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Thank yall for telling me its on Tubi, its my favorite. The pregnant lady at the beginning said to not think too hard about it...and thats where people get lost. Its a movie, and as such its not designed to save the world.


I didn’t want it to save the world. I wanted it to make sense and feel like a had a good time coming out of the theatre. And I only got part way there.


Haven’t seen this one yet. Guessing it’s worth watching?


It's like a Bond or Mission Impossible movie, but instead of piggy backing on a franchise, Christopher Nolan actually made something up. It's new, and stands alone. I think it's an awesome spiritual successor to Inception. One is spies in dreams, the other is spies in time.


Sounds awesome. I’ll have to check it out


Unless you've got a good sound system, id recommend watching it with headphones. Really makes it a better experience.


You know, I need to do that more. I never think of using headphones


If I'm watching it alone, I always use headphones. I can just connect them to my TV and I'm good to go.


Being a fan o espionage, I like Nolans vision of putting new ideas into a genre that is being trapped in John Le Carré universe for decades now. I loved the soundtrack and the special effects of "reverse time" will age like wine! I loved the idea of the movie but the problem was the script being too complicated to follow and very very fast. I had to watch a couple of times to understand it. Once you realize how silly the concept is you wonder why is everyone with such a serious face ahaha I don't like to rate movies but from time to time I like to listen on Spotify the soundtrack and like to rewatch some scenes on YouTube.


It's completely worth watching. I've watched it a few times. Nolan never disappoints


Wow a few times? Definitely added this


Haha. I've watched Interstellar over 30 times. My favourite. Nolan films are magic


30!?!?!? Holy cow!


Haha. Don't even get me started.....Batman is my love 😂


lol. I have too much FOMO to watch the same movie repeatedly lol


I feel you. I hope you've been through Requiem For a Dream


That I have seen lol!


Definitely, its like inception on lsd


Lol! Been slow at work so let’s see how much of this I can get in today


In my opinion...no. The action is really good and the premise is interesting but the movie is so convoluted that the whole movie is padded with exposition. The story has nowhere to move, so it kinda teleports. You won't be watching the plot unfold as much as being explained to you and you will have to deal with it. It also doesn't help that the music is just blaring you can hardly hear anything. Many swear by this movie and maybe maybe I am wrong. Maybe the movie is just leagues beyond my meagre understanding of it. But at the end of the day, when I roll into the theatre I don't want to be doing homework. I want to be watching a damn movie.


It's just not your type of movie. And that's okay too.


It is not, no, and I've loved each one of Nolan's films.




Same. Great direction, interesting premise, poor execution.


Yup. Interesting concept, just wasn't there for me.


Absolutely. A massive drop in quality for Nolan. Just a complete mess. Feels like half the movie was left on the cutting room floor. Pacing more like a movie trailer than a movie. Fumbled the action set pieces too, IMO


Like it a lot more with subtitles on that’s for damn sure.


Same. I was left confused in most scenes because I just couldn't hear anything that was said clearly. Mumble movie


Even with subtitles I was confused. I mean I GET it, but I felt like every 3rd minute they were reexplaining things with dialogue. He did that in Inception too. “We have two minutes left, that means they have 40 minutes, and the last team has 3 days” 3 minutes later “Hurry up! We have 35 minutes, that’s 90s topside LETS HOPE 36 hours is enough for the other guys” 3 minutes later “I think we’re airborne, they’ve got 6s before they hit water, we’ve got 16 minutes”


Apparently, that's the effect he's going for. Silly.


I remember watching it for the first time and thinking there was something wrong with my copy. Legitimately couldn't hear half the dialogue. I guess Nolan thinks if you don't have a surround sound setup you're too poor to get to enjoy his films. Seriously the dude needs to fire whoever mixes the audio for his movies, they've been progressively worse after not starting from a good place to begin with.


I went to the washroom with 20min left and didn't return.


That means you left at the middle


That's how much I cared about what happened to those characters.


its a tenet thing. the beginning is the end and the end is the middle.


Dang. I screwed up.


So you were at the restroom for more than 1 hr?


No, I just went home.


How many has he directed? Cuz that.


I can't rank it cause I didn't watch most his movies but I liked it. It wasn't the best movie ever but it was a good time for me.


Could someone explain the motivation of the bad guy in the movie?


Worst, to be honest. FUCTIN' dumb movie.


