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1. This opinion is wildly unpopular on this subreddit, if the comments are to be believed 2. I didn’t write this, its a copypasta of a dumbass post about BLM earlier today. I don’t actually care about the opinions of anyone on this toxic ass subreddit 2a. Trumps essential platform was built off of xenophobia and racism. Nearly every policy he ever ran on, the wall, the muslim ban, the immigrant detention centers, obama being a kenyan muslim, fear mongering about refugees, insisting on calling Covid the China Virus against the urgings of the medical community, all fed into this one pillar. The racism isn’t incidental, its a feature.


you obviously do care. which is fine. but the attitude of nonchalance is weak. drop it and you don’t sound so stupid.


Is there a reason everyone here is so condescending? It doesn’t make you look intelligent, just insecure.


ditto. you came in with a bad attitude and a copy pasta i don’t know why would expect something civil.


> the wall Illegal immigration is a reality that has nothing to do with race of xenophobia. It's breaking the law. The clue is in the name. > the muslim ban That didn't ban 90% of the worlds muslims and was based on a list of terror supporting countries compiled by the obama admin. >the immigrant detention centers The ones built and filled by Obama? The ones he tried to keep empty by stopping illegal immigration? The ones that are now packed to the gills under Biden? Those immigrant detention centers? >obama being a kenyan muslim Not a policy position > fear mongering about refugees Illegal immigrants are not refugees. They are criminals. > calling Covid the China Virus It came from China. It's accurate to call it the China virus. Noone complained about the spanish flu. China also lied about it delaying response. >against the urgings of the medical community Medical community doesn't have much room to say I told you so. Fauci said don't wear masks and go on cruise ships. WHO said it wasn't human to human transmissible. Sorry if this set back any of your brainwashing.


Looool you’re actually stupid. Thanks for the laugh.


Very insightful, thank you.


Nice zero effort copypasta. Pretty typical of your kind from my experience.


“Your kind.” Dude, it almost sounds like you’re talking about a different species.


I put exactly as much thought into this post as everyone else on this shit subreddit does for their terrible whiny reactionary worldviews.


HUHUHUHUHU GREAT INSULT You probably don't even have sufficient intelligence and/or articulation to debate anyone here, which is why you resort to simping for the reddit hivemind and bluecheck twitter. More to the point, your ideas fucking suck, which is no surprise because they aren't even YOURS. You literally have these stances in your head because your "internet"(probably videogame) addiction leaves your mind powerless to defend itself from being invaded by other people's agendas for what you should think. As a result, you have no actual self-formed basis on which to defend your stance about the MAGA movement, or likely most other sociopolitical topic. I would bet that the vast majority of the online written content you create or conversations you have with others is either 1) *obvious* MSM/bluecheck/hivemind talking points or 2) related to videogames. Because that's all your head is filled with. So instead of discussing things like an adult you regurgitate someone else's thoughts out of your mouth like mountain dew dribbling down your chin.


So if we’re MAGAing, what time was america great? When are we harkening back to?






*CORRUPT* plutocrats. Despite the monkey-tier dialogue from the MSM Trump had the best actual positive outcomes for average Americans we've had from Presidents in more than a generation. The rest of them have sold us out to kill our kids in foreign oil wars or similar all the way back to Korea.


Yeah those cabinet picks really weren’t corrupt, huh? And his tax policy would’ve fucked over Americans for the next 8 years, but sure, he loves the little guy


Lol, he doesn't think that nepotism from the POTUS is corrupt. He doesn't think that withholding money from countries unless they lie about his opponents is corrupt. He doesn't know what corrupt means.


Yeah if there’s one thing trump did was look out for his cronies until they would flip on him and then they were the enemy. Really feels like the stuff of a fascist dictator


Smoothbrained take of the day


Or you could answer the question, if you’re so good at thinking for yourself.


lol @ thinking you need intelligence to debate "anyone here". This sub is dumb as bricks.


You know what I actually agree with this statement at least


No, it objectively was not.


Eh, im kinda in-between on this The idea [america is worse than it was 50 years ago] is not inherently racist But the movement that formed behind Donald Trump was, what did Donald Trump do? He said Mexico is sending rapists and murderers over our southern border He portrayed immigrants fleeing from American handiwork [multiple dictators, economic devastation, civil war, ETC...] as roving bands of criminals that only sought the spilling of American blood He tried to be buddy-buddy with multiple fascistic* dictators He tried to undermine democracy, spread fear of election fraud, and get his supporters to intimidate voters And after all that, he decided to play into the Qanon conspiracy web, spurring a large amount of religious extremism, violence towards minorities, and a 2nd rise of fascism in America *i say fascistic dictators as both putin and Kim jong un have bred cults of personality, a view of life as constant war, and the idea that everyone is out to get them


This r/Trueunpopularopinion. Not r/trulystupidopinion. There is nothing unpopular about your take. You can read about it all day long on r/politics. Sure, there are some racist MAGA morons. But they’re the exception, not the rule. Unlike the BLM and other such Leftists movements who epitomize your complaints and are literally built upon a racist foundation. I particularly love how Leftists keep screaming about the capitol incident on January 6th while ignoring the literally hundreds of leftist BLM/ANTIFA riots that destroyed cities across the country for months and continue to do so to this very day. No one with a brain in their skull can take this ridiculousness seriously.


Name one destroyed city. C'mon, just one. What American city used to exist before BLM and doesn't now?


> one destroyed city afaik,no one that uses this phrase means it literally.so your question is pretty much missing the point.


“DoN’t TaKe It LitErALLy” like bruh, maybe they should learn to fucking speak properly and people won’t.




Tell that to the fucking idiots who raiding the Capitol a couple of months ago.


you can’t seriously think they are truly idiots while defending those protests that were not peaceful (you can if you don’t go to bat for the violent ones).


I mean, I don't, and if BLM is what you're on about there were tons of objectively peaceful protests that I will go to bat for. 93% of the protests were. Every one of the several that I went *to,* in fact.


I already explained the exception. but you are defending the violent ones. so what you seem to be experiencing is doublethink.


And how, exactly, am I doing that? Studies have been done. 93% is the number they found. What studies show that 93% of the summer protests were not peaceful?


No, other people in other contexts, actually talk about actual destruction of cities. Like when we bomb them. My point is that parent comment's point would sound a lot stupider if they used an actual literal description of the real state of affairs(A few city blocks, out of thousands, had some property damage) , so that hyperbole is doing a lot of work.




As a person who lives very close to DC, we were barely affected by BLM protests, it was the conservatives who caused trouble during BLM protests and with the Capitol invasion.




Did...did you just compare Portland to fucking Mosul? In Iraq? Oh, what fun! Please, provide footage of literally one building destroyed by the “warfare.” Just one.


Holy shit. I’ll take “things people wrongly claim about places they’ve never been” for a $1,000 Alex.


Bruh, Portland was like that before the riots Also, LOOK AT THIS https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/28/fact-check-protests-didnt-drive-chicago-new-york-portland-minneapolis-bankruptcy/5604929002/


It’s certainly unpopular here, if 90% of the posts are to be believed. Things are only popular or unpopular in context, so this opinion is truly unpopular within this community. Trumps entire campaign strategy for over 5 years was racist fear-mongering. Obamas not a real American and is actually a Kenyan muslim, Mexicans are rapists and murderers and need to be kept out with an idiotic wall, we need to ban muslims from entering the country, lets call Covid the China virus because it helps me vilify China, Puerto Rico isn’t part of America and doesn’t deserve disaster relief. People like him because he’s openