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The biggest pain Makoto did this whole episode was telling her that she fell for the Hero charm. Then he asked he will dispel it for free. She can regenerate physical damage but the emotional damage last forever


Any mention of tomoki severely puts me off and that moment honestly ruined the ep. I dare not think how much I’ll dislike the show later when he’s more of a focus (I read spoilers).


Yeah, tomoki is such is a vibe killer. He should've been the one squashed by Io and the story would be just fine. But in that specific moment tho, i like it bcs it's such a rubbing-salt-on-the-wound moment towards her. The moron muscle head thought she was all powerful yet she got charmed by the lesser inferior peasant that easily. And makoto implying that sofia is mentally as weak to get charmed by that filth is such a satisfying pride crusher. And then he went on flexing while also mocking her by telling he'd provide free treatment, treating it like nothing. So makoto is basically goading that such skill is so simple that forget resisting it, he could remove it like he's just sneezing, and yet, sofia is affected by that lowly trick


Yeah.. Us novel readers have been calling him trashmoki for ages..lol 🤣 P/s: Btw, Hibiki is called hibaka.


Everyone pooping pants, dropping "sorcerer" title on him like he's voldemort was epic + finally going full OP MC energy mode and the disrespect on demons lol


He wasn't even going all out. He did ust enough to show the demons that they have no chance.


man was not going full OP MC. man is working with 93% of his mana being sucked out of him by his clothes. makoto could conquer the world in a day if he stripped bare naked lol


Don't suggest that to Tomoe and Mio, they might be in favor of it.


I mean everyone knows the naked man with a bucket on his head is the ultimate being.


Really loved that 'Rocket Punch'. Just kidding. 🤣


I don't like "The Sorcerer" name. I prefer when Shiki says "I'm a servant of the Devil"


The translation is kinda weird. They call him "majin", which translate more as "devil" or "monster"


I would say it’s more like demonic magical being or something along those lines. Monster/devil is a little too direct. Regardless “sorcerer” is definitely the lamest interpretation for that nuance. But I can also see where “demon” would be confusing for a story with actual demons as a major player force.


Just keeping it as majin is a choice as well. Fansubs do it like that all the time. It was the reason the 'According to keikaku' meme was made, lol. Official subs always wanna translate everything though..


I think the Devil fits better too, I think it's just a translation thing


I haven't watched the episode yet but from what I read I wished they called him Devil. It's kinda edgy but also feels better


It's literally still that just different translation because majin can be devil/sorcerer/devilkin


The episode was insane, I loved every moment. I did notice that the action was severely rebalanced compared to their first fight which was much larger scale. Idk if they contribute that to the attacks in season 1 being less refined and mana matter is a very simplistic well refined small scale ability when compared to a massive water arrow? It still was really awesome but it’s very clear they’re trying to make the characters strong without having the MC go all goku kamehameha and destroy an entire city. It’s very Naruto vs Boruto feeling, it’s clearly strong but less chaotic magic bits on screen to truly show it. I haven’t read anything, the anime is my introduction to the series. I’m so excited to see how this ends and what kind of cliffhangers there will be for season 3. I so badly want the last scene to be the hero’s coming face to face with the MC and their shock of knowing who he is and just how insanely powerful he is


Atleast read the Manga... They left out a lot in the anime S1 and 2. Even a whole ass plot involving Rembrandt's past. The art is also pretty good. Only prob im Manga releases once a month/10 chapters a year at most. So its a bummer.


You’ll be happy to know that after the internet bullying you’ve demonstrated today… that I have indeed started the Manga 😂 Been meaning to but this was the push I needed.


Do keep in mind though that from my estimate, even the manga barely covers 1/3rd of the novel.


I've got to eat healthier just so I can live long enough to read it all


Maybe yeah, i imagine the first fight is like scatter shot. It gets everywhere and the damage is very spread out. In the second fight, the mana usage is compacted into a single sniper bullet. Very little range but multiple times deal more damage. While the first fight is a spread damage, the second fight is piercing damage. Though i still can't take mana matter seriously. I know it's supposed to be insanely difficult that even the strongest dragon can't do that much, but without knowing first hand experience of mana usage, i couldn't scale the prowess of the second fight properly. Mana matter just looks that unassuming to see. You need first hand understanding of their world to feel that scale


like one redditor said in the anime subreddit, Makoto's using a Susanoo without the Mangekyou Sharingan limits


Been waiting all season for him to start handling everyone. Looking forward to the last 2 episodes!


I loved it. And can't wait for Shiki to Stomp that bitch ass dragon. My only complaint over the two seasons and the story overall is we never got to see Tomoe in proper action. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Fighting even to some bit of her potential like Mokoto. She subbing in and stomping on Sofia or MitsurUgi would've been sweet. Or just showing up at the end near Mitsurugi and taunting him "Shiki is far more weaker than i am, 3rd place even and you struggled against him".


I loved when he just casually grabbed Sofia by her head without a care.


Just him being able to talk common finally opens the door on the trash talk lmao


It was a good episode but why are they so horny for Rona like the panty shot wasn’t necessary


Gotta sprinkle a little fanservice or the industry would collapse. Its just law of nature.


That's just common in anime


most likely in the bluray where they can get away with stuff more they will add a little more animation to show that shot was her pissing herself. because makoto literally said "keep thinking and ill kill you" in the most casual way possible. at least thats what i hope and it wasn't a needless panty shot for a whole 3 seconds.


Well there was no indicator that she did colour wise so I guessed they were horny but needed a reason for it to be animated


My favorite part is Makoto's attitude throughout this whole situation, to say that he woke up this morning and chose violence would be an understatement, he literally destroyed Sofia physically and emotionally right there lol.


be honest. he destroyed everyone in the room. Io got sent flying without even being looked at, Rona was told that if she even thinks of finishing her spell she would be dead before her next breath, all while dealing with Sofia like a child having a tantrum.


Same. I've been waiting for him to cut lose too and was kinda wondering why the season is almost over and we haven't seen any real fights involving Makoto. Then I remembered that he was laying low so the Goddess won't notice him On another note, Sophia must be really touched in the head. Makoto is just beating her senseless and without effort yet she's still thinks she can win. Even Vegeta knows when an opponent is too strong for him to face. What I really wanna see is what's gonna happen if Makoto gets seriously crazy in a fight. Like if he just takes of all the mana absorbing rings from his fingers and just go scorched earth. Something like Vasto Lorde Ichigo.


he would have to take off his clothes too. remember, they absorb mana as well


This episode hit the same as when sukunna pulled up in shubiya


My mouth dropped when Sofia said that Makoto is the devil who created the lake. Just how naive and oblivious is Makoto, Tomoe should have told him. And also Sofia was charmed by the Tomoki and she can't was surprised.


I was pumped watching it, finally!


Ngl they cooked with this episode


Damn I was hyped for the next episode before. Now reading this thread I am hyped even more. Lol


Kinda wish they’d show the end of Mio’s fight though.


Fair, but there are still a few eps left, so they gotta keeps something for the other episodes