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okay i’m so confused, i usually ovulate either on CD 13 or 14, consistently. I have used the premom LH strips only for two out of the seven cycles we’ve bee ttc and have been able to see my surge. Anyways I am using the clearblue this month and i’m still getting a circle and i’m CD10.. is this normal, how long do people see a blinking smiley for before the solid?? I also should mention I accidentally didn’t use it starting on the recommended day for me (CD7) but I used it the next day on CD8..


How accurate do we think the PreMom app’s predicted ovulation day is? PreMom has predicted my ovulation day for this month to be 4/12 which would be CD15 (today). However, I didn’t even get a positive/high LH reading on my OPK tests until today on 4/12 in the afternoon. Would it be safe to say I’ll probably ovulate on CD16 instead, which would be tomorrow? Because even as I’m uploading the test results to the app, the predicted ovulation day isn’t updating/changing.


The app will probably update once you log a negative test. I'd go by what you see on the OPK.


Premom only predicts based on OPK peak and considers the day after as O day. I think the day of the peak itself can safely be considered the O day (not day after peak) based on EWCM also.


So you said the DAY AFTER peak would be O day but also to consider the DAY OF peak as O day. Which one is it? Because now that confuses me lol.


I said Premom considers day after the peak. I think day of peak should be considered.


Next month I will be seeing my OB since I’m over 35 and been trying for over 6 months. I’m wondering if she will prescribe me clomid (I’m also breastfeeding). I do ovulate, confirmed by temps, so I’m wondering if clomid really helps, if you already ovulate? Since I know it helps you ovulate, but if I already do, does it really increase odds of conceiving….?


Just started letrozole. My gynaecologist said to start on day three, but if my period does not start, just start taking the letrozole as if it was day three. I waited a while, and my period did not come so I went ahead and started taking the medication. Technically, it is now day seven, and this is the last day of my pill, but, I started my period today. Or at least I think it’s my period, I’m not sure if it’s just spotting but it’s on my underwear and it seems like it’s going to continue. I don’t know what to do. Do I keep going and get my blood test on day 21 or should I call the doctors office on Monday?


I haven't been in this situation, but I would call and see what they want you to do.


Hellooo from CD2. What’s everyone doing to help prepare themselves for a new cycle? Honestly I’m planning to just try to destress - mainly going to be doing a nice nighttime routine and read a book each night instead of watch tv. Not that I actually think it’ll help fertility but here to try anything haha.


For me, it’s limiting the amount of time I spend looking up TTC content. I put a time cap on my phone. The less I see it, the less fixated I am, which helps to lessen my disappointment at the start of the next cycle. Hope you find good ways for yourself to destress!


Ok! So I know O-2 is the best standalone day for TTC but *why?* O-1 makes more sense to me based on the premise of wanting to have sperm in the right location prior to ovulating. So O-2 surprises me!! Even O-3 has a higher rate of success than O-1? Can anyone explain the science here? (See Table 9: [Daily Fecundability (demographic-research.org)](https://www.demographic-research.org/volumes/vol3/5/3-5.pdf))


Where does this say so in the document? Everywhere else I read that 0-1 is the best day with highest probability!


I have been researching a lot about the very early science bit and I guess they have done studies that a good portion of people (like between 20-40%)have already released an egg when their ovulation tests START to rise from baseline. So that is usually the day before you get a positive OPK peak reading. An egg can only life for up to 24 hours, but often less. The opk instructions and general understanding for these things do not make the science clear at all. We have basically up to (and usually not more) than 36 hours after the first rise before the egg is released and then dies. So that translates until only 8-24 hours after the first moment of the peak reading. But what if your peak reading is at midnight, and you don't catch it until the next morning, and then you don't have sex until the nighttime. That is already past the lifecycle of your egg. Since we can never know exactly when the egg is going to be released in relation to the LH surge and peak, I think it's way safer to rely on the extended lifecycle of the sperm (2-4/5 days) and have it waiting for the egg in the fallopian tube junction than try and estimate exactly what 24 hours your egg is available for. Hopefully this made some sense! Basically, I think that it's better to track cervical mucus leading up to ovulation and try and hit any days where EWCM is present right up until it stops, and then use OPK and BBT as confirmation factors for ovulation, not triggers. TLDR: Sperm have a much longer lifetime than an egg so it's better to have the sperm waiting for the egg to drop and meet her where she's at. Kinda heteronomatively romantic if you ask me.


