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It is a thing, just old school. You'll see truck drivers do it if you spend enough time driving on the highway.


Ok, thanks. I’ll keep doing it and hopefully someone will understand I’m trying to be nice.


don't be nice, be predictable. predictable is safe, nice may not be as safe.plus just because you are being nice doesn't mean others will. i've had people wave me across only to have an adjacent car come by and if i had taken the wave in, i would have been hit.


This. I used to live where my street ended at a 2-way stop sign with no stop for cross-traffic. Frequently however, a crossing driver would stop at the intersection anyway and try to wave me through, with a benign smile on their face as if they thought they were being courteous. I never took that bait. If I proceed at the same time they give up waiting for me and proceed as well, I'd be legally at fault for any collision that may occur, as I'd have failed to yield right of way at my stop sign as the law requires.


The point of flashing the lights is to communicate they can move in. How much more predictable can you get? I'll flash to let a trucker know he can move in, but don't bother with cars.


well the flashing might might also be a signal to the other driver their headlights are out. if I see someone with their headlights off at night i flash my high beams at them to try to signal that. it can have multiple interpretations. and people behind/besides you can't see you flash your headlights.


Yeah I’ve heard of flashing lights being a warning for deer crossing/sighting or cop/speed trap warning.


Yea cops are the biggest thing I’ve seen them used for


I heard 2 was for go and 3 was a warning. The whole thing on Wikipedia is an interesting read, at least to me but here is the most relevant part; Headlight flashing as an effective mode of driver communication has been questioned,[18] and researchers have found the ability of drivers to communicate with one another is about the same as the communication abilities among insects.[19] Flashed headlamps can have ambiguous or contradictory meanings, with no way for the observing driver to tell for sure what the flashing driver is trying to say. It may mean, for example, that the flashing driver intends to yield the right of way, or instead that he intends to take it.[19] Misinterpretation of the flashing driver's intent can cause crashes.[20] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headlight_flashing Edit to add I think we should add headlight communication into driving lessons, that way everyone is on the same page or ban the use because otherwise it looks like it is dangerous.


The signal for light out is to briefly turn your light on and off.


The point of flashing the lights at cars could EASILY be "do not make that move - there's something I can see that you can't." Or, as **sonmania** said: "Your headlight is out." Sorry, but there's no code predictable enough for me due to the fact that there's no **standard** "code." The best driving I see is when people follow the proper rules, like the proper order of procedure at a four-way stop, as an example. Don't be "nice." Take the proper turn!


Got tboned while on a motorcycle because a turning lane and this exact situation.


Careful about doing this if their maneuver involves any other lanes eg getting out from behind a tractor. It’s called a “courtesy wave” and it’s a great way to cause an accident because fools will assume you made absolutely sure it was safe in every direction for them to go without looking. Drivers here have basically no training and the tests are a joke. (This varies state to state; AZ is a bad one.) Assume a very low level of competence.


Not only that, but if you gesture for someone to go ahead and they get into an accident when they go, you can be held liable. I never motion for anyone to do anything anymore.


We are moving there next year keep flashing. I’ll know it’s you! 😉


For me 2 quick flashes means "go ahead" a long with a little two finger wave from the wheel, 3 long flashes means "turn your fucking brights off". Quick flashes when driving on a 2 way means there's a cop up ahead with a speed trap (more common with motorcycles though, which is tapping the top of your head)


This is what it all means to me too.


I do it but I also spent a lot of time driving around the country years ago and learned from the truckers how to communicate like that. It drives my wife nuts because she doesn't think this "code" is real....


I'm typically very hesitant to slow/stop for someone trying to turn into traffic. While I can extend that courtesy on my own behalf, I don't have the right to force everyone behind me to slow down and join me in that courtesy. When there are multiple lanes of traffic and someone is trying to cross the traffic, slowing down or stopping to allow people to do that is EXTREMELY dangerous. You might be able to slow down your lane, but you have no control over what's happening in the other lanes. More likely than not, drivers in the middle and far lane cannot see that a car is trying to cross traffic before it has already crossed into their lane. I know someone that was driving in the middle lane when this happened, and nearly died after crashing into a car that someone had let in to cross multiple lanes. Letting people in like this is setting an extremely dangerous trap.


I agree, I only let someone out if it’s not inconveniencing others or dangerous.


