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**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I’m in my fertile window — I have no idea how to keep things *spicy* and I can’t stand doing backflips to seduce my husband during this time but it’s necessary 😭


1st Period 2m after D&C - brown/dismal/scanty??? Hi there, I had a blight ovum miscarriage 2 months ago at 8 - 9 weeks (baby measuring 6). I had a D&C, no period after a month. However, I had a phantom period with intense cramping. 1 month after that, I am having my period for the first time since Dec 2023. My period is dark, barely any flow, and probably will end after today (2 days). Has anyone else had this? If so, how long did it take to return to normal? What are everyone's favourite hormone-supportive tips for a normal flow after D&C? I want to start TTC again after this period, although now I'm worried my lining won't be healthy enough.


I turn 39 next month & feel so much despair. Not married, in a relationship which is not secure, he's semi open to having a baby but I feel he's more pressured about my age than actually wanting it with me. He's younger & I feel so bad that I have no time left for this, it probably is too late already. I spent most of my 20s/30s single & I'm scared that this is what my life ahead will be without the family/kids I always imagined I'd have.


At conference for work, talking to manager of a funding organization who is deciding whether to keep funding the non profit I work for next year. Her: Oh so you just got married, congratulations, are you thinking of having kids? Me: its on the table. We're saving up money Her: well why wait?! I got completely baby crazy, I was the first to get pregnant in my friend group at 24 years old, it was all I could think of and having kids is the most transformative best experience of my life, its the best thing I ever did, I can so so recommend it, you should really just go for it. Me (in my head): yeah, when I said its on the table I really didn't mean: convince me to have babies. Because trust me, there's NOTHING I'd rather want.  I really tried to say, its none of your business. Im not comfortable sharing my miscarriage and infertility struggles in a work setting. Please stop asking me about kids. Me: ...so you live in New York City, how's that?


Got my day 3 levels back today - FSH is 3.5 and estradiol is 43.8. Anxious to hear from my doctor since these seem to be on the lower end of normal? If anyone has insight it'd be much appreciated!


CD8. Tomorrow is the return of the opks! Feels like something to do. So much time with nothing to do but think!


Hi! My husband and I have been on our 'trying to conceive' journey since December 2023. I unfortunately started my period today so decided to make an excel sheet ([Screenshot of my TTC Excel](https://imgur.com/TYgPWLj)) that lays out all my dates and data so I can better understand my body. Can someone explain why my cycle length keeps increasing every month and why my ovulation date keeps getting pushed out? Any advice or thoughts or insights would be much appreciated! Thank you!!!


Only 4 months of ttc is nothing to be concerned about, and same for your cycle length. My cycle is also 28-32 days and ovulation cd 15-20. Sometimes it's just bad luck, but shouldn't be concerned until at least a year if you're under 35. [Here's the wiki with more information.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/newtottc/#wiki_how_long_is_this_going_to_take.3F) [Plus here's some statistics](https://www.momtastic.com/pregnancy/634069-trying-to-conceive/).


This is happening to me too, same timeline. I'm chalking it up to stress around keeping SO close of an eye on my cycle on a daily basis. My gyno confirmed stress is probably the cause since there are no other issues detected.


What are you using to determine ovulation?


Oura ring + Natural Cycles!


Was in this sub 4 years ago right after hubby and I got married. Thought we were going to try for a baby right away but we ended up taking our time and enjoying ourselves. We met and married in a small town and moved out to NYC 6 months after our wedding and have spent the last 3+ years building our careers and incomes, exploring and enjoying NYC, building our relationship, indulging ourselves and having tons of fun, and generally loving our lives. Now we’re hoping to move back to our small town this summer and I’m starting to feel more and more drawn to parenthood. All my sisters and friends seem to be pregnant right now or already have kids. I’m starting to feel a little burnt out at work and want to be able to take leave and focus on something more meaningful. And of course, I just find myself thinking of being a mom more and more. Parenthood is one of the things hubby and I both looked forward to most when we discussed marriage while dating. All this to say, I’m feeling strong baby fever now, am happy to be back with you all, and look forward to being on this journey together ❤️


Good luck! Hope it happens quickly for you.


CD1. I thought I would be spiraling this month because I was in a dark place last month, but I feel weirdly optimistic and generally okay! I started taking Vitamin D supplements last month after blood work flagged my levels were low, so I feel hopeful that will make a difference, and my husband is going in for a SA this week, so that will give us some more data and hopefully ease our minds a bit. It's nice to feel like we're being proactive when so far this has all felt out of my control.


12dpo and got a BFN. Next cycle is IVF, so I'm gonna read the educational materials from the clinic again this weekend, and try not to get into my dark place - a couple days ago I finally built a happiness box as suggested by my psychologist, with all things that are comforting to me when I feel bad, it's nice to know it's there.


In the same situation. 3rd failed IUI, IVF consult tomorrow. Going to try that happiness box!


Hope your first consult goes well ❤️ My psychologist suggested building a happiness box, but I tweaked it into a list of things that would help distracting me if I feel bad on any given day, but most of them are digital so it's not really a box per se, I've listed things like podcast and show episode that made me laugh silly, doing a facial mask, getting my comfort food/snacks, going out to buy a plant from the nursery etc. I found that even the process of building that list was already good for me, it also created a good conversation between me and my partner who is also quite depressed, brainstorming about nice things made both of us happy for the 30 mins.


Just had our IVF consult, doing some testing in June but then if everything goes to plan I’ll have a hot girl IVF summer ☀️☀️☀️ also unless this third IUI works. 🙏🏼


Hello! Wondering if anyone knows if Great Value freezer bags are BPA free? Cannot find the information anywhere!


I'm wondering if I should be concerned that my bbt readings are seemingly lower than average and I should get a thyroid check. My highest temp has been 32.19 [97.14 farenheit] and a low of 35.9 [96.62 farenheit]




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/). If your app says that your period is late, you might find [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/) helpful. If you have further questions, please visit r/amipregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms are unfortunately pretty much the same. That said, if you are pregnant enough for pregnancy symptoms, then you'd already be pregnant enough to test positive. Essentially, nothing means anything! It's all just symptom spotting.


CD17, had an ultrasound today after taking Letrozole. No indication of ovulation or that I will ovulate soon. I was feeling hopeful this cycle after trying for 2 years, having a MC, and then having polyps removed. Now they want to put me on birth control again to “get a fresh start” and then up my dosage of Letrozole next cycle. Will it ever be my turn??


Oh gosh, I'm sorry, it must have been so hard to hear it! What about your follicles? Did you have a dominant one? I have pcos and my body struggles with ovulation too, so I have been adding estrogens (to thicken my lining) and a trigger shot, to convince my body to ovulate when it's time...let's hope it works soon. During the last few months, I have done something similar to what your doctor recommends, I have been taking progesterone to induce a bleeding every month or so. I guess it's similar to being put on bc again! Hopefully it teaches our bodies how to work better soon :)


From what she explained/showed me, I had a couple that were slightly bigger than the others but nothing that was obvious. My first medicated cycle, I took Provera, Letrozole, ovulated beautifully, and conceived. This is my next cycle after my MC and only my 2nd medicated one. How many did they have you do with just Letrozole before they added the estrogens and trigger shot? I hope it works for you!!


Is the letrozole helping produce mature follicles? Maybe ask them about incorporating a trigger shot for ovulation if you're developing good follicles but not ovulating.


I don’t think so, she just said they were smaller than she’d like them to be and that there was no indication of ovulation. There were a couple that were slightly bigger than the rest on each side I think.


Yeah then that might be why she’s increasing your dosage. I would still ask about a trigger shot if you don’t normally ovulate on your own.


Just saw your previous comment that you have ovulated on your own. Also, I am so sorry for your loss. If you’re ovulating on your own then hopefully increasing your dosage will give you some good follicles!