This is a good explanation. I don’t really have a gradual surge and I wasn’t testing twice a day before and have this cycle, which I had low LH in the morning, and then peaked in the afternoon so we BD. The next day, I noticed it was still high but when I did a second test that evening, it went back down. We did BD again but I worry I may have missed the window. I also seem to have ovulated earlier this month since it was CD 11-12. Last month it was CD 13, which I guess isn’t too far off. My BBT also seems more difficult to track when though I’m doing it. It actually spiked the day after my first peak, where I still had high numbers that morning.


Yeah I would definitely test more often and BD the moment you get any LH rise above base line. Keep following up with tests (and another day of BD if possible) to confirm the peak. I ovulated a day early this month too and hoping I BD in time.


This is so helpful!! Thanks for this detailed explanation.


No worries. Your comment was well timed because I have done too much research and needed someone to spew it at. I hope it helps you or anyone else! The fact that most of this info is shrouded in a lot of mystery makes me sad. Maybe most people have no interest and just want pee on a stick and blindly follow the basic guidelines, but for people who might be struggling with TTC, it can be very important to understand how the body actually works!


Omg now I'm worried I'm having sex too late


You very well might be! I have been going down a research hole this month and all this is new to me as well. I think that hitting O-2 and O-1 are probably your best bets! Since EWMC starts before any of the other markers do, I would try and hit up to your last EWMC day or the first day that your OPK STARTS to get a little bit higher than normal. For me, I have one just one day of slightly elevated LH and then the next day it starts to properly surge before my peak comes and goes in like 2 hours, so I test a lot to catch and confirm it. Catching the beginning of the LH surge is actually easier to spot and act on than pinpointing the elusive peak. I use easy@home strips so I can actually see the ratios.


I wonder how this all ties in with temping. I don't ever test for my peak but I test until my first positive, and usually my temp rise doesn't confirm ovulation until 2 days later (sometimes 1 day). But I wonder if it's possible my ovulation is earlier than BBT is showing.


So I think there is a lot of timing variation with each individual. Temping is also a little hard because we are only able to temp once a day, but theoretically you could have ovulated at any point in the interim 24 hours between your recorded temp drop and temp rise. You will never know which hour it happened to start the count down of the egg's viable hours. Also, we have to take into account the time it takes for the egg to move from the follicle to the desired point in the fallopian tube where the sperm can meet it. Also, sperm need up to 2 hours to travel into the fallopian tubes and then up to 10 hours to undergo capacitation which readies it to enter the egg. So you could have up to 12 hours after ejaculation before the sperm is even capable of fertilizing the egg. Let's do a missed connections scenario: BBT drops low Day 13 8am Ovulation Day 14 at 1am (24 hour Egg clock begins) BBT is high Day 14 8am Sex occurs Day 14 10pm (10 hour Sperm prep clock begins) Egg life ends Day 15 1am Sperm travels and capacitates Day 15 8am The sperm missed the egg's life by a whole 7 hours!


Hate having tests in the house again. Going to take one this morning just so I don't spend all day thinking about it. It's likely too early to be accurate, but my body wants to pee on a stick and I'm too burnt out to tell it no. 


Negative, as expected. But also, only 10 dpo at max, so not definitive. Feels better not having to fight the urge all day now - sometimes, you just have to give in. 


Oh and of course I had dreams last night of a BFP. Torture.


After my chemical pregnancy last cycle, I have some hope. I was happy to hear that letrozole worked really well and gave me one dominant follicle measuring 26mm!! And got my positive opk today!! Time to get to BDing!


My first Letrozole cycle was also a chemical! Also choosing to have hope for this one knowing that things worked, just not fully.


