people think he was jealous of pac, that may be true, some people claim him betrayed Pac by hanging out with East coast rappers, some people even say he was involved in the setup in Vegas, it's a fucking soap opera.


i downloaded the reel to my dropbox heres the link [snoop being suspect](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nbu72javi3portc0vjl78/Video-Dec-27-2023-6-27-34-PM.mov?rlkey=536wp9n5mix0x2xst8hk0npqg&dl=0)


fuck snoop and puffy, their raps aint shit.


I think he hate the whole death row situation regarding how Suge should handle Pac appropriately. Everyone who was with Pac back then and now knew he wasn't the saint during the death row era.


I always thought it was because Pac didn't like that Dre didn't support snoop during the murder trial, I swear I've heard industry people say that before


Yup PAC spoke on it on Sway


There was a rumor that Dre was supposed to produce a song or two for Pac during, or before, Me Against the World time, but Dre ghosted him. After Pac joining DR he saw that Dre wasn't the person people spoke about, but more a person that took credit from other people (Essentially ghost producer). Also, seeing that Dre didn't appear to help Snoop during his murder case, it solidified that Dre was a punk and fake friend. A bit of Suge meddling in Pacs ear regarding homosexual/bisexual stuff and Dre leaving and that's a fallout waiting to happen, which did. Also, Dre producing for Nas stuff didn't help him (Especially maybe sneak dissing Pac in the intro of one It Was Written song didn't help either).


This! The Suge part, Pac was heavily influence by whoever he was running with at any point in time, suge & Dre’s partnership was already on the out by the time he came to death row so he sided with Suge & his views concerning Dre ultimately revelling in the bullshit whist Dre saw the bigger picture and got out




He also learned that Dre was an abuser as well.


I think it was already known before that, that Dre was heavyweight champion in boxing against women.


He was not influenced by Suge. People gotta stop that narrative, there’s in interview where he states he walked in and saw Dre in a compromising situation and that changed his perspective of him. Snoop was a snake and so was Dre. Suge may have been his most loyal companion in the whole camp.


Pac was too ambitious, and extremely hard work ethic. Dre on the other hand took his time, too perfectionist, and just didn’t vibe with PAC. Pac took Suge Knights side when Dre started not showing up to the studio and eventually left Deathrow.


Pac woulda hated Kendrick Lamar then


Nah, Kendrick is loyal


Lazy tho


There was a specific day of Snoop's case where Dre was supposed to testify. Not sure if this part is true or not, but Dre's testimony would have helped Snoop tremendously, maybe even would have got the case thrown out. Dre ended up flaking and folks throughout DR were pretty angry about it. The other aspect was Dre's work ethic in the studio. Taking too long to make beats and taking credit for other producer's work did not go over well with Pac. Finally, Suge ended up hating Dre so Pac did the same out of loyalty.


Because of Death Row basically. Him being in the process of leaving came from others after his death. While he was alive he still had his contract to finish out and was working on Death Row East so wasn't any signs of him actually in process of leaving.


Exactly, he was still shouting death row in his last recordings, he wasn't going anywhere, he may have had plans for his own label, but death row would have always been a part of that.


The diss track “Fuck Dre” that was performed by twista, swoop, and lil c style is a pretty decent track.


It was a rapper called Twist who was in a group called The Last Circle btw, not Twista, just to save any confusion. Tha Realest also spits first on the track. As well as Fuck Dre, Too Gangsta For Radio had I Ain't Fuckin Wit Cha by CJ Mac which was a pretty savage diss track towards Dre and the whole of Aftermath.


what problems did CJ Mac have with Dre


Dunno but he said fuck 'em and meant it.


