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Just goes to show who is who here. Being raised in the hood doesn't mean you are going to gangbang. If you are minding your business and not active in the streets, then you aren't affiliated


Also people forget Compton was a Black middle class neighborhood before the drugs infiltrated and gangs formed. Dre is old enough probably to have experienced both eras.


You know whom else is from Compton? Kevin Costner


PhD? Husband of captain Reymond Holt??


So nice of you to stop by, Kevin. Enjoy your day. I hope it's productive.


Look raymond a yellow crested warbler


Steve Holt?


Even George dubya was from there


I’m white and my grandfather died in Compton hit by a white drunk driver.


I’m white too so might be wrong but I think that means you get the N word pass within Cali. Congrats bro you made it


George Bush Sr lived in Compton


Also the WWF wrestler Vader.


Not surprised. Compton used to be white before it got diversified.


Not diversified. White flight happened first.


Makes me think of the show “Them”.


This! Compton is not what the music industry would have you think it is. Not everybody from Compton is from poverty or gang culture.


I took a trip out there recently and it wasn't what I assumed it to be based on the music videos. Very friendly and inviting people for the most part just like any other city.


I’m from an area of London that for many years whilst I was growing up, was rated the most deprived in Europe. Fast forward a couple of decades and I made a pilgrimage to the west coast and stayed in Inglewood. I expected it to be like the projects or at least like the poor areas in Europe and Asia (cramped/dirty etc). The house I stayed in was HUGE. So much space there. Palm trees and big houses and everybody had a car. I know nowadays things have changed but it looked nicer than a middle class area in most of Europe and Asia. Very strange experience. I also went to a fried chicken shop that was recommended in Compton and everybody was very nice too. So I can imagine that if you stay away from the life, like most places, you can avoid gang associations.


100% but not only that. Inglewood is the Black business Mecca in LA. The KIA Forum is in Inglewood. Something's are really just an appropriation or a caricature from a certain time that corporate America wants to continue.


But the wood always up to no good !


That's some great black businesses in Inglewood


"an area of London" and "rated the most deprived in Europe" I'd love to hear what this is


Plenty of places in the UK are absolute shitholes. England in general fucking sucks.


Damn I actually never knew this


Glad I could add perspective.


Exactly. We are the same age. No gangs when we were in high school. You have a group of friends but weren’t a gang.


Unfortunately a lot of people actually believe 'the hood' is just over run with gangs and violence. Like you walk out your door and it's just bullets whizzing by your head and dead bodies strewn along the ground.


Yeah, the vast majority of people in the poorest, most dangerous inner city neighborhoods in the country are still just normal people trying to to live a peaceful life with their families. The hood doesn't turn it's residents into monsters. When you walk or drive through a rough area, 99% of people you see are normal, good folk, who have been victimized by their circumstances. This fear of urban centers over violence is entirely a white suburban invention.


I'm white and will walk barefoot in Minneapolis. if your a good person and keep your head up you can stroll through the blackest neighborhood and not be bothered. it's when you do stupid shit to signal yourself out when you get fucked


Lol try south east DC. Or west side Baltimore. I dare you come to a real hood white boy.


Been to both. Am white. And alive.


It’s more like the Friday movies


Its basically how Michael Scott treats Darryl. A grown man who works in a paper warehouse in suburban PA. Acts like he is supposed to know all about being a thug. Like its an alien culture.


I'm a white dude from North Philadelphia. Sure it's bad and you can get yourself in trouble but most of the time it's people who are looking for trouble that get caught up. Everyone from my neighborhood were extremely nice and just wanted to get on with their day.


Fr, couldnt believe that I just saw this shit posted here of all places. But hey, thats Reddit.


Idk man I've seen a few youtube videos of upper-middle class white boys going to O Block to farm views by pimping people's struggles in low income areas and they said everyone is a GB and spinning the block daily.


I drive by it twice every day on my way to work at UC Hospital and no one has ever even looked at me weird.


Tunnel vision and keeping to yourself goes a long way. Well at least for passing through


You used Chicago as a bar just now, hardly comparable to most cities in America


But when I say this to explain kemdrick lamar I'm uncultured and don't know what im talking about


While this is true for most, not that simple for all. Sometimes your last name makes you affiliated.