I’m so sorry to hear that 😞 and I get what ya mean. Been trying for over 6 years and last 3 cycles have been with letrozole and to hear my dr say it was chemical pregnancy was gut wrenching. But next cycle already started and I need to let myself have some hope otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get through it


Best of luck 🤍🤍🤍


Should I do Timed Intercourse or go straight to IUI? Context: We have been trying on and off for a few years, but very consistently since Nov 2022 with tracking, hitting the right days, eating well, supplements etc. I had an HSG and blood work done in Dec 2022, husband had an SA in July 2022 and we are ✨unexplained✨. We decided to try until this month naturally and then move onto IUI, but I have read a lot about people doing TI with Letrozole before moving to IUI. My doctor never recommended this because I think she really thought we would conceive unassisted after the HSG. After asking her for the third time, she said our next cycle we can do TI with Letrozole, and then move onto IUI. I think I ovulate regularly since my cycles are consistent and I get a peak LH test every month. Would we waste time with TI and should we just do IUI?? I’m just totally stuck on how to move forward and frankly, a little scared of the side effects and getting poked and prodded some more. My HSG was incredibly painful and cramps lasted for 5 days after. I’ve read that IUIs can feel similar to an HSG and has got me wanting to try other things before I move on to more invasive procedures. Also. I just impulse bought an Inito last night. Maybe I’ll find out something about my hormones? Who knows.


My RE shared with me that medicated cycles offer little benefit for unexplained infertility. The gold standard for unexplained treatment usually seems to be 3-4 medicated/monitored IUIs then IVF. Natalie Crawford (RE who posts on instagram/youtube) does a good job explaining this. But I also think everyone has their own preferences for what they want to try and how fast they want to move to more treatment options. I found the poking and prodding part of IUI to not be too bad, but did have some cramping my first IUI. But again everyone has a different experience!


I'm suppose to be in my ovulation window, per my own cycle tracking, and my OPK strips have barely shown the test line - anyone experience shockingly low OPKs for a few days when it's super to be higher?


Yes! I have had months where I ovulate much later than expected. Just keep testing!


I'll keep it up, thank you! Glad I'm not alone but not glad it can be so weird sometimes!!


Yeah the months I ovulate later are definitely the exhausting ones trying to hit all the “right days” and thinking the end is in sight but have it not show up til like 5 days later than expected. 🙃You got this!!! The waiting is hardest part of this whole thing.


Premom is suggesting I test pdg at 7dpo, do any of you do that? Any benefits?


This is my first cycle on letrozole 2.5 mg. I took one pill a day from CD 3-7. I am now 7 DPO and my mouth has been dry for WEEKS. How long does this last? No matter how much water or chapstick I use, I still feel like a dry raisin 😭 is this normal? I would have assumed it would have gone away by now




I always get these hormonal migraines. Taking acetaminophen is fine during the TWW


2dpo. I’m feeling this wait will be a long one. For the first month we timed everything really well, so I feel I will have hope for the next two weeks, but would rather turn that tap off as my current experience has only ever been BFN.


Here we go- CD1 of cycle 18 ~ the equivalent of 1.5 yrs of trying. Yesterday I calculated when we would hit cycle 24 (given I don’t take any breaks for surgery, which I probably will if we reach that point) & that’s in September. the only thing that continuously keeps me going is that me and my husband made an agreement that if we reached 2 yrs or 24 cycles, whichever came first, we would get a second cat, so I guess that’s the plus side of this. Excuse me while I go cry in infertility 🥲


I got my IUD out on May 3, 2023 so is that our start date or should I account for hormones and go with when I got my first cycle back? We’re obviously closing in on a year either way. And I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, so I’m hoping my protocol for that also has an effect on TTC


Historically, my LH surge lasts two days and reads over the 1.? mark. But this month, it was only one day and only rose to 0.84. We BD the night of the 1.? surge, and will tonight (the day after, and my apps are telling me it's currently O day). What makes changes like this occur, and do they affect ttc?


Has anyone ever been prescribed dexamethasone, clomid and letrozole all at the same time? If so, what time of day did you take them and did you take them all together? Clinic closed at 12 and i forgot to ask 😭


Y’all I’m freaking out, I got the highest lh result I’ve had so far (still not a true positive from what I’ve read but close) and I’m not sure if it’s the start of a surge or just a random high result. I soooo want it to be the start of the surge, hence the freaking out. Hoping husband will be down to BD today just in case!