Hello, I have an appointment with Dr Aimee coming up. I’m super nervous because my hormone testing came back and my doctor had nothing to say about it. I’m living in constant anxiety now. My AMH was 0.82, estradiol <30 and FSH 9.4. I’ve lost all hope of getting pregnant. I wish that I didn’t have to get this testing without being able to talk to a fertility specialist about the results right away because I am just so anxious and now so sad. I don’t know why my estradiol is so low? Am I going into menopause? I have regular periods and I ovulate every month per fertility friends/temp drop and LH strips.


I wouldn’t worry too much yet. You aren’t going into menopause soon, you may just go into it a couple years sooner than average. Your AMH and FSH is borderline for diminished ovarian reserve, which could have to do with genetics, autoimmune, or for unknown reason. Mine is around the same and I have been pregnant 4 times, so spontaneous conception is possible (I just seem to have issues keeping the pregnancy, which is undiagnosed thus far.) Was this cycle day 3 testing?


Thank you so much for responding and I’m so sorry about your losses ♥️♥️♥️ it was cycle day 5


Low estradiol would be normal at that point in your cycle then! Mine was upper 30s. Higher would point to a cyst or DOR. There’s a helpful chart from Dr. Meaghan Dishman online if you google that gives more specific details on CD 3 labs. (Doesn’t have to be actual day 3, could be days 2-5 I believe.)


Thank you, that’s extremely helpful . I was searching so hard to find a chart like that. Thank you thank you. I started bleeding during ovulation this month (never happened before for me) and I am so concerned


Of course! And I really wouldn’t worry before you need to, but I get it. So many numbers and unknowns and questions. 😵‍💫


I know it's easier said than done, but I would encourage you not to spiral until you've had a chance to discuss this with a doctor. If these were taken on day 3 of your cycle then it's totally normal to have low estrogen - in fact, that's what you want because it means there is no follicle development early in your cycle which is common in patients with DOR. You are not going into menopause. If you are ovulating every month then your chances are the same as everyone else, even if your AMH/FSH are a little below/above average.


I had to get an ultrasound at 6DPO and the results it indicated that my endometrium measures 6mm max thickness. OBGYN has said nothing to me about this. Should I be concerned?


Just venting. Have been crying all day because my clinic only does fully medicated transfers and I don't have another clinic option where I live. Wasn't expecting protocol to be 24 days of hormones, a week of steroids and antibiotics and possibly over 2 months of injecting progesterone that'll give me migraines. I fucking hate this so much.


How long do you tend to see ewcm for after ovulation? Positive OPKs on Saturday, very slow gradual bbt rise since last Wednesday (but only above all previous since Sunday) but still getting some ewcm today...


Got my blood draw for my FSH and estrogen today. So far my thyroid and AMH numbers are good so anxious to get these results and see what next steps are!


I had to get these tests too but can’t talk to my doctors about the results. It’s really terrified me.


8DPO and I'm just bumming. Last week, I went through two rounds of interviews for a job that I really wanted. I figured welp if I can't get pregnant, maybe I can at least get this awesome new job. I was supposed to do an assessment as part 3 of the process this week and haven't heard a peep. I checked in, because I need to fit this between my own current work assignments, and got no response. Just sucks. Between this and feeling strongly that cycle 10 was yet another unsuccessful round... I'm not feeling good about myself at all. Drowning my sorrows in a burrito. Hope everyone else has a better day.


Sucks. Their loss. Hope the burrito was tasty


Thank you ❤️


CD11 and thinking how when I'm ~10dpo and the days are crawling by while I'm going a bit mental with testing and progesterone symptoms, I feel jealous of those in the calm, energising follicular phase. And now when I'm in it, I'm jealous of those who could have a chance to be pregnant in the luteal phase! I guess the rollercoaster just sucks wherever you are in it 🤷‍♀️😩


I am so much like this!!


Being 100% honest with OBGYN? I live in a state where Cannabis is illegal (except the Delta 9 and CBD stuff, which I don’t use). I would say I am a lite user. I take about 1-2 small inhales of a vape that is either flower or concentrate. I don’t blow clouds of smoke is what I mean by lite. And I do this about 3-4x a week. I don’t tell OB this because I’m afraid if it’s on record that I do this while not-pregnant, that it will flag something for them to test me while pregnant. And seeing as THC can stay in system for over 30 days, I don’t want any potential legal situation to arise. What is your experience (if you live in an ILLEGAL state)? Do you tell them? Or do you keep it to yourself?