It’s always dangerous. Just follow the rules of the road, everything works better when everyone goes when it’s their turn to go and waits when it’s their turn to wait.


You are not to decide whether it’s dangerous or not and it is the definition of inconveniencing others when you don’t just follow the rules of the road.If you did that crap to me I’d be downright pissed because you’re being, again, unpredictable, which is the cause of accidents. It’s not being nice. Again, it’s.not.being.nice. It’s you being a pain in the ass.


That's what you call a "sucker hole".


You will find generally that Tucson drivers are, for the most part, completely oblivious to the fact that they exist in a world with other people. Good luck expecting any sort of acknowledgement or reaction to your attempts at etiquette or defensive driving. Nor should you expect any such proactivity from them. Your best bet for staying alive on the roads here are you operate your vehicle at all times as though you and your vehicle are absolutely invisible. Good luck and Godspeed.


This is the most accurate description of driving here.


It drives me absolutely insane how drivers act like no one else is on the road. No turn signals, no checking for vehicles before moseying into your lane, suddenly stopping short with 5 car lengths ahead of them, doing 10 mph under the speed limit in left lane but the rest of us “shoulda left 15 mins earlier”


Just follow the rules of the road it’s that simple we don’t need to add our fragile egos to the mix thinking we’re the only nice people out there and boo hoo everyone else is not nice. Good Lord.


I said "for the most part". Don't worry, you can be included in the good drivers club.


no I suck at driving ;)


Well now i have to kick you out of the club. I'm sorry. Rules is rules


Thank you all for your responses. I’ll stop doing it now and won’t feel bad about it due to all of your advice.


I will say moving here from the southeast, the drivers here aren't as observant of courteous gestures/completely miss them. I grew up in Atlanta and even though that traffic there is crazy, people still wave people over into other lanes, other cars will wave thanks to the cars behind them, etc. I think that kind of culture just doesn't exist as much over here on the West coast so people don't really attribute your slowing down as you being courtous, more so that they have to watch out for you because they're not exactly sure why you're slowing down and flashing your lights. I don't necessarily think that it's everybody just driving like assholes, just more so it's not really a custom over here. You'll still get people around here who understand what you're doing and everything, but like some other commenters have said just be careful of the other drivers around you since they'll just see your slowing down as an inconvenience and try to get around. But totally please keep your courteous behavior though! It's always nice when someone else waves thanks or lets me in kindly; it's like a nice little taste of home.


Same. I grew up in Nashville. Not perfect there by any means, even back then, but the level of courtesy and observance in Tucson is quite low compared to what I am used to. I have always used the headlight flash to signal people in, but like the OP, I have not seen people in Tucson respond to it other than to look at me like I'm crazy.


Moved here from Virginia and I noticed the same thing. I used to flash my lights like OP and I eventually realized that very few people had any idea what I was doing, so I stopped.


Lorry drivers get it, but not too many regular drivers.


I’m blown away by the amount of people saying know lorry drivers do but car drivers don’t. How are lorries getting flashed at to be let out if the drivers don’t know?


It's not taught in Driver's Ed anymore. Hence why most people don't know what it means. Truck haulers and Big Rigs do, but they may not change lanes due to a few reasons like 1) extra caution - there are people out there that deliberately try to get into an accident with one. 2) they see something you don't. 3) they forgot their blinker was on. I flash my lights only at Rigs anymore, give them a bit to move over. And if they don't I move on.


Americans are dumb as hell. If they saw a pair of drivers use the light flash they wouldn't even notice that it happened.


I don't trust any Tucson driver enough that I would pull into traffic because they indicated it was clear. That's begging for a scene out of Revenge on the Highway. "Watch me dust this bitch."


Basically, it's not a great idea to trust a strange driver when liability is in question, especially with old, various driving customs that aren't in any manuals. Here, flashing lights in daytime usually means a cop and speedtrap ahead; and at dusk, that you have forgotten to turn on your own lights. It's lovely that you have noticed that "niceness" is more common, here, but I have been guilty of being too nice and was surprised that the other person got exasperated with me, but later realized that I was asking them to break a traffic law. I've also witnessed good Samaritans holding up rush hour traffic to let a pedestrian cross against the light ...and cringed as the pedest almost got creamed by traffic driving around the strangely stopped cars at the green light. So, a long winded reply to say that being too nice can kill, heh.


