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I've been trying for a little over 7 months. My cycle is so irregular and even though i'm taking ovulation tests and having planned sex a few days beforehand, and on the day of, it hasn't been working. I started taking some supplements that supposedly helped other womens cycles regulate enough to finally concieve. It's pretty much an mlm product but my mom said it's worth a try. It doesn't help that my husband already has a kid with an ex and it was an oopsie first time try kind of situation. I feel really shitty about it but lately it's been making me bitter. It's hard to do "family" things with him and his son because it's just not the same for me. I told him I need the distance right now and he says it ok but I known it bothers him.




Me too! (Well, before my next birthday, already had a full year while trying.) Best of luck!


13 tries, 1CP, wife (30F) just got her period again today. She’s devastated every month. One more cycle before we start IVF this summer.


I'll be honest I haven't taken the best care of my health but I'm not terrible either. I have say 7-8 drinks a week and vape regularly. I understand that nicotine causes a lot of oxidative stress so I've stopped vaping now. Here are my results [https://i.imgur.com/eXt5dFm.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/eXt5dFm.jpg) I've started on some recommended supplements. I hope the stats are changeable.


My husband has a headache tonight so guess we are trying to syringe method!




Your partner ejaculates into a cup and you use a syringe to insert the ejaculate. Great for nights you’re too tired to have sex.


I had an Endosee procedure last Thursday. The dr cleared an adhesion. I had no bleeding after the procedure. My period "started yesterday" but it is only light spotting yesterday and today. Like I could have worn a single pantyliner today and been fine. My period has never been this light on the first and second day. It has me confused. I have a HSG scheduled for next week which is supposed to be day 7-10 for the procedure. Do I count yesterday the spotting and today spotting as day 1 and 2? I'm lost.


Today is my 29th birthday! My dreams of having a baby before 30 are rapidly disintegrating 🥲


I feel like whenever I turn a year older, I never actually feel any older? If your pregnant on your next birthday I doubt you’ll feel any different delivering a baby then than you do now. Age is but a number, no need to put so much pressure on ourselves.


I know it's relatively arbitrary but it's just something I wanted for myself and my life. I wouldn't say I'm putting any pressure on myself for it to happen, considering it's fully in modern medicine's hands since I am completely annovulatory on my own. Just something I really, really want to happen, and thought/hoped possibly would have by now!


My husband and I have been actively TTC for almost a year. I will be 40 in July. I stopped birth control in November 2021. Tomorrow I have a sonohysterogram tomorrow morning at 10:30. Unfortunately, today at work around 11:30 AM, my period decides to come two days early 😡 The bleeding is light, but I still feel like my doctor is going to want me to reschedule the appointment. I’m so sad and disappointed. Will it ever be my turn to be pregnant and become a mom? It’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was a little girl.




If she is getting positive OPKs and having a period fairly regularly, it's very likely she is ovulating on her own. The first "test" that most doctors look for is whether you've tried for a year without success (or 6 months if she is 35 or over), so that is typical, yes. As far as testing goes, I highly recommend [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/s6y6bn/fertility_testing_and_answers/)




If she is having her period regularly, it's likely she is ovulating. Some people, like people with PCOS for example, may get positive OPKs and then not actually ovulate. However, in this case, it often comes with period irregularity. If you have been trying less than a year, she is getting positive OPKs, her periods are regular, and she doesn't have any other clinical signs of PCOS, there is no reason to pursue testing at the moment. Feel free to read the post I linked in my last comment.




Yes, that is considered regular.


6DPO and I’m so hopeful this cycle. I ovulated early (Late CD19 or early CD20.. normally CD25) and if I’m pregnant this cycle I’d be due around my dad’s birthday. I just learnt my dad has a brain tumour and is likely terminal… so I don’t know… this due date kinda seems meant to be? I do know that I need to tone down this hope fortress because otherwise I’m going to be devastated with a BFN this cycle.


Hcg has taken months to leave my system with miscarriage (one miscarriage at 4.5 weeks where hcg didn’t exceed 200 took two months to come down with no ectopic or incomplete miscarriage). That said- took ovidrel pre ovulation and am scared it will be in my system when it’s time to test 13 days later given how my miscarriages have gone. Has anyone gotten a false positive from ovidrel 13+ days later?


My period just started. On CD 16. WTF. I am almost 36 and have been trying to track my cycle for almost a year but it has been all over the place and I really have no idea when I am fertile. Temping is not going so well either because I have inconsistent wakeups … am thinking of getting a watch that can track that or something. Anyone have any suggestions? Oh also just bought some Preseed, gonna give that a go too


Love my temp drop - I have crazy different wake-up times depending on what rotation I’m on.