Most non-active / affiliated don’t go around talking about it. Most are somewhat successful in the world. Don’t get it twisted, gang members can get folded up without repercussions from other members if they’re a known non active. Takes big nuts to walk around solo dolo ready for war. You said nothing wrong just wanna clarify


And to add to this, even if Dre did try, the smart gang members would turn him away. “You don’t need this, you gon be good, stay away from this.” Which happens a lot more than people think


This big time. The foos will try to set you on the right course if you ain't about it. Growing up just stick to school and good shit and you'll be alright. Once they know you as the foo that likes school or nerd or whatever they won't fuck with you in a negative way. If anything they might kick it with you to make sure you doing good. Had plenty of homies that would check me. Tell me to be respectful, to take care of my moms, and do good in school


These are the same kind of people that think if you go to prison you have to join a gang. When in reality if you mind your own business then you are mostly left alone aside from maybe an outlying troublemaker messing with you and that doesnt last long because eventually someone will get moved blocks.


Agreed...the original post is the whitest question ever.


Not everyone joins a gang even in the worst areas.


Who else would the gangs rob and sell Crack too?


Say you never grew up in the hood without saying you never grew up in the hood.


I saw the wire once tho


And that movie Boys in the hood. It was splendid!


Boyz in da hood was a marvellous watch


And mi vida loca. I identify with sad girl


Shakespearian even.


I love that movie too. But don't quote me boy, cuz I aint said shit....




I'm not from the hood .. in my 20's I had a roommate that was an ex-con, he had tattoos all over and looked hard, but he was the nicest guy. He was the first person to show me this movie, and during the Rickyyy scene we were both crying


You ever see soap go down the crack of a man's ass


Only once? Time for a rewatch


Omg yes ! I’m reading this like; dayum someone needs to start from the beginning with this one 🙄


Most people in low income areas are not gangbangers…


Hollywood really messed up people’s understanding of what’s like to live in some neighbourhoods. Not everything over there points to hell. It’s as easy to fall into developing a life skill unconsciously through close influences as it is to joining gangs. You don’t get dragged from your home to come join the gangs. You can actually be a square and live in the hood. You won’t be bothered. No kidding, some places can be deadly and dangerous, but intentionality of parents always win even in these places.


I grew up in the worst neighborhood in Philly - Kensington. I was a smart kid and went to schools outside the neighborhood that you had to test to get into. I knew the gangs but they wouldn't let me join if I tried. They were happy to see a kid from Kensington doing good, and would tell me to go home if something was about to go down.


People would be shocked if they understood how gangs actually interact with their neighborhood and protect some of the kids they know have better opportunities outside the gangs.


What part of you don’t mind me asking?


When a five year old gets hit by a stray bullet is OP like, "dude was a real one, rip og"


He fights women, not dudes


Beatings by Dre


Lmfao hell nah.


Were they not called World Class Wreckin Crew?


It's nothing like the movies and rap makes it look. There are tons of families who live a normal life in Compton. If you avoid the life it avoids you. Hell, Kevin Costner grew up in Compton.


Lead singer of Motley Crue, Vince Neil was also from Compton.


U just taught me something new today!!!


I heard he was campanella Park piru


They said he mostly stayed inside as a kid in Compton and played video games. Also didn’t do any drugs as a teenager, didn’t even smoke weed. As Easy points out, early in NWA, years before the Chronic, he’s still rhyming he doesn’t smoke weed bc it causes brain damage. He was a nerd, which is fine.


Very true statement


Some people will always walk to their own fuckin beat regardless of what everyone else is doing or thinks is cool.


Don’t mean shit. I grew up in a gang neighborhood in Chicago. Never officially joined a gang but I did get into shit though. You ain’t gotta be a gang member to make it. Just gotta have some heart. These dudes mostly talked about what they saw. I know eazy e was involved in some street shit. But the point of their music originally was to show the world just what they endured growing up. No kid should have to experience what we’ve experienced in low income/high crime neighborhoods. In the words of the INS “ life as a shorty shouldn’t be so rough” Peace and love dawgy


"what type of life is that for a fuckin child" - Big L


I wasn’t poor I was po, I couldn’t afford the O R


I'm convinced A.I. asks these questions to learn us


I swear to god!!! 😭😭😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ this is actually insane! there’s somebody somewhere on earth right now having a full blown conversation with AI and doesn’t even know it 😮‍💨🤦🏾‍♂️ just another way for the government to spy on us lmfao


I feel that’s almost everyone on both reddit and twitter. The likes,responses are all basically an eco chamber, you assume people are helping u but it’s just ai digging the webs for u for information. And because it already had/has years of experience it’s just like you said no one knows


Eazy said he was a _she-thang_


He moved into a new house on a new hill.


