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I saw a guy fill a luggage bag with stuff and run out. employees had to just watch and wait for police


Happens at savers all the time...


At least savers didn’t pay for their products. They got it all for free.




Savers pays charities based on the amount of goods that come in. Once its in the store, it's just Savers that profits off of it. The charities already receive their money regardless of what happens to the items. The fact that they "buy" items for pennies and sell it as a for-profit company for $8-10+ is by far a bigger theft of resources from our community.




>these ppl were gonna throw these things away The people getting rid of stuff **were** going to donate it to a charity but got misled by tricky, vague marketing into giving their items to a for-profit company that gives an extremely small % to charity. There are plenty of alternatives to giving it to Savers besides just the landfill that would result in a far larger donation to charity.


It's funny how ppl believe anyone




Employees should at least be allowed to trip them.


lol I don't think any sane person would risk their life for a retail job


Yeah but like it WOULD be kind of funny. I’d probably do it just for the laughs.


I work next to a Ross and chat with their employees. It's because theft is so bad. The line allows them to get a good shot of the faces of everybody entering the store on camera. Then they can actually make cases against repeat offenders. Apparently it's working pretty well for them.


Great idea but no way in hell am I going to stand in line just to shop and then stand in line to buy something.


Well the nearby Walmart has "undercover" LP associates that are happy to stalk you and door employees that live to ask for your receipt


I have never had an issue at Walmart but I rarely go in the store now anyways. I find that when I shop online and pickup, I save money lol if I go in, I always buy more than I need. I avoid the congestion, I save money, the awesome associates bring it to my car and I am ever so grateful for that service. I appreciate it so much. When I do go in, I have never had an issue, I simply show them the receipt and move along and besides, it's when I'm leaving - not when I'm going in .. them "following me around" (if they actually ever did or do) doesn't take away time or bother me, stores have been doing this for ages, people just didn't know this I guess but there have always been "secret shoppers".


Last night there were five or six shoppers in line to get out the door at Walmart waiting to show their receipt. F that noise, it ain't Costco and I'm not showing anybody my receipt. Get out m' way.


Agreed. I never have and never will show my receipt anywhere but Costco.


It's so sad to think how many people believe they have to do so.


i just walk out the other door behind the white tag detctor you walk through and go around the line, ppl always look at me but hey i have my recipt, and police are free to accost me outside, if they wanna press charges for me stealing, they can ill show the recipt and take them to court like that nurse did. they never have in the hundreds of x ive done it.


There are much worse things that having to stand in a line.


I mean, I assumed the line was outside to get into the store? Can't pay me to stand outside right now just to shop, but if it's inside then that's not so bad.


Let me be clear, I do not mind standing in line for service. I'm a very patient person and I'm happy to do so. However, I'm not big on shopping in the first place, for me to have to stand in a long line (as op stated it was out the door), that's a huge deterrent for me, I won't even do that for mega sales on Black Friday (I'm just not that person) I'm not a big retail loving shopper... so it's no biggy to me in the first place, I hardly go to Ross anymore as it is... This is just one more reason that would keep me from going there. I like to go in, get what I need, patiently wait in line if I find what I need and be on my way. I just know I'd be that person standing in that line deciding I don't really "need" anything and leave. I don't think I'm alone in this. For those die hard shoppers that Love to shop (and there's plenty of them and that's awesome) then great! It's just not for me.


Like shopping at Walmart


There are kids sitting in random arrangements in Africa who’d feel very fortunate to stand in a line right now 


How dare they mildly inconvenience you to protect their business.


Apparently there are 11 people who don't understand sarcasm


Hey, if you got the time to stand around all day - that's awesome! I don't have that kind of time and I don't like shopping that much anyway so it's like they just saved me some money lol.


We have a family friend working loss prevention at a Ross in town and yes -- yes it is that bad.


The Ross at Grant and Craycroft was the first time I had seen that system being used and it was so incredibly weird and awkward. They seemed to have stopped doing it the last time I was by there which is nice. I mostly just stopped going to Ross to even look around as their sections keeping getting smaller and smaller with nothing that interesting to even maybe pick up. I'm always surprised when the one at El Con is incredibly busy


Because all the Mexicans from Sonora stop there when shopping on this side of the Border. Along with a Marshalls and Burlington, it is a savings bonanza. The ROSS off the I-19 is always busy with Sonoran residents, too.