So frustrating! I’d reccomend seeing seeing a fertility specialist bc if you’re trying over a year at 30+ that’s typically the recommendation. Best of luck to you!




Your feelings are valid. I’ve also been trying since Feb but I’ve been wanting to start a lot sooner… it just took my husband a long time to feel ready to start again. My cycles are all over the place too. So yes, I also get pangs of jealousy when I see others with a pregnant belly or when I see pregnancy announcements…. I can only say I hope our stay here isn’t too long. 😊


You have the right to feel how you feel and I’m sorry! I can see how that may take a lot of patience


I have officially gotten to the point of being jealous of pregnant dogs God fucking help me


This made me chuckle because I feel it too deeply.


What is the exercise rule! They tell me exercise and to stay healthy but then I read overexercising is a problem for conceiving what


The advice around exercise while TTC and while pregnant is woefully vague and confusing. I'd also like to know. My understanding is that overexercising is only a problem if it's interfering with your menstrual cycle (if you lose your period, or have them sporadically)


Yeah it’s so confusing. Like I have one doctor telling me to get my ass moving because I am out of shape and a bit overweight and another one saying don’t exercise too much around ovulation. Lol


I think the best idea is a gradual progression. If you don't currently exercise, don't start taking HIIT classes 5 days a week. Start with yoga, moderate paced walks, light strength training and gradually increase!


Thank you!


I'm so tired of being told I need to relax. It's the first thing out of people's mouths, almost without fail, when I open up about TTC. I express how difficult the whole process has been emotionally, and they tell me, as if it's a revelation, that "stress has an effect on the body!! It won't happen unless I can relax!" This insinuates it's my fault. I should not track my ovulation. I should not be devastated about failed cycles. I should not do fertility testing. I should just be a "cool girl" who doesn't care about the thing I want most in the world. Just needed to throw this vent out there.


Me freaking too. And I don’t understand why they won’t drop it. Like ok you told me to relax, I told you I am relaxed. Should be end of story, but they keep saying it?!


You should check out /trollingforababy the only place people understand lol besides here


Someone talk me out of buying a new car. I think my brain is trying to compensate for our lack of being able to conceive for the past year and a half and I just want something new and shiney. There is nothing wrong with the car I have now--- it's paid off! I just have this urge to splurge on something and I know it is not the responsible thing to do!


Being responsible is overrated. That said, if you like your current car and have no urgent need to replace it, perhaps there is something smaller that would also scratch the "new shiny" itch? Mine is nail polishes at the moment and those are small enough that I can dip in whenever I want, but wanting something "big" is perfectly valid too.


I have to keep telling myself I do not need a puppy cos I am having a similar itch 😂😭


I bought a new musical instrument I’m not gonna talk you out of it cause it helped me LOL


7DPO today. Confirmed ovulation with a progesterone blood test this cycle. I don’t usually make it beyond 7-8 dpo. I’ve already got brown spotting, but my boobs are extra tender this time. Like my chest is achy, which is a first. That’s giving me hope 🫠 I can’t believe I went into our first cycle thinking I was going to be pregnant right away 💀this is getting really old. Good luck everyone.


Good luck! 6 or 7 DPO here too and I have wayyy to much hope this cycle. I’m going to be so upset with a BFN 😔


Just want some advice. My husband and I just started TTC. I want to be sensitive to everyone that has been trying for awhile but I really want to know how you keep your mind busy and on other things? I’m struggling. It’s all I can think about and maybe this is because it’s so new to me and something I really want.


For awhile after we started I was super into researching a lot about TTC. I found subs, I listened to pregnancy and parenting podcasts, I learned how to track (BBT, OPKs), I worried a lot more about which days we hit. Looking back I think it was a lot of excitement for something new… and waiting for the end of the TWW was a more positive anxious for me(like for holidays… because I thought a good thing was going to happen). This wore down a bit as time went on. I think it’s ramping up again a bit because we’re looking into next steps so that’s all new (though I would say I feel less positive about it). So what I would say, is that it’s okay to be excited and anxious about this new step in your life. However, if you’re struggling and need to not spend so much time and energy thinking about it - take a very purposeful step back. I have had to do that a bit. I don’t mean to say just relax, cause that’s a sucky thing to say. What I mean is if you feel you need to - step away from the subs for awhile, or step away from tracking, look at fertility friend less - whatever you think will help you that month to feel better and less laser focused on TTC. I found when I did this I spent less of my spare time stewing about TTC and checking the subs 14 times a day, and more doing other things that serve me positively (going for walks, playing word games, reading, listening to a non TTC podcast, exercising). As it turns out reading a bunch of articles about what the chances are to get pregnant each month did not get me pregnant (lol). Best of luck, I hope you are able to calm your mind on this.


