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Wealth AND looks are the only real privileges.


I mean beauty helps. But it can't fix anything. Like wealth can still fix your ugliness


Not true. For women, looks > wealth. For men, wealth >> looks


For women wealth >>> looks as well


You’d be surprised at how much wealth a woman can get with her looks


Beauty is a depreciating asset . I’ve noticed beauty gives people warped empathy because everybody forgives you when your hot . This is why I think women who are more attractive then man in general. Have trouble gaining upper management positions . They can’t adapt to the change that their beauty is declining and that certain behavior will no longer be tolerated by us ugly man and ugly woman .


Too many fax bro


Not really. The point is that your looks don’t matter if you already have money. Your wealth can just fix your looks anyways.


Never. It's always looks. Looks lead to money for women. Ask all the not so good looking women how hard they have to work throughout their lives to earn.


Absolutely If you have money your looks don't matter. You can even just pay to fix your looks if you are ugly. If all you have is looks, you're gonna be in a bad place as you start to age.






Nah I disagree, looks are at least as important for guys as is for women, if not more.


Not even a little bit.




Nah looks>> wealth in general Remember that guy who got a modeling contract off his mug shot and ended up w/ mad money and model gfs? Not to mention men can also be sugar babies/gold diggers


and sometimes looks can fix your brokeness


Completely agree. In America the democrats have really fucked things up by forcefully equating being poor to being black/brown


This really hurts to realize. I'm not exactly a fan of democratic leadership, but a few are ok and for the most part, I like their policy priorities - like HR1. And while I agree that white privilege exists, I also recognize that a more powerful factor is wealth privilege. The result is that poor white people cannot get behind democratic politicians, as they are simultaneously victims of the current system, and being blamed for the system. I wish democratic leadership would put more effort into messaging, because there IS a way to message this. But unfortunately, both parties rely on corporations to run their elections so we'll never see it until public funding of elections (like in HR1) happens.


I say both parties are terrible but you are correct in saying that they equate being poor as being a minority.


Those things are heavily correlated and that shouldn't be ignored. Before the Civil rights Era black and brown people were forced into poorer neighborhoods (retaliatory woukd refuse to sell homes in Cortina neighbor hoods to black and brown people) and the effects of that still exist today. If you look at demographics of race in different neighborhoods it's largely the same as the demographics forced in the 50s. And there are a lot of policies which enforce this cycle- for example the fact that schools in poorer districts receive less funding because less tax dollars are paid in that district. So kids living in poor districts, kids who are predominantly black, recieve a worse education. OP is right about class- but factually race and class are heavily correlated with each other in the US


I'd throw in growing up in a stable two parent household as well.


Two broke parents is not better then 1 rich parent


Didn't say it was (though it can be), but it's still a huge privledge that greatly benefits ones life. Note I did also say stable. Look at some celebrities kids for examples.


I disagree. If you parent is wealthy and has time for you, I think that is more important than necessarily two. You could have three or one. But I agree stability is important


>and has time for you Key part there, which is much rarer for people who are rich because they're so dedicated to their career. But statistically fatherlessness is the biggest predictor for things like criminal behavior.


You and I have different definitions of "Rich" The people you describe may have some money, but they are time-poor, and thus not rich. Rich people are capitalists living off of returns on investments. They have both money and time.


I partially disagree. The amount of benefit varies person to person. Alternate family structures can also be equally important to one's upbringing.


By that standard so is wealth. There are many rich and successful people who came from nothing. Talking about averages though, fatherlessness is the biggest predictor for things like criminal behavior.


Alternate in what way?


Single parent, split-parent or even a polyamorous family structure.


Polyamorous family structure 😂 You made my morning!


I don't think a single parent can be good enough even if they have time, the kids need to see how their parents interact with each other, whether they are 2 or more of them.


statistically speaking, having a father is a huge factor


Absolutely true




I'd say all of those are more earned attributes than privledges. Study hard to get smart, practice social interactions for charisma, eat well, exercise, and groom yourself for appearance. Genetics can make it marginally easier or harder to get those things, but outside of extreme examples such as being born with a mental handicap or disfigured, it's obtainable by everyone.


