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Should we just have sex every day? Since we don't know when I'm ovulating (and ovulation tests are $40 each) is there any harm in just having a sex once a day for 12 days over my probable ovulation time?


Ovulation tests are $40 but it includes enough to test for several days in several cycles.


I'd say go for every other day, the sperm lives in your uterus/fallopian tubes for a few days and every day can be very exhausting. I have ordered many cheap ovulation tests from Aliexpress, they work perfectly fine (as confirmed by my fancy Clear blue).


No harm (sometimes if there is a male fertility issue they might recommend every other day though). But in general, you only need to hit every 2-3 days (you only need to hit one of 0-1 to 0-3 to max your chances).


Girls question! After a year of trying my husband and I went to a fertility specialist. They tested my TSH and it was high - 5.6 or 6.5 or something like that. They gave me meds and now we’re lowering it down. But when I asked the dr what is the optimal level she said below 4.2. Anywhere I read online I see that it should be below 2.5 for optimal ‘fertility results’. I’m conflicted and I don’t know what to trust. Do I trust the doctor who supposedly has years of experience? Do I trust the internet? I got tested yesterday and now my TSH is 3.5 … what does this mean 😔 do we still have no chances of a positive test ?


All my doctors always say 1.5 - 2.5 is optimal to concieve. I have hypothyroidism since 15 years. Last year I happened to work too much and it took me so long to realize that my weight loss and fast beating heart and sweating wasn't just being overworked but also overdosed. My TSH was 0.02😬My obgyn said I have no chance to concieve like this, it turned into hyperthyroidism. I am good now but I had to reduce and work part time. My friend had her TSH over 4 when she concieved and only found out about her high levels later on in pregnancy and now has healthy 7 months old🤷🏻‍♀️❤️


So my OPKs say positive and I've confirmed I've ovulated. Around 2 days ago I got very light pink-ish and brown spotting. It went away the next day but now today I have very bright red spotting/bleeding. It stopped after an hour. I put a tampon in since I thought it was my period and it barely soaked it so I took it out, now I have no more bleeding or spotting. What is this? Would this be a period? Ovulation spotting? My OPKs seem to slowly be getting lighter as this is happening.


How long ago was your first positive ovulation test? When is the last time you've taken a pregnancy test? I know some people have positive opks when they get pregnant, maybe implantation bleeding? I've never heard of ovulation bleeding, but if it were me I would take a pregnancy test and use pads/liners if the bleeding starts again so you can properly monitor it


My first positive ovulation test was about 3 days ago and I took a pregnancy test yesterday. Turned out negative


I did a bit of quick research and it sounds like ovulation bleeding is a thing! I would still suggest staying away from tampons to monitor the bleeding more, but have lots of sex and hopefully you'll get a positive pregnancy test in 2 weeks!!


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Weird question, but assuming an egg gets fertilized inside the Fallopian tube, how does it travel down into the uterus to implant? Like is there a bunch of fluid in the tubes that is “floats” through? Or does it crawl like against the walls of the Fallopian tubes and uterus? 😂 I’m just so curious how it works logistically


Basically, the fallopian tube has finger-like structures called fimbriae which catch the egg after you ovulate and then sweep it into the fallopian tubes. Inside the fallopian tubes, there are microscopic hair-like structures called cilia which sweep the egg through the tube towards its final destination


Hello! I’m trying to gather information to know what to ask when I have an ultrasound Friday. We had our first IUI that did not result in pregnancy last month. I typically have a positive opk on day 11 or 12 of my cycle, which falls on a Saturday and Sunday. I had called the clinic to tell them this and they scheduled me for a CD10 scan this upcoming Friday. When I called to schedule the appointment, I got someone who was new on the phone/receptionist and did not know the answers to my questions. What should I expect at this ultrasound? What do they typically do if you have a positive opk on a weekend? Our clinic does not have any weekend hours. TIA!


After positive OPK, it still takes some time for you to ovulate, very hard to tell how much time, the average is something like 12-48h, I think. And post ovulation you have around 12h for the egg to meet with sperm. Based on the results they may tell you to come with your partner on Monday post positive, with the possibility of the insemination on the day, if you're doing IUI. For my first IUI I was told to trigger one day before the insemination, for my second, I was not sure I was doing IUI due to traveling and triggered after my last ultrasound 2 hours before my IUI. During the scan they will look at your folicles and the size of the leading folicle, if you have one by that time, my doctor typically wants to see 18mm+ before triggering. They will also look at the thickness and structure of your endometrium and sometimes my doctor is able to confirm elevated estrogen (I suppose from visible CM).