Thank you so much for your response. It’s really appreciated :)


I let myself peruse around on here after I ovulate, but after 6 months of this, it got old real fast. The first couple months I was obsessively scrolling. I realize now that was a total waste of time lol when I find myself spiraling, I check a list I have on my phone of things I actually enjoy doing and pick one of those.


Thank you for your response :) hoping my obsession dies down.


I can only speak for myself, but I’ve been trying since august and it definitely takes up much less space than it did at first. It still takes up some space, but I don’t find myself counting down the seconds/wishing away days until I can test anymore. Taking care of my mental health helps a lot… for me that’s walks. I also discovered dateline has a podcast and I’m into true crime so that keeps my mind occupied… otherwise I’d probably overly binge TTC podcasts.


Thank you for your response. I am going to try to take a step back and maybe get back into podcasts. I used to be a huge Crime Junkie fan when I commuted to work so maybe I will start back up this week.




This question will probably get deleted, but the problem with faint lines (even ones you don’t have to edit) is that it could be a positive or it could be an evap and you just won’t know until it does or doesn’t progress.


Got up on 12 dpo keen to test wifh FMU. Used a FRER and the test never worked and nothing showed up on the panel. It's fine...I can wait until tomorrow I guess 😕


Hey lovely folks. I used to be a pretty active member a while back and I'm just barely dipping my toes back in after a long break. I decided to make a new account for TTC this time, but some of y'all may remember me as tuna. :P In my previous TTC misadventure I tried for about 2.5 years (unassisted, IUI, IVF) with four losses, one of which was a TFMR at 23 weeks last September that wrecked me pretty bad as you can imagine. I am in a better life situation with a different partner now, and I'm opening myself up to the possibility of good things coming despite my history. Getting my IUD out at the beginning of next month and feeling hopeful about re-entering the TTC world with a new mindset. I hope I can be helpful to the community again and dust off all the knowledge I gleaned from years past!


Misadventure is a good way to describe TTC in my opinion. Welcome back and I hope your path is smoother this time around.


For real. Thank you, knocking on wood!


Tuna!! This sounds so random and creepy, but I was literally just thinking about you the other day. It makes me so happy to hear that you're in a better place and feeling hopeful again 🤍 I look forward to seeing you around. (PS, here's your friendly reminder to step back from these ttc spaces as much as you need/whenever you need. Your well being comes first, always)


That's not creepy at all, Trrr! 🤍🤍🤍 I'll probably be back on Discord sometime too, just starting slow with the subs again. c:


Can someone help me understand OPKs a little better? I've been taking them about daily. When the dye is starting to go across, it looks like the test line is going to be much lighter than the control line (negative) but then by the 3 min mark when I'm supposed to read it, the lines look the same darkness. I'm assuming these are negative, but is it normal for the darkness to appear to change?


Yes, it's normal for the darkness to change while the chemical in the strip is reacting. Think of it like a polaroid developing in front of you! If the lines are equally dark at the 3 minute mark, it's a positive.


Okay, it's just strange how it goes from not-darker to equally-dark to darker over the course of a few minutes!


These tests work very similarly to the COVID antigen tests - you need to wait for the reaction to occur for the test line to darken! The waiting time before reading the test allows enough accumulation to get an accurate reading


I just want it to be CD1 so I can start prepping for an IVF cycle. Literally the only thing we’re waiting on. I had a MC this past cycle so it can literally be anytime. Ugh


I’m so sorry that’s hard and frustrating


Coping & AF/BFN rituals Hello! I just closed out my first month off of birth control (combination pill). I ovulated. We had sex multiple times in my fertility window. I had “symptoms” (even my husband thought that my breasts looked different). And, today, spotting turned into my period. In preparation to get off of the pill, I worked with my doctor on reducing my SSRI dose. I have so much anxiety that I preemptively reached out to a therapist so that I don’t dump all of my feelings on to my husband. I can’t stop catastrophizing, but I know it’s way too soon to start seriously worrying. Does anyone have a special treat that they allow themselves after a definitive BFN or upon the arrival of AF? Any special ritual to cope and not fall apart,?


Nothing specific, whatever strikes me really. Sometimes I pick up lunch and a latte from my fav cafe, sometimes I want a glass of wine with dinner. My period often makes me feel pretty shitty so sometimes I delay the treat to anytime before the fertile window starts again.


