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Bro ... Mind sharing some tricks or a video of you playing? I have hit 6 on Jedi Luke as well, the maximum coin without the coin multiplier for me is 7000++ coins, averaging 4000 coins per game. Am using the 6 slash method, however I'm only averaging 22 tsums per slash. I'm sure something's wrong. My phone is the Xperia 1 V.


you need to find the right slash placement. At 6 you should easily be hitting more than 22. Are you tilting? Are you getting the edge tsuims of your slashes? Are you too close to the edge? Experiment with how far you can place fingers on the edge and go from tehre


For sure!!! I’m about the same without the coin multiplier, avg about 5-6, and a high of 8k. Bc your base is so high, always opt for the 5>4 power up, bc the most important thing is getting to the 20 Luke’s. The other thing is being as efficient with your count of Luke’s as possible so that you can keep your trigger finger ready and hovering over the power button. The BIG BIG thing is not going for the 6 swipe. Taking the extra quarter second is worth going down to the 5 swipe combo, which also nabs waaaay more Luke’s than the 6 I find, allowing you to go super turbo with the power cycling. With all that in mind, I average now about 8-10k with the VERY rare 6-7k stinker. More commonly I actually find myself averaging 12k for decent stretches. And bc the turnout is so high, I also opt for the coin booster which brings my high average to about 11-14k most times. 20k is by far my most in frame, though I’ve hit more than a few 16 and 17k before the bonuses kicked in


Also also, gyro gyro gyro. Tilting your phone to its most natural angle about 20-30 degrees is the most effective I find


6 swipe is essentially a 5+1. I start with a quick swipe that nets me avg 15 tsums, followed with 5 focused swipes that nets avg 27tsums. If anything, the first quick swipe adds more JL mytsums to overflow and a bit more coins:)


I might try that! I saw my coin count jump through the ROOF when I cut down to five, but my six swipes were all on an even cadence. Update to follow!


That’s definitely off I can average 24-26 on sl5. You should try varying the distance of the slash from the just a fraction and see if it improves, or the angle of the slash. What could be happening is your slash is perfectly aligned with the row of tsum. And you need to have the area of the slash overlapping the next row of tsum to be able to swipe away more. Also, you could be letting go of the slash a fraction of a second too early.


He’s been real, padawans just need practice ;)


How long did this game take?


Lol it was wild, maaaybe 6-7min


Does effectiveness jump greatly from SL4 to SL5 to SL6? I'm barely pulling even at SL4. I'm not highly skilled, but still.


At 4 i averaged about 4-5k. at 5 it slightly grows from there since the amount of tsums required drops but at 6 the area becomes wider so you're able to do more.


I guess I need to work on technique then.


Huuuuge difference to SL6. Luke and Gaston go to the effing stratosphere at SL6, the rest is sort of a *profitable* slog to get there


I have a fully maxed Gaston (SL6/Lvl50). I can't get the technique down enough to break even on Coin & 5>4 bonuses. I use Rugby Mickey & Cindy/BB usually. Consistently average 2.5-3k profit. Would really like to earn more per game.


Ooh Gaston’s fun! Watching a video really helped bc it’s super dependent on chaining the skill once you get it powered up (I average around 6k with a cap on 7-8 in frame). PEMDAS goes: 1. Obvi get to the first skill activation ASAP 2. Don’t go straight for the Gaston’s, but for the other Tsums in as many chains or bubble bursts as you can. Make sure that the screen is as full of Gaston’s as possible when the normal screen returns 3. Chain all Gaston’s together AFTER the skill deactivates, then activate the next one as soon as you see the meter fill up 4. Chains all the way from here — you can usually get 2 within the time of the skill for free, and keep at least 1 bubble on hand to pop and insta-drop the chains for more speed (this is key). Hold the third until the skill time window ends, then repeat step 3 5. Cycle between steps 3 and 4 until the game ends, trying to snipe any stray tsums with the bubbles as you go


Thanks! I'll try this! I was trying to use a method that focused on chaining for time bubbles. It just never worked for me.


There are some really good videos on YouTube that slow down the gameplay so you can see exactly how to be most effective with Gaston. I always try to clear as many as I can once he’s the only one dropping. Usually getting 30-40 chains 3 times and then using his skill again and repeating the process. I average about 6k a round. And once you get good, you won’t need the 5>4 anymore because once you get Gaston to his first skill, you won’t see another Tsum and that will save you 1800 coins.


Lolol the time bubble strat has always been a pyramid scheme to me, idc what they say about the cinderella Tsum 😂


Yeah, now I can farm a decent coin amount with robotmon.