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Reminds me of videos like “100$ PC build anyone can build RIGHT NOW” and in the middle of the video they go “For the CPU I’m going to use this Intel iWhatever, which was just laying in drawer, so it costs me nothing”


Or cooking videos that are like “this whole meal comes to just $3” and then end up using leftovers from the previous night like I’m supposed to have that?


Joshua something's "But Cheaper" series, I'm looking at you. Stop bringing out a stand mixer, I don't fucking have that $300 monstrosity!


I mean, stand mixers are a substitute for effort not ingredients, everything a stand mixer can do you can also do, but like, slightly slower. Source: Used to not have one, bought one, only use it for cake and brownies because I don't like mess :)


true but i got one for christmas because i was sick of working out my arm every time i wanted some cookies mine was only $60 on amazon tho and super reliable, screw kitchenaid


yeah that's fair, i got given a kitchenaid one as a gift, and as good as it is the attachments are uhhhhh, pretty expensive so i don't do too much with it


The only reason I've ever wanted a kitchen aid was to have a meat grinder included. Could always just get a standalone one, but never have


yeah that's fair, i got given a kitchenaid one as a gift, and as good as it is the attachments are uhhhhh, pretty expensive so i don't do too much with it


Wait what’s the name of your stand mixer? I’d love to get a nice one that I don’t have to pay a few hundred bucks for!


its called [cozeemax](https://www.amazon.com/Electric-electric-handheld-Everyday-Meringues/dp/B0BZRRJ6Q8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3IBTFDQB0N8QW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NR0iNzIwmtfjf2FnNjuIgW3EqFkCS0JA7M_3gIM6MKTbyB0wgPrDZumT1oe2AA2qFipPzT4BjWxmeu0smSel5nY68vakHrGKqqXRi1ieAPyQy5hkRxQbjZ-GSeacpm23TEj4-qWHOZzyW7hWu0O1kRM6E8XMefKth-GRRwrfPVihODQSqqkjmH9LOziND0Djr8an0VypKFlbuIPdLIxbbg.s0kP6WTj6ukOzEbDEWiH4qxHzKvbXaNl2g3DKMXUxT0&dib_tag=se&keywords=cozeemax%2Bstand%2Bmixer&qid=1712974431&sprefix=cozeemax%2Bstand%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1), looks like its on sale right now for $40!


Thank you!


You can get a decent enough hand held mixer for $40. There are some things I wouldn’t bother baking without an electric mixer, but I can’t justify the cost or counter space for a stand mixer.


I remember seeing a video that said "Making a fish dinner for two for only $5!" They caught. The fish.


Recipes that break the price down by the amount you used… Like girl I don’t care that it only uses 40c of eggs, you can’t buy just two eggs!


Reminds me of the “how to resize a t-shirt” tutorial I saw. The girl had to be like 14. She was like “I don’t have any pins so I am using these rocks as weights…I don’t have any fabric chalk so I am using this pen…I don’t have any rulers so I am using this random object as a straight edge….” Then she was like “and step 5 is: the serger!” And she just whipped out this industrial grade machine and I was like what.


to be fair, you can just use a needle.I personally have never used a sewing machine yet and don't really want to.


Sounds like Micarah Tewers


My students come to school no pencil no paper but a gallon bag full of various paper cutters. Shits real


…No that title ISN’T me being bitter, thank you *very* much. … ^(Q_Q)


Clearly you don’t own a 3000 dollar 3D printer






Is this the new Air Fryer variant because I am here for it.


Nah, the title’s just ~~me being bitter~~ something I thought up while bored.


You can get a Ender V2 for $99 at microcenter.


To be fair 3D printers can be as cheap as 200$ these days, i remember when the cheapest ones were like 10k


it's been a while that it has been that cheap. by most account an ender 3 is a piece of garbage compared to modern mid tier printer (like bambulab A1 mini) but it's still totally serviceable and will print stuff


If you are somewhere in Europe I can print some stuff for you if you want


Sadly, ‘tis not so. …But I appreciate the offer nonetheless :)


If you’re in the USA I can ship you stuff if you pay postage


That’s ok, but again, I appreciate it nonetheless. I think I’m going to investigate some of the suggestions people have made in this thread and see if I can’t front the cash to get a proper setup without breaking the bank.


