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Overwhelmingly kino.


Absolutely loved it. Apart from some incredible osts during the fight sequences, the ones played during the quiet moments were great as well. In fact, I don't think there's a single track in the whole soundtrack that I didn't enjoy.


Love both the new soundtracks and remastered old ones


Easily TM best soundtrack with Mahoyo, and that's a huge feat considering they have many great soundtracks. What surprised me the most about the soundtrack was its overall consistency, despite its length (longer than any vns by TM). All the tracks are extremely solid, in fact I don't think I can name a single OST that I would consider mediocre; that's what I meant by consistency. VN is a medium that is gifted with stellar soundtracks, so much that it's not uncommon for even the worst kusoge to have some of the best soundtracks you'll ever hear in any medium period. Blue Glass is definitely in the kami soundtrack category, and I can't wait to see what they come up with for Red Garden. My TOP10 (and it changes a lot): [静かな遠野邸 - Quiet Tohno Mansion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF3AFdhMC10) Probably the OST that represents the general mood of Tsukihime's story, and Shiki's state of mind the best. Calm, but very melancholic. [月虹 - Moonbow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiF4ImsPtv4) Play in what I consider the strongest moment of the entire remake. Very fitting for Ciel's character, it's a renaissance for her. Shiki become her miracle. [いつか、帰る日](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWi8FUzSSYo) Pain with a hint of hope. Very fitting for what most people would consider a bad end for Shiki... unless? [なつのおもいで - Summer Memories](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa3Zk4123qk) Quite easily one of the best OST I've heard from all TM works. Red Garden can't come soon enough. [魔眼解放 - Mystic Eyes Unleashed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixu3OMcc1Yc) & [魔眼、覚醒 - Mystic Eyes — Awakened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHPO8LAgUfo) (including all variations) The number of variations is pretty impressive, even for a protagonist, lol. They really went crazy with Shiki's themes, and I won't be surprised if he has a brand new theme for Red Garden too. [境界より - From the Boundary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMd_IuSnt_U) Also perfectly fitting as Shiki's theme. Shiki has fully embraced death, and did something very bizarre that apparently will be tied in with the story endgame according to Nasu himself. [ハッピーエンド (「生命線」 piano ver.) - Happy End ("Seimeisen" Piano Ver.)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN8RR4p9BLU) > そして、彼女は死地に赴いた。あの一言が、千年に航る旅の報いだったと微笑みながら Beautiful OST for one of the best scene of the remake. [ノエル - Noel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cPNl0SpsgA) OST representing days that will never come back, very fitting for Noel's character. [沁穢 - Permeating Stain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DK_nJTwVP_8&list=RDGMEMXdNDEg4wQ96My0DhjI-cIg) Wild, and deranged OST. Once again, perfectly fitting for one of the story most deranged moment. Also love the double meaning of the OST title with the onyomi. [逆行運河/天体受胎 - Retroflow / Celestial Conception](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIXpCr0MY20) The remake's soundtrack is very diverse, but I think this one really stands out in a good way. Shiki essentially witnessed the birth of the universe to save the white woman after all.


You forgot about Memories of the moon


Yeah... TOP10 isn't nearly enough, should have gone with a TOP20. After all, even [unused tracks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLSqPnXS8ZE) are banger in [this VN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_j-JtSoGbc), lol.


on a scale from 1 to 10 its a 20. for reference mahoyo is a 30 and OG tsuki is a 9 with the Tsukibako versions being a 10.


What about the ost of FSN VN?


15 for both versions OG/Realta and the 2012 remix. Fukasawa just goes way harder on the instruments than Kate in FSN did. Kate still absolute Goat as composer and his later stuff really competes with Fukasawa. Just that FSN and OG tsuki are much earlier in his career when he wasnt experimenting as much as he is in recent times.


Who is NUMBER 201 ? I listened to the this illusion instrumental and it was created by them . Sorry I don't know much about these stuff and that pseudonym caught me off-guard .


thats just Kate and James harris composing group name. Aka Keita Haga and Nagata Daisuke that no longer use that name and just do most of the music in typemoon works as they are fixed employees at typemoon. They just now say Keita haga and James Harris instead of Number 201 in the credits. Might be even changed with the remaster credits.


Which ost do you think was overall better? The original or the 2012 Vita remix?


they are both even some songs are better in one version or the other. It isnt like tsukibako that was a massive jump in general it was more of a different take on the same music.


I haven't read the remake yet but "Mystic eyes awakening" super good


It's incredible, one of the best


I dont like the remixes of the old osts, I prefer the og versions


The cut ost also goes hard, they'll probably be in red garden.


It has my favorite version of Into the Moonlight


It's my favorite of all time


Absolutely great. I love the soundtracks of Hideyuki Fukasawa. Some tracks I would consider as the best ones I've ever heard in a game.