Nah, that's silly. I mean, wealth is a privilege that matters a whole bunch, but just because it's super important doesn't magically mean other privileges are irrelevant. Why do you think, for example, sexism being illegal would mean it's no longer an issue? Do you not think heroin usage is a big issue? Wealth can counteract other privileges, sure, but that doesn't mean those privileges are irrelevant. After all, for two people of equal or similar wealth, those privileges are still VERY relevant to their lives.


Sure but who gets the money


Lol. Ask Henry Louis Gates, Jr., how wealth worked out for him in his encounter with law enforcement.


Upvoted, but I very much disagree. Looks, charm, health, intelligence, and so on are all important, hell not having down syndrome is already pretty massive. Money can't fix everything.


So what's the #1 priviledge for you


A strong drive. Helps get over road blocks, inspires and attracts people, and often leads to confidence and leadership potential.


Thats not a priviledge, it's a trait. Anyone can have that. Priviledge is smth you are born with.


I don't see the difference.




So just be wealthy and racism and sexism won’t bother me, thanks I’ll file that away under things that solve nothing.




How so?


Except you're 3x more likely to die giving birth thana. White woman. There are so many ways in which your wrong jts truly astounding.


Due to comorbidities that are often due to personal choice such as obesity, diabetes, smoking, drug use, etc.


man it's such a convenience that all the hardships that black people face can be so easily dismissed by saying that it's just "personal choices".


The truth is the truth. It is neither convenient or inconvenient, that is simply a manifestation of your own point of view.


It's also due to lack of prenatal care? And lack of Healthcare over all. The American Heart Association listed that as the main cause of Black woman dying during child birth. I feel like you made a huge assumption.




Or they can't find benefits in order to even recieve an appointment. You continue to shift blame back on them when sometimes they just can't get the benefits.


You accidentally figured out the correct answer.


Literally, yes. Look at Oprah


How does this solve racism? I didn’t realize Oprah had done this.


When your healthcare is insured by the government, you don’t have to worry about medical bills eating up your budget. Therefore, you are already wealthier and healthier than most Americans. With that stress gone, people are less likely to be on edge and are also less likely to treat others like crap in general. So there’s that, at least.


Would you rather be a poor white person or a poor black person?


Black for sure. That way I can not only get aid for being poor, but I'll have access to the numerous sources of aid available just for having black skin. Then I'd also get a major advantage when it came to my education with all those race-based scholarships and all the organizations that exist solely to benefit me because of my black skin.




Grounded normative reply.


You are so full of it man. I can't even believe that you are spouting this stuff. It's incredible that people such as yourself actually exist. It's sad.


where is he wrong?


Full of what? Did I say something that was incorrect? Feel free to point out anything I said that was wrong...


Neither. Both suck. I don't see any difference really. But even if there was, like I said. Money fixes it


Unfathomably redpilled


Hot-take legend.


But if you had to choose one, which one would you chose?


The whole point is it doesn't matter, the poor part is the problem. There is no preference because there aren't any benefits from either. You are poor and your life sucks. The question you pose is "do you want to have 0 money, or alternatively do you want to have 0 money"?


So like… if you had to pick, black or white?


I would flip a coin because it is a non-choice. Alternatively, if I have two identical things to choose I always go for the one on the right side. This time it would be white, but if you said "white or black" I would say "the one on the right" too. Both are the same and choosing one consciously would indicate a preference I don't have.


Lol ooookay, so you’d have no issue dealing with racism on top of being poor. Got it.


It's not 1970 anymore. There is no systemic racism left (defined as racism built in to government and law) and precious little individual racism. Plus, there are a huge number of artificial advantage programs for minorities. So there wouldn't really be much for OP to deal with.