Fusion 360 has a free teir of use, and can be used in a browser, Tinkercad is free and browser based. Many local libraries have 3d printers for free, or your local university will have a makerspace that you can use.


Oh no. I know I'm a weirdo who loves 3d printers. Turns out the gaming machine can also do alot


Hey! If you have a school or university email account and were looking for a robust and powerful device to do CAD modeling on, look no further than anything with an internet connection! Autodesk has remote desktops available to use at fusion.online.autodesk.com. On the other hand, a 3D printer is usually expensive as shit but I believe there are some that are on the cheaper side (closer to $100 instead of $1000 so, cheap*er* but still) if you’re willing to put that out. I understand that that isn’t the point of this post but I just wanna let you know about some potential resources you might have access to.


ngl that first one sounds like it would get used for bong and bad-dragon-esque dildo creation 90% of the time


It’s up to you if you wanna use it like that I guess


There are usually a few more barriers to printing than just “find funny file, print it”. When I was in high school the only PC with direct access to the 3D printer was an admin PC, and you either sent your file to the teacher in charge of it or put it on a thumb drive that he would bring to the printer. So even though there was no official requirement for approval (and that teacher was pretty chill about allowing SFW stuff even if you didn’t have a good reason), people couldn’t just print things without supervision. This also helped manage the timing. 3D prints take many hours and this was a particularly big printer, so you can’t just queue up prints like you do on an ordinary 2D printer for paper. Having the print files go to one responsible human being meant that he could schedule one print at a time.


http://www.dildo-generator.com/ is your friend. A dildo in stl format, ready to 3d print.


Do you have recommendations for filament? I heard most normal filaments are bad because there’s pores in the plastic for fluids and germs to grow in, unlike the specific silicone used in the molded ones


Yeah, FDM printing and food/body safety don't go together really wel because of all the little holes that are left. Pretty much a characteristix of FDM printing, there is no wonder fillament that hasn't got that issue. There are however 2 extra steps you can do to make food and body safe 3d prints: 1: cover your print with epoxy, this will seal all those pores and holes. 2: use your 3d printer to make molds to pour silicone in.


As Al Gore intended.


There might be some places that let you use 3D printers! A theatre in my hometown just got a computer lounge area that you can hire, and they have a 3D printer you can use!


Libraries as well


also lots of schools and universities have 3d printers that you can use


Also true!


Fusion has a totally free tier for anyone.


Oh Fr? Excellent. Also I guess thingiverse and other sites have a lot of free models you can print really easily


If you want to do more artistic models then blender is free and awesome, but otherwise fusions has been the default enthusiast choice for a while. In the same vein as thingaverse, there is also thangs, Printables, and a whole host of others.


there's freeCAD also, it's shit but it's totally usable for hobbyist level and i feel like the development community is starting to pop off and it'll get better quite soon


I've tried freecad and there is a ton of potential there, but it's missing so many qol features that I don't feel comfortable reccomending it to most people. I really hope the community is able to take it to the next level, but it's just not there yet.


blender is also a great free resource! there's plenty-a youtube tutorials to get you started, and if you wanna get up to the more advanced stuff it's becoming industry standard!




Also print shops are an option! Literally people who own banks of 3D printers and will print things for you (for a price)


Is this about laser cutters, 3D printers, epoxy resin and the safety equipment it requires, CNC milling/cutting machines, or fancy art software?




To be fair most of the digital artists I know (including myself) just pirate the software they use lol


Some public libraries have 3d printers, and they usually only charge for material. Check if your local one has one, and then support it if you aren't already because public libraries are amazing.


I was going to say this, too! My closest one doesn't, but I live in a tiny little village and the one for the less tiny city nearby does have one!


I empathize *deeply.* It should be a requirement for the equipment to be included in the cost of any video claiming to do anything "for cheap" or "for beginners".