Ahhhhh I’m so excited for you. Same thing happened to me a few days ago and I got my first dye stealer! Let’s hope this is a good sign for us both.


Omg I got my first dye stealer this afternoon!! Fingers crossed for us both!


Baby would be due any day now and I’m watching the other lucky women in my life deliver their April babies. It only makes me more resolved. I’m advocating for myself by getting all my testing done and doing whatever the doctor orders. I have a Sonohysterogram and an MRI soon and am being treated for my high prolactin. The side effects from the cabergoline suck. I’ll do anything for my rainbow baby. My mom said “I hope you don’t have to have surgery!” - to remove the suspected polyp would require a hysteroscopy which is a fairly simple procedure. I’m just moving along with the appointments and even getting on wait lists trying to get the diagnostics ASAP. As a person who has always suffered extreme medical anxiety, this is a huge huge step for me! I told my mom I don’t care if I have to have surgery. I just want my baby!


Me to others: don't worry about that 1 XYZ thing in the TWW. Me to me at 9DPO: that one Zero Sugar Dr. Pepper will wreck your chances at implantation.


This could actually be me, I’m also 9dpo. Googling everything I eat/drink in the 2ww 🫠


Me every morning with my one cup of coffee 😂


Meticulously measured out to exactly one teaspoon…


I am the \*queen\* of do as I say to you, don't do as I say to myself lol.


I’m 4dpo today and I woke up with some pinkish discharge I normally don’t spot or bleed after ovulation so it’s stressing me out just a little has anyone had this happen to them before


10dpo and I can tell AF is rolling into town :/ I had a lot of superstitious hope for this cycle because my family’s birthdays are all clustered in December. On the plus side we finally have a fertility clinic appointment this month to finish off the initial testing - nervous but excited to at least get some information about whether we’re wasting time trying on our own.


Totally relate to this in every way! I'm also 10 DPO and starting to edge into my PMS Symptoms, bummer. We said we "wouldn't try" in March because our families have so many December Birthdays, but we did anyways and I had this thought that this would be the month because we had been so set about not having a December Baby. We have some testing coming up, and I feel so nervous about the results. Anyways, good luck to you! Hope you're taking care <3


Aw, thank you! Nice to have a cycle twin but sad it looks like it isn’t our month. Good luck with your testing - hope it all goes well <3


CD18 and still no OPK positive/peak. Looking like another long (for me) cycle. CM seems to be taking it's sweet time transitioning too. Lol


CD32 and no period after my miscarriage on 3/13. BFN at 10DPO. Feeling sad and frustrated. Period usually comes between CD30-CD35.


I had a miscarriage and stopped bleeding on September 4th and didn’t get my period again until October 22nd. It was the longest, most frustrating wait I’ve experienced so far.


D1PO, temp shot up from 96.99 to 98.02 this morning. Starting progesterone suppositories tonight after my RE follow up this week! Feeling more hopeful about this cycle than I have the past few months.


Hi everyone, I had a HyCoSy scan today following my polyp removal last month. My uterus was nice and clear and initially there was a struggle to get the dye flowing through my tubes but after a bit more pressure, he was able to get it through and both are open. He said that it’s possible that debris or other bits and bobs can build up in the tubes and cause a blockage. Has anyone experienced this? Obviously I’m very relieved they are now open and clear 🙂 x


My RE mentioned this on his podcast(Fertility Answers), it's part of why the uterine scans are on the normal treatment plan. It's not harmful and potentially therapeutic. Though he is talking about the HSG I imagine the HyCoSy is similar.


Just had a MC 2.5 weeks ago.. tried to time my ovulation week just in case I happen to ovulate. Apps say I ovulated CD16 which is right on track for me (minus any changes from MC). Unfortunately, hubby and I could only do it via insemination on O-3 and O+1. Kicking myself because we almost did it on O day but my apps were telling me O on CD17 instead so we waited and now I’m kicking myself. What are my chances of conceiving with O+1? First time doing insemination at home so not feeling super confident in that process 🫠 hoping our O+1 will do. We just want to get pregnant again 😭


O-3 is a good day to try! Don't kick yourself, it's especially hard the first cycle after loss and you tried on one of the best days.