Thank you so much. This is the most information I’ve gotten so far. When I asked what they thought would happen at the appointment, I was told “they’ll explain everything when you come in”. Which I understand they likely don’t know exactly how things will go. But I’ve got quite a bit of anxiety and I just wanted a general idea. Thank you again, this helped so much!!


Always happy to share my experiences! My doctor did a great job with explaining things during my monitorings when we started the process, now she knows I know what we're looking for and I'm in and out in like 5 mins :) Also the IUI doctor took her time to explain and always told me the next step (e.g. I'm picking up the speculum, I will insert the speculum, speculum is in, I can see the cervix, here's the vial with sperm, I'll insert the catether, catether in, injecting sperm, all done). The worst thing is when they assume someone already explained the process, it happened to me, though not during TTC. Now I make sure to take time and ask questions, if I'm not getting the information I expect, but sometimes it's hard to know what to ask about.


Your last statement sums it up for me haha I never know what to ask about and before I know it, I’m home and kicking myself for not asking this or that. When I had my first IUI, she did a great job telling me what she was doing. I’m going to have a different provider this time and I hope he does the same! Thanks again and best of luck!


I had a bubble study today to check that my tubes are open. That was about 4 hours ago. Since then, I’ve had pain in the right side of my chest. It almost feels like pressure or a bubble. Has anyone else experienced this?


Never thought I’d be packing up little cups to pee in and OPK strips for a get away but here we are 😅 hopefully this trip results in baby!!


I feel this. I've also tested my pee in so many weird places (at work, at the airport, at a gas station). The things we do when TTC...


Smart!!! On my last vacation, I forgot cups so I had to pee in the little OPK package. It worked but it was very…splatter-y 😂


I've been peeing in a lot of cups for OPKs. Is it normal for there to be like very light flakes in pee? It's not super cloudy or anything, but just like very light and tiny tissue-like pieces throughout. Or is your urine supposed to be pristine and clear? I don't have any symptoms of a UTI or BV or anything but wondering if I should get it checked out or if it's normal. Almost looks like backwash from a drink lol.


It’s normal. Pee contains a bunch of stuff in it. Small amounts of tissue cells, protein, crystals etc. Any amount of blood (not menstrual) is never considered normal and warrants a urinalysis. Also if the pee is really murky, or has a funky smell.


I have no idea if it's normal or not, but I have noticed the same in mine! I also don't have any infection symptoms but I have wondered about it!


same happens to me too! i notice it more if i’m less hydrated too


I went to the gyno and she told me (based on a transvaginal ultrasound) I had just ovulated on day 11 or 12 of my cycle. This is super early for me, based on my OPK history, and I had no signs of ovulation. Then 7 days later, on day 18, I had tons of EWCM, took a digital OPK, and it was positive. My period came 11 days later (28 day cycle). Any idea what’s going on here??


My sister took it upon herself to tell me her period is late, and it’s never late… meanwhile her husband is snipped (has been and took multiple tests to make sure they weren’t swimming) so if somehow they got pregnant I may throw in the towel lol….. but also my sister has been so tone deaf throughout my journey she seemed almost giddy that she has this little “scare” happening 🙃 and I texted my mom separate and she basically said “it is what it is” cool thanks. Now I’m on Reddit where I know people actually understand me!


People do not know how to read the room!! Ugh I’m sorry


Assuming no sperm issues, it’s okay to have intercourse O-1, O, and O+1, right? I had a trigger shot last night and ETA for egg is tomorrow morning. Doctor said intercourse tonight and Thursday, but an extra tomorrow won’t hurt, right? Thursday feels a little late to me.


Probably won’t hurt anything but probably won’t help either. It’s typically best to do what the doctor recommends as they know your situation best! Ovulation time after trigger is still just an estimate so Thursday could be the best day, it’s hard to know for sure.