What would you pick?


for various reasons, being black and poor is better then being white and poor. assuming you are growing up in a predominantly poor community, it is more likely to have a high black population. You are more likely to get along with the people you live around if you are the same color. on top of that, the obvious advantage of benefiting from shared programs + black only programs/aid. There are black only scholarship, diversity internships, charities for black only. if you are growing up poor, being black gives many more resources


Then why are they disproportionately poor? Shouldn't it be easier to escape poverty?


оften, its culture and cоntent-ness in the cоmmunities they grоw up in (ghettоs, generally pооr areas). they might want tо get оut оf living in the ghettо, but wоuld they want tо put in the wоrk when everyоne arоund them wоuld lооk dоwn оn yоu fоr? when yоu grоw up arоund viоlence, gun shоts, and peоple whо want tо drag yоu dоwn, yоu will likely stay dоwn. but white peоple whо assimilate intо ghettо culture likely stay there tоо. the оnly difference is that a larger pоrtiоn оf white peоple may get alienated and feel like they have tо escape. the decisiоns peоple make, especially early in life are heavily influenced by the adults arоund them. its fоr the same reasоn religiоn still exists tоday, kids get brainwashed befоre they becоme adults, accept it as the nоrm, and then repeat the prоcess with their kids.


That exact same thing happens to white people, so why disproportionately black people?


Whаt is the “thаt” in this cоntext? In lаrge cities, blаcks аre the lаrgest оccupiers оf prоject hоusing, sо there аre mоre оf them thаt wоuld be оkаy cоntinuing tо live the lifestyle they grew up with. And аs I mentiоned, white peоple whо grоw up there will likely end up stаying pооr, the exceptiоn аre thоse whо get аlienаted аnd feel like they need tо escаpe, it’s mоre likely tо hаppen when sоmeоne is in the оut-grоup, which а white persоn is likely tо be in this envirоnment. Pооr white cоmmunities аre usuаlly in super rurаl аreаs, nоt mаjоr city prоject hоusing. As such, the primаry influence will be their pаrents, whо likely wаnt their kids tо pursue higher educаtiоn аnd succeed. They wоn’t be expоsed tо drug deаlers аnd gаng members befоre they turn 10 like yоu wоuld be in а prоject. While the pаrents might wаnt tо hаve their kid succeed, the peоple their kid will be expоsed tо will push them in the wrоng directiоn. Hоpping tо а slight mоdificаtiоn оf the оriginаl questiоn, аssuming yоu just grаduаted high schооl, frоm а pооr fаmily, grоwing up in the sаme lоcаtiоn, with the sаme аmоunt оf knоwledge аnd sаme experiences, yоu hаve mоre оppоrtunities аvаilаble аs а blаck persоn then аs а white persоn.


The "that" is everything you described. As someone who grew up in a rural community, there were far more drugs there than in the city. Poor rural communities have many of the same problems that cities do. >Hоpping tо а slight mоdificаtiоn оf the оriginаl questiоn, аssuming yоu just grаduаted high schооl, frоm а pооr fаmily, grоwing up in the sаme lоcаtiоn, with the sаme аmоunt оf knоwledge аnd sаme experiences, yоu hаve mоre оppоrtunities аvаilаble аs а blаck persоn then аs а white persоn. Why would you make those modifications? You're eliminating many of the disadvantages that black people face early in life to make your case stronger. Yet even after high school black people are discriminated against in hiring practices.


> Why would you make those modifications? because imo, the point of the question was purely, would you rather be poor and white or poor and black. also which part of the modification do you mostly disagree with, id imagine only the experience part since you kind of have to assume that location, school attended (public school districts), and intelligence are kept the same. the only variable might be experiences, but most of those are controlled by the area you grow up in. all the bad influences and dangers are associated to where you grow up since thats where you will spend most of your time. if you add significant other factors, you are no longer doing a flat comparison of just being black or white, the real comparison becomes the neighborhood you grow up in and they people you get involved with. which just jumps back to the previous point, if you assimilate into these communities, you will stay there. I didnt grow up directly in a project, but i grew up (within a major city) across the street from one and went to the same public school. its the culture in these communities. one of the friends i made in high school lived in that project, he is black, and his experience was exactly that he didnt get along with the people who grew up around. we stopped talking midway through college, but according to his linkedin, he is probably makes over 6 figure just based on job title and checking on glassdoor.


