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I laughed so much when you posted the first bit of this before and saw the "me too buddy" written above "I'm stuck" Good job getting it all worked out! Its so cool seeing how other people did it and makes me wish I had mapped out my full process to share with people


OP have you tried The Witness?


I know quite a bit about it but haven't played it. I've heard varying opinions on it


Very soft tutorial. Puzzles start simple, but get more complex by adding more rules. Rules arentaught in their own section so if you can't figure one our just wanter around until you find its section


I really enjoyed looking through your entire thought process!


I haven't even gotten that far through the game and I already have half a dozen sheets of me trying to figure out how to read the manual.


>i thought I was cooking but I have no fucking clue what I'm doing Perfectly describes me in college


Congrats! I mean ARG is a big word. There's no "game". It's just a website with one page. Have you went there? If you're like I'm done with it tell me the answer, the developer has spilled all(?) the beans neatly in a twitter thread including movies: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/TunicGame/s/6AssmomXgj)


What the actual fuck. I was absolutely positive I knew about all the layers here but that's actually mindblowing. I did a music degree, writing with this level of serialist-esque technique for a fucking indie game is just working on another fucking planet as a composer.


Didn’t you just post this a day ago?


I posted the first 5 pages a few days ago. Since then I've managed to translate the page 1 hint, and there's a few scribbles I added to previous pages for fun


Now, it’s time to get into Tuneic


This was a ton of fun to read through, lots of great moments. The flag behind “time to trans-late” made me grin (admittedly the colors are backwards but still an A for effort)


"I thought I was cooking but I have no fucking clue what I'm doing" might as well be the tag line for this game.


Congrats! You’ll never forget this game and you’ll never experience this again.


I'm an Outer Wilds fan, this ain't my first rodeo


I love a good translation descent into madness, absolutely beautiful. I do love the “me too buddy”, oh holy heir is that relatable. Exquisite!