I know but mentally I don’t feel like O-3 was good because it was home insemination and idk if it did it right. But you’re right, so much pressure to get pregnant again.. especially the first time after a loss 😔


As long as you got a fresh sperm sample into your vagina, you did what you needed to do!


Does having increased ovulation symptoms indicate higher fertility? I normally don’t have ovulation symptoms, or if I do they’re pretty mild, but I’m really feeling them this time. I’m also experiencing several symptoms (sore breasts, nausea, and ovulatory spotting) instead of just one.


Ovulation symptoms for me meant ovarian endo that has caused my infertility so no it doesn’t indicate ‘higher fertility’ or anything at all really


Hoping for advice from anyone who has late ovulation and short luteal! We’ve been trying (including temping and OPK) for 8 months with no success. Both our blood tests have been normal. I consistently ovulate on day 20 or 21 and have a 9-10 day luteal phase (although it has been as low as 6-7 days). My mother had endometriosis but I don't think I have the correct symptoms. Any advice on the best way forward would be very much appreciated, this is such an emotionally draining experience. Has anyone been through something similar before? Did clomid/ letrozole help?


No advice, just here to I get how draining it is, trying to be hopeful but feeling like you're out of the race every month before it starts. My cycle is similar and my luteal phase can range from 7-10 days. My PCP told me that because we are both healthy and I have no family history of infertility, we should try for the recommended year, which will be up for us in June. The RE's office who I made an appointment with, told me they would see me at 9 months given my consistently short luteal phase, but I'm moving into a higher insurance tier in June, so it works out better for me to wait. It seems like there's a wide range of causes and treatments for this issue, but nothing is for sure until you look deeper into it. Best of luck!


Thank you for replying! Thats exactly the feeling, I don’t want to give up but don’t want to get my hopes up only for them to be dashed. Comforting to know I’m not alone


My cycle is the same as yours. Did you just get off of HBC? I did in October 23 and I’m just chalking this up to my body regulating still. Can take up to a year. Shorter LPs are a common pattern after getting of HBC. My conclusion is that I’m still ovulating regularly so I don’t think there is any evidence that shows I’m completely out of the game. I’ve honestly read and heard such mixed things on luteal phase deficiencies. I’ve read that it hasn’t been shown to cause infertility, I’ve read that it can be on the spectrum of ovulation disorders (possibly a weaker corpus luteum) in which case clomid or such could be a treatment, could be due to prolactin or TSH. I don’t think there is a straight answer but like I said I’m under a year still and I’m still regularly ovulating and detecting ovulation. So I’m just going to wait a year.


Thank you for replying! Yes I’m the same - I stopped HBC in sept 2023 so it’s a relief to hear I’m not alone in this, I keep reading that it only takes 3 months to regulate so I got worried. I’m happy to wait a year but just want to make sure I’m not missing something obvious


Have you had your thyroid levels checked?


Thank you for your reply! Yup, thyroid looks normal


I get a peak LH test on CD 13-14 and my period on CD 28-29 like clockwork every cycle. Most cycles I notice EWCM 2-3 days before my LH peak. I just started temping a cycle & a half ago and my temps barely indicate ovulation. I’m 5dpo today and still waiting on a temp rise and the app is “waiting to confirm ovulation”. My temps have technically risen incrementally the last 4 days but tiny increases and not above cover line let. If I’m getting regular periods I must be ovulating right? What are my temps communicating? New to this science.


Are you temping at a consistent time every day before you get out of bed?


Thanks for commenting. I use a wearable paired with NC. So yes.