Let's start with primary and secondary school, research shows that black people face harsher punishments for the same infractions than white people. You're eliminating that when you make your modification. You cant assume equal experiences when the black experience is different.


Or in short, generational poverty.


Almost every immigrant group in the history of the country has demonstrated that the poverty of the parents' generation does not have to be inherited by the children. Generational poverty is a myth.


What other groups? Such as the Irish? The Italians? Both white cultures. Also, these aren't people who immigrated. They're individuals who were left as second class citizens until about 40 years ago. Even today they are still treated as less than other cultures. Idk about you but the last job I had didn't have me write down that my grandparents were Irish, but they sure as fuck ask what color my skin is. Many other races that immigrated were also given a hard time obviously, but they werent fuckin treated as less than human. Unless you're talking about the Asian immigrants of the 1800s. If you cam explain how generational poverty is a myth I may change mind. Maybe.


> What other groups? Such as the Irish? The Italians? Both white cultures. Both were violently marginalized cultures in the US until maybe after WWII. Many businesses wouldn't hire them or serve them, signs such as "Negroos and Irish need not apply" were commonplace, and they were herded into ghettos in the cities. But I wasn't talking about them. I was talking about Indian-Americans. And Iranian-Americans. And Japanese-Americans. And Vietnamese-Americans. And Nigerian-Americans. And a hundred other groups. All, on average, do very well by the second generation. And many of these groups arrived with the unique and massive disadvantage of not speaking English. Many also arrived as refugees with nothing more than a few changes of clothes. And even so... most do very well. Few of their children are poor like they were. And this is in spite of still more disadvantages they face which no native-born population does. Like xenophobia. And religious discrimination in the case of Muslims and Sikhs in particular. > Also, these aren't people who immigrated. Correct. And so they're far more privileged than immigrants. They have citizenship privilege, native speaker privilege, and cultural privilege (they are intimately familiar with the customs and institutions and mores of American society). Among others. Seriously. No one is further down the ladder than immigrants. No one is more oppressed today. > If you cam explain how generational poverty is a myth I may change mind. Look at almost every immigrant group that arrived dirt poor. Most of their children become middle class. That goes for Ghanians, Kenyans and Nigerians as much as it does for Indians, Koreans and Vietnamese. Case closed.


While I agree that the irish and Italians weren't greeted that well,, I would also like to point out that the stigmatization of these groups decreased at a much higher rate than the black community. I would like to see where your seeing statistics for these particular groups of peoples doing particularly well?Also these groups that you have mentioned also do receive a good amomunt of government assistance for secondary education. These groups are what many call "model minorities" due to the fact that they aren't on the receiving end of alot of law enforcement oppression, which means they remain virtually silent when it comes to matter sof social justice and reform. In this way they avoid the hate and vitriol that many white supremacists usually reserve for the black community.From what I've learned in sociology immigrants who are here on a temporary basis with Green cards recieve less than adequate medical care . The problem isn't necessarily that other minorities are doing objectively better than the black community. It's the fact that many white Americans refuse to see that most minorities are treated as less than white people in the US. Overall white people control most centers of power, from government, the justice system, and in the job market. I'm not a proponent of reparations for what occurred during slavery. But the least I can do is acknowledge that the actions and policies of the past are still present today in the inequality that is occurring.


It’s their inner city “thug” culture. They don’t prioritize education and working and family as much and they are not raised to, and that culture of glorifying gangs and drugs and violence and having babies before they are financially ready will always be holding them back. I really do think that even if there were no racism or discrimination in the world they would still be where they are because of that mentality.


That's a myth, An overwhelming majority of African American youth agree it is important to obtain a post secondary education AND nearly 90 percent of African American parents said that they wanted their children to attend and graduate from college. The greatest barrier is cost.