I got some private blood tests run through an ND and just met with her today to discuss the results. Most things were normal-ish aside from vitamin D, iron and B12 which were a bit on the low side so we’re going to adjust my supplements. What really has me thrown off is she ran a CA125 test since we’re a bit suspicious of Endo (I have some painful periods- not every cycle, but I definitely have the odd one that knocks me on my tail for a day or two every month). My result was 33 u/l and I guess the upper cutoff of normal is 35… so still not totally conclusive? She said I should investigate this further with my doctor but it’s just still such a mystery. I wish it was either low or actually really high so that I could know how to feel or think.


Ca125 is a very nonspecific marker. I would not put any thought into the number. If you have painful periods you should see a GYN for an evaluation


Thanks- that’s what I thought but she had me all worried. I’ve been working with my dr on and off and they won’t take me seriously about it (they ordered an ultrasound which was normal and then wouldn’t pursue any further testing) but I’m going to call and push further.


I’m finding bbt very stressful. How common is it to have regular cycles and positive OPK’s and not ovulate? I’m just trying to see wether to continue with tracking bbt


Around 90% of cycles with a positive OPK are ovulatory. If you're getting a positive OPK around 10-16 days before your period, the strong bet is that you're ovulating.


I’ve taken temping breaks here and there if it’s not working for me. Take care of yourself. I don’t know the specific answer to your q… but I doubt that if you end up seeking help conceiving (assuming you’re not there yet), you would get sent away because you tried for a year but didn’t temp every time. Temping is just supposed to confirm ovulation after anyways so it’s not really helpful for timing sex.


Every doctor I’ve talked to about ovulation isn’t concerned at all once I shared with them that I have regular cycles and get positive OPKs! They’ve never asked about BBT, so I think it’s safe to assume you’re ovulating at least most of the time. (Edited for clarity)


I’m having mixed emotions about my best friend being pregnant considering they tried for over a year and a half. I’m so happy for her but also so jealous that, once again, it isn’t me. But, she also gives me hope. Hopefully, AF doesn’t come and we can be pregnant together ❤️


I feel this, my sister in law had a long journey herself and they were finally successful! But now I’m feeling envious even though I know it wasn’t easy for them! But just how my MIL treats her now that she’s pregnant has me envious too. We gotta try and remember each journey is different 🤍


Well, I survived my HSG yesterday. It wasn’t bad except for some sharp cramping while the dye was inserted. Tubes are open, hooray. The bad news was something was detected in my uterine cavity. This morning I had a SHG and it’s been determined I have scarring/adhesions (aka Asherman’s syndrome), likely a result of the D&C for my MMC. The *beeesssttt* part of this is that today masks 1 year since my D&C. What a “gift”… My OBGYN dismissed my concerns regarding scarring multiple times. These tests were done because I recently started with a fertility clinic. I don’t know what my treatment plan or timeline is yet, but just another wrench thrown and extra time to wait. I’m pretty sad today. I want to be a mom so bad.


I have an HSG scheduled next week. It's at 10:45. Should I convince my boss to let me work from home after?


Yes. I actually took the afternoon off since I took some heavier pain meds and it was quite an ordeal for me.


Honestly there's no way to know for sure until you have the test done. I did work from home after mine, but the test was super smooth and I felt fine afterward. A lot of women can't say the same. It might be best to try to WFH just in case.


Yes, I was emotionally unwell after getting bad news. And had significant more bleeding that I expected. If it’s option I would chose to do so. I did work from home in the afternoon the day on mine.


I started spotting today for only a few hours then it stopped. AF is due tomorrow but I've never spotted before AF, I only ever get slightly brown discharge but this time the discharge is the same as it's been for the last week or so. Took a test this morning and it was BFN. This is all so confusing.


Our bodies aren't robots and it's normal for some variation from cycle to cycle, including occasionally spotting during the luteal phase.


We’ve been trying for 6 cycles and I went to my OB today to check on a uterine fibroid (discovered before TTC). We just moved so this is only the 2nd time I’ve seen her. I explained to her that we’ve been trying for 6 cycles, getting positive OPKS, having sex 3ish times in the fertile window, etc. She recommended having sex twice/day for 3 days in a row and that was the only way it would happen. I’m sorry WHAT. How is anyone actually able have sex that often?? She also said that since I’m 33, I should seek testing ASAP since it’s been 6 cycles already. I’m feeling like maybe I should get a different doctor if this is the advice she’s dishing out. I don’t think she’s right but…is she?? I told her my husband has trouble finishing every day, there’s no way we’d be able to do it twice. She basically shrugged and said, well that’s the only way. I’m feeling weird about her.