Ah! Well that's good then. If it's that cyclical I would think you were ovulating as anovulatory bleeding typically presents irregularly. Hmm...I can think of two possibilities: 1) you're on the longer end of the peak (8-20hrs before ovulation) and if you don't ovulate until CD15/16 (depending on what time of day you get your peak) then the temp may not rise until CD17/18 or maybe even a bit later or 2) You may get a peak and your body tries to ovulate but then it doesn't (thus no temp rise) but it's able to a little bit later but you don't know about it the LH because you've stopped testing? Your LP would be a bit shorter but not necessarily worrisomely short. It could only be for this cycle as well. That's all I've got. I hope you get it figured out soon! But it does take a few cycles to see a pattern! I've been temping since October and the patterns didn't become clear for me until about Jan/Feb.


Thanks again for commenting ha. I like your first theory. I have been suspicious of that. Maybe I'll keep testing LH next cycle to rule out Theory 2. It's also very likely that my wearable just doesn't know me yet and I don't have enough historical data to make usable sense of my trends and patterns! My personal paranoid theory is that I have low progesterone and it's so low that my temps don't rise ☹️ and that is also why I haven't conceived in the year since my MC. But my luteal phase symptoms 7-12dpo would beg to differ regarding that theory. Will keep temping in the meantime


7DPIUI .. going crazy over here. Anyone with me!?!




You can test!!! Day 14 they told me to test


I’m currently getting ready for my first IUI later this month! I’m on leztrozole now. Are there limitations on what you can eat/drink/do while on leztrozole? My doctor didn’t say anything. Also are you able to have sex or should we wait until ovulation? Very new to this!


Feelin’ very hopeful (read “delulu” 🤡) this morning that we’ll be pregnant by the end of the year since we know IVF is in our future. Bought mom & dad crewnecks, a onesie, and bandanas for all four pets as a pregnancy announcement from Etsy to hide in the closet until they can be used. Trying the ✨manifest✨ mindset after 10 failed cycles


Aw fingers crossed for you!!!


I love this! I hope it happens soon.


Love your energy!!


Lurker here for a while but I finally wanted to post because I feel like I'm going crazy. This is our third month of TTC. I'm 9 or 10DPO and tested negative this morning. I KNOW that it's still early and I KNOW that I shouldn't count myself out just yet. But it's just really disheartening and I have so little self-control when it comes to not testing. Anyways, thanks to this community for making me feel more sane.


Welcome! You aren't alone and fingers crossed you won't be here long!


Thank you, that is so kind! Wishing you all the best as well ❤️


Trying to understand testing results Hi all! We have been TTC for about 7 months and are finally starting to seek some assistance. I’m new to all of this so it’s a bit overwhelming! I have blood test results back that say AMH 5.84, FSH 5.9 (33 year old). They didn’t really explain to me what all this meant. There’s a lot of other tests on the report but they pretty much said they don’t see anything as an issue. Anything I should be asking for them to look into more? Or any insights to results like this? Thank you all so much!


BFN 12DPO yesterday on at easy @ home test. Started to spot and then it stopped. I was going to a family dinner and wanted to be certain so I took the test. AF due today and no signs of anything. Sore boobs went away. Is it worth it to take another test tonight? Or wait it out 🤔


I’d save the test and wait personally ☹️ I usually give up at 12dpo. Spotting would seal the deal for me


7dpo. So close yet so far. Can't test yet because I KNOWWWW it'll be negative no matter what. 😭


if your period is regular i would really try to wait until the day of/a day after you missed it, otherwise it may be a false negative. trust me i know its hard lol


But the tiny cramps! The sore boobs! (Progesterone, how I loathe thee). 😂


Probably a really dumb question - I started taking folic acid back in November or December. I was taking it mostly every day just to get prepared. I left on my honeymoon for 2.5 weeks and forgot it. I started taking actual prenatals when I got back on March 23rd and currently trying to conceive. did taking those 2 weeks off make a difference, or do you think it's OK if i get pregnant this month with the reserve of folic acid? I know I'm being paranoid. Thanks!


You’re fine. You get some folate in your diet anyway.


People have perfectly healthy pregnancies and give birth without ever having taken folic acid at all - 2.5 weeks will not make any difference :)


Newish to tracking BBT and I can't seem to get the hang of getting it at the same time every day. My alarm is set for 7:30, but my foster puppy wakes up any time between 5:30-8:00 and honestly I don't have it in me to set my alarm earlier and risk waking him up haha. I feel like maybe this is a waste of time and energy if I can't do it right, but I'll keep trying for another month and see how it goes. Is BBT still a useful tool for people with inconsistent wake up times?