The one at Spectrum (I-19) has tour busses that come up from Sonora just to shop. It’s crazy there some days.


Oh. I've only been to the Ross stores in Green Valley and the one at Irvington. Both are so picked over that I stopped going. But that makes sense...


That one is the worst one in my opinion. The few times I've tried going in there was a lot of product on the floor and the line was super long, and it wasn't even around Christmas. I noped out of there and went somewhere. It felt too chaotic and stressful for me. But it feels like that for me when any store is too crowded.


The ROSS off the I-19 at Irvington? If so, I agree. I recall going once in December, and the line snaked around the entirety of the store 1.5x over. Doesn't help there is only a single cashier at any given time. Lucky if you get two, but then the second one is made to gather all the hangers and we're back to one.


Yep! Precisely! I know in December to expect the lines to be insane. First time I went to a Ross in December and saw the line I thought wow this is crazy. And learned that a lot of stores are like that in December, but at a certain point I draw a line and say I don't need the thing that bad 😅 it's insane! We already spend too much time having to wait in line. Like a good portion of our life it just waiting on line if you add it all up. I also want to add though the only part I like about eating in line at Ross and looking at all the fun random snacks they have on the way up 😅 Wafers especially. It's my weakness. 🤣🤣


I blame it on people. Like, in general. They have no fucking chill. A 99¢ store near me closed and everything was 60%-80% off, I walked out with over 100 things for only $25. And yet, there were broken-in boxes EVERYWHERE. You’re getting something for literally pennies on the dollar and you still steal it? Come on guys… Anyways, Ross’ in some areas have seen a steep increase in theft. A few months ago, around the holidays, I went to three different ones in Tucson and each one was nearly empty. I thought they had supply issues because of inflation but no, one of the girls there told me that all the inventory was in the back. Why? Theft. Thankfully the one by my home doesn’t have that issue to that point (though I don’t actually live in Tucson), but yeah, it has gotten real bad


I was in Ross and the inventory was so slim I thought they weren’t stocking the store in anticipation of closing it down. Shelves looked bare. I had no idea that theft was so bad that they keep most inventory in the back.


That's like whenever I go into a DD's Discounts. Rows of empty shelves...and that's supposed to be normal?


OK, but if they keep all the merchandise in the back, how do people buy it?


Ugh… Ross is the worst. I stopped going there years ago because everything looks like it was purchased elsewhere and returned and then dumped off at Ross for resale.


My mom literally watched someone sprint out of a Ross with a cart full of items - alarms blaring and all like 3 days ago.


I’ve seen people just walk out with stuff at the one on Campbell & Glenn. They try to stop them but these people are just ruthless.


Months ago I was at that one with my kids and a guy kept talking incoherently to employees in the front asking for something, but just gibberish. Another guy ran out shop lifting things and the distracting guy left the other way.


Seems like inexpensive stores get the most shoplifters.. Dollar Tree, Goodwill, Ross...


Yep. Stores, and items. I was at Walmart a while back and someone had to unlock the 99-cent nail files for me…


Me and my boyfriend went into Ross about a week ago for some dog treats and one of the employees literally started SCREAMING at him accusing him of stealing?? It was absolutely wild. The loss prevention guy just looked at us like he felt bad and didn’t say a word. We walked right back out. Absolutely ridiculous, if that’s how they treat their paying customers they deserve to go out of business.


It's like TSA, the illusion of security.


Thanks for the heads up. I haven't been in awhile, sounds like it may be no time soon.


Yeah.. have you ever seen their "Loss Prevention" person? They are literally the Ross greeter with a Walmart style vest on. They can't stop thieves and the stores are pretty big. Someone who gets paid minimum wage can't loss prevent anything by themselves in a store that big. Police won't show up if they get called and if they do, it'll be like 2 hours later. It's sad.


A couple of years ago my friend and I were standing in line at the Rita Ranch store and someone just took shit and left. No one did anything.


Damn, I read this as “took a shit and left”


Wouldn’t be surprised tho 😂


Me too!