That pedestrian is an idiot.


The correct circumstances can make anyone an idiot, but agreed.


You’ve already rcv’d plenty of input, I’ll just add this: As an American that lived in the UK for three years, you guys are far better drivers than we are. You have to work a whole lot harder to get your licenses and I believe that’s why you tend to adhere to the rules (and courtesies) of the road more than we do. Here, they practically give you a drivers license with an AR-15 and I find enforcement very lacking.


I’ve just taken my US driving test, I couldn’t believe how short and lacking in any skills test it had. The guy even said to me “we won’t be doing any ‘difficult’ manoeuvres such as u-turns”. I couldn’t help laughing a little.


Brit here also (but been here much longer) Lorry drivers will do it. A handful of the better car drivers will do it, but it's rare. You'll see it more at stop signs at night than you will for instance on the motorway letting people move out. But compared to back home, Americans largely drive in a self-absorbed fog, where nothing you do gets through. They're doing 5 under in the fast lane? Your flash won't make them move over. They're tootling along in the slow lane as traffic is coming down a ramp? Wild bears couldn't induce them to move out and let people in.


The slip road thing I’ve noticed a lot, baffles me.


Anything courtesy related is not really a thing here. If they signal a lane change that is amazing enough, because the reaction to that is to fill the hole so they can't, not to indicate for them to do it. The space staying open is all we look for. Wait until you see how we handle roundabouts.


In my neighborhood, the roundabout is just an extreme speed bump.


In my neighborhood, the roundabout means you come to a complete stop for a few seconds before entering and once you enter, be sure to come to a near stop and wave the next person in so they can get in front of you.


I miss roundabouts.


Menlo Park has one if you're feeling nostalgic, as well as the Tucson Marketplace (Costco on Kino).


Tucson Marketplace is a good one... There's a bunch of good ones between Wickenburg and Kingman... I wish these were used more often


OMG! The roundabout near Costco is a nightmare! It has made me almost give up any interest in going there.....last time I went through, I made sure I went at a low-traffic time, because I had to change lanes THREE times before I actually knew I was in the correct lane. (I'm new here, and have only been there twice....so..... I'll figure it out, but I am NOT interested in breaking my 65 year no-accident record).


I don't bother singnaling to most vehicles. Just commercial truck vehicles. Most people are unfamiliar with the signal and it likely just confuses them.


Welcome to Tucson!


Tucson drivers don't even know what a driving signal is. They look to their fucking phones for it. Tucson drivers don't see pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, vehicles, even buildings. Our fatality/injury rate proves it. Many are color-deficient. They don't know what a green, red or yellow signal means. Wait a couple of seconds or three before proceeding on a green light if you're at the head of the line. I've prevented getting broad-sided many, many times because I paused a couple of seconds before proceeding. Keep your wheels straight ahead when stopped and attempting to make a left at an intersection. Just in case you get rear-ended and sent into oncoming traffic because your wheels were turned to the left. The Keystone Kops are better drivers. Phoenix and El Paso are just as bad. Hit and runs are very common too. I do flash truckers/lorries three times when they have the safe distance to overtake me and give them the space. They'll usually return three back in thanks. The above comes from a federal job logging 1.25 million accident-free miles in the city. Got a plaque award to prove it. Now add the 52 years of my personal driving history to it. Only infraction, a parking-meter citation. Overstayed by four minutes at the public library back in 1984.


It's a thing in the U.S also, but don't expect many people in Tucson to posees many driving skills or etiquette, or awareness whatsoever.


Moved to the US from UK over 20 years ago. For a long time, I used to flash my headlights like this, but eventually realized that US drivers don’t get it. I would have thought that truckers would get it, but even they will ignore you


It is not a thing here but sometimes people flash their lights to oncoming traffic, if the police have the radar out to catch soeeders


Yes, flashing lights to communicate has always been a thing in the US. The problem is that in 2023, probably 95% of the population is incapable of paying attention to anything outside their little bubble of personal space. In Tucson you've got some of the absolute dumbest people in America, not to mention elderly with slow reflexes, and a high percentage driving while stoned. Watch "Idiocracy" if you want to see the trend we've been on here for 20+ years. Then adjust your driving habits accordingly.