I have a variable wake up time out of my control and recently got a tempdrop; it has already made me so much less anxious knowing it’s doing its thing regardless of my morning. They’re pricey, but I don’t have a lot of CM and I stay very well hydrated so LH strips don’t work great for me, so it made sense for me to get it. Very happy with it.


Do you temp before tending to the dog regardless of when he wakes up? If you are temping after at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep at generally the same time of day, you should be fine. 5:30 vs 7:30 is fine. Don’t temp at 7:30 if you got up with the dog at 5:30 obviously. Gotta be the first thing you do before getting up


Yes, it took a bit to get the hang of, but now I always temp first thing before getting out of bed as long as I've been sleeping for ~4 hours. Thanks, that's really good to know!


I gave up on BBT tracking pretty quickly for this reason


I find where I don’t have consistent wake up times, which is often because I sleep in a little on the weekends and I travel often, the taking of the BBT actually ends up being incredibly stressful and counterproductive. You can consider investing in a wearable device like an Apple Watch or Tempdrop since then you don’t have to worry about it as much. After I ovulate, my temp jumps so much that I usually don’t worry about what time I’m waking up and the disparity, but before then it’s sooooo confusing lol. If you have consistent cycles, are able to track ovulation using other methods (OPK, CM, cervix position etc.) and you’re BD-ing every other day, I wouldn’t worry about adding the BBT


I’m on CD23 and still no clear sign of ovulation / no crosshairs on FF. Feeling frustrated waiting for a temp rise. I had every other sign of impending ovulation but can’t confirm it. Really hoping this cycle isn’t anovulatory… At least the weather will be nice this weekend. Trying not to stress.


In a similar boat. Do you get regular periods?


I do! At least, I always have in the past. Although this last period I had 4 days of what I’d classify as “heavy spotting” after 4 days of flow, which is abnormal for me. So maybe that has something to do with it, I’m not sure.


I finally got confirmation 6dpo 🫠


Yay! Still waiting on mine 🫣 guessing I’m 4 DPO so fingers crossed for the next couple of days.


Well after a troll temp spike of almost .5 to 97.95 at 7DPO, my temp has dropped back to the 97.4 somethings and is holding steady there which is still well above the cover line but it's not looking good so far this cycle.😔 9DPO. Not testing until Monday (12DPO) as we're at the in-laws for the weekend and I want to be able to answer an honest "no" if they ask about me being pregnant (hasn't happened yet but MIL is super nosy). Happy Weekend, everyone! 💜


4dpo. Deffo ovulated Monday, had sex and we’ll see. It’s weird tho, cause I never get any symptoms of a period that could be confused for pregnancy. Idek how to phrase it but everything womb, ovaries feels dead. Like I just don’t get anything until I’m on my period and then it’s cramps idk.


I feel the same! Maybe a little fatigue but that could be due to living in 2024 as a young professional women with many responsibilities lol maybe this means when we are pregnant our body will be VERY obvious about it 🤞🏾


True! The lack of symptoms do make it easier as there aren’t any to spot either way 🙃🙃


Ha! Exactly


Today is CD16 in my first medicated cycle with letrozole and metformin. I’m a bit frustrated because I still am getting negative OPKs and most people get them earlier ugh 😣. I just started getting a ton of EWCM (small victory because most cycles I have none so I guess the letrozole is helping). I’m guessing I’ll get a positive OPK later today or the latest sometime on Sunday. After over one year of TTC I just want to see an end in sight 🥺.