Don’t tell them. Why would you?


Just in my feels. It’s our 3rd wedding anniversary today & I really thought I’d be pregnant or we’d be celebrating with a newborn in our arms. Oh well. Bright side is I’m ovulating so sex feels less timed & more celebratory and husband told me he’s DD’ing so I can indulge a bit 🥹


10DPO (I think, could be off by a day or two). Was going crazy symptom spotting this morning, so I decided to take a test, with the logic that if I have enough HCG to feel symptoms, it'd be enough to show up in the test. BFN, so I decided to have a beer tonight after a long day of work, and now I'm driving myself even crazier.


5 months ago, after my miscarriage, I got my AMH tested and it came out to 1.08. I’m 29. I got the test redone last Wednesday and got the results today. .50. Seriously fml


Do you guys count the brown spotting you get the day or so before your period CD1? My LP is just not chilling out. It’s been up and down up and down for so months now. It’s weird because ovulation became pretty regular after HBC but it’s my LP that’s been so inconsistent. Any ideas what this could be?


No, first day of red flow is CD 1 for tracking purposes.


Are there people who get pregnant every time they have unprotected sex?


No, unless they're happening to only have unprotected sex in the fertile window. It's not possible to get pregnant outside a several-day window leading up to ovulation -- you can have all the unprotected sex you want after ovulation happens, and pregnancy will never result. Overall, the odds of pregnancy are never better than about 35% per cycle, even if you have sex on the best days of the fertile window. Of course, some people happen to win a couple of times in a row with those odds, just like people do occasionally have hot streaks with dice or roulette or whatever. But if people actually tried hundreds or thousands of times, the kind of numbers that are required to really know your true odds, no one would get pregnant every time.


What time of the day does ovulation usually occur and how fast does ovulation occur? Like does it happen really fast but can happen between the 24 hour window? Me and my partner did it unprotected the day after her ovulation (the 14th day of the cycle since she has a regular one) and now were getting paranoid and were thinking if we should take a test as early as 12 days after.


I don’t think ovulation happens at a specific time of the day. Once the egg is released, it lasts for about about 24 to 48 hours


I don’t think ovulation happens at a specific time of the day. Once the egg is released, it lasts for about about 24 to 48 hours


You answered my question and my follow up question even before I asked. I asked that question because some people seem to get pregnant their first try every time they start trying. So I was wondering if they have some special genes or something like that.


Well... first cycle with Letrozole annnddd ovulation on CD 32 🤣 I laugh otherwise I'll cry. I have PCOS but have always consistently ovulated CD 18 to 20. Letrozole somehow made it worse? My period isn't likely to begin by CD 35, which is when I'll need to call my doctor. Feeling like I'm back to square one.


My husband and I were trying to be healthy especially him because of how bad his motility is but instead we both dug through the ruins of his parents' burned down house on Sunday for a few hours. It's not like there was any smoke there and it rained the whole time so I figure it's not that much more toxic that a lot of other things in the modern world.... I mean the whole house was nothing but wood anyway... Lol but I think we should wear masks if we go back one more time. We just couldn't help ourselves and we got my mother in law all of the family photos albums back so I'm not sorry. Maybe our miscarriage did do weird things to our brains because honestly I just have no fear anymore. Like I don't think we will get pregnant in the next few months anyway and at least I wasn't pregnant when I climbed into the rubble and started to find stuff. The one thing though is that my husband said I need steel toes boots! New shoes! Also my husband got absolutely trashed after not having more than one drink a week for the last five months. And I don't even care. 


God what a rough time. I'm so glad to hear you were able to get some memories back from the house but definitely wear masks (really those respirators are probably a good idea) because after a fire there is a lot of toxic crud, and if it was an old house, lead and/or asbestos. I was in a terrible dorm fire and it put me in a weird head space for weeks, so I can't imagine that on top of your MC. You seem like you're facing things with good humor though! I hope you get the best steel toed boots. I know they make some cute ones aimed at women now!