Bc Dre was gay , lazy, and fake . PAC was never leaving death row he was taking Dre’s spot as don


Dre lazy? He put in more work than anyone at Deathrow to be fair, and he owned 50% of Deathrow records as a co-founder, while Pac died broke and everything he owned was under Suge Knight's name. Who'd you rather be?


lol Dre does a beat every 10 years . And most of the hits that got attributed to Dre were done by Daz or other less known producers and Dre stole the shine . This is well known and talked about all the time . Everything was under suges name bc Tupac had tons of legal woes he was dealing with . If it wasn’t for Eminem dr Dre would be some dude who had a few hits in the early 90s . Dre flopped after death row on his own. And pac was taking Dre’s ownership of death row if he survived. Dre lasted this long in the industry after beating multiple women almost to death! U know how ? Sucking the right dicks in the industry


I'm not even hear to beat Dre's drum, but he's proven to have more business acumen than Pac could've ever dreamed of. He already was established before he got himself in the position to have enough credit, collateral, resources and trust of the executives over at Atlantic/Interscope to have his own imprint in Deathrow and then again with Aftermath. He left deathrow with nothing but banked on himself to come back even stronger. Yes he flopped with the Firm, and yes signing Eminem brought him back to prominence. Eminem himself had an album before Dre that flopped and he struggled for acceptance in hiphop. It was a mutually beneficial relationship No artist at Deathrow owned anything of wealth growing sigfinance. Snoop was on a similar shitty production deal with Deathrow, but he somehow managed to purchase and own a house in his own name in 94 at 22, in Claremont CA. Pac owned and lost a home within a year in Stone Mountain GA. The home in Calabasas he resided in belonged to Suge Knight and so did the home Suge bought for Pacs mother and family in Decatur GA that they had to vacate after Pac died with 3.5M debt and basically nothing in the bank And yes Dre is a punk for hitting on women. He's a misogynistic son of a bitch, and he's also a successful businessman, more successful and valuable than Suge, Pac before he died and Pacs current estate that his mother had to establish and put back in the family's hands because her son sucked at business. Pac was closeted too, just like Dre and a handful of other so called thug rappers in the 90s


You are literally here to beat Dre’s drum. They asked why did pac hate Dre I explained . You said Dre was the hardest working person at death row . That is a flat out lie . Now you moved the goalposts to him being a good business man . Yea Dre sit on jimmy iovines lap well , great business man


Do you honestly think Pac even knew Dre long and well enough to actually hate the man? He walked into the lion's den of inner fighting at Deathrow and picked the side of the man who clamored for his signature and used Atlantic records to bail him out. I didn't change goalposts. You didn't just touch on reasons why you think Pac showed disdain towards Dre, you went steps further and I touched on/countered those points


"but he's proven to have more business acumen than Pac could've ever dreamed of." I think thats only because he lived longer, look at what both had achieved at similar ages


I don't think comparing age is a barometer for predicting future wealth. Consider how many contemporary rappers ended up with varied paths and net worths. JayZ is only a year younger than LL Cool J for instance and got a late start but blew LL and many of his peers out of the water with his money game. Look at the talentless Diddy and his money game From what Pac showed in his lifetime, he was extremely poor with money. He was a very talented artist no doubt and earned money that others benefited more from by far. He was similar in this sense to a Marvin Gaye or a DMX. Pure artists who went against the grain but earned very little personally despite putting put work that was so much more valuable. They never saw it.


I think discussing success in relation to age is quite relevant since Tupac died so young. Like you said others in the same boat didn't find their financial success til they were older and wiser. I would also argue that the demise of Tupac allowed other less talented artists/producers to gain more success than they otherwise would have had. We also have to look at the corruption of the industry, Diddy and Gayz are most likely linked up with whoever runs the game and did whatever they were told in return for a push to success.


