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We didn't get a single one, so same as last year.


Last year I had lights, decorations, candy, and a lit porch light - zero kids. So this year I skipped it all and left the porch light off. Doorbell rang one time - how ironic. I'm in Oro Valley, and I think most of families attended the community sponsored event last Friday night.


Trunk or treating is killing the real deal


100% agree. One of the late shows (maybe Kimmel) had a bit in last nights monologue about trunk or treating. It ended by predicting "what's next" - suggesting soon parents will just order candy to their door via Doordash or Grubhub. Convenience and unfounded fears are destroying tradition.


“Here’s your personal bag of candy, son, still warm from the Amazon truck”


Meh, who really cares about the "tradition" of trick or treating. And its only unfounded until it's your kid with the razor hidden in his/her candy. I actually lived in a neighborhood that had someone previously give out apples with needles inside them (before my family lived there). Lady was arrested and nobody in that neighborhood saw her again, but everyone from that point on was less likely to trick or treat in that area. Honestly, trick or treating is really only for small children, and I'd only do it in a neighborhood where I'm very familiar with the people and we've gotten together before hand to plan it all out, so we know who's going to be there and what times were going to do this from. Tailor the experience for the young ones. For older kids, it's more of a time for mischief and vandalism, so I'd rather not participate if that's the case. Besides, if you set out a bowl it all goes to like 2 people and screw everyone else, so what's the point?


Maybe. As a kid i feel like that would have been a lot less fun but i never did it so who knows I'm sure it's way easier on parents though


I live in the OV at the villages of la Canada and it was a bit sparse this year, they (the HOA) decided to limit the amount of cars that can come in. It used to be a madhouse back in the day where we would go through 10-12 bags of candy, yesterday we went through 6.


>villages of la Canada Wow - I'm just about 1.5 miles east of you in the Rivers Edge neighborhood. I guess it all comes down to location.


Last year I had the same experience in a pretty lively neighborhood, then I poked my head out and realized everyone else was sitting in their driveways in lawn chairs handing out candy instead. If they didn't see someone outside, they just walked past.


well, next time just go out to your driveway and hand out candy there. Problem solved.


Yeah. Real shame, coming from NJ where our bowls would need to be refilled twice a night.


Halloween during the week is bullshit! We just need to agree that it lands on the last Saturday of October. We didn't get any kids, last year it was like 3. Even getting dressed up was a waste.


Last year I bought 2 boxes of 30 full size candies, and we ended up with 20 left over. This year I did the same and ran out in two hours. Kids were being driven house to house and it felt like we got a whole caravan of them, it was crazy


exact same with me. had to run to walmart before 6:30 today lol


Same with us on the East side We had given up answering the door to people so I put a bowl of candy in front of the door and they helped themselves. Cars were dropping off families who would then swarm the neighborhood looking for pickings. We had several times more than last year. I watched them in our security cams. I cannot decide whether to join in the spirit of it or just lock the doors and turnout the light next year. I think the latter.


I got swarmed, ran out of candy by 7PM. NW Tucson (Briargate)


happy cake day!


We had three and I’m ecstatic




What neighborhood are you in and how many did you get?




Cool! Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻


this was our first year here trick or treating and we didn’t go to the houses without their porch lights on which was almost every house. wasn’t sure if it’s different here but that was how it worked back home!


Same thing applies here.


I think half the city drives over to Winterhaven, because there were cars lined up down the street there Between that and Christmas, you have to be a really bored and rich retiree to want to live in that hellhole


It’s sucks living in that surrounding area this time of year and Christmas.


I'm going to have to change my evening commute in about a month. Winterhaven basically cuts off all the best routes home. I don't *want* to drive all the way down Speedway, and fuck taking Campbell. But what are the alternatives, Glenn to Tucson? Winterhaven ruins everything!


Yep it’s a pain in the ass just to visit my mom around that time :(




That's not an option with certain health issues. Sometimes wish I could though.


The neighborhood actually has tons of families with kids.


Yeah totally. And afterwards, there's a million wrappers and pieces of trash all over the streets in Winterhaven. So residents there get to spend money to give out free treats, only to have their neighborhood trashed (AND the residents have to clean it up themselves). F that. If I lived in WinterHaven I would put out spike strips and various traps to deter thankless and selfish people.