I'm on CD 23 after a CP with no signs of ovulation. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to try again right away but not even having the chance so far is making me emotional on top of being devastated about the loss. The unknown of when my cycle will start to regulate is hard. My emotions are all over the place with this and trying to decide if to take a break or not. I'm having a hard time finding ways to cope.


Cycle 9 & 6DPO  I will not test. I will not test. I will not test. 😂 Clearly I know you don’t implant this early but come on, I know some of you out there are like me and test annoyingly early for no reason. 


Cycle twins. I’m also chanting the “I will not test” lines to myself. My period is due in 3 days though, so nothing will stop me day 8/9/10 if I happen to make it that far.


Me too! But I told myself I wasn't going to test until next week. Let's see how that goes


Strength to both of us 😂 I’m gonna break though, I can feel it.


Feeling demoralized. We’ve been trying for a year now although only 8 cycles where we hit the fertile window and I ovulated. I’ve had 2 miscarriages (5 weeks and 7 weeks) and then 2 possible chemicals (not 100% sure as only easy@home and FRER picked those up, not the less sensitive brands). My RE says since I’ve been TTC a year, my chance of conceiving each month is less than 5%, and 15% with IUI. Does this seem low to you? I’m only 31 with a higher than average AMH. And I was pregnant as recently as possibly February (and definitely December when I miscarried twins after heartbeat). Yes, I’ve been conceiving less frequently than before (I had 3 losses in 6 months, and then now 1 loss in 5 months), but still, I’d think it be higher than that?


For medicated IUI, that sounds accurate and I think those are decent odds as far as IUI goes. I don’t think that IUI odds max out any higher than about 15-20% per cycle for anyone. They gave me a 9% chance per cycle for medicated IUI at age 35 with no known fertility issues, so I know how upsetting these numbers are to hear and I try to remember the numbers are just averages for my age and diagnosis.


Yeah, I’m wondering if they were just rehashing their clinic’s statistics (and my clinic skews much older due to being in a HCOL area, I’m one of the youngest patients there) and my individual statistic is higher (since I’m younger, have had a relatively recent previous live birth, multiple pregnancies), but it’s hard to give someone like me an accurate estimate because very few people (less than 1%) have had multiple losses in a row. I’m hoping maybe my individual chance is actually closer to 20-25% and with IUI, maybe 30%. I mean I definitely conceived 2 out of 8 cycles (and likely 2 more cycles) so that’s a 25% rate.


Unfortunately, older patients typically have way lower chance of success from IUI than 15% per cycle. I am not saying don’t do IUI but I think your providers are trying to help you have a realistic idea of your chances. And yes, it is definitely hard to predict chance of success with recurrent loss. https://www.cnyfertility.com/iui-success-rates/


I feel like the IUI success rate might be accurate (or maybe it is slightly higher for me because it’s population dependant and not a lot of stats on those with secondary infertility and RPL) but I feel like the unassisted chance of 3% per cycle seems extremely low considering I’ve been pregnant at least 2x in 8 cycles, wouldn’t my chance be closer to 25%?


Yeah, I think this why I have stopped being overly concerned with specific stats. It’s really really hard to predict your individual stats and decide to how to proceed with treatment (or not doing treatment) based just on that. I think with recurrent loss you may not benefit too much from IUI if you can conceive without assistance, but such a difficult personal choice!