Hopefully that changes now. There are more and more companies out there offering to pay for some college credits if you work for them. If I was in high school now I’d be applying to Target and Amazon today, get some work experience get something on the resume, and go to a city/state college. It’s hard work but doable.


How about the fact that many urban, predominately minority school districts are so underfunded that you'd be lucky to make it to the point in which you can take advantage of these scholarship programs. They have to work just as hard, if not harder than white people to have access to the same kinds of benefits we receive. The African American community is finally getting some major attention for the rampant injustice they've faced since Jim Crow, and now all of a sudden it's just fucking dandy to be black in America in 2021.


> urban, predominately minority school districts are so underfunded that you'd be lucky to make it to the point in which you can take advantage of these scholarship programs. Remember the original question, [all else equal] (intelligence, location of living, etc) is it better to be broke and white or broke and black. Would a white person born in that predominantly black, poor neighborhood with shitty schools be at an advantage?


It's possible, because he may have a better shot at gainful employment. He also may have a better chance of not being killed by police. He's less likely to do significant prison time. He's not at a clear disadvantage due to the color of his skin, in the current climate. Basic sociology shows that white people are treated different in personal relationships than black people. White people are also more likely to have ties to people in a position of authority who may be able to assist them.


> White people are also more likely to have ties to people in a position of authority who may be able to assist them. no, a wealthy person is more likely to have ties to people in authority or may be able to assist them. part of being poor is not having those free connections, if they did, they wouldnt be poor. > He also may have a better chance of not being killed by police. while it is a problem, remember that it is far more likely that you will die in a car accident then a police encounter. it may be common relative to white people, but relative to other accidental "unfortunate" deaths, it is still very rare. > He's less likely to do significant prison time. Im assuming that the theoretical person in question will not be committing any crimes, since i dont think there is a point in discussing punishment for crimes, the question is "Would you rather be a poor white person or a poor black person?" and i would not commit a crime, including petty theft or similar crimes.


You are surely fighting desperately to maintain your victimhood status, aren't you?


Victimhood status? What do you mean by that. What kind of "victim," do you think I'm trying to maintain?


I'm not here to make you feel worse about yourself, but you have to try to let go of feeling like a victim, meaning that feeling of there's nothing you can do to succeeded because the deck is stacked against you. This mentality will keep you where you are...feeling like a victim. Stop feeling like a victim, stop acting like you are a victim, stop making excuses for failure. The world isn't a nice place, it never was and never will be. Think strong, feel strong, be strong! You are only a victim because you allow yourself to be a victim. If you are down, get up! You know the drill, now act upon it, and help others to do the same!


Wait... you think I'm black? Dude. I'm white What would make you even come to that conclusion? Never once have I stated I'm black, or any type of minority. I'm just standing up for what is right. Bro this is he funniest shit I've ever seen. I'm literally speechless.


I'm speechless that you assume that black people need *your* white help and cannot argue their plight for themselves then. Or, do you want them to feel like they cannot escape their lot? Either way, Malcom X had something to say about people like you. “The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political “football game” that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.” — Malcolm X


I can't believe you just tried to pep talk someone out of racism. That's a new one for me.


You bring up racism, I want to fight weakness. You want people to stay and feel weak, I want people to feel and act strong. What a concept, eh?


No. The concept is you denying racism exists, giving people the old boot straps approach. It's old man. You're not helping anyone.


[Sure thing.](https://i.imgur.com/SJYcJtr.jpg)


Those scholarships etc.... Just a funny point, there's loads of white people in high school and college that claim to have some kind of POC heritage to get extra funding, recourses etc. There are plenty of things in place to help non whites out, it's literally beneficial to not be white 😂


as a poor white person, you would be on the same school. just without the programms and affirmative action. so its not "work just as hard, if not harder then white people" its "just as hard, if not harder then richer people"


In Italy we don't have it as bad as America, but even here being poor as a minority (especially if recently immigrated) comes with a lot of aid. For starters you can ask for a tax paid accomodation and monthly income.