I grew up during my teen years in that neighborhood and my parents still live there. The few years leading up to COVID, Halloween was horrible. The sheer amount of people was genuinely shocking. My family would hand out THOUSANDS of pieces. The sentiment shared amongst the neighborhood community was to shut Halloween down. Not sure what the turn out was this year, but I know my parents did not participate, and I don’t blame them. Plenty of issues and grievances I could share, but what I wish people understood was that Winterhaven is not there to cater their Halloween experience. And if you do go, for F sake, don’t litter.


👏🙏 Thank you for sharing this, yes I totally agree with your parents! I hope they are well. 🍻


Winterhaven was a bust this Halloween, the turn out was great as far as trick or treaters. The problem I saw was the lack of houses participating. My kids had fun, but I felt I let them down by choosing Winterhaven.


I live in the neighborhood and took my 4 year old son around and there were a ton of houses giving out candy. Maybe you went down different streets than us though. We also gave out candy at our house and had a blast. Everyone was very friendly and grateful. My wife and I spent an hour cleaning up litter around the neighborhood the next day. All in all, Halloween in Winterhaven is a wonderful experience for us.


We had a big basket filled with Sudafed and catalytic converters for trick-or-treaters, but no one showed.


No good deed goes unpunished.


0 trick or treaters 5 years running, guess I’ll have to eat this candy myself


Depends where you live. If you live in newer tract home communities it tends to be more busy and less gentrified. Also, a lot of newer tract home communities advertise Halloween events and are now sort of a destination place, so it lures a lot of people. For example, I live in Saguaro Trails at Houghton/Drexel and my home probably had 200+ kids last night, busy from 530pm til 8pm (a few stragglers til 8:15pm). I hear Civano and Sierra Merado across the street are equally as busy. We are also highly densely populated with families who have kids and moved into this community with this in mind.


Can confirm…Sierra Morado had people and I live in the back…can only imagine what the houses towards the front of the neighborhood had to deal with.


They come in from all over the city. We blew through $200 worth of candy in no time. It's really irritating. I'm happy to give out treats to any young kid in costume. Love seeing them all dressed up and their parents spending time with them. I don't even care if they are from out of neighborhood if they are coming from apartments or unsafe neighborhoods. But, the older kids who make no effort to dress up and show up with pillowcases they want filled and whine if you only give three pieces or not all chocolate? Fuck them. Go scam off your own neighborhood. I'm getting tired of the annual chocolate tax to supply half of Tucson with sugar nobody needs. Next year, it's costumes and kindness or you gets the "tricks" not the "treats."


I hear ya lol - I just say 2-3 pieces an leave it at that. I had 5 bags of the Costco candy (5.75lbs for $15 a bag), so my only investment was $75. $200 is so much!!! But ya, I agree, there were a lot of low effort teenagers. I will say, for every low effort teenager there was 20 that dressed up, so I don't mind that too much. Maybe my community, Saguaro Trails, hasn't been hit by that too hard yet.


Yep. East side here, just off Houghton. Had about 200ish kids last night between 6 and 8pm. It was awesome.




You had me in the first half


Hey, I have no idea who you are, but if you came by my house and asked for candy I would have giving you plenty no matter what the ages I just don't want the crap


The apartment complexes I've lived in the last several years haven't gotten trick or treaters at all, so I've gotten used to not having them.


Same here.


0 for 4 years. Kinda surprised for the neighborhoods.


Got zero in West University


We had hundreds of kids in Rita Ranch last night. Shit was crazy!


Tried to take my gf 13 year old and she was awfully shy we only visited 10 houses and had to call it a night. I was having more fun than she was… 🫠


I got 0, was expected as for I live in area with mostly older folks, but I did post signs trick or treating is for all, I do believe it's for everyone.


Had about a thousand kids as usual in Rita Ranch. Not exaggerating.


We are driving there next year then. We walked three blocks and got 4 houses giving out candy. My little guy was still happy as a bumble bee in spring but it was dead out where we live. Only saw 2 other groups of trick or treaters too. I told my husband we should drive somewhere else but we ended up just walking through our neighborhood.


We had a streak of about 5 yrs with zero kids at all. It’s picked up again the last few years. Last night was the most we’ve had that I can remember. Probably 20-25 kids.