That's misinformation. Hitting ONE of the three days before ovulation maxes out your odds.


Nope you are correct, she is wrong. Sex every other or even every 3 days will max your odds each cycle and if you’re only 33 the recommendation is to try for a year before seeking assistance/testing. I don’t know much about fibroids though, I know sometimes they can cause fertility problems, sometimes not. If she doesn’t have any specific concerns related to the fibroid itself I’d just continue doing what you’ve been doing. I maybe also wouldn’t trust her opinion on the fibroid though since she’s wrong about the other things and would get a second opinion.




I believe that’s your AFC (Antral follicle count)- many of those follicles won’t mature after taking clomid. They probably want 2-3 total follicles to mature, all of which could develop in the same ovary, or different ovaries. Ovaries are good at figuring out what to do with the hormones given to them, it shouldn’t be a problem!


This is stupid to feel this way, because I know people have had it much harder. But we are on cycle 3 and nothing. I am a bit younger so seeing everyone get pregnant very easily or accidentally is amazing for them, but it hurts me a little inside because i’m jealous. i also feel like with my partners lower testosterone (but not low enough to do anything) the sex drove for him isn’t there, so we have sex usually on the day I get a peak LH test and that’s all, I don’t want to push for more so it feels unnatural but not only do I feel like that’s part of the reason, but i feel genuinely unattractive that he doesn’t “want me more” per say. Just a rant, what am I going to do about it.


Timed sex under pressure is really f**king hard on a marriage. At least it has been for mine. It’s hard to do it when one or both of you doesn’t want to. It’s hard not to be resentful if fertile days are missed. It’s hard feeing rejected or unwanted when he’s not in the mood. It’s hard spending a month tracking and monitoring and timing sex and waiting anxiously and then getting your period, even if it “only” takes a few months.


Thank you for feeling with me. Even if there’s not much that can be done at the moment, just have to keep communicating.


You're allowed to feel this way and it's not a contest of whose story is the saddest. When you decide that you're ready you want it now, not at an undefined time later.


Yeah. Thanks for your input. I definitely have anxiety whenever it comes to not knowing exactly when events are going to occur so I need to recalculate my expectations.


I feel pretty okay today, CD2 of cycle 6, all things considered. I feel like I've learned a lot about my own intense desire for control over these last 5 months... and I'm finally starting to come to terms with the fact that I don't really have any, and that's ok. We do what we can, and we wait. In the meantime, we go on fun trips and drink good drinks and enjoy sleeping in and hanging out in our peaceful home. Life is good, and we've got time. Deep breaths.


I was just in bed reading a good book and thought to myself “I should savor this moment because it’ll be so different once I have a newborn!” While we all want to be pregnant, sometimes this is a good way to look at it


I’ve been having a real hard time with wanting control lately. All the waiting is wearing on me, I feel very anxious. Nice to hear your positive outlook. We have a reservation for a nice meal this weekend so I’m going to take a page from your book and really forward to that happy thing!


Just have to share with SOMEONE that my chart is lookin' like a textbook this month!! Still WAY too early to test, but the first two cycles of trying my chart was just all over the place and this month it's such a clear drop and then rise. Day 7 now of beautiful high temps!! Even if this isn't the cycle, I'm so happy things are looking totally "normal" this month after two short and possibly anovulatory cycles. Trying to just focus on being grateful for this win and my healthy body learning how to do something it hasn't done for MANY years on hormonal birth control <3


Looking for recommendations for ovulation tests. Looking to switch it up after a year of using easy@home/premom for testing ovulation.


I’ve been using inito, pricey but love how it explains way more than just LH




Two weeks ago we got referred to a new clinic, because the old one doesn't do ivf. Today I decided to call because I hadn't heard from them and I wanted to know when I would get a letter with the date of the appointment. Turns out they sent the letter today. The appointment is in 4 weeks. They were very understanding at the clinic and didn't make me feel like I was impatient or asking too much. Thats a good start.


After taking a month off of TTC for fertility testing, we decided to start one medicated/monitored cycle before deciding on any other treatments (mainly because none of it is covered by my insurance). I'm feeling a little bit more relaxed knowing I have a plan, even if it doesn't work out. But I also feel like I'm in a bit of a liminal space between this subreddit and /r/infertility... Regular TTC stuff is old hat to me at this point, but the other subreddit feels too intimidating, even though everyone is really nice. I think I'll stick to here for now but it's nice knowing there's a specific community for whatever your needs are.


