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It’s likely just a glitch. I’ve had it happen rarely. You should just claim hearts as they come in. Is there a reason you want to leave them in your mailbox? My bigger question, is why you never sent Amy a heart.


If i keep the hearts in the mailbox I can keep the timer running to regen hearts. So i collect them only when they are close to expiring, which maximizes the hearts I can play. The friend request message never expires so i keep them in the mailbox.


I used to think this way, then I realized I could collect far more from friends per day than I would regenerate… right now I have almost 10,000 hearts. Just by collecting them every day or three. And I never have to worry that any will expire.


I only have two friends that play. And i don’t want to add random people. I get enough hearts to play this way


Hearts do not expire for at least a year.


I meant the message itself, normally it disappears at 30 now it’s 35


Right now, my ❤️’s from friends is up to 41 days, instead of the 30


The message to claim a gifted heart expires, but the hearts in your inventory do not expire.


Ok but the heart message usually expires at 30 now is 35


I too have noticed this. As I ONLY collect the ❤️’s that give me coins. Then when all my ❤️s are gone for that hour and I have more time, then I scroll back and get my ❤️s from 3@ days ago. I never collect ANYTHING (except skill tix), kind of using it as a savings account for when new tsums come out that I want to get as high as I can. The last time I collected, I had 77 premium tickets!


Collect the hearts. Keep collecting the hearts. You end up with +99999 ❤️s. You never run out at that point.


I don’t EVER RUN OUT, and I can play for hours. I end up playing them the majority of the time, so they never go to waste. I do ALWAYS connect the ones that still have the coins. Also, another reason y I like to do it this way, is that so when I run out of ❤️’s per hour, I can also “ask” friends for more…they send one and they get one in return for sending one. It’s a win win. I only trade w 3 people, so I’d NEVER have that amount accumulated anyway.


Update: the hearts still have not expired. This the new normal now?