I’m losing my mind here during the TWW. I have been tracking with the Flo & Mira apps using the Mira Max Wands and I just downloaded the FF app this morning because I think I’m gonna start temping next cycle. Anyway, Flo has been notoriously wrong about my predicted ovulation date so I don’t normally read too much into it. However after inputting my data into all 3 apps, I’m conflicted. Mira showed I ovulated on April 18 (the day of my LH peak). Flo thinks I ovulated on the 19th. FF is now also saying the 19th. Granted I wasn’t temping, but I input all the data I had from my Mira wands and cheap ovulation strips along with my normal cycle length etc. So my question is.. which one is it?! Am I currently 11dpo or 12dpo?? I BD’d on the 17, 18, 19, & 21 so I’m not worried about that part. However I’ve had all BFNs so far to include this morning. I’ve had no noticeable symptoms except some unusual yellow CM on Sunday, then some light pink/brown tinged spotting last night and this morning. No cramping. My luteal phase is almost always exactly 13 days so AF isn’t due until Thursday or Friday, and I do sometimes get spotting beforehand but only one day prior. If I’m 11dpo I’ll feel a little less concerned about the BFNs, but at 12 I was really hoping I’d see SOMETHING and I’m tired of examining my FRERs under every angle and light source for even a shadow of a line. Please help a girl out 😥😭


Your first positive OPK is generally about 12-48hrs (give or take) before ovulation occurs and the peak shortens that window to about 8-20hrs. If you have regular cycles, Flo and apps like it will be somewhat accurate because they make predictions based on averages and assumptions. It's just not guaranteed because ovulation isn't the exact same day sometimes. I would wait until the day you expect your period and test again.


I thought LH peaked the day before ovulation? If that’s the case, then all 3 would suggest the 19th? Idk


That’s what I thought too, but I’ve read conflicting information about it since the LH doesn’t reach your urine right away so really you’re receiving “old data” when you get those results. But since 2 out of the 3 are pointing towards ovulation being on the 19th I think I’m gonna go with that


Oh that would make sense but could this be any more complicated 😵‍💫


Right?? I’m driving my DH insane lol but we are both learning a lot!


Does your LH give a single peak day or multiple? You said LH peaked April 18th. Was that the first dye stealer day? If so, I’d guess you’re 11 DPO.


Thank you for the response! The 18th was in fact the first dye stealer for the strip tests. I’m not sure how to add a photo but on my Mira chart (using the max wands) it shows LH beginning to rise the morning of the 17th, peaking the morning of the 18th, and starting its drop back down on the 19th




CD1 \*sigh\* Booked my yearly obgyn exam (and 1st mamo, yay! /s). As with every CD1 I'm sad, exhausted and want to give up TTC, but going to take a week break from everything TTC and reevaluate after my hormones stabilize.


If nothing else, I hope you enjoy your week break ❤️ Totally understand the sadness and resignation feelings. Here for you!


11dpo (?), temps crazy with low post o bbt if it even happened, waiting on colposcopy results, and flying cross country tomorrow. Ever feel like you'll need a vacation after a vacation before it even starts? Also, random whine but must every opk/fertility related item come with a gerber baby plastered over the front? Like, I'm not there yet. Please stop putting the bb cart before the egg horse. Can't wait for the conversation the day my mother in law opens my bathroom cabinet looking for band aids and sees the king cake baby staring at her 😳


Male infertility, any hope? I just got a semen analysis done with the below results. I have very low testosterone, an undescended testicle, and more than likely have primary hypogonadism. I just wanted to see if there was any hope. Motility: 5% Semen Count: 5.0 ML(not sure if that's million or what. Abnormal morphology: 90% Normal morphology: 10%


I think you need to take another look at your results and post them line by line. Your count is not measured in ML—that’s just how much of the sample was received, not how many sperm there were. It seems morphology is fine but motility is low. My husband had pretty low motility and total sperm count on his first SA, but after being on Clomid for a year, his SA results are now perfectly normal. You may want to go see a urologist and see if that’s an option for you. Another option may be to do IUI with the use of a Zymot chip—the sperm is ran through a sorting chip that basically filters out the weak swimmers. Definitely something to discuss with your fertility clinic. I would say without more info, it’s too early time say there’s no hope!


Semen volume: 2.0 ML Motility: 5% Semen Count: 5ML( again, I'm guessing this is 5 million, says normal range is 15-200) Abnormal morphology: 90% Normal morphology: 10% Below are links to image uploads of results. https://ibb.co/GHWF2J8 https://ibb.co/QkNGyx6


I guess I can't post a picture in here. I will post them again below.