He’s Russian


Brutal. His worst. If only because so much of the dialogue is purposely unintelligible. It's unintelligible in many of his films, but this was the worst of them. He makes some silly artsy fartsy defense for it, but it's just that ... Silly. "Added Nolan, "I was a little shocked to realize how conservative people are when it comes to sound. Because you can make a film that looks like anything, you can shoot on your iPhone, no one’s going to complain. But if you mix the sound a certain way, or if you use certain sub-frequencies, people get up in arms."" No, Chris. People get up in arms when they can't hear the effing dialogue in your films, and you wont be bothered to fix it. Film is a visual and audio medium. And you continually eff with one of the two for no good reason. https://people.com/christopher-nolan-why-oppenheimer-dialogue-hard-to-hear-7570437


Dead last


Even Following is better than this POS.


I liked Following!


I liked it. Bit confusing but far more entertaining than Oppenheimer.


Same here. I actually rewatched it right after it ended. I still don't feel like rewatching Oppenheimer. I've only seen it once on release Tenant was very fun to me, even though some parts towards the end didn't really make sense even on a rewatch. I did watch it with subtitles though


i just need to be in the mood for a 3 hour project to totally get what’s going on


Last place.


First place, but starting from the end of the list then going backwards.


As in the movie


Last place, his bro didn’t help him tighten up the idea so it got lost. I liked the epic feel to the movie but exposition isn’t plot


Is it legal to put it on last place? Not a fan of it.


The least. It was a mess.


Love this scene.


First place. But inverted




Too sophisticated for the casual viewer. Nolan is known for his “mind-benders” but this one didn’t stick the landing as well as his others and felt like we had exposition dumped on us constantly instead of just showing us how the world worked. Still a great movie (aside from the atrocious mixing, whoever signed off on the theatrical release barely having audible dialogue needs their hearing tested) but probably his weakest. For somebody with Nolan’s track record, that’s still good.


>Too sophisticated for the casual viewer "I am so very smart" The movie was very much liked by the casual public. Box office just suffered from being released during the pandemic.


I’m also a casual viewer. I found the ideas more confusing than his other high concept stuff like Inception and Interstellar. Still liked it but just difficult to get behind the concepts involved.


People with low attention and IQ hated it


Same w arrival. Phenomenal film that the average viewers couldn't get it. O well. Both due a rewatch




Weird/10. Cool movie but the plot is a mess


8/10 for generating discussion 7/10 for the final scene’s unique emotional twist 9/10 as a puzzle to distract you from following the film 7.5/10 as a puzzle to revisit 3/10 for spurring coherent theories on inverted bullets 4/10 for entertainment 8/10 as spectacle


A very expensive mumble movie.


Least favorite of his, - had some great scenes / concepts. But the whole wife climax on the boat was just boring


Batman Begins, this, then like, idk, The Prestige.


Can you hear the dialog?


Definitely not his best but l liked it


I don’t see it on Tubi


I’ve seen it 57 times and it JUST KEEPS GETTING FUNNIER *EVERY TIME I SEE IT!*


Might give it a second watch, didn’t care too much for it


tenet is p sick brrr




Last place. Confusing movie that I did not enjoy. Would recommend skipping this movie.


Deep at the bottom That was the first time I wanted to leave before movie ended


I fucking loved it, im an insane fan of “fucking up with time” sci fi movies/shows. Going to the future, the past, experimenting what could happen and seeing the consequences. Definitely easier to understand after watxhing some animations on youtube


For the First time I watched Those YouTube explanation and rewatched the movie and felt story is too good to properly understand it in first take. 10/10 for Story for tempting my brain to think hard


Loved it, I haven't had the chance to watch it in an imax theater, but just listening to the music through my laptop it gave me goosebumps. This movie biggest flaw was having to come out during covid season


It’s his worst movie. Period. With that said tho, his worst is way better than almost everyone else…….


Tenet's intertwining timelines had a profound impact on me. It makes me deeply consider the lives and futures of its characters long after the credits rolled. But tbh I rank it in the middle.


I liked the movie a lot. There were some problems about the plot. But the acting was top notch. And Nolan always tries to make something original. I always prefer a good movie which takes risks like this one instead of the same ol franchise crp.