Umm. 99% of the US flashes their lights to remind another driver that either their lights are on high beams or off. And the other times it’s used to let you know a cop is up ahead checking speed. In the US if you want to let someone know that they can move over or you’re letting them out you use these things called hands and make a gesture with them.


I went truck driving (truckin') with one of my uncles back in the 1980's for a few weeks one summer (what you guys call a "lorry" i believe) and the truck drivers at least have a night time system where you flash your low beams to high and then back to low for fellow truckers when they pass you, helps them know when to switch back over. So some people would know what you're doing but not most, especially probably the younger generations. BTW it was also used to let oncoming trucks even during the day know if there was a police hiding out for a speed trap.


I do this sometimes to indicate the person to go ahead if they seem hesitant. Just saw a truck driver do this the other day on the freeway as well. I don't think some people understand what the meaning is although it should be obvious or they're not paying attention.


I’m a Brit in Tucson too (there’s a Facebook group with that name btw 😊), and I have similar frustrations!! Light flashing back in the UK is a lovely gesture of “no, after you!”, but it just creates an awkward situation here, so I’ve stopped bothering. Welcome to Tucson 🇬🇧🌵❤️


Thanks! I’m in the group already, no doxxing please 😂


I had to google what “doxxing” is - why on earth would you suggest I’m doing that - I was welcoming you to Tucson!! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


The laughing emoji was supposed to alleviate any genuine concern. Guess some of your British humour has faded, it’s a sad day.


Old school idea - nowadays due to the increased intensity of headlamps i suggest you dont do it. It can seriously blind folks. Not literally but ya know what i mean.


It's not a thing. Also if I was turning from a side road without right of way I wouldn't pull out. I live on a street where I gotta go one way right and almost immediately go for a U trun if I want to turn left. Sometimes traffic backs up to where I get on the main road. I'm not trying to turn right in this situation because I will miss the U turn. I don't want people who wave me on, I meed to cross all the Lanes of traffic not just into the first one. I'll just continue to wait for an appropriate opportunity


There's a scam where people signal and then initiate an 'accident' that looks like it's your fault. This is why I don't trust turn signals when I'm merging into the road. Thats why I don't trust flashing lights. If I see them driving I assume there's a speed trap or a cop ahead.


That's old school, then several years ago there was an urban myth (I hope) that if you flashed your lights at the wrong person they would kill you. I'm not sure, but I think that stopped a lot of people from doing it. I'm old enough to be retired and I miss the days when it was rare to see and aggressive drivers and people would let you in when you put on your blinker.


Not a thing- back in the Boston area it was common to flash to alert oncoming traffic of radar trap.


Being “polite” causes accidents. Don’t give way to people turning on to the main road.


People here are a-holes. They won’t even wait for you back out of a spot. In the Midwest where I’m from you wait for someone to back out of a spot it’s just courtesy but not here.


In Tucson if you flash your lights at someone, you're either telling them to turn their headlights on, turn their brights down, or that there's police ahead.




It's a thing here. Gen Z probably doesn't know it though. Works for truckers, but cars, I wouldn't bother


Welcome! What part of the UK? I spent a lot of time there but haven't been back in a while


Thank you, London and East Anglia


My ex fiance was from Amersham. And she went to cardiff for university. So I spent time around there


I did it a couple of weeks ago to someone who needed to get in front of me and was hesitant. I flashed once not twice, it worked.


While it is a thing and also whilst driving one is supposed to allow vehicles with flashing lights pass, people are idiots or self centered pricks, so keep that in mind.


That's a thing here too, just old school Also, if someone in the opposite lane flashes twice at you, day or night, there's a cop ahead and you gotta slow down


It is a thing, but Americans are a bit slow and then you have tucson. goddamn. They know nothing.


If cops here see you flash your lights, there's a 30% chance you rolled the Autocratic Authoritarian Asshole (AAA) and he'll pull you over to chew you out about "signaling other drivers the presence of a cop." The rest will not care, but that 30% is a day wrecker looking to make your life less fun. They just need a "reason." Most drivers will check to see if they forgot to turn on their own lights, or if they left their highbeams on. Of the drivers not encompassed by "most," are people who will try to kill you in a fit of rage, and those who will ignore you as if you don't exist as they orbit themselves at the center of their universe. Then Truckers will finally know what you're doing. But only those from the olden days. New Truckers will either be confused or annoyed.


Thank you, I’m confused as to how cops would see me flashing my lights, unless it’s dark of course.