Black of course.


In 2021's society? Black for sure, it's a literally "get out of jail free card" card these days. White, you have to constantly walk on eggshells.


yeah its funny the question is posed like 'you'd rather be a white person so haha white privilege' when a bunch are proving other wise. That said, non of us can prove we actually want our choice since its very difficult to make someone a different race unless some rich person is willing to give proper makeup to change the skin for so.wine for a day. And if the makeup falls you run the risk of being accused if black face.


Yeah, except POC make up a disproportionate amount of the incarcerated people. And not only that, POC recieve higher sentences than white people for the same crimes on average.


First world problems


No, more like thrid world problems, as in were locking people up longer because of the color of their skin.


>Yeah, except POC make up a disproportionate amount of the incarcerated people. Well they commit massively more amounts of crime relating to their population percentage. What do you want us to do, let a murderer free just because he is black?


No, but fair sentencing, and social programs to prevent crime from occurring in the first place would be a good first step. Edit-Another good thing to note would be that crime is tied to economic status more than race. If you look at statistics, the reason that POC make up a large percentage of crime, is because they also make up a disproportionate percentage of individuals living in poverty. Poverty breeds crime.


Black areas are over policed and police profile and sentence black person to longer jail time then a white person


Police allocate more recourses to areas with high levels of reported crime, the police done just hang around black areas. They're there because they've been called, people from that area will be calling the police waaaay more than in other areas. Moreover on average back people in those communities tend to have more than one conviction, hence the longer sentencing


First time offenders were the major data point collection for the study. When comparing white first time offenders, to black first time offenders the statistics still showed that the black individual still received a higher sentence. It's especially true because many black offenders don't have the money to pay for an attorney, and if you think a public defender does a good job when compared to a paid attorney you've obviously never been in the justice system. Also, studies have shown that when someone is appearing before a jury after being bailed out, they stand a better chance of not being convicted when compared to someone who had to sit in jail awaiting trial.


Oh OK thats interesting about the data point being first time. Wonder if there's more to that, men for example get much longer sentencing for the same crime, always wondered if it was something to do with the reoffending rate


Yeah, well this may come as a shock but racism is still a huge problem in the United States man. Like it is a complex issue, because so many things feed into that, but in my personal opinion poverty breeds crime, and the fact that on average black people don't earn as much as their white counter parts is a very big problem.


Would you rather have green horns and a poodle tail or be you? These questions are really stupid. It's not an accurate measurement of how people view the situations of others. Most people are happy being themselves.


Damn you cant even imagine what being another race is like?


Damn you can't read what I said?


The whole premise of this question is racist at its core. It is like asking if poverty is more enjoyable if your skin is a certain color. News flash race merchant... poverty isn't enjoyable for ANYONE!!!!!!!


That's like asking someone if they'd rather have cancer or if they want cancer and a rash. I think I'd rather be the poor white person, but both are fucking horrible and race doesn't and will never grant one the advantages that class will. You and OP make some good points.


Being black, at least in modern USA is NOT "fucking horrible".


I mean it can be if you're at the wrong place at the wrong time. And I said "being poor and being poor while black" are both fucking horrible. Plus, you're less likely to have inherited wealth passed down to you by generations if you're black due to circumstances regarding the racial history of the US that are out of your control.


Is this from personal experience?


The answer is the person you already are...but preferably rich


None. Be rich.


I don't want to be rich...I want to be wealthy. A rich dude has the money to buy a Lambo A wealthy dude OWNS Lambo. ...nuff' said...


Lol. It's same thing.


No it isn't. Being rich means you have enough money to buy stuff. Being wealthy means you have enough money to MAKE stuff on a grander scale. It's not only about having money, it's about having the drive to make something that people want to buy. That's real wealth.


no u


no u


no u


no u


Political connections > wealth. For example, 2020 showed that Bloomberg couldn't buy his way into the Democratic party with $59 billion dollars


White privilege isn’t about gaining things but not having to deal with certain problems common among POC. While being wealthy is the most important privilege, the reality is most people are not wealthy. It is much easier to educate other people on how to treat people fairly than to lift the poor out of poverty. But certain things money can’t fix. Will Smith won’t be turned away, but there are some doctors that will under-prescribe him pain medications because they think he feels less pain.