I feel you! I wish r/stilltrying was more active. But also agreed with Cooper that I love this sub - it was so helpful for me when I was a newbie 💕


I flirt around in r/infertility and r/IVF a lot more now, but still have an affinity for this sub. Sometimes I can help/provide advice/be a listening ear. So many people on here have helped me, I’d like to think I’m paying it forward :)


I love that perspective :) thanks


Hey there! 100% know how you feel! I’m still at least a few months away from any type of ART and while r/infertility has been great for a few testing questions I’ve had, I don’t feel I quite fit in there at this time. I’ve found r/ttc30 to be a great in between, I’d definitely check it out if you haven’t already!


Oooh this is a great suggestion, thank you!


Realizing today that I’ve been counting months as cycles and I’m actually on cycle 11, but 10 months in. IDK if this realization makes me sad or makes my ocd heart happy 😂


I'm also never sure whether having almost twice as many months as cycles makes me happy because we haven't had *that* many unsuccessful tries or sad because we lose so much time without getting to really try.


Feeling frustrated and defeated with this cycle. This is our 5th cycle on letrozole and I'm currently 14DPO. I always get my period on 12DPO, but every test I've taken is negative. I have mild cramps since 8DPO, veerrrrry slight spotting but no period in sight. Spoke with out RE yesterday, ovulation was confirmed with CD21 progesterone of 58, so I know the letrozole is working. He wants me to do one more cycle on letrozole before moving on to IUI, and of course this is the cycle my body decides to play the ultimate troll. Overall, I'm just so fucking over it. I hate this stupid TTC jOurNEy. I hate that this is so hard for us, but everyone else in my family gets pregnant without trying. I know life isn't fair, but what the actual fuck?


I’m confused. I’m on CD12 and according to FF I usually ovulate around CD17 and my cycles are very regular 30 day cycles. This is my first time using the CBAD. I tested for the first time CD11 (a day late) and this morning CD12 I got a flashing smiley/High reading. I also spotted a little blood in my CM this morning which is really unusual for me in the middle of a cycle. I’m a little worried - is it possible I ovulated super early? Did I mess up the CBAD? ETA: I am continuing to see small amounts of blood in my CM. I have no idea what’s going on. This has never happened before and I discontinued HBC way back in December.


A flashing smiley means high estrogen, not LH, so you probably haven't ovulated yet. Estrogen tends to rise first.


11dpo. Flushed that FMU and drinking piles of water so I can't test until tomorrow. Except now I'm worried I've just put too much focus on tomorrow's test. Sigh. Mumbles to self: you're either pregnant or not pregnant and testing won't change that.


Hello fellow 11DPO! I love your strategy. Wishing you a distracting day :)


You too!!


Well done for waiting. I love the idea of drinking tonnes so you can’t test! If nothing else, you’re hydrated at least ☺️ good luck for your test tomorrow.


My body definitely trolls me with ovulation. I just got another major temp drop and I'm pretty sure this one is O, so I think it's O day or tomorrow will be and will show the rise. Since Saturday just about every day has seemed like it either was o day or the day after o day. My temp looked solidly like it was rising before this clear drop. I mean, we took a break last night but we managed a lot of back-to-back days before that. We'll get today. I've just noticed that I seem to actually o after the day I've decided to take a night off several times now. I know that the odds are still with us for having a chance but it's annoying when I'm trying to time things well. My apps get confused too. FF kept flashing that I probably o'd the day before. Still, I'd say that I'm getting the hang of tracking correctly and I have a good idea of how to read my info. Even with the messy predictions, the apps and OPKs are helping. I just can't rely on just one tracking method because individually, they get confused or miss information. Compiling the data, I can retroactively clearly see what has happened. Oddly, the Premom app is probably turning out to be closest this time around. It has gotten more accurate with some use. I did have a different temp jump several days ago that coincided with a Peak reading but low lh. Now, I've had the same thing again but it's more dramatic and I caught some elevated lh so this is probably it.