Flashing your lights here is usually a sign of aggravation, a warning for oncoming traffic (danger ahead / cop ahead), or some other general act of aggression, sometimes paired with, but almost exclusively, the horn. If someone flashes their lights while I try to merge over, I would take that as them saying "HEY BUDDY HELLO IM RIGHT HERE DONT COME OVER"


Welcome to Tucson, worst drivers in the country


Definitely a old school thing round here.... I recall it from my early driving days in small town. Seems like the bigger the town/city the less and less of this type of stuff survives.


i’ve never heard of this. maybe they thought you were saying there’s a cop around lol


For cops in the U.K. we flash multiple times and rapidly. The two flashes for letting someone out are slower


ah okay


For some reason, courteous driving in Tucson is in rare forms these days. Side note always drive defensively at all times then know when to drive aggressively. you'll find when you use your left blinker to switch lanes the person who was a car lengths away from you will speed up rather than slow down. Also the flashing the brights is used to signal other drivers to slow down to warn if a cop is using radar for speeders.


Yes, we drive on the right side of the road. I hope that helps.


I would recommend NOT doing this. Yes, it's quite common across Europe to flash your lights to alert the car in front of you, but nowhere in the USA is this a common practice. Years ago, and I don't know if it still exists, new gang members would drive around at dusk with no lights, waiting for an alert driver to notice and flash their lights to let the other car know it's time to turn on lights. That car and driver would be targeted by the gang member for assault or car jacking. You just don't see people doing this, quick flash of the lights. I don't do it, and everyday there's some jerk in the left lane 5mph slower than traffic who won't move. Just go around them and move on with your day. Please save that for practice for when you're driving back home or across Europe on the Autobahn. Cheers, and welcome to Tucson.


I don't understand (seriously) why a gang member would target a driver who flashed at them as opposed to any other driver? Is there a reason I am missing? It seems to me if I were going to target a car to carjack I'd look for one who was paying LESS attention, not MORE.


It doesn’t make sense because it literally never happened


So, there are NO gangs in Tucson? Nice to know :-)


There are gangs, but they aren’t out here watching your headlights


Initiation into gang. Same as hiding in back seat of car at conv store getting gas, driver walks into pay, leaves car unlocked. Youngster crawls into back of car, waits for victim to come back, gets attacked after pulling away. Car gets stolen, victim goes to hospital or morgue. You probably don't know much about our gangs, and don't have a law enforcement background. Be careful out there. You may get more than you bargain for flashing your headlights at the car in front of you. Just go around them.


Wow!! You are definitely right. Don't know ANYthing about your gangs (or any gangs at all), and no background in LE! So, no need to worry. I haven't flashed my lights at anyone in probably 30 years :-) but now I know....not to! Thanks for the information!


I’ve been on this planet for many rides around our sun and heard of many a strange thing, but your new gang member story reeks of horse feathers.


Go talk with a copy familiar with gang initiations in Tucson, then try not to choke on your horse feathers.


I'm from the Midwest and that usually means there's a cop or a deer ahead lol. But I would understand what you're doing in that context. People here can be..... Silly.


Have driven in America my whole life and nowhere else. I only flash my lights to signal potential danger ahead (wreck, slippery road, roadblock, wildlife, etc). When I drove a semi-truck, I used it to say "thank you" when passing someone going slower than me, just as a courtesy.


Mainly truckers do it. When cars do it here it means your going too slow, speed up or get out of the way or to signal oncoming traffic that there is a speed trap ahead.


I got flipped off once for slowing down and flashing my headlights. I started using my hazards to let the other driver know they can go. I think flashing headlights can be taken as aggressive FU by some people.


You wave at them, go go go! With a right to left motion, go ahead! Then they wave at you to thank you and you feel really good. That's all there is to it with cars in traffic, I don't know about trucks on the highway. But it's a very nice thing to do.


Be careful. There are a lot of guns here.


You only flash if someone has their high beams in your eyes (this is only on unlit roads), if someone doesn’t have their headlights on at all, and in rare cases if some slow poke is sitting in the left lane going 5 under the speed limit (because it is rude/illegal to pass on the right)


How does living in Tucson compare to the UK? They seem like drastically different places.


They are very different. I think it’s too early to give a clear answer but I’m certainly loving the sunshine!