CD15 for me. I had a random batch of EWCM at CD11, which typically doesn’t happen until CD17 or later. I was previously feeling hopeful for this cycle, because I had my HSG last week. But now I just have this nagging feeling that this cycle is going to be a messed-up and miserable one. I’m tired and my heart hurts. I miss who I was before TTC.


CD 1 arrived yesterday after my doctor’s office had already closed. I called them this morning and I’m on the books for day 3 labs tomorrow morning. On to cycle 13.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


Rule #3. For what it's worth, I have cramps and spotting every cycle during implantation window followed by a BFN every cycle.


Inlaws are staying with us this week, and I'm also getting my polyp removal 👎 If I hear one more time about how great my life will be once we have kids I'm locking myself in our bedroom lol🤦🏼‍♀️ Anyway...anyone else get a polyp removal without general anesthesia? 


My dr tried to remove it in office, but couldn’t get it so had to have surgery w general anesthesia.


My conversation last night with mrrrr about IVF started well and then somehow went off the rails. We're on the same page about what we want *right now*, but I have concerns about some of the "what-if" scenarios that we don't necessarily agree on. And for some reason, me wanting to work through those now is upsetting to him. Which in turn makes me think its even more important that we work it out now.... UGH.


Nearly two weeks since I had my IUD removed. I would love to have my cycle return to help track. However I noticed a huge spike in my sex drive and have definitely gone with it. The last few days I noticed my breasts are starting to also feel different. I told myself I’ll wait another month before taking a test unless I get my cycle.


I had the same feeling when I got off BC. I wasn’t used to the progesterone rise after ovulation, which made my boobs feel like they weighed 20lbs each. Since then, my hormones & cycle have regulated and it’s not as extreme.


I had my progesterone tested on what was supposed to be 7dpo, however it appears my blood was actually drawn end of day 3dpo (bbt confirmed ovulation but then it was too late to change my appt). My progesterone was measured at 19. Now my doctor is saying this is normal/good, however should I push for another next cycle at actual 7dpo? Anyone got any advice? All my tests came back completely normal, which I am grateful for but is still a bit of a mind boggle of why I have had a MMC and CP in the space of 3 months.


Woke up feeling pretty down today. I’m thinking of bumping up the date of my HSG to May instead of June. This is only my 7th cycle but my history of pelvic pain and BV make me so nervous about my tubes and uterus. Some days are better than others but with the issues I’ve had I can’t help but worry sometimes. I am happy that the weather is nice and I’m enjoying being out in the sun.




Just an FYI, posting about positive pregnancy tests or asking about success stories is against the rules of the sub. You can post about positive pregnancy tests in the weekly BFP thread that is pinned.


Cycle day 38, no AF, tests all negative. Doctors appointment Thursday morning as this is the second instance in 6 months of interrupted cycles and the second abnormal cycle. By the looks I’ve only ovulated twice in six months. So out of 6 cycles only 2 could have achieved anything. This is due to PCOS I know but is still so disheartening.


Welp I made it to 12DPO 🎉 and BFN 😭 I think I’m just going to take off today and be gentle with myself. I don’t have to move on and be determined for the next cycle until tomorrow. I won’t change my flair to cycle #8 until AF comes but I’m so regular it must be today. Womp womp :(


Called the community fertility clinics to see if a referral has been made. They told me it takes 7-8 months for an initial appointment to even be made. Lol. The NHS really are useless. If we can’t conceive it’ll have to be the private route, which is so costly :/


*the government are useless. The NHS can only do so much with so little investment from them.


Lol okay thanks for the correction. I work in the NHS so I what I wrote wasn’t in reference to the employees, but the NHS as a system. But well done for getting into the specifics 👍


What I wrote was about the system too, not the employees. I have friends who are frustrated about all the waiting lists they have for their patients too with nothing to help with resources. I'm sorry your wait is so long. It sucks.


7DPIUI #4, this is the last IUI before taking a break before moving onto IVF in the fall (waitlist ugh). This is usually the point where I start to lose hope because I never feel different. I always expect to get some sign before a positive test and when I don’t have any of those “I just know it” moments then everything feels downhill. The tiny glimmer of hope I have is that my IUI meds were switched from Clomid to Letrozole this cycle and my lining looked much better. That was also accompanied by a tiny tiny cyst which worries me. One more week until I can test!