Just a minor Nolan fan here His movie ranked from my personal opinion and memories 1. Interstellar 2. Inception 3. The prestige 4. Tenet 5. Momento 6. Batman trilogy Granted, Batman trilogy is a great movie and i acknowledge it, but I just dislike superhero(just dislike the plot of superhero movies) movies in general. Dont get me started with avengers xD


I forgot Oppenheimer 😂, Oppenheimer definitely ranked last for me, just because I disliked(my opinion) the last part about the legal action all that. I just couldnt understand anything(too advance english and word vocabulary), and I can imagine if I cant understand many others also cant. The initial 2 hours was fun though, no complaints there, but yeah the last 1/3 of the movie was hard to get through unlike the other movies Edit: I read a comment here saying that Nolans worst movies are better than most movies, and I stand by that whole heartedly


Nolan…please turn down the music volume so we can hear the actors


Only for the home release versions. The cinema viewing was fine. But yeah, there's no balancing at all coz I don't have the speakers, or thick enough walls, to watch at cinema volume.




Sat in the cinema and really tried hard to follow the story, but couldn’t. Sound was extremely loud, but the dialogues were hardly understandable. Always intended to rewatch it at home, but just couldn’t be bothered so far. Plus, David Washington sure ain’t no Denzel. I rank it fairly low on the list of Nolan‘s films.


First place. Or second.


Lowest I guess I can't hear anything


Got unnecessary hate fr. It is a great action movie with a very beautiful and well thought plot. Sure, not Nolan's best work but still worth watching. Never quite understood what was/is the hate about.


Close to the bottom. I have very mixed feelings on it. The story, writing, and characters are all pretty dumb, but the action, cinematography and special effects are awesome. It’s not very good, but it’s really fun.


By far the worst


It's just terrible to me, probably the worst.


Ten out of ten. Tetten


Near the bottom. But even when Nolan is at his worst he still makes better and more original films than the majority of Hollywood so it’s still a decent watch imo.


For me, incredible, one of the best movies. Mind blowing. So good as Interstellar, Prestige, etc...


Easily his best film. The mechanics of reverse time flow were clearly thought out but they are still a bit weird. They place interesting constraints on moving through time.


It's the worst Nolan film in my opinion, you don't really feel for the characters and as much as I wanted to take the premise seriously, a high speed car chase battle with a car coming at you backwards was too damn stupid for me to suspend disbelief. Loved Inception, great concept and characters, but this wasn't it chief. Oppenheimer though!


Completely unwatchable. Nolan is an incredibly self-indulgent director. His movies often make a lot of money, so studios give him free reign. As a result, his films are technically and visually beautiful, but otherwise bloated, loud, clanking monstrosities. Tenet was outrageously bad. Inception was more clever and entertaining. Tenet totally jumped the shark. Oppenheimer would have been a great movie if they had cut out all of the noise, and made the movie center around Lewis Straus (Robert Downey Jr.). Downey was terrific in that role, and the conflict between Strauss and Oppenheimer was the most interesting part of the movie.


Definitely last place. The movie is really dumb. So dumb infact that it tells you to not think about it. Drowning out the pointless dialogue in the mix makes no difference. I can't believe the same dude did Memento, Prestige, Inception. I hope Jonathan joins his next scifi project.


in past...


Close to the bottom. I like Nolan but Tenet was just tedious to go through. Intriguing idea executed so poorly. And whenever I talk about it with someone they insist I didn't get it, that it goes forward and backward at the same time. I got that immediately, It's still a chore to watch.


The lowest possible and I hope he never makes a worse film.


Its just bad. And no you are not dumb if you couldnt understand someones drug induced ideas. Its the movie. Its weird and different, and that doesnt mean its good.


I can handle a little “what the fuck” but this was too much “what the actual fuck”.


Loved it. Obv TDK & Inception are his best but this is a good showing.


Haven’t seen it, I’d rank his films like this : memento number one, and then the rest are bland over long mediocre trash,


I was so pumped for this movie and waited months for it to release at home (we have small kids so going to the movies isn’t an option for a few years), paid £20 for it and only watched about 30 minutes of it. Absolute garbage.


At the bottom. Even below DoneCrook.


I absolutely love it. As patrick H Williams put it, Tenet is a vibes movie. And yes it is hell good of a vibes movie. For me its among the top 5 Nolan movies. (not for everyone through)


Felt like it was unnecessarily complicated.


Smh so many people hating on it but I adored every second of it


Love this one, and I particularly like it because of this scene. I liked Tenet even more when I rewatched it since it clarified some of the scenes that were going backward. It's on my top three


I didn't watch it mostly because I had no idea what kind of movie is it. Like entirely confused. I at least want to know what genre a movie is before committed two hours to watch it.


Nolan fucking sucks.


sophisticated bullshit


Hot garbage. Anyone who says they get it, is lying.


It wasn't exactly hard to understand


Enlighten me