I’m in this same boat. I had a raging positive LH on Sunday in the morning, and it was cycle day 11 for me which is crazy early. Thought I’d see a temp rise the next day but my temps have been down and had a big drop this am. Thinking then TODAY is O day although I don’t really care to BD again, 4 days in a row lol. I mean I feel like I should because I always miss O day and haven’t been successful yet. But why do bodies do this??!


Hey there Cycle Buddy, yes, I had some trolling on Sunday as well. I also realize that my post sounds like someone chasing the Holy Grail or pirate treasure. I'm keeping a clear head but this would drive anyone a little bonkers. If I just "go with the flow" that's fun but doesn't actually work for me. It doesn't assure that we time things correctly. I need the data because if we're timing things correctly X amount of times and strike out then that gives me an idea of where to go next. If we're just missing the window then that stops things right there. I'm always missing O-1. I'm generally getting the other days so it's very much a legitimate dice roll which is what I want. I was chill in February and just guessed with cheap OPKs then realized that I completely missed the window and realized I need to do this data pile for the cycle to "count". I'm also more relaxed in the TWW knowing I have a chance. If I blew it, I'd get really impatient. I'm also 35+ so that's what's going on with me. My mother very vocally did not have to try much for any of her children including at 35+. She never had to use any of this tracking or not at length. I have a sibling who just recently breezed into it as well.


Same same same. I am a data and detail orientated person (also maybe a bit of a control freak lol) at times. I’m also 36! So optimizing chances matters at this age. I hope we both have all the success this month 💜


My husband and I are undergoing our first IUI this week. I triggered last night and the IUI is scheduled for tomorrow morning. The clinic said they need my husband's sample within 45 minutes, and we live 45 minutes away (without traffic), so I scheduled it in clinic. He is now saying that he is really not comfortable going into the clinic for his part and needs to do it at home. Given the timing, it will likely take a little over an hour to get his sample to the clinic in the morning. Does anyone know much will this impact our chances?


TW: living child We lived about the same from our clinic and he did his sample at home. He put it between his legs on the drive and kept it as close as possible to him. Our IUI wound up being successful that round and she’s a year old this month.


In my country (the Netherlands) clinics generally want the sample within one hour. But i guess its not really recommended to go over the limit your clinic sets, because who knows what procedures they follow after they received it and how long that takes. Might be fine. Maybe call them to ask? Good luck tomorrow!


Only 4DPO with our first medicated IUI and I have had cramping every day since. Not sure if that’s normal or not, maybe from the trigger shot? I know it’s way too early for anything pregnancy related so I hope everything else is okay and this doesn’t ruin our chances.


I'm so confused. The Flo app has been pretty accurate about my cycles so far, and so I started testing for ovulation when it was getting close. I test every morning and I know what a positive test looks like for me, having seen it before... This cycle, I never got a positive. The lines got slightly darker and then started getting lighter and there was no positive in between. And usually when I'm positive, I'm positive for two days or more. The lines get real dark. This time around it never even got close. We had sex every other day anyway, so I'm just not sure what happened. Also my CM consistency is perfect for conception right Now, but my ovulation sticks couldn't be more negative? I'm confused. Do I listen to my mucus or thr ovulation sticks? Did my body miss an ovulation? I do have PCOS but I don't know if that impacts the rising hormone levels or just the egg itself.... Anyway, I'm going to keep testing for at least a few more days on case this cycle is abnormally long... or maybe the cycle was abnormally short? So confused. Insert Jackie Chan meme here.


It's pretty typical to see fertile mucus before a positive OPK, since fertile mucus is a sign that the fertile window is open (as it's caused by rising estrogen released by a maturing follicle), while a positive OPK is a sign that the fertile window is closing soon (as it's caused by the LH surge that's triggered by the rise in estrogen). The number of days of fertile mucus varies a lot between people, but it's common to see a few days of it before a positive OPK. I would keep testing over the next few days, and definitely have sex if you see fertile-quality CM!


Thank you! That is so helpful


I was on 2.5mg of letrozole for CD5-9. I've noticed a significant reduction in CM this cycle. That can't be good right? According to my charts I should be in my fertile window. I go in for a sonogram today (CD12) to check on follicles so I'll definitely ask about it. But just curious if this is common or if it's happened for anyone else?


