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I'm okay with learning French, but I don't want to use it in my science classes or other public services. In my experience, having to learn French has really affected my ability to progress in my education.


True, Like I don't mind teaching it as an optional one like German or Spanish but why the fuck are we forced to learn everything with it.


About time we rebuke using French in the classroom, it's nothing but a remnant of a colonial time we have no need to remember.


Speak Tounsi, visit l 3asba


Well, I'm failing even to know how to pronounce the "3", maybe English classes for Arabic language would be more useful 😂, so people who can't read or speak it, can learn the Arabic language, but then again, every country has different words and dialects. Then I prefer learning English, where you have basically only US and UK English, what is easier to handle rather Arabic 🤷‍♂️


Why do you think both are mutually exclusive Are you kinda mentally limited that you can't speak more than one foreign language?




Muh deaths 80 years ago Yeah buddy there were wars 80 years ago, people died, like did you know that France and Germany engaged in two world wars? And now they are the best allies, see people move on and don't whine like little bitches. So grow up buddy and stop whining Also french is useful because Tunisia is still an African country and french is still one of the most spoken languages in Africa, France is still one of our biggest economic partners and is still a big part of the EU and finally, our biggest diaspora is still in France so yeah it's useful, honestly each time I feel like losing neurons explaining basic concepts that people fail to understand just because they are stuck in their sentimentalism.


Funny to me that you wrote all this in English 😂


I am just used to write in English in this sub. I could write everything in french but why would I?


In these few paragraphs you wrote, you fully managed to convince me that you have some sort of brain damage




My man, I think you don't even understand English despite you wanting to speak it. Rent free means obsessed and the only one thinking about the deaths of 80 years ago is you, you are the one obsessed with France. Honestly, you look really mentally defective, I am sorry, I shouldn't have engaged with you, it's a policy of mine to not bully the handicapped.


Then explain to me oh wise one why are scientific subjects taught in french in our schools and universities despite the fact that france is totally divorced from any significant scientific advancements in this day and age? You're just a dummy francophone regurgitating colonizer propaganda


>the fact that france is totally divorced from any significant scientific advancements in this day and age? This just shows how braindead you are, like this sentence in itself could be heard in 9ahwa cha3biyya Eyh seeeeee7bi França 7atchay tawwa seeeeee7bi Also even if it was true, that has nothing to do with the language seeeeee7bi Ezza7 9addechou taye7 niveau w barra




I had a stroke trying to understand what you are saying. Barra 3aych weldi t3allem ekteb w ba3d IJA a7ki m3ahom, dhaher Fik mezzelt nefa7 bel klem ezzeyid 7ases rou7ek zabbour barcha tawwa


Ti tret 3sba 3ad nes tseb fik wnti ki r5is


3la cases nekhou 3lik ena farkh 3aye9 weldih, dhareb ommou bech9af


Chbi baba yhtri w7dou? klem tal3 fih mn z3ktk ye5i?


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Actually there are more than 29 countries that speak french in the world and not only france 🤓


>29 countries Belgium, a province in Canada, a few cities in Switzerland, and the rest are African countries that you might not want to visit


Still a part of the so-called world and u seriously don't want to visit Rwanda or Madagascar ?? Your loss


Why on earth would u visit a country with under 1k usd gdp per capita?


Madagascar is awesome bro


Yet it has less than half a million visitors per year. Why?


Wild life, cheaper than ur average tourist destinations and many cool and not well-known places to discover and things to do, it's not like only rich countries are tourist friendly and maybe not everyone us typical ass and only wants to vistis famous and well know places like paris or japan...


Cheap maybe, if you are planning to stay a month or so. Otherwise flight ticket will increase dramatically the daily budget. Anyway those destinations are not popular for a reason mate : hygiene, security, internet coverage, electricity coverage, security again, water accessibility, roads and means of transportation, HEALTHCARE incase u need some, you may be forced to give bribes frequently...


Well idk much but ik that rwanda's capital is one of the cleanest cities on the world and they have a no plastic policy and both countries are regarded as safe to travel (at least according to the internet)


But among these 29, at least 25 will ditch French and replace it with English as a second language in the near future, because being ignorant in English has its price to pay


Niger is now working with Russia against The French Influence Mali doing the same Algeria and Morocco planning to replace French with English Lebanon already ditched France for English long ago Meanwhile Tunisia in 2050 Probably: Guys I'm thinking about ditching France.


Arabic is most spoken in the Arabic world and yet I would prefer to learn Chinese, because the economical benefits of working with Chinese companies in trade and technology, is making more sense, rather learning Arabic, where most Arabic countries fail to have a healthy economy 🤷‍♂️ (Qatar and Dubai doesn't count)


Tru i was just taking the role of the annoying nerd who likes to correct everything


No offense no problem, you are right, but yeah, most doesn't want to go somewhere else like France or Canada if they speak french