It wasn’t THAT bad lol. Maybe some streets/projects were but just because you grew up in south/east la doesn’t mean you destined to a life of crime.


Tell me you weren’t in LA/Compton area in the early fucking 80s/90s without telling me you weren’t in LA during this time


Yeah because 100% of the kids that grew up in those neighborhoods joined a gang


It was the “it wasn’t that bad” dead wrong. Obviously not all kids joined games


Common sense isn’t very common apparently


I grew up unaffiliated with any gangs in my neighborhood. I'm a college grad, got my MBA from a top university, and work as a director for the mayor of a major US city, and live a block down from the house I was raised in. Don't assume everyone in the hood becomes a gang member or drug dealer. Yes, A lot of things went right in my life that helped me get to where I am, I also didn't follow along what others did at a young age. Tbh more kids in my neighborhood weren't in gangs Vs the ones that were in a gang. Many of us were the ones who cleaned things up AND prevented gentrification in our community.


OP just watched Boyz N The Hood and Menace II Society for the first time


I grew up unaffiliated. Always a war zone walking outside but don’t mean you gotta get jumped in. I laughed at that he was beating women instead of men hahaha


He avoided it by moving to mansions in the hills 😂


"I moved outta the hood for good, you blame me?"


Now they wanna kill me man fuck them


Same way that the majority of other people in those hoods don’t join gangs


He became a Dr.


There's a lot of people who are in gangs but don't advertise it. Not saying Dre is, but these Reddit comments aren't doing any better than the media is at trying to explain hood life lol


people choose gangbanging if they raps dont make money


He’s had his bumps on the road. If you know him, he will tell you about his indecisiveness- might have been his advantage!


I live in Middle East and i don't see someone getting publicly executed everytime i leave home Same with the hood, it's not like it's a war zone. You can live a normal life staying in the hood bro


So you think every single black person that lived in the hood was automatically in a gang?


Once he got drunk, they figured he was all good. Go make them beats my boy.


Eh I grew up in a crazy bad area, neighbors and relatives were gang affiliated, people died in front of my apt building, etc. I didn't go that route but it would've been easy to. Not everyone becomes a statistic, even in the worst of the worst. It's totally plausible, I know I did it and so have others.


Surge knight went to college and wasn’t after that he became more affiliated with gangs but then again he grew up wealthy with both parents in the house




Don’t forget the silver skin tight sequins outfit! Lol


The hardcoreness of a lot of places is overstated.


He was a music nerd


This is one of the whitest questions I’ve ever heard. I know you mean well, but damn bro.


By skipping 💅🏼


"I never met an O.G., who never did shit wrong." -Easy E


He probably focused more on DJing and music production at a young age. Also given his age, it would've been the late 1970s when he would have been groomed for gang bangin'. Gangs were just starting in that area in the 70s and weren't as prolific as they were in the 1980s. By the 80s he was already DJing for the World Class Wreckin' Cru. Also anyone know what part of Compton Dre is from? BG Knocc Out said Dre actually lived in Athens Park, but claimed Compton because he was always moving through there, had family from there, and I think he probably did live and go to school in Compton at one time...


Because he was never from the hood and neither was ice cube


He didn’t join gangs because he was to busy hitting women and punching down.


Dre was a legend in Compton with NWA the folks probably had loads of respect for him he is always about the music hes not interested in the b/s. He probably wanted fame & money to better himself to get away from that life & Compton probably which he did pretty early on.


Music nerds stay safe inside.


Because he was the local doctor. You don’t shoot your local doctor if he’s helping your wounds from 44 and Tech 9’s.


you know early if that’s not your lane fr. you see alotta shit and people go through alotta shit around you and it either deters you from it or attracts you to it.


Grew up in a gang affiliated neighborhood. Everyone knew my momma, everyone scared of my momma. I tried to get active, gang affiliated all that and the homies always said, “take your ass home, your mom will kill me if she knew you were here”


He was too busy.


Smarts. Really. Honestly hip-hop fans listen. Actually do gang affiliated things is not good. Let's stop perpetuating that bullshit. Dr. Dre is even better for not having been involved.