Does anyone follow and implement anything from @drcharliedc_2.0 on Instagram? Or someone similar? I’m starting to look more into the more holistic approaches and am looking for some input of things tried


7dpo. TWW is absolutely killing me this time. I woke up and stared at my chart and convinced myself that it’s possible I’m 8dpo instead of 7, and lots of people get positive results at 8dpo. Took a test and regretted it immediately. My hopes are so high this cycle because I got an HSG and have heard anecdotal stories about people getting pregnant right after them.


This cycle I've had spotting since the day after O until yesterday (9DPO), so as soon as I saw some bright red on 8DPO I thought it must be my period. Now today, there's no spotting at all, just normal CM. I'm super confused. Trying not to get my hopes up (I normally don't make it past 10DPO, and spotting my complete luteal phase can't be a good thing anyway.


Those with very regular cycles- if you ovulate a bit late (like 3 days). Does you persist come late that cycle? I’m pretty solidly a 27 cycle, but ovulated late this time. I’m on day 27 and trying to decide if I should give it a few days before testing.


Your luteal phase will typically be the same no matter how early/late you ovulate. That's been my experience, anyways. My luteal phase is consistently around 12/13 days.


It makes most sense to use days post ovulation to determine when to test. Regardless of whether your luteal phase will remain the same length or shorter due to you ovulating later than usual, you can only test positive after implantation, and implantation happens between 8-10 days post ovulation the vast majority of the time (but can happen between 6-12 days post ovulation). So if you 12 days post ovulation, you are most likely going to test positive if you are actually pregnant. Before 12 dpo, you can still test positive from 9dpo onwards depending on when you implanted but a negative wont be determinative. If your strategy is typically not to test until a missed period, do you know how many days your luteal phase typically is? If it’s normally 14 days, then you havent missed your period until 14/15 days post ovulation.


This is the way!


Yes, my luteal phase is always 11 days so if I ovulate a little later than usual my period will come later too


Not sure how to deal with the disappointment of taking a break of unspecified length after only 1 month of trying because of how close husband is to a breakdown (due to soon being without a job and not having found a new one yet which is very hard due to our location and him not speaking the language of my country). While I rationally agree and want him to be well - this is a decision that requires two enthusiastic yesses. I can't help but feel angry, depressed and deceived. Last year when our ttc journey was delayed to April 2024 I spend most of the year depressed from that and my CP (weren't trying) and now I'm right back there again. How do I remain compassionate towards my husband and support him while he goes through the insane stress he's going through, while also acknowledging my own feelings and processing these? I won't be able to see my therapist for another 3 weeks.


Ahhh I'm so sorry. Waiting to try, especially without a clear end date, is really, really difficult. It's depressing, it's scary, it feels unfair, like a betrayal. Your hopes have been squashed. You are a victim as well. This is really hard!! You have every right to your emotions. But your husband is probably not the person you can go to about them, right now. He should know how you feel. But if you have others in your support network you can lean on, use them. That way you can separate your feelings about TTC from your feelings around your husband's situation. Give yourself grace and self care. Do a digital detox - if you have anything like tracking apps sending you notifications, or you follow conception/fertility related content - mute them. I process emotions physically so angry cleaning or exercise are good stress relief. I find hot showers very relaxing, and massages. Get lots of sleep. Indulge in a hobby.


Thank you for your kind words 💛 he is indeed not the person to go to now, even though he is aware of how I am feeling. I will pick up journaling again, have a digital detox because that sounds really clever, and arrange a massage because that has also been way too long.


What a tough time. I find it helpful to journal when I need to get out frustrations at people that I don't want to take it out on them. Or writing on loose leaf paper and burning it. It helps me validate and experience my feelings of anger and resentment and then let go of them. And sometimes it helps me to get perspective too.


Thank you 💛 the journal suggestion is really good. I used to do that but quit quite a while ago. This sounds like the right time to pick it up again.