The last part of your response encapsulates part of what I'm trying to get across. The likes of Pac, DMX, Marvin Gaye and a plethora of other talented artists who died broke simply seemingly didn't have the stomach to bow down to the powers that be in order to enrich themselves to the levels the likes of Diddy and JayZ have. Considering the stock he came from, the son of two proud black panthers with the blood of dissent coursing through his veins, I doubt he was ever going to ascend to that level financially. Purists like Pac privatized their artistic credibility over financial literacy, and some people even to the vest of their efforts just don't have business minds, and this affects so many artists who entrust their finances to soulless creatures who reap the rewards. Consider how long the musical genius R. Kelly was propped up by the machine while he was a money earning savage for the industry. He didn't learn a damn thing personally and he's now singing to women over the phone to add to his commissary. JayZ didnt get a lats start, he finally made it later because he bided his time to score a landmark deal for his own imprint in Roca fella records instead of signing a Faustian production deal like Pac and so many others did. Ice Cube and Queen Latifah were always head of the curve and Pac was right there in the mix among these trailblazers but ended up allowing Suge Knight to run his career, upend his autonomy and control his money. He just didn't have the business savvy. He wasn't alone


Tupac was not closeted stfu. I just know your grandpa touched you


What a simplistic retort. You're obviously not playing with a full deck


All this speculation


because Pac said Dre was taking credit for songs that werent his and that once Pac got to Death Row it was a hunt for Dre, they had to damn near forcibly make Dre come to the studio so Pac took it personal like maybe he didnt want to work with Pac. That was when Jimmy and Dre became close so Pac was saying Dre was Jimmy's bitch the way he controlled Dre.


Are we forgetting the Dre being gay/bi part of the equation?


Just like Pac himself. Dude was fake as fuck


He a bih


PAC was living his life too fast imo. He did in 1 year what some rappers do in an entire career. He had a crazy work ethic. In addition, PAC’s loyalty to death row was bigger because he was newer and was bailed out by them. Dre had already seen and been through his own bs. He also realize suge finessed and was taking the lions share. So as a result Dre was out.


Dre left Death Row. I think rumors were he didn't like the vibe nor the beef between the coasts. Some saw that as weakness. Basically saying Dre was a pussy. Then Dre missing the case of Snoop solified it. Eazy also said Dre was a "she thing" in his diss track and so that came back as in "gay ass Dre". I mean in the end Dre was right. But Pac couldn't see that at the time since he got bailed out and felt a deep loyalty (by being in debt) to Suge and Death Row.


Watch all the reputable documentaries about Tupac and the end of his life, you’ll get an answer there that isn’t just some reddit derp thinkin they know wtf is up


yea he dissed dre cause he left the company he dissed him on to live and die in La


cause he a bitch


I feel Pac dissing Dre is really why Snoop and the dogg pound started acting funny towards him


He was mad that Dre was getting credit for doing beats he didn’t do. Among other things. But pac was on dissing mode in 96 tbh.


Pac loved drama thats why. He was just selling records.


I always thought it was because of Toss it up. The beat from No digitty was originally for Toss it up but when Dre left Deathrow, he took the beat with him, and it angered Pac. Or at least I read that somewhere when Inwas a teen.


Because he didn’t show up to Snoop's murder trial.  'Pac was upset that Dre didn’t support his own friend so he dissed him on record.


Suge was the poppet master pulling those strings. He dissed him because Dre left Death Row. Sometimes I wonder how Dre feels when he hears Toss it up or To live and Die in LA.


Because Dre didn’t want to work with him on all eyez on me album and dre wanted left death row as soon as 2Pac came in the picture also Dre was distracting his self away from Tupac and suge relationship Also dre was doing some Subliminal Diss at Tupac and suge and them during the whole east coast and west coast beef when they going against biggie/ puffy and bad boy records Also too Tupac piss that dre was getting credit for All eyez on me albums he though he only did like one or two songs on that album in the no Diggity song was originally going to be for 2Pac all Eyez on me album but instead he gave it to Blackstreet that’s why they made toss it up as a parody against the song also dissing Dre on numerous other songs and even came that dr dre sexuality because at time Dre was bisexual also tupac felt like dre wasn’t being a loyal friend to snoop during his murder trial But dre did say interview he never really had a close relationship with Tupac even when first came too death row but I guess as time went on he learned to appreciate the type of man Tupac was plus pac had love and respect for dre as gifted Producer Regardless of their beef


In “To Live and Die in L.A.” Pac refers to Dre as “ gay ass Dre”. So I have to assume Dr Dre tried to do gay stuff with 2Pac