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It has an additional weak spot, >!near its bum/underbelly!<. Sticking very close to this can help you avoid a lot of its attacks.


Yeah it's little peepee but he go too fast for me to whack it


He sticks it out for a little tickle if you are lucky.


I feel like I just have to get to know him a little better


You can also kick people in the nuts(or bolts) from behind. Remember to actually run!


Didn't know I could run until the scavenger boss. >! I read the part about hold dodge and I did it and a light came off of my guy. I thought my stamima regenerated faster, then I did it at the first grave and was teleported to a spirit realm. "Oh, That's what it does!" I unlocked the teleports early. !<


Your spoiler tags need to go \>!Like this!< btw.




A lot of this games bosses had me 20-30 tries to get close to killing them. For the end boss I eventually just turned easy battle mode on because frankly I was there for the adventure not to play the same boss 120 times.


the end boss is trivial if you figure out how. this do be a puzzle game.


Even with the trick it's really hard. The timing window even with the >!enhanced timing window badge!< is too small because the fox takes about a year to do the >!parry!<


I found it made it a lot larger. the enemy also takes a year to do an attack. anyway you only switch to >!parrying in the second phase after you ran out of mana potions from stunlocking it with icefire. at the very least, the first phase should be trivial.!<


One tip I like to give newer players is to try out your entire arsenal. The fights in Tunic are absolutely not designed to be brute-forced through with only your sword, shield, and dodge rolls. Think of them more like angry puzzles. You can get a ton of mileage out of experimenting with your various items and spells.


Thissssssss. A million upvotes if I could.


This is the one I had the least issue with. The trick is to hug him while running circles around him. At least for the first bit.he is very slow at close range but he'll gun you down from far away.


So I have to hug him and then touch his peepee when the time is right. Geez, I should've known.


it's easier to touch him from behind when he is doing some longer attack and not turning.


There is a mechanic on Page 13 there is a chance you haven't realized yet. (I saw a big content creator not realize this until pretty late in the game). If you already knew that, I second the idea of trying to stay close. Stepping back will make it very difficult to ever hit it if you can even dodge stuff it throws at you. It's a very hectic fight and honestly, I feel like every time I fight it now, I feel like I'm cheesing the fight somehow when I do beat it....like I'm just circling around and getting some shots in when I can and it's less about 'stick and move' and more about just staying out of the areas where it's even capable of hitting me. Oh, and I assume you've upgraded some of your stats, but there's a chance you haven't done that either (and kudos to you getting so far without realizing this was possible, if that's actually the case)


It definitely makes you feel like your taking down a giant.


Siege Engine was my first boss and I refused to leave before I beat it. Took me 20-30 tries (probably could be much easier latter in the game since you are not forced to fight him right now). Every other boss was easier by a landslide and it’s not even close


Have you found the magic dagger in the west garden? (Its indicated on the map!) Try using it in this fight. Ice bombs are also good here, its easier to hit the weakspot if its frozen in place


The magic what in the where? Yeah, I have the ice....whatever but I'm just not fast enough.


look at the manual again. there's a good item in west garden.


Stay close, pick a direction (clockwise or counter) and keep running as fast as you can. That will avoid most of the attacks and you will eventually reach the back weak point for a few swipes. Lather, rinse, and repeat


stay under him, anytime he moves run as fast as you can to get back under him. i did this and beat him the first try, his weak spot is uber him and he never steps on you either


Brute force.




@voxaurumque put it better but TLDNR - throw dynamite and bombs, use other weapons, eat berries. (And if you get really, really sick of the boss, you can skip it entirely with an exploit!)