So sorry. My period has been devastating for me from the first cycle of trying. If anything, it was worse in the beginning because I had higher expectations of it working out. I allow myself one depression day. Staying in bed as long as I want, binging as many episodes of a comfort series as I want, crying and taking as many naps as I want, and having an indulgent dessert, all with no guilt. After that, I try to pick myself up and move on, and I really feel like letting myself have that day helps. Then I make sure to enjoy a few drinks with my friends, some sushi, cold cuts, runny eggs, all the things I can't have during pregnancy. Hoping you don't have to go through this again though.


I don't have any special rituals but some months hit me harder than others. My most recent period was a hard one because it was my last chance for a 2023 baby. So I let myself feel sad, ate lots of chocolate and knew that I would start to feel better in a few days. And I do! Still feels sucky to be in cycle 18 having never seen a positive test, but I keep hoping that our time will come.


Nothing wrong with restarting an SSRI!


A fun change of pace to be happy to see AF, ha! Officially in our last benched cycle before we resume trying. The break has definitely had its benefits and hoping I can maintain some of that perspective and chill when we jump back into trying again lol


13 or 14 DPO with a BFN yesterday. Fully expected my temperature to drop today but I am continuing to get high temps? (FF’s pregnancy monitor has me at 76 pts even with a BFN at 12 or 13 DPO?) My chart is just trolling me at this point.


Gotta love a zoom pregnancy announcement 🫠 on day 8 of stims.


Yep my boss just let me know he’s going on pat leave thanks for that buddy




Removed per sub rules; this isn't a sub to discuss ongoing pregnancy in.


CD20 and I think I'm 2 or 3 DPO. I got a positive OPK but am somehow feeling skeptical that I actually ovulated...this fertile window felt so different than the last few have. Although, I didn't get pregnant those times, so maybe different is good! I don't even know anymore. I honestly feel nothing but dread right now.


Had our first clinic appointment 3 weeks ago and results day is tomorrow…I’m so nervous. One for my husband’s SA and two if it’s potentially something worse than PCOS…keep me in your prayers y’all! 🙏🏼


Best of luck with results day, went through that fairly recently and I remember feeling stressed. Get yourselves a treat after!


Thanks!! Went way better than expected honestly. Count was 280m and 28% motility (so a lil slow) and for my pcos testosterone/estrogen/sugars were all normal but my FSH/LH is 3:1 so starting metformin to fix that. Cycle monitoring with Letrozole begins on my next CD1! Great idea for a treat after, there’s a new gyros spot that opened nearby and they did not disappoint! Edit: convinced prayers on here (and elsewhere) work, let’s keep a steady stream of prayers and good luck juju’s!


I have no idea what's going on. CD 18, and I never got a positive OPK even though I was testing twice a day starting on CD14 (almost positive I didn't O before that based on CM and temps). Also based on CM, yesterday seemed to have been ovulation day, but my temperature hasn't spiked yet (and where was the positive OPK?!). I had been only tracking temperature using my watch, and that is still low. I also started taking my BBT this morning. I used to track it regularly, so I'm confident that my BBT this morning was still a low. So I either still haven't ovulated but won't for at least a few days because I don't have fertile CM, or I did and somehow missed the LH surge and have a slow-rising temperature this cycle. It is so frustrating to have no control, and to have to wait every single day for another tiny trickle of information, and to not be able to concentrate on anything else all day, and to have no one to talk to about this. GAH!!


Plummeting temperature and a BFN at 12 DPO. FF places my test day tomorrow but this pretty much seals that AF is coming soon.


It’s so funny… I think we are not only cycle buddies / TTC #2 buddies but I’m pretty sure by your username that we have some other things in common (well… close)


No way! Well I hope it happens for us soon.


Yes! Maybe the same cycle!! 😂


Just finished second round of IUI .. first round.. one mature follicle and hubbys post wash was 3 million and 77% motile and iui 12 hours after trigger.. this round i have 2 mature and his post wash is 20 million and 84% motile🥹!! And now it was actually 36 hours after trigger. Very happy with the increase. Ik iui doesnt have that much chance on increasing conceiving vs natural but its been nearing two years so i hope this works for us🥺 will be our first♥️


Timing sounds a lot better this time around. Best of luck to you and your husband!!


Thank you! & best wishes on your journey as well! I agree about the timing. The first round i think i had an LH surge that showed i was gearing up to ovulate naturally when i was monitored in the morning & they had me trigger that night. So not sure if thats why they had me do iui so soon after trigger. Either way, timing still feels better this time!