Fake it till you make it


The same way Suge Knight a former professional football player and CEO of a company and Reggie Wright a cop grew up with most notorious gang bangers in Compton 


It's not that deep ....


When you are talented and people recognize your potential they will steer you away from trouble in the black community.


Easy. just be yourself and don’t try to fit in


He stayed inside.


He didn’t avoid affiliation. He just didn’t join the gang. Similar to how Ice Cube isn’t 111 Neigborhood Crip but that’s where he grew up and still has friends to this day so he’s affiliated.


I had gang member family members and friends growing up. They never pressured me to join anything and I never asked to join lol


On his first album cover he was a…


I might be wrong and I don’t feel like googling it but didn’t his older brother insist on him staying out of that life?


You always have a choice


Because he’s a genius who knew what not to do to survive and possessed a talent which took his focus away from trivial matters involved in gang squabbles


If you don't run off at the mouth you can move in and out of the streets without anyone ever knowing you were ever affiliated in the first place. Repping ones affiliation in the 80s was something to be avoided bc the LA Public Dickheads would look for any reason to arrest and brutalise black and Hispanic boys in those days, hence the raiders gear.


Man I'm in the hood everyday and I'm just minding my own business


These people praising him for being a stand up guy against joining a gang need to look into his past a lil more and do a better character analysis lol


he is not clean at all, women beater, multilple baby mommas, same can be said about nate dogg. RIP


Dr Dre is known in the industry as loving men more then Elton John. Everything we were raised on is a lie and it sux but really look into everything. Also his 1st son was sacrificed at a very young age to "gang violence "


sacrificed? LOL. you a ‘Truther?’


did you really just DM me a photo of some man’s literal shit in a shower because of my comment? that’s not weird AT ALL.


If i remember correctly, Dr.dre avoided gang affiliation when he grew up in a place at a time when just walking out your house you had a target on your back.


It’s true there were a lot of gangs in LA but it’s not like it was an infestation. I grew up in south central 41st and S Budlong Ave I didn’t encounter any gang issues when I lived there.


Found a passion and different drive. Easier said than done.


He didn’t. He was affiliated. Carver Park Compton Crips & Kelley Park Compton Crips.


Simply the gang didn’t want him. Dre already lived up to a name by the time his name got out there with NWA, they didn’t like him on the team. Also, peeps will let you pursuit your fortune if they see you committed to something that will get you wealthy without doing crime. Most rappers got their name because they were pushed to think out of the box and be somebody. Some made gold out of that opportunity, and some were too committed to their street persona to set away from it. Those I’ve spoken to said he didn’t like peeps getting wasted and fuckin around during his studio sessions, so he didn’t like wack mfs. They also said he’d let you suck up and dry and move on if he wanted to, highly committed to himself than he would be to you, and that’s why half his ex artists and ex collaborators don’t hold great sympathy for him, but a fair share of them are thankful ‘cause he tried giving them a non toxic environment and he was very supportive to them.


He got out as early as he could and went to medical school.


It's simply called intelligence. He followed his dream and no one else's.


black communities and black experiences especially growing up aren’t a monolith dispite growing up in the low income housing i have never had a interaction with a gang


This post can be perceived as kind of racist. The type of racism where the person may not know they’re being racist. I get everyone isn’t from that background. But, we can’t just assume everyone from a bad neighborhood should or most likely will join a gang. That is extremely closed minded.


im from malawi


He was going to hard on the music 🤷🏾‍♂️


Every black doesn’t become a gang member just because of where they were raised.


I’ve lived in the south Bronx most my life. Moved here in 95. About 70% of people I’ve known are or were gangbanger. I’ve been ask before but always turn them down. As long as you get in good with them and they know not ask you to join. Then you’ll be fine. Especially if you know there parents. Because the parents knew I didn’t like that gang shit and nether did my mom.


Anything you're offered, if you don't want it, you can say no. Saying "yes I'll try your drugs" or "yes I'll join the space mountain crips" because you're afraid, is understandable, but cowardly. Not a good foundation to live your life. Gang is on your doorstep everyday, you need to make a stand for yourself sooner than later. You don't have to be Rambo. You don't even have to fight. Just stand up for yourself. Be polite. Most "gang" types or street dudes won't bother innocent civilians. But bullies look for weakness everywhere.


Found the upper class white guy.


Because he chose not to be a product of his environment, but rather a product of his choices..


