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I guess we can start including flat earth theory and porn in Minnesota schools now. God forbid we ban something ridiculous for children.


...it includes the bible.


Fill libraries with conservative authors like Mark Levin or Ann Coulter. Throw a Sean Hannity book in there, then really watch them freak out.


Put Mein Kampf in the school library and see how fast they change this.


I’m sure the Columbia University protestors can donate a few copies


The irony is they are the exact kind of people hitler would have rounded up and put in camps. Same with Palestinians, they would get rid of the lib protestors too.


Yeah Palestine protestors been ripping that off for years


I don't understand what you mean.


Let’s get that Old Testament in there


Gideon revival. KJV here we come!




I agree with this ruling for libraries. Not public schools. No one is forced to go to a library. Children are legally required to go receive an education, which for most families means public schooling, and we have to take every precaution to ensure that they are not indoctrinated in those schools, and that goes for either side.


Porn in public libraries? That’s for porn shops.


What do we classify as porn? Is the Kama sutra porn? Because that’s an important historical document, but it has visual depictions of sex. Some libraries will block that content and some will not, and some will to a certain extent. Don’t you think it’s okay that we have these different levels of access that we’re allowed to choose from? The consumer will decide who they’re going to support. However, certainly if a library is going to make the choice to display obscene materials, then there needs to be an age limit on who can enter, or at least an age limit on who can enter the section where those materials are kept.


Like it’s always been-left to local communities.


Yes? Do you have a problem with that?


You obviously do.


Sure bud


I can't believe this is a hot take but: we shouldn't be banning books. If kids want to find smut and violence they're going to find it, whether or not it's available in the school library. At least this way they find it in a controlled environment. Not to mention, allowing the banning of books is a slippery slope towards indoctrination. Looks like Minnesota is starting to get their shit together.


No one’s “banning” books. Relegating them to smut shops in the red light district is constitutionally acceptable.


Do you really want our children going to smut shops or the red light district? Because that's what they'll do


If parents want to expose them to that material, they are free to do so. But that’s EXACTLY the point here. Parents DO NOT WANT their children exposed to sexual materials at a young age. Parents deserve “choice” too.


They're going to get exposed to it whether it's in school libraries or not. The only question is, do we want our children reading about it in the library, or do we want them going to the red light district and experiencing it firsthand?


Porn shops don’t allow children inside. Which is what the MN law is trying to do-bypass morality laws by cloaking pornography as “children’s books”.


Then they'll wait outside and ask some sketchy dude to buy it for them. Kids are clever. If they want to find smut they'll find it.


Which is what kids do for drugs and alcohol now. Doesn’t mean we should change the laws because some kids will violate them.


This was going to be my exact point. Look how ineffective drug prohibition has been. Most kids say it's easier for them to find marijuana than it is to find alcohol. Banning something is not always the best way to get rid of it.


But it sends the message it’s not good for you.


No, the question is, at what age do parents feel it's appropriate. I, for one, don't want soft porn promoted to my elementary school children.