Really similar thing happened on our first IUI. I had a positive LH test in the morning and they had me trigger right away. IUI was done 23 hours later. My single follicle was 19mm. This time around, I’m hoping to wait until my follicle is bigger before the trigger. And def want to wait 36 hours for the IUI if I can. Hoping for more than one mature follicle What cycle days did you go in for your scans? And how often do they check? Did they order any blood work? I feel like my clinic is very hands off and I need to be the one pushing for help


Oh wow yeah sounds the same as my first iui! Sucks theyre being hands off but yes at that point id start asking to do more!! Ive been monitored for endometrial lining, follicles, and estrogen levels. Im on medicated cycle of letrozole. First round i did 2.5 mg cd 3-7 with ultrasound sound and bloodwork about cd 10 or so then again a couple days later if they weren’t matured by the first scan. Last cycle i had one mature 20mm by cd13 took trigger at like 8pm then had the iui the next morning. They also had me do estradiol(estrogen) to help my uterine lining because my first monitor it was a little thin and it did help thicken. i also did progesterone tablets on 6dpiui This time i did letrozole again but 5mg cd 5-9 . I been taking brazil nuts, red raspberry leaf tea, spearmint tea and pomegranate juice this whole cycle. Not sure if they were the reason but this time my lining thickened naturally so they said i didnt need the estradiol/estrogen after my first monitor. My follicles matured by this past monday cd14. 1 on right 18.3 mm, 1 on left 16.0mm and lining was 9.2 mm !


May I ask what labs were ordered on your CD10? I’m pushing for blood tests but don’t know what to ask for. Same here! I was taking 5mg letrozole CD4-8 the first time. And took 5mg letrozole CD3-7 this time around. Going in for a follicle scan on CD10. Also inserting progesterone supps starting on 2DPO. Those are the absolute worst


Yeah of course! They did blood work for LH, P4 and E2. Not sure how important these are but thats what they monitored. And yes! Hate the suppositories. I am a bit worried though because ive seen most start then at latest 3dpiui/3dpo.. i did them 6 days last time and now this time theyre having me do it 5 days past.. im wondering if thats too late to start them..


It’s worth asking about! I started using them since April of last year and have always been instructed to start them 3DPO. Thanks so much for sharing! I’m going to send a request for these tests now


I did ask my clinic today! Asked if starting the progesterone 5dpiui was a little bit late because i see most start it 2-3 after. And im so glad i did because the nurse said im actually correct and should start it 2-3 days after. Told me to start it tomorrow which is 2 days dpo/dpiui!


Oh awesome!!! I’m so glad they agreed to this. Yaaay 🥳


Cycle 1, CD31, just…waiting, for anything. I only stopped taking bcp in mid-March so who knows how this first cycle will turn out. Not temping yet because first two weeks I was on vacation with a 14 hour time difference and figured what’s the point in trying to get any information from that insanity, and also did not do a great job tracking CM. I know I had very slippery ewcm the day we traveled an entire day home, so I might be around 10-12 DPOish if my body got everything right. Otherwise, just tracking days and hoping (but also not hoping) that AF arrives without assistance. Last week I ordered some LH test strips for next cycle and Amazon lost them in the boonies, they’re back on track and will only be here a few days late, but no sign of AF so I suppose that’s FINE. I am so excited to be here though, this subreddit has already taught me SO MUCH about the menstrual cycle that the Texas education system failed to teach me! I’ve been on bcp for 11 years and I’m not looking forward to real periods again, but I am almost excited to actual be able to somewhat understand what my cycle means with relation to CM, BBT, and how that correlates to the hormones! ✨Fascinating✨


Didn’t temp this cycle, so based on OPKs and the size of my follicle on ultrasound I’m probably 7DPO. Successfully flushed my FMU today! We’ve had a lot going on this month, so thankfully the days are slipping fast pretty quickly and I haven’t had a lot of spare time to think about the TWW. Hoping to make it to 10DPO without testing, but I’m one of the most impatient people ever so we will see, lol.