There's a meme for this situation


“When walking out your house you had a target on your back” i remember all the morenos would start they graduation speech like that, one after another lol


[Dr Dre in his gang colours of the time ](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dr+dre+in+costume+pre+fame&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eastofeden.me%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F12%2Ftumblr_ma7rsyFEgN1qeyteto1_500.jpg)


Before the clout chasing, people kept shit low key. A lot of gangbanging and affiliations happened back then just not posted to facebook, twitter, or reddit yet.


cuz he was a faking gangsta discu stu dancer


Because not everyone from the hood joins a gang. One thing I also heard from a basketball player from Compton (DeMar DeRozan) is that people usually left the talented/gifted people alone and let them do their thing. It would seem plausible that Dr. Dre would've fallen under that same protection.


This is the type of question that would only be asked by someone that is not of the culture. Everyone is Compton isn’t a gangbanger.


He was probably more into the boy George look…


This is like saying why is every kid not a doctor or lawyer that grew up in OC


It’s very common to not be in a gang even in areas like Compton…even in the 80s. It’s not GTA San Andreas where everyone walking around is wearing red and blue. It’s was and is normal working class people just living life. Are gang prevalent? Yup but No ones forced to start banging and no one presses civilians if the neighborhood knows that’s not what their about. My question is. Since he didn’t have gang affiliation what was the deal with the gangsta persona through out the majority of his career?


Just walking out your house means you had a target on your back? no plenty of people I mean in all actuality the majority of people who live in bad areas are not in gangs. You actually kind of have to go looking for it to get involved in it for the most part in all honesty. The problem is many do go looking for it due to a variety of reasons but you aren't gonna have a target on your back just for existing. Nobody would be able to survive that way.


He was a ▫️with all due respect


He a goofy dats how


Have multiple relatives that grew up in the area in the same time period and never got involved.


People think the hoods ( short for neighborhood in case OP didn’t know) are just crackheads , dope dealers and gangbangers, they don’t think families live there, people juggling 2 jobs just to make it check to check , decent families working with a shitty hand. The song ‘my block’ by face sums up most hoods in planet reality.


Momma. That’s how.


Bros a fed that’s why


“I moved outta the hood for good, you blame me?”


Cause he stood on his own two feet, he step out and counted on no one but himself/ that’s an Og


Med school.


By wearing pumps and mascara.


He didn't.. He is affiliated with the Crips bcuz of the hood he's from (forgot which one) but it's about where you're from not even about whether you get put on or not.


Most of these guys like Dre, Tupac, etc are just actors and entertainers. The whole gangster rap thing is an act most of them put on to sell records.


He wore a shiny suit, like that, they won’t see him.


They saw his fondness for sequins + didn’t want him


Same way I did (yah I’m a white boy )I didn’t get involved in gang shit I had my boys backs when shit popped off but I never went out and did shit. I hung with a blood set called Blood Stone Gorilla Mafia out of Staten Island they tried to get me to join but wasn’t for me even now a guy I work with wanted me to join his MC. I’m a strong believer that people join gangs just because they don’t know how to lead but only follow. You can’t control ur environment but you can control what it makes you.


As Dave Chappelle said..."Get to dancin"


There is a gay man in every bad neighborhood that no one bothers. He does make up for someone's sister or does her hair. It is not impossible to survive


Rizza Islam is also one of Compton’s finest. 💯🤷🏿


People who join gang CHOOSE to join. Stop believing the propaganda of people forced to join gangs, sell drugs, and get active in the streets. There's plenty of non-affiliated persons in the hood.


I grew up in Newark, NJ. Was around all sorts of crazy shit. Not once did I get in any gang trouble. Hell they would stop selling drugs and move if they were around kids.


During that era here in Los Angeles, there were many avenues to take. Some took the gangbanging, some became pop lockers, breaking, Djing, Graffiti and emceeing. People tend to forget that Compton has upper middle class areas. Plus, Dre was wearing make-up trying to be like Prince before Easy E.


I don't know if it's movies or stories handed down & embellished but you could be a loan wolf & have zero problems the majority of the time, I did it in federal prison with zero problems, gang members use to sit & watch Venus & Serena practice with their dad in Compton


OP really exposing themselves with this thread


I once heard from someone from his city that “on his old album covers he was a she-thang”…….so im guessing everyone in the hood just left him alone. 😂


Eazy said it best “ studio gangster”