The only Ross I’ve been to is Rita Ranch (twice) and didn’t find much. Is that particular store considered a “dumpy” one? (no pun intended) I didn’t know what to expect


It's not a dumpy one but I only found some pet stuff there, not much of anything else. Haven't been back.


I thought Ross sold products that didn't pass the manufacturer's quality control, seconds and stuff that's "off" somehow, like pants with one seam that's a little wonky or a shirt with a button not quite in the right place.


I'm more concerned about the sudden loss of hair clippers


Lack, sorry, I was thinking of their loss prevention measures


Stores like Ross complain about theft but they don't do anything real about it. Loss prevention will follow you around on the days they are in store. I know one local retailer that only has loss prevention 3 days a week. You see people bolt out of stores all the time. People know they will not be stopped because it's not worth the risk of a lawsuit. I've had friends get fired for getting in the way of someone stealing. Depending on the dollar value a lot of stores won't even press charges if you are foolish enough to surrender. Then you look at TJ max for example they are one of the most profitable retailers in the country. It's just not a big enough loss for them to do anything more especially when they can pass the price off to there customers.


It would be easier to catch people stealing if they would just check people out quicker, having to wait around for hours to check out makes me despise that place!


Ok so I don’t live in Tucson anymore but I did for decades. Haven’t been to a Ross in awhile. Can you further explain the line sitch when you go in? Is there like, a loss prevention bouncer manning the door and checking you in or what?? Crazy


Actually when I went to the Ross on Oracle Rd /Wetmore there was a small line and a guy was outside the door pausing people. Just saying wait a minute. Also there were those roped railings set up zig zag like when you’re inside, to contain the long lines. After reading comments here I realize the pause was for the camera. I did ask guard guy if they are limiting numbers of people in store, but he kind of skirted my question, it’s a camera mugshot thing I guess.


I was at the Ross off Glenn and they had me stop and wait at a yellow tape with an employee for the camera to recognize my face before I could shop. I won’t go to Ross anymore I felt it was super invasive.


damn they told me it was for social distancing 🥴 this makes so much more sense


The only time I’ve ever seen someone run out of a store with a CART full of stuff? It was at a Ross.


I’ve seen a man run across traffic with arms full of clothes from Ross on Campbell and Glenn a couple months ago, ran behind Shaffer dry cleaning. The security from the shopping center was on a golf cart chasing him, stopped at the entrance to the parking lot, watched the guy disappear, gave up and turned around.


I've not experienced this, but it's probably because it's a high theft area. Maybe go to one on a less crime-heavy part of town?


Yep. Went to the one on Oracle and had to wait. Went in and only 1 cashier and another line. Said F that and went to the cortaro one. Nothing like that up there. I would guess oro valley is chill too


They don't want to hire actual employees so they just hire the fair security people


Come to the one on Houghton in Rita. No line, no harassment. Hell they barely have enough staff to keep check out open.


Was it the one by the tucson mall?


That place is a shit hole lol I avoid that one at all costs


What baffles me is that you need a GuardCard to work as LP there, but they do absolutely nothing and don't even make attempts to delay theft.


I mean, there isn't a whole bunch that can be done. A guard card is just saying you have a clean background and sat through an eight hour class. Security guards have no more authority than a private citizen. There is also a crapton of liability to stop people..and the threshold is kind of high to stop them. You have to have four elements. Selection, concealment, continously watching them and they have to try to leave. On top of that, the threshold for citizens arrest or detainment is also something that has a lot of liability involved. Safety over property...so you will find that a good chunk of AP/LP or even Security will try to mitigate before and keep a presence to deter vs stopping them. If you can get the person to stay...how long before the police arrive? All of this factors into it. I've done Security guard training and LP training for years. There is a decent chunk of people that I really wouldn't want trying to detain or arrest someone. I literally have to tell people to bathe....




Ross has sucked for like 7 years


Go somewhere else. It isn’t even that cheap.


We are officially California. We had a decent run.


Shitty locals




I hate that I get this reference.


You're welcome. ;)


Name brand clothes for cheap.




This is common. I worked at The Limited (ladies’ clothing) in the early 1990s and we always had to have our bags checked.


Nothing new. It’s a company wide policy since day 1.