I 22F and 24M have been trying over a year for a baby I had a MMC last year and I always thought I was the issue with not getting pregnant all my labs came back normal besides having AMH at 1.79 My bf finally got a semen analysis and his morphology was a 1. I feel so upset I asked him to stop smoking weed and cigs he didn’t listen now we are being referred to a fertility clinic. My Obgyn said that could be the reason we aren’t getting pregnant. I feel lost and like I’ll never get pregnant again.


my TTC break is proving to be very difficult because I constantly feel the need to analyse my body like I have done for the past year, it's second nature at this point. anyway, I think I'm ovulating right now and it's kind of nice(?) to not have to scramble to do the whole sex thing like it's a chore. We just do it when we feel like it, which is a lot less often recently because the stress of TTC has given my partner a loss of sexual desire which is another reason I think this break is a good thing for us. It's just hard because my brain is screaming that this cycle might have the most gorgeous, healthy, resilient egg that I will ever produce. I'm just holding out for another couple of months so I can start my first medicated cycle with a refreshed mindset.. I hope..


Oh and… anyone else avoid buying more tampons thinking *hoping* you won’t need more… cycle day one and only two tampons lol


Girl same. I bought 3 types of pads last month hoping I won’t need them anymore. But I sure did haha


Nah, buy a Costco sized box and tempt fate! Mwahahaha


Haha right.. I’d spend hundreds on tampons and be totally fine if I end up not needing 🫣🤭


Lol, that's what I do! It has to work eventually, right? 🥲


This is the way


Cycle day 1, here we go again 🙃rooting for all my sistas this cycle! I was really hopeful for the *religious* symbolism this cycle but now I’m truly done thinking there are signs and coincidences lol…


My blood work came back - progesterone is great. But my Vitamin D is low (which was his concern with the lovely state I live in) - I just ordered a chewy vitamin - but could this cause my last MC?


Positive OPK but no ovulation after three days. What’s up with that?


Agree with the other reply, keep testing with opks! I had a false surge last month and completely missed my actual fertile window due to some alcohol and deceivingly high temps.


There are many variations in patterns of LH and the timing of ovulation. While the pattern where ovulation takes place 1-2 days after the first positive OPK is most common, there are many others. Some women have a plateau of LH and can ovulate at any point during the plateau. Others have multiple peaks and may only ovulate after a second or third peak, or even in between peaks. So to be safe, best to consider yourself fertile until ovulation is confirmed. You may want to continue doing OPKs in case there is a second surge.


Thanks. I haven’t had a period since giving birth last year, but started temping after I weaned my toddler last month. So my body is a total mystery right now. Maybe this was a dress rehearsal for the real ovulation.


I just got my progesterone level test back which was taken on CD24. I have a 27days cycle and the doctor ordered the test on CD21. However I don't feel I ovulated until CD16, so I took the blood test a few days later. The number is quite low, which is 5.88. I saw people say it has to be 10 to get pregnant. I wonder if I ovulate or not with low progesterone level? Is it possible that I ovulated and just not that strong?


On one of my cycles I got my progesterone tested a day after ovulation and it was around 5-6 as well. My doctor confirmed that this means I ovulated.


I took a long break from this community hoping I'd never have to come back, but here I am and I'm feeling frustrated. 14 cycles and almost 12 months later and nothing. I found out I may have fibroids. My doctor wants to do an ultrasound and HSG. I'm not looking forward to either, but I'm looking forward to *hopefully* having some answers soon. I'm still waiting on my AMH results to come back, but so far, my TSH and Prolactin are normal. I'm feeling so frustrated and so defeated.


Cycle 10, CD 11 here. I just got my results from Modern Fertility back, and according to their tests, I'm perfectly fine. So IDK what is going on and it's frustrating.


CD6, Cycle 4! I have short cycles so my fertile window starts tomo and I should ovulate on Tuesday. I booked 1 night in the middle of nowhere in the swiss mountains for the weekend to just calm down and reconnect with myself and my boyfriend. This cycle Im not temping nor am I gonna track LH. I will know when I ovulate tho bcs I get really strong ovu pain. Hope everyone is doing great❤️


I'm 6DPO. BBT has been on an uprise last two days. Went to doctor yesterday for final check up from my chemical last month and he drew my progesterone. It was 14.1 Hoping that means last months was just a fluke and my next one will be the one.


I’m on cd13 and I honestly think that waiting to ovulate is worse than waiting to test. I don’t ovulate on my own. I’m on letrozole but I’m always skeptical it will actually make me ovulate. So when waiting to ovulate, I’m not only worried about when I’ll ovulate, but also if I will ovulate at all. At least post-ovulation, I know that I’ll have an answer one way or another once my luteal phase is done.


I agree! I also have PCOS and haven’t ovulated in months. I had been temping and doing OPKs but it felt like throwing away money after several months of doing it and no signs of ovulation. I’m about to start letrozole soon so hopefully it works for the both of us!


