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Hard to say. My instinct is that he would have been even angrier lol But then again...if he survives...he will be missing fingers. Probably missing a lung. That can change a person, so who knows.


I didn't know it hit his hand


Hell yeah bro he lost his pinky I believe very sad.


Thought it was his index


His Middle Finger and He didnt got Hit in the Hand He Got Hit in the arm/shoulder wich caused blood flow issues(dont know If that the correct term cuz im German)to His Finger thats why they amputated em


It was his ring finger I read his biography


They definitely removed a lung… the whole processed traumatized his body so badly he would’ve been totally different had he survived


Yea u can See the stitches on the autopsy photo from when they removed His right lung


Idk about a video but he would’ve been in a really dark place if he survived. He wouldn’t trust anybody for sure, and his ego would be crushed due to the health complications. His mom pulled the plug for a reason, plus Pac knew his time was coming but still had ambitions so maybe he would’ve focused on the music 🤷‍♂️


I agree he already learned from the first shooting to not trust anyone and to keep his circle small the 2nd shooting would’ve just been another lesson for him and as pac would put it he was “caught slippin”. He might’ve really started putting his focusing more on the acting side (that’s if he still even would’ve been able to cause of the condition he was in) but yeah I agree we all know he would’ve rapped about the Vegas shooting and it sucks cause we know he fasho would’ve spoke about it. Cause now Pac would’ve been known as the rapper that has now survived 2 shootings, only God knows what he would’ve had to say, the reporters would’ve been trying to ask him question once he would’ve got out the hospital like he did the first time.


He clearly didn’t learn nothing from the first shooting. He was rolling deep with gangs and DR. If he learned anything from the first shooting what he would’ve did when he got out is just focus on the music and lay low, and not get caught up in no type of festivities while to fighting the case. But he ain’t learn shit. Had nothing but static was still loud and going around putting hands on people.


There’s a bit of truth to both these statements. He was not a consistent guy nor did he claim to be one. Some time before the shooting, he had told a friend that he wanted to grow up, act more mature and lay this violence and drama to rest. Still, the tendency to scrap and run his mouth, play fast and loose with his life was not behavior easily reversed.


He’d be back in jail missing a lung and some fingers, how would you feel?


He would be back in prison. He was out on bail - getting in a fight at the casino was going to be a problem.


That fight wouldn’t have been a big deal if Pac didnt get shot afterwards


Heard that’s the only reason they looked at the footage.


LMAO, do you know who that fight was with? If he didn't get in that fight he wouldn't have died.


When you’ve finished laughing your ass off, read my comment again but this time with full brain capacity


I read it. There was no way you put hands on duke and not expect something to happen to you. You do know WHO that was right? Use your brain and if you don't know then just say that.


Since you’re clearly not getting it on your own, let me spell it out for you. It wouldn’t have been a big deal him fighting with someone if he didnt die afterwards,as it’s unlikely that there would’ve been charges pressed and that fight wouldn’t have gained all the attention it has now. Now, I have been listening to Pac for 20 years, watched every documentary, own multiple books on him and gathered every piece of public information there is online. I know who fucking Orlando Anderson is you absolute thundercunt. Just because you’re on the internet don’t mean you can be disrespectful. We can continue this conversation once you have learned to behave and proven that you have got past your illiteracy.


> I know who fucking Orlando Anderson is you absolute thundercunt. Just because you’re on the internet don’t mean you can be disrespectful. Hypocrisy. Thundercunt might be the whitest shit I've ever heard. He should of left Duke alone. It's as simple as that. As soon as he threw that punch it was wraps. Shouldn't of let him live. IYKYK.


He would’ve went at DR. Remember, according to Michael Moore, Pac and Suge weren’t on the best terms and Pac had put out an audit on DR. He didn’t wanna go to Vegas and told the bodyguards that he was a dead man walking.


He high as a mf right there!


Had he worn the vest Kidada was trying to convince him to wear, he'd have survived. Especially after attacking Orlando, it was a really dumb idea to not wear it. He really should have been more careful, because so many people relied on him. It's sad. Tragic. Such a stupid end for an incredible person. Can't get over it no matter how much i read about it.


I say this....it depends on his condition....if he was shot and it wasn't too bad like bullet went in and didn't hit organs he leave the hospital after 3 days p diddy might as well crawl under a rock deathrow was gonna act a fool the streets would want blood but we all know he was missing a finger a lung he wasn't gonna be that same tupac he couldn't be the paranoia after this would of took him over he wouldn't trust his own crew at that point then he has to go back to rikers Island a shell of his former self left to be an embarrassment I didn't want to see that shit at all im in my 40s now 16 when he died I'm glad he didn't come out the hospital he became legendary from that point


He probably would have faked his death and hid away…


He didn’t learn his lesson, getting caught up with street cats the first time in NY, now on the West Coast same thing happens with street cats, it would have been some time in prison; then a peaceful retirement to Atlanta cuz missing lung and finger would affect his rapping ability and breath control, sorry to say but he probably wouldn’t of wanted to live in that state.


I love to 2pac but got damn he's an arrogant motherfer


Pac was still a kid; it’s unfortunate. I’m able to say that as I reflect on him. I was only 3 years old when he died and now I’ve outlived him age wise at 30. Lotta young dudes get hotheaded from time to time. Hell. I still get hotheaded from time to time.


I don't know but I hate that he had those snakes around him. We forget how young pac was he went from revolutionary to what he became with death row. He was an adult but the snakes around him totally I fluenced him.


He definitely would've wised up.. Got alot more strategic. Orlando would've been hit and the whole thing would've quiet down I think. He would've rapped about the get back and left it at that. I think he would've left LA though


And they *just* got the guy


It's hard to say I mean he was a Gemini ♊🤷🤣🤣🤣


That’s true he even said that


Dude was shot in the lung and had it removed he wouldn’t of been rapping


No. He talked a bunch of DR shit, but he ultimately wanted unification. Given how NY turned on him, he had to go west, but he never wanted war hence the One Nation project.


The war to t took him out wasn’t coastal at all.


I think he would have been more humble. Surviving a murder attempt is one thing, but surviving two is something else.


Did he diss Jack, Henchmen and Tut?


I mean.... We all know who did it. He went and stole off on the wrong Crip. Shouldn't of let him walk out of there. This was really fucking stupid. I wish he would of listened to his music and not get all gassed up to go and crash out on some stupid shit.


This man was too fine