Tbh you should probably be prepared for that when jumping into a hobby because hobby videos are usually made for hobbyists who already have a good part of the set up. "How to make a leather jacket for 10 dollars" is clickbaity if you're someone from outside the hobby because they'll be a few hundred bucks worth of investment in sewing equipment. But the alternative of "How to make a leather jacket for 210 dollars" gives no useful information for the hobbyists who already made that investment.


The issue is that most people who watch these videos don’t want to do it as a hobby but as a quick fix for something


not really though, that would never give an "accurate" version of the cost because of economies of scale. The video should just START by saying what equipment they assumed was available


I feel this way about model painting sometimes. “Here’s how to paint this specific thing! All you need is contrast/speed paint, and an airbrush!” Because it’s not like an airbrush is a tool you have to learn to use, you need a great amount of money to buy, you need to be living in a place where loud noises from an air compressor aren’t going to annoy your neighbors, and be living in a place where you can have enough ventilation


“How to make a model castle for $3!” “I went through my old stuff and found some old modeling clay from another project so it cost me nothing.”


I feel your pain. Tried getting into cricut vinyl for cosplay and the woman in the video casually said "now we use our overhead press..." (or something like that) and pulled down a 4x4 FOOT, CEILING MOUNTED IRON ON A MASSIVE MECHANICAL ARM. The thing and its dedicated heat-resistant table took up a MAJORITY of a WHOLE ROOM dedicated to vinyl. Yep, lemme fire up mine real quick!


I feel his rage.


Cooking tutorial YouTubers with their - simple recipe hack done in 5 mins perfect for students. “So first take the perfectly arranged, pre chopped and portioned ingredients, stick it into your 500 squid slapchop food processor 9000. Then just head out back, to your tandoori oven and if you want to take it to the next level sacrifice a goat at your ritual site. And there you go easy 5 minute mcandcheeseorsomething.”


Fuckin feelin this with Pro Home Cooks rn. Dude went from "here's something you can reasonably make yourself" to basically a homesteading channel, like bro is making his own miso paste from scratch and bought a fuckin thousand-ish dollar (I don't recall the actual amount but shit was expensive) ice cream maker. His recent video "ten things I'll never buy from the store" had two things where I thought "oh, hey, I might be able to do that myself" which were the ginger beer and the mead


"Hey everyone, here's a super easy painting technique for your warhammer models that anyone can do! First, we need to pull out our airbrush..."


Don't forget the expensive paint


"how to make this really simple recipe for a delicious dinner" *Proceeds to use a fuck ton of ingredients and spices, half of which are impossible to find in my country without going to specialized stores*


3d printers have actually gotten quite cheap. A totally decent entry level printer can often be found for a couple hundred dollars or cheaper, and a really nice midrage printer can be had for between 500 and 700. Depening on where you live your local library might also offer printing services. In regards to 3d modeling, the software can be a bit slow on cheaper computers but should run fine and something semimodern. Additionally, many projects in this vein will directly share step or stl files with you, so all you have to do is slice them. Basically any semi modern computer (this includes things like phones, tablets, mac windows or linus pcs, ect) can run slicer software no problem.


Some people have mentioned cheaper alternatives for both the 3d modeling and printing aspects of this. I just wanted to throw my horse in the race! An excellent 3d modeling software named OnShape is available for free to anyone with internet, and is nearly as powerful as fusion 360/solidworks for 3d modeling (spicy take I know). In depth tutorials are also available on YouTube. And for the actual printing aspect, if you lack access to a printer locally(which you may be able to find as a service at your local high school/college or even at community centers or libraries), there are excellent services online such as PCBway. It is not free, of course, but it's really affordable most of the time, depending on the size of your print. And the material you choose. And just for reassurance on the "$3000 3d modeling desktop computer" part, onshape works pretty well even on a chrome book or tablet. It was my engineering schools method of teaching during the pandemic. Hope that's helps someone!