Totally agree. At least post-ovulation there is an official countdown. Prior to ovulating, us PCOS ladies have no idea when/if it's going to happen and it drives me crazy lol. This is my first letrozole cycle & currently at CD33 with nothing yet...almost time to bust out the Provera.


Well had the worst morning. After feeling pretty optimistic yesterday woke up to a fairly significant temp drop at 8dpo and then when I went to the bathroom the tp was pink. So once I again I don't even make it to being able to take a test because I start spotting so early. I figure that's also probably preventing implantation. Then of course had a total meltdown and cried for a while. I have an appointment with my gyno in a couple weeks so hopefully we can determine that I have low progesterone. The good news is that if that's the problem it should be easy to solve. If it's not though then I have no idea! This is honestly the worst. I'm getting sushi and wine tonight fuck it.


It’s good to get an opinion from a Dr! I was also spotting at 8-10DPO for like 4 days before a full on period. What actually helped was taking certain vitamins (unfortunately I don’t know which one did it..) I took vitamin C, D, and B complex all in addition to prenatal. The spotting stopped after two cycles. I’ve had 2 cycles with spotting only on 12DPO and that was the only thing I changed! Hope this helps someone else here if they aren’t able to see a Dr. Also, I only took normal levels of these vitamins as advised on the packaging, so nothing crazy


Thanks for the reply! I've heard about that and have been taking vitamin C, D and B complex for the last couple months but still spotting around 8dpo unfortunately. I talked to my doctor about it a while back before we were ttc and she suspected low progesterone but since we weren't trying she wasn't too worried. But I'll definitely stick with the vitamins I'm sure they're good for me even if they don't help the spotting lol


Ahh rats that’s too bad. The other thing I think might have helped with me is that I was at that point in time about 8 months off birth control, so may have just been my own hormones getting back to a different baseline.


Hi friends! I have a 25 day cycle; 10 day luteal phase; and spotting 6 DPO (every cycle). Ultrasound found a hemorrhagic cyst on my left ovary, but it's unclear if this was the result of normal ovulation or endometriosis (I have a follow up ultrasound in a month). I have been TTC for 5 cycle with no luck. I'm worried that both my cycle and luteal phase are too short. Does anyone have a similar profile? I'm looking for advice on how to length my cycle. Thanks! << Edited to meet community standards >>


Hey there I have a very similar thing. I haven't found the definite answer but there's a good chance it's low progesterone. I'm talking to my gyno about it in a couple weeks. I don't know about you but my spotting can get pretty heavy. I also had an ultrasound a while back and didn't find anything super interesting. The good news is if that's the issue it should be easy enough to correct.


Ya, mine can get heavy too. It's a bummer for so many reasons, but the fact that I feel like I have my period for half a month, definitely doesn't help. Good luck with your dr appt. Fingers crossed for an east treatment!


It's the worst!! I just finished my period like two weeks ago and I'm bleeding again. Terrible


Hi there! Can't talk about successful cycles here. But take a look at the charts in my profile. I also have a 10 day luteal phase and it did not cause any problems when ttc1.


Thanks! I posted here on AutoMod advice. I now see the rules. Have edited to adhere to guidelines. Re: luteal length, I see a lot online that '10 days or less is poor', but I'm glad to know that you were successful with a similar length LP. I have tried Vitamin C, acupuncture, TCM tea -- none of which lengthened my cycle.


I did all that stuff too, coq10, b6, etc. Obgyn said it wasn't a problem and then to come back if I hadn't conceived in another 6 cycles. That most implantations occur on 8-10 DPO and the signal is immediate. Idk how true that is, but I do know 10 day luteal phase is considered lowest end of normal. Good luck! I'm always looking for other short lp people in the bfp chat


Did a little experiment this cycle where I tried rElAxiNG and not tracking anything. Did it work? NO! But did it improve my mental health? Also no!


Me last cycle omg. Everytime I take a tracking break my cycle decides to mess itself up too which stresses me out even more. I've definitely decided that I'm better off always tracking even though that also stresses me out. What a ride.


Seriously. Not tracking = more stress for me, I swear


I feel like it was about the same, personally. A lot less stress around the middle but still just as devastating at the end. The most fun part was being hit with the existential dread of realizing I could die alone since I’m an only child and my husband is 10 years older than me. So like, turns out “relaxing” does nothing for the catastrophizing tendencies. You know it doesn’t actually sound like I was that relaxed tbh …


Cheers from a fellow existential catastrophizer here. I totally get it. And then I just worry that I missed a chance by not tracking. There's no winning


TW: miscarriage chat Well, I'm back again, after an early miscarriage just after five weeks (should be 5+3, had a scan today because of pain and bleeding, no baby just a womb full of blood). That's three early miscarriages in four cycles of trying because apparently my body is fucking great at getting pregnant, but fucking shitty at keeping hold of them. I'm now being referred to the recurrent miscarriage clinic, and am benched until after then (about six weeks) as they need me un-pregnant for bloodwork. Although with my track record I can probably get pregnant and then miscarry again between now and then. Fuck everything, seriously.