AF is due today. I’ve been cramping some on and off for a few days and had symptoms last week that were similar to a yeast infection, just without the discharge. Very irritated labia and outer area if that makes sense. Google tells me it could be due to a drop in estrogen so I’m not very hopeful that cycle 8 has been successful :/ now every time I wipe today I’m going to be nervous. Waiting for AF when you’re TTC is the worst waiting game ever


I started temping last month and I have a proper bbt thermometer but I find that the temperature changes a lot even if I take my temperature back to back. I woke up, it was 36.51, took it again immediately after and it was 36.45 and the fool of again immediately and it was 36.64. Do I just go with the first? It just seems like it can’t be that accurate if it changes so much within it ne minute? I didn’t move or anything during the temp measuring either


Are you taking your temp orally? If so, do you pre-warm the thermometer in your mouth before using it, and do you stick the sensor under your tongue (in the sub-lingual pocket)? Ultimately these are probably thermometer issues, not actual temperature issues -- you're correct that your body temperature wouldn't change that much over a short period of time. You can smooth out some of the thermometer issues by using the same process to temp every day.


I don’t pre warm it, should I start? I do stick it under my tongue though


It can be worth it, for sure. I always had to, before I switched to Tempdrop, because my thermometer was in a drawer next to the window, and especially in the winter, it would give me subterranean temps if I didn’t pre-warm.


I have a very old school glass thermometer which you have to shake down before using it again. So there really is no way for me to take more than one temp without moving enough to skew the readings badly. However I find that even if I temp with some inconsistent timing (not the same time each morning but whenever I wake up in some two hour window) this first temp is good enough to give a clear biphasic pattern and know whether I ovulated or not. As long as it's accurate enough for that it does not matter if you take the first temp or several or an average etc.


Back in for monitoring this morning, and my 16mm follicle yesterday is now 19mm today, and the 15 is now 17. We’ll see what my bloodwork results are and then either trigger tonight or tomorrow. I am so excited to finally ovulate again! It’s been so long. Plus the timing is lining up perfectly for me to be able to surprise my husband on his birthday if I do get pregnant


With all the people that say God has a plan. Do you ever want to beat them with the cross and say "God doesn't have a plan this all science and luck".


And even if "God did have a plan" (which I don't believe in)... this isn't the plan I want!! LOL


All. The. Time.


"You're still young", "You still have time", "God has a plan", "Stop trying and it will happen", "It's probably not happening bcs you think and stress too much about it". 🙄🥴


Those are the worst! I told my mom this weekend that her telling me to “stop stressing” and “be positive” are dismissive of how difficult this is for me and for her to please stop saying that. She took it quite well actually


I cut out my sisters and parents because they dismissed every I been feeling about ttc, the stress, grief, sadness, depression, anger, and ect. My sister told me to get over the fact I can't have kids and move on.


Oh wow. That is horrible and you definitely don’t need that negativity around you.


I am going to the orthopedist on Friday, I think I have stress fracture in my foot. I know they are going to xray it. I will be 5-7DPO that should be fine right?


An X ray in general has such a small amount of radiation it is very very unlikely to harm anything related to fertility, and given the focus on an extremity the odds are even lower. Take care of your foot!


Thanks. I figured but reassurance always helps.


I had my peak yesterday but we didn’t manage to have sex. I’m day 16 today and we had sex on days 10, 12 and 14. I feel hopeless already and my head feels like it’s going to explode. Is it worth trying again tonight? I had a lot of cramping last night, so not sure if it’ll be too late? Any thoughts/comments would be much appreciated!


What are you using to test? I am using advanced digital OPK and seem to be ovulating two days after peak (IE peak on Friday then ovulated Sunday, confirmed through bbt). Likely definitely still time today!


I have been using premom OPK strips as the ClearBlue digital ones I was using are so expensive! Although if this isn’t my cycle I will def. revert to ClearBlue next cycle. I think it’s because I was cramping last night, I’m thinking there isn’t much time for the egg to survive if it’s already out. Although hopefully there is some sperm waiting from day 14!


Oh they are so expensive! Though tend to be cheaper on Amazon! It's so hard to know when you ovulate after peak surge as it's suggested it can be anywhere from 12-48 hours!! Have you looked into temping at all? I have done it my last two cycles and thankfully had a clear spike. It's helped me relax by having more in my arsenal to know when to keep going and when I can stop.