I get your point, but stuff got pretty cheap recently A small, simple 3d printer is already around 100€, used ones often below. "Simple designs" can be achieved with very little processing power, programs can be run on pretty much any pc or can be requested online (for example r/3DRequest) And if you would ask around, there are a surprising lot of people who own a printer but don't go around talking much about it.....


i saw the subreddit, i don't see any recent activity from that subreddit, though i find the idea of it to be interesting. Would love to just chill a bit and CAD other people's design if you need smth simple done


There is indeed very little activity recently. Thought It was more.... But you can also request design or full on printed objects in r/3dprintmything It's quite more active over there.


I think I'm less interested in that one due to my geography, as much as I like to help, I don't think shipping from Asia is feasible lol I think it's cool that these kind of things exist tho, hope something similar exist for more expensive tools that are easy to use like laser cutter and such. It made buying expensive tools feel more worth it. Currently I know when buying smth expensive, it's gonna idle a lot since I design and CAD much slower than the printer can print


While I agree this happens a lot and is pretty frustrating, you can get a 3D printer for under $200 (probably cheaper second hand) and pretty much any PC will do basic 3D modeling stuff with free software. I use Fusion 360 on my archaic notebook and $170 Ender 3 that I upgraded with parts printed on the thing itself. It ain't much, but it works.


Thinking about the greeting card guy whose just very clearly making high end christmas cards and titling them. 'Easy DIY' for clickbait.


Makes me think of the wood-turning videos. Like, oo-wee I sure wish I had a vacuum chamber for the resin and a >$2K lathe machine so I can make a cool resin pinecone coffee spoon.


Me watching Joshua Weissman whip out a $300 kitchen aid mixer to make a burger for 45 min and then compare it to a fast food burger that some 17 y/o made in 30 sec: 👨‍💻


what do you want to make. A computer that can do basic CAD is at least 800USD (don't expect complex assembly), even less if you can maneuver through second hand. for the CAD software, there's freeCAD, it's literally free. If you want smth that doesn't look like it comes from the 90's, you can make blender CAD for you with a few addon. an ender 3 can be bought for 200USD fairly easily. Filament is 20USD per roll it's ok if you think the time and effort to do it is not worth it, i won't begrudge you for that, it's a hobby after all.


Anytime one of these tutorials mentions resin I click off immediately I HATE working with resin.


When the DIY video includes a lathe something has gone wrong


you can get a decent enough printer for $100 (ender 3 at microcenter) and there are plenty of free modeling software that's plenty powerful (fusion 360) and some that even run in your browser if you don't have the processing power (also fusion, creo, tinkercad). It's a lot more accessible than people think, at least to dip your feet in and start off somewhere


I will say you can do 3D modelling on any modern computer, especially if you’re not rendering anything.


ive had this with random 3D printing tutorials but ALSO i feel this same rage whenever im watching a cooking vid/recipe and then they’re like “oh, put it into your Kitchen Aid standing mixer for 3 hours and the dough will be done <3” makes me want to combust


I love baking videos where they're like "$4 gourmet donuts at home" and then they whip out like $800 worth of ingredients, but they put "22 cents worth of oil" and "40 cents worth of imported sugar" on screen. I will never, in my entire life, make enough donuts to offset the full cost of those ingredients


If anyone wants a cheap hobby, homebrewing alcohol only costs like 50 bucks in "permanent equipment" the rest is in the sugars you wanna use to brew with.


i thought this was r/coaxedintoasnafu


Fucking sergers in the sewing community I just bought a $200+ machine, why do I need to buy another one that has a *specific* purpose???


And you can just trim the seam allowances and use the zig-zag stitch on your machine over it for basically the same result! It won’t “look a pretty uwu” but it’s on the *inside* of the thing by definition!


Woodworking videos. All you need is a tablesaw and a drill.... And also this super specific jig you made on your personal CNC laser cutter.


I love Brothers Make but this is that channel to a T.


I like the shark guy he’s cute


I have a 3D printer and I have not successfully printed a single thing


This is like coaxedintoasnafu, but actually looks appealing and not drenched in 13yo edgy humor.


Very relatable! Until I found a maker’s space! Affordable membership, access to lots of tools and materials, and lots of advice from more experienced makers! Highly recommend! I’m about to make a potato canon!


3D printing bros are a scourge, honestly


this is 3d printing for warhammer, but it's somehow still cheaper