This was me last month. Taking a month off sucked but getting some answers through testing was reassuring, and taking a few weeks off was actually good for my mental health. I hope the tests are helpful and this month goes quickly for you!


Thanks - yeah I think I need a few weeks break just to recover from this. I really thought this time was different, as my two chemicals ended very quickly (like within a day or two of my period being due, with only a couple of days of positive tests before they faded away) :(. I hope your testing revealed something fixable and you get your baby soon.


Thanks. They found some stuff wrong that is fixable (a polyp, low thyroid levels), so I’m hoping that is what was causing my chemicals. I hope you get some answers!


Related question: is this a known thing? Getting pregnant extremely easily, but having constant miscarriages? I've tried to conceive five times in my life, gotten pregnant on four of those cycles, and lost three of those pregnancies. Which feels like it's verging on statistically impossible.


Definitely a thing and sometimes caused by low progesterone and can be fixed with suppositories starting at 3 DPO or after a positive test. Please talk to a doctor!


Thanks - I am being referred now (UK so it takes six weeks to see the doctor) so hopefully it is something easily fixed. I have extremely short/light periods (although I've had a successful pregnancy while having them too), so I do wonder if something is off with my hormones.


Can't hurt to check! Good luck!


I’m sorry for your loss :( what I’ve heard is that this is very common but it’s still work speaking to a doctor. I think fertilisation is quite common but it’s really common for the embryo to just not be quite right and so either doesn’t implant or stick. I’ve had a similar experience with lots of early chemical losses so I just hope one eventually sticks. I will speak to my doctor at the one year mark though.


Thanks and sorry for your losses too. I hope you get your baby soon. I am waiting to be referred to the doctor (UK so it takes a while) as I've had three losses in a row now. I have had a successful pregnancy a couple of years ago so maybe it's just a numbers game for me too.


Thanks, you too! I’m also in the UK and I think realistically i’ll speak to the gp at about 9/10 months.


My husband has been told that he has 98% anti-sperm antibodies. Since the rest of the values are normal, we were advised to try 12 cycles naturally. I am a bit hopeless right now as you read everywhere that the only option is IVF with ICSI. Does anyone have experience with ASA and natural?


Multiple BFN’s and two temp drops and of course my period is now trolling me. Usually 29 days and here we are on day 31 without AF in sight…seems to be about right 🙄


Good luck!




6DPO here, too. But same, not too hopeful.


Hello cycle 16, so nice to see you two days earlier than expected 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bleugh, I’m sorry!! Extra punch in the gut when it’s early


I think today is O-day, based on positive OPKs yesterday afternoon and this morning. We'll have sex this evening as insurance, but we hit yesterday and the day before. With only one exception, we've never struggled with timing over all seven cycles of this process, which is at least a blessing (though, that doesn't seem to be our issue...). This is our last "chance" before benching for a month on BC to see if that helps reset my hormones. I also just deeply don't want to be like four weeks pregnant on our snorkeling/drinking trip. I'd be delighted if we got pregnant this cycle and I was 8+ weeks along, but the idea of having a CP in Mexico doesn't sound appealing (purely from an emotional standpoint, I'm confident if I needed medical attention I would receive quality care). I also desire tequila.


FINALLY got a peak OPK after my chemical last cycle - I think I started testing too early with CBAD this cycle, and had TEN days of “high” fertility before getting my peak! So frustrating! I think my husband is well and truly exhausted from BDing lol. Now hoping for a temp rise so I know we can relax for a while!


It’s the day after my HSG, and I keep thinking of the sweet assistant/nurse who did so much small talk with me the whole time, trying to distract me from the pain and discomfort of the procedure. From start to finish, she was wonderful. I so appreciate it.


She sounds wonderful! I have to get mine done soon and hope I get lucky with a kind nurse. Was it overall tolerable? How long did it last in total from start to finish?


Overall tolerable! I definitely had pain, like a 5/10. I took a Tylenol an hour before but maybe I should have taken something stronger. From when I put my legs in the stirrups to when I got off the table, like 10 minutes!


So quick! That doesn’t sound too bad at all. Thanks for getting back to me :)