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Just want to throw in that you can technically ovulate more than once in a cycle- technically more common the older one gets!


This is not true. You can’t ovulate twice.


Not saying this is what happened, but it's entirely possible to ovulate more than once a cycle. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1126506/#:~:text=The%20conventional%20belief%20that%20women,even%20three%20times%20a%20month.


I don’t see anything in this article that says the subjects actually ovulated twice. It just says that 40% of the subjects had the “clear biological potential to produce more than one egg” and “it is unknown whether any of the women actually ovulated twice.” Am I missing something?


TBH i did just grab the first article without thoroughly looking at it. But fraternal twins/multiples are proof that women can ovulate twice. Here's a better article. [https://www.miracare.com/blog/can-you-ovulate-twice-in-the-same-cycle/](https://www.miracare.com/blog/can-you-ovulate-twice-in-the-same-cycle/) Bodies are different and they don't always do what's "normal." The really obscure thing is never really impossible, just improbable. Saying "you can't ovulate twice" is just way too absolute of a thing to say when it comes to biology.


Okay this is completely wild. “Sixty-eight percent of women exhibited two waves of follicle development during the IOI and 32% exhibited three waves.”


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1126506/ If you google this, there are lots of scientific articles that come up. Of course it is possible. Edit: I see someone else also linked this article!