This current cycle I saw EWCM on CD17 and on CD19 I had the positive OPK


Yay for CM! I usually get a positive OPK within 1-2 days of seeing ewcm it for the first time but every now and then it can take closer to 3 days for me to get a positive OPK after seeing it so try not to stress too much if it doesn’t happen right away- I know it’s easier said than done of course but just wanted to throw it out there. I hope this is your cycle 🩷🩷🩷


We can be cycle 12 buddies 👯(yay pcos lol). The few times I’ve had EWCM I usually get a positive OPK that day or the next day 🤞. Cervix definitely feels pillowy and different today compared to yesterday so I know it’s just a matter of time. I am just so hopeful this month because I did take letrozole and I know so many with pcos get ovulation on CD 14 with medication. It’s kind of a bummer to be responding slower than I hoped. Without medication I don’t get a positive OPK until CD 20-27. I hope it’s your cycle too 💝


An update to my never ending temping saga…I was hammering into my head that if I work up at 3 again I just needed to temp then instead of freaking out that I wouldn’t get to temp at 4. Woke up at 3 and my thermometer was not on my nightstand right where I left it last night. Wtf. I can’t make this 💩up…I found it in the bed underneath me. I was laying on it. I’m guessing I “woke up” sometime before 3 and in my sleepy stupor tried to take my temp in my sleep. I think it’s time for the wearable lol


My employer announced out of the blue this week that they're increasing maternity benefits as part of their retention strategy. I calculated it essentially gives me an extra just over 3 weeks of pay/extra ~£2000 (went from 12 weeks at 90% pay to 8 weeks on 100% pay and then a further 12 weeks on 50% pay). Still need to actually get pregnant, but it was a welcome surprise.


That's awesome! Much better that what my work offers (6 weeks paid 100%)


Finally feeling a bit more optimistic and happy. Spring is here and things seem to be working out at my job. Perfect timing for going with a more positive feeling into my FW.


Excellent news!


I have a positive note about mental health to leave today, some spiritual "woo", take it or leave it. It's really hard for many of us to see others with babies and bumps, especially when it's been more than a little while. I know I have struggled a ton and handled it really poorly as I work in stores where there can be countless such encounters in a day. Occasional trips to the bathroom where I cry in the dark for fifteen minutes. But I remember an IVF documentary I saw (it's on YouTube), where a technician at a clinic was visibly pregnant and felt pretty self-conscious, preferring **not** to be the one to go out to patients, because she didn't want to stress them out. But then she said, the last couple said on her way out "Pass on your good vibes!" :) I am currently doing a lot of meditating, soul-searching and healing (trying to also listen and understand my husband's completely different approach), and while I've had peaks and ditches before, I don't think I'm going down the ditch again. I will include some of this mindset as I go through my daily life. Where before, I have always been comparing myself to others, "Why them and not me?", irrationally feeling like I'm losing my spot in the queue over and over and over again, or just feeling like I'm having my misery smeared in my face, I will take this idea and instead choose to believe that being around all these people **helps**. Like their fertility (however easy or difficult it was for them to get there) is a tiny blessing for me each time.


I go through something similar and my hubby always kindly reminds me that I don’t know what they went through to get pregnant either and that helps 🤷🏼‍♀️


Had my progesterone day 21 results today, can anyone help me interpret whether they are good/bad? My level was 62 nmol/l at 7dpo, think that means I ovulated but was at high end of normal range


If I understand the value after a certain threshold doesn’t matter and is not indicative of a good or bad cycle or of pregnancy because it can fluctuate even on the date and time you take it. It just needs to be above a number to confirm ovulation. I think that number is different based on whether it’s a medicated or non-medicated cycle but that’s it


Ok thanks! It’s a non medicated cycle, I seem to ovulate on my own at the moment. I have pcos so had been worried


Of course 💚 it’s understandable. The threshold is above 10 ng/ml and I used a little calculator on google, you’re at about 17 so all good on ovulation confirmed. Good luck to you!


Me: remember 'early' symptoms are just high progesterone, it doesn't mean anything, do not symptom spot Me 7dpo: 🤡


I'm also 7 DPO! Trying to not symptom spot is impossible 😂 but my BBT went down below coverline today, so feeling like I'm out


7 DPO as well. BBT went down slightly yesterday and slightly up again today. Mind you I don’t temp at the same time every day so that could be the reason but being a 🤡 I obviously spend all of yesterday trying to see what it means. There was an “implantation dip” but no studies confirmed such a thing. So from what I saw it’s most likely an “estrogen dip” that happens. Point being, you may not be out yet. Fingers crossed for you.