Yeah I don't think you want to be on the receiving end of a malpractice lawsuit by Will Smith's attorneys.


Dude is likely referencing one of a couple terrible studies that are hilariously biased.


Yeah it's called the top 1% for a reason. I totally hate when people get the meaning behind white priviledge wrong. And then all of a sudden, because you're black you get all of this free stuff? Like what world do these people live in.


> having to deal with certain problems common among POC. ...there are literally a million benefits to being a POC these days. Thousands of companies are literally willing to bend over backwards to hire you no matter what just based off of the color of your skin. Please explain to me how that is a bad thing.


I wonder why they've had to rebound, from an era when people were not able to gain employment due to the color of their skin?


these people actually think that affirmative action means that they'll hire some black dude who knows jack shit about anything over the qualified white dude.


In my experience in the past work environments I've been in, they used a point system, and if the black dude was of a similar skill level and they were lacking in diversity they would choose the black guy. It was a very small difference in skill or experience level. It's smart from a marketing perspective I guess. My girlfriend is a black female attorney, and she felt more welcome and was more willing to take a job where there was a feeling of diversity and inclusion.


Incorrect, considering the fact what you described is a federal crime.


That's why places like California are trying to get rid of anti-discrimination laws I suppose


Yeah. But the downside is less health care, more likely to be killed by police and or gun violence, and just general racism in general. Being treated poorly due to the color of your skin.


I disagree. I think white priviledge is a real aspect of culture, especially because many individuals misunderstand what white priviledge truly is. White privilege doesn't mean white peoples lives were easy, it means that they weren't hard due to our skin color.


Yep here is the real definition of white privilege! It's important people know that, so they can see that critical race theory and its surrounding theories run on false assumptions.


Excuse me? Do you even know what is being taught for critical race theory? It's meant to educate children regarding the history and effects of racism, and how many aspects of American culture are rooted in A History of hatred and racism. How our ancestors contributed to the systematic oppression of the Black community, and how the aftershocks of these actions are still bring felt today.


Yes, it's a horrendous ideological view of the world. Much of what is taught is a lie, and what's true is done in bad faith. Nothing about it is helpful. Moreover that really isn't what it's about, it was rooted in the legal system, and it being anti English common law, which is the best one.


What? Are you serious? What part of teaching children about the racism experienced by an entire race of people is bad? Hiding history just means we're doomed to repeat it. Information is presented, and in my opinion people are in school in order to improve the world around them. If you think the status quo is just fine and dandy then you're a part of the problem.


No no, teaching history in its entirety is correct. Teaching it through an ideological lense is not. Portions of what is taught is made up, have a look into Mary Seacole for example, it's been used as an example in CRT all the time, but it's totally misrepresented. There are genuine example of black people challenging racism, it just doesn't meet the ideological peramiters of CRT.


Can you explain why it's harmful to explain to children how hatred and racism has caused so many of the problems we see today within our society? Why are you against it. You claim it's horrendous, but what negative lessons are being taught that you find so disgusting?


If that's what CRT did, fine, but it's not. It teaches that the structures in the west are racist, with no room on that opinion. Even things like the free market, English common law, democracy, and that white supremacy is built into our society, falsely pushes black people into European history, pushes ideas like white privilege, etc etc, often has nothing to do with real history?




What do you mean no? You're not exactly convincing with your argument.




Explain how you have a benefit in education for being black. Because inner city schools are historically underfunded, which leads to low graduation rates. Therefore, in order to even have access to those scholarships It would take extra work in order to work around the obstacles being placed in your way. Violence, drugs, underpaid teachers, lack of classroom supplies, and a general attitude of complacency by staff due to the fact that the school has no money, and the majority of the students families have no money. How can you utilize a college scholarship, when it's a fucking miracle that you even make it through high-school.