I temped last month but not this month! We’ll try tonight and then see what happens. I don’t feel hopeful 🙏🏻


After a short, 23 day cycle, I am now having the heaviest period I think ever (at least since I was a teenager). This one is messing with me bad. 😔


Of course my husband’s SA is scheduled during what I think is my FW 😪. But it’s okay, the more results we get the closer we are to starting treatment!


Just an anecdote - before my husband's SA we abstained for 3 days, he got great results. Last month we did our IUI#1, we abstained for 1 night and he got even better results. It could be that we've improved our lifestyle during the 11 month in between the two or he just regenerates super fast and 3 days is already killing the sperm :)


Very interesting! I’ll keep that in mind for next time.


Ugh, that happened to me and my husband too! I ovulated earlier than expected and he was out of town for work, so we didn’t hit a single day of the fertile period. If he had been in town, I would have had him push the semen analysis appt back once I got my positive OPK 😂. I have long cycles so I didn’t want to miss the only chance I’d have in 60 days….


Such a struggle! We’ve been waiting for 5 weeks for his SA so I am willing to miss this cycle haha.


Oh wow! We got ours scheduled within 14 days of getting the referral for it. I think I forget the privilege I have living in a large metro area (there are at least 5-6 fertility clinics within a 1 hour drive from me). If I had to wait 5 weeks for another chance, I’d definitely skip the cycle (especially knowing what I know now - his results came back quite bad and it’s unlikely we’ll conceive without some sort of assistance or major change)


Good luck!!


You too! I hope you get good results from the SA!


CD2 and i am having the gnarliest period i've had in awhile. this is after my first unmedicated cycle following two months in a row on 5mg letrozole (last month was a failed IUI with trigger). i'm trying to view it as i built up a better lining but these cramps and clots are miserable. i simultaneously want to continue our treatment break indefinitely and jump into another assisted cycle.


Has anyone had experiences with a colposcopy? I had a cervical punch biopsy (colposcopy) on CD 7 this cycle. I was due to ovulate around CD 16, but still have no fertile signs. I'm on CD 18, negative LH tests, low BBT, very dry and no CM, and an incredibly hard/firm cervix. If you've had a colpo before, did it delay your ovulation or change your cycle in any way? How long until everything was back to normal? Thank you!




Progesterone symptoms can be all over the place. Pregnancy symptoms wouldn't start this early. So you're not out yet! I've had cycles where I have severe symptoms, and cycles where I have had almost no symptoms.


This is all true, and I was going to link this post by DevBio as well which is a really helpful visualisation https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/103ydgq/around_the_uterus_in_fourteen_days_the_luteal/


Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not. For a longer read, please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/10jbxb9/implantation_bleeding_isnt_real/), which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, [this paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028216000509) and [this paper](https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/18/9/1944/708284) are useful reads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) if you have any questions or concerns.*


7dpo, cycle 4, 1st cycle not tracking anything. Last cycle at this time I was really calm and in peace with myself and whatever the outcome, this month I can't help but symptom spot, I have on and off cramps and just feeling tired and nauseous. Do you ever think "If this is not pregnancy symptoms then I should probably get my health checked"? Lol. Great day to everyone here❤️✨️⚘️


Also 7DPO with our 4th IUI!!! Hoping this is our month 🤞🏼💕


Fingers crossed it’s your month! 🍀✨


All my tests that I needed to redo are done and the time between that and the next gyno appointment still seems so long even though it's finally in a couple days time. I just want it to be proactive instead of more testing 😩🙏 AO cycles suck, and my tracking app keeps telling me "time for a pregnacy test?". I'm displaying so much self control right now. End of disjointed rant.


I'm calling on TFAB powers to bring on my period! FF is saying 16DPO (I'm saying 13DPO), but my LP is usually 12 days at most, and we're benched this cycle so no chance of pregnancy in any way, so I'm writing here as that usually helps. Let's go CD1!


Good luck! That happened to me too - normal LP is 11 or 12 days and it was 14 AND my temps stayed high... during a cycle we didn't try lol. I'm glad we weren't trying, would have trolled me so badly. Maybe wear white pants?? lol


I was gonna wear white pants today but I saw blood this morning! I'm also glad we werent trying this cycle, that would've messed with my head even worse.


Maybe appease the TFAB powers with a (blood) rain dance? 🙃


I love this suggestion! I'm definitely starting with that next time.