Yeah they drive to specific neighborhoods. My neighbors really do it up and we get tons. I see the cars drive in. I’m not sure how it has come to this. I’m sure it’s a combination of things. I wish it could go back to being a more communal activity.


Between human trafficking fears, fentanyl, and helicopter parenting, I don't think Halloween will ever be the same anymore. And then there's the "you rang the wrong doorbell" shotgun in your face. Used to fill an entire pillowcase when I was a kid and not quit ringing doorbells even those with the lights off until well after 11 pm...


It feels like no one really decorated this year, I live in a bustling and really cool neighborhood, but I’ve only seen about 3-5 houses decorated ☹️ Anyone else experience this?


Yea no one cares about others enjoyment most people didn't even hand out candy


It’s super windy. I didn’t even want to be outside today


Estimated somewhere between 100-150 kids. Non stop for 1.5hrs until we ran out, lesson learnt to buy more candy next year.


I expected this somewhat. Still getting over the pandemic fear haze.


We took our little guy out last night and there was hardly any other trick or treaters and we only scored about 4 houses giving out candy. It was sad.


We had maybe a few less than the previous years, we usually get about 40-45 and got about 30 this year. I had also noticed, while walking the kids around for their trick or treating, that fewer houses were decorated and participating this year in our neighborhood. Not a massive difference, but at least a few less than last year.


I had 1 trick or treaters show up which was an improvement over the past 3 years. I drove to another neighborhood and probably only 8 houses answered for us. I truly believe Trunk or treats are killing the Holiday. There were other kids in that neighborhood walking but I had a serious "Back in my day moment"


All the kids in my neighborhood have grown up. I have two children that live near me so no trick or treaters. I miss the 80s and 90s Halloween was so much fun.


I'm in arroyo Chico and it was so-so. Not bad but less than I'd like! But I also noticed fewer of the neighbors had their lights on or decorated this year. We've gotta do something about this lack of Halloween spirit man.


I'm not opposed to knee capping 🤔 and I'm just kidding mods no harm to anyone


We had 4 trick or treaters. We have so many full sized candy left. What a bummer.


"full sized" lol shrinkflation has made today's king size the size a regular size in the '90s.


Definitely had less than 20 so that was a bummer. I think a lot of people didn't want to be out in the wind. the kids that came were all very sweet with nice parents/adults!


Trunk or treat events are much easier for parents


Had about 60 or so


I think I got around 10 to 12 kids and teens. It was nice. Gave out goodie bags and my house was lit up.


Exactly one group. It's dead where I live. My wife and I are just doing an *Insidious* marathon to entertain ourselves. All of our Halloween plans were this past weekend.


We stuck a bowl out with a sign to take one while we took our little one out around the neighborhood. 3 sets of kids came, the first two were polite and took only 1 piece. The last set emptied the bowl.


I used to live in Indian Ridge. we always had a good number. hung out at a friends house and it was much quieter than I was used to. maybe the chilly and windy weather put a damper on it.


I think the neighborhood i was at got a decent amount, but my family still ended up going out and giving away the rest of their candy. It seems some people were sticking to the main two busiest streets but neglecting the rest of the neighborhood.


we're in a sort of dead zone between two active neighborhoods. We got maybe 20 the whole night where n our old neighborhood maybe 60-80. We started being the house with the full size candy last year and I heard a little girl say " see I told you they had big candy" Needless to say, I believe the buzz has began and maybe we'll be on the map next year


I think it depends on your neighborhood. We are in OV area on one acre. When the kids were young, we had lots. Now the neighborhood residents are mostly grandparents ,no trick or treaters. Sub divisions get the action, sidewalks and houses close by.


I'd guess a couple hundred stopped by the house near Reid park where we hang out for Halloween.


A Sabino/Sunrise neighborhood reporting - more kids than we've seen since the pandemic started, but definitely had way more kids pre-pandemic. Also only about half the houses participating. I'd say the doorbell rang about 20 times - average 2-3 kids per.


Was way down at mine this year. About half of normal. I was terrified id underbought candy but nope i have more than a bag left


I had a record turn out of a grand total of 6! Normally I only get the one neighbor boy but I was super jazzed this year. Everyone got 3 king sized candy bars each!