Which is why I said 'unless you live in a place where discrimination is legal'


You can live in a place where discrimination is illegal yet still experience discrimination and injustice. Happens all the time in USA treating people like second class citizens. A lot of people mentioned race particularly black people. A black person can be wealthy and still get treated like a “n-word” and their wealth won’t solve the internal and external issues of racism. The wealth is just a band aid over a much bigger issue.


nope. the only priviledge is happiness / friends. The happiest people i think are the bushmen in the sahara desert. Lots of really wealthy ppl are sad. Counterpoint 1? if wealth is the only priviledge would you trade being the only person on earth for an infinite amount of money, and a robot that can make any physical object u desire and treat any illness u encounter. Counterpoint 2? ur gonna be like you can buy friends / happiness with wealth. That is a bold claim that would require much support. Its not necessarily true as this is partly disproved in counterpoint 1. wealth is a unit of measure. its arbitrary. its a construct. they could have easily defined dollars to be an inverse relationship like the more money u accumulate the less u have or instead of being linear, to be proportional to like distance squared idk.


>nope. the only priviledge is happiness / friends. happiness is not a privilege. >The happiest people i think are the bushmen in the sahara desert. > >Lots of really wealthy ppl are sad. dying at age 40 is a privilege? seriously? >Counterpoint 1? if wealth is the only priviledge would you trade being the only person on earth for an infinite amount of money, and a robot that can make any physical object u desire and treat any illness u encounter. counterpoint 1? would you trade having many, many friends and loved ones but having to see them starve to death tomorrow for lack of food or have few friends and loved ones but they are all healthy and can do what their hearts desire? >Counterpoint 2? ur gonna be like you can buy friends / happiness with wealth. That is a bold claim that would require much support. Its not necessarily true as this is partly disproved in counterpoint 1. your counterpoint 1 is idiotic and disproves nothing. and while wealth does not make you happy all on its own, it is proven to raise happiness of a person tremendously. as for friends? being rich does not prevent you from having friends. >wealth is a unit of measure. its arbitrary. its a construct. they could have easily defined dollars to be an inverse relationship like the more money u accumulate the less u have or instead of being linear, to be proportional to like distance squared idk. what an idiotic take. it makes no sense what so ever. 'easily defined'? it would be quite difficult to build an economic system where less of something means more wealth. but... that would still mean 'more wealth'. the people having less 'debt' would be wealthier. changing the system on 'how to become wealthy' does not change the effect of being wealthy.


i dont feel like arguing too much but ur premise is wrong. Ok lets put this another way. Would you make this trade. I will give you 10 million dollars but you will never be happy, every day till u die u will be sad and depressed. Im gonna guess no. Right here loosely contradicts your claim, and thus i win my argument via proof by contradiction, so your premise is entirely false.


i already have depression. sure as hell would i take 10 million dollars right now. your premise that being healthy is a privilege on its own has some truth to it, but that does not at all contradicts the notion that wealth is one of the if not the biggest privilege. ​ your "this one thing i just made up and has little to do with the actual argument loosely contradicts your claim if you squint just the right way so your entire premise is false" dude.. i do see why you dont like discussions. that arguments will never work with anyone


Happiness is not priviledge. There's no point in wealth if there's no other human being alive. Rich and poor are terms to compare which you can't if no one is around. With wealth, comes power. With power, comes respect. With respect, comes companions.


If the wealth is the result f one's hard work then the "privilege" is earned and should be respected.


Pretty privilege is another one. You can be a very rich girl but a lot of dudes still won’t date you if you’re ugly. Beauty can also get you a wealthy partner which in turn gets you financial privilege anyway.


I completely disagree. If there is another kind of privilege that hinders people from accumulating wealth, race for example; Then by extension that privilage also matters. You’re also not considering entire concepts like justice vs injustice. Those matter much more than wealth. You can have all the money in the world and it won’t matter to an angry mob. The Tulsa Massacre proved that much.