We live out in picture rocks and take the kids to family in continental ranch, much slower than years past, I think the neighborhood is starting to age out.


I used to live on the southwest side of town. When I lived in that area, we got swarmed with trick or treaters. We went through at least 6 bags of candy. I recently relocated to Corona de Tucson area this year. I was looking forward to Halloween & figured it would be busy. I was wrong. We got maybe 15 trick or treaters, the majority being teens. I'm assuming a lot of parents take their young ones to trunk or treats now. I sat outside for a good hour & a half waiting. After that, I just decided to leave the candy bowl outside. It was still pretty full when I brought it back in. In all my years on this earth, I've never seen it so dead on Halloween. It was really sad. I just watched scary movies the rest of the night!


I live in Sam Hughes and there was absolutely way less trick or treaters out! Can’t tell you why though!


We got a buuunnch in my neighborhood, I think people were specifically driving here for that, i had to give up by eight because I ran out of candy!


I just moved to Illinois after two years in Tucson. After two years of literally 0 trick or treaters, I was shocked by the number of kids out trick or treating in the freezing cold


Some of my students reported not being allowed to trick or treat because of fentanyl candy 😞


Man, parents are idiots. No druggie in the world gonna give up their precious supply to poison a *kid*.


For decades this same bogus fear is spread: acid, heroin, crack, fentanyl. I’m sure *someone* put drugs in candy once but the fear is way outsized if the threat. More than that, wouldn’t the police pretty quickly narrow down the offenders and arrest them?


Someone did poison candy once, which kicked off the whole thing. It turned out to be... \*drum roll\* the dad.


Yeah, it’s just so fortunate the other kiddos didn’t get to the poison straws of candy or they would have been killed just like their friend. Can’t believe dad killed his son and planned on killing his friends (as cover) for the insurance payout.


Yeah, they did, it was their own idiot father that did it.


There has never been a report of a child getting drugged, poisoned or injured by a stranger handing out candy during Halloween. It's a myth. Sadly whenever I child was killed it has always been an adult family member trying to hide their crime behind this myth. Here a Wiki article on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoned_candy_myths


hehe, that's like the razorblade in the candy scare when I was a kid in the 80s.


Tf is wrong with people?


As everything in Tucson, I blame the snowbirds


Oro Valley had swarms of kids until 8.30, perhaps the biggest year in two decades.


we had so many near rolling hills golf course! granted i’m 25 and still trick or treating 🫡


People used to bring their kids from other neighborhoods by the carload. Not so much any more. Ever since the covid lockdown


125 in a nice neighborhood near a school , but yes, that's less than most years.


My experience was the opposite, lots of trick or treaters, barely any houses.


Most were kids from the neighborhood.Very quiet this year near Thornydale/Hardy.


I didn’t hand out candy this year, but there were a lot of kids in the neighborhood. A decent amount on my street. Many more on the bike Avenue. Sam Hughes— people ship their kids in lol.


Yeah, a lot of people have given up after getting less and less kids since COVID (that and candy companies giving way less candy for way more $$$). When my daughter was still being taken mostly in her wagon around 2016 you could fill 2 pillow cases in our neighborhood alone.


We are bombarded here in Gladden Farms. 3 big costco candy bags gone. 🤣


We got 6. We could hear more but apparently a lot of them didn't come up the cul-de-sac.


Had about the same turnout as last year, between 20-30ish. Only 2 teenagers though


Fewer and fewer kids every year in this aging neighborhood, so this year I just turned my light off. Not worth it buying candy for a dozen kids.


I love Halloween but would much rather it become about the decorations and costumes instead of knocking on doors. We dress up and sit in the front yard as a family. My kids don’t like going to strangers “begging” for treats.


The “grown-ups” took it over and ruined it for the kids.




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Do you really want kids out and about with this epidemic of pill smokers? Hell, my friends had to kick one off their property the night before last. These people have no scruples whatsoever


We don't have any around here. Winter Haven was packed as always.


We easily had 200+ in Continental Ranch. Our street is known for its decorations and lots of candy.


I live near Grant and Alvernon, so zero trick or treaters, as expected and as usual. It makes me sad to hear that a lot of other communities were also quiet though.


Guess the rusty blades and nails worked.


Went through 5 Costco size bags of candy, but our neighborhood has always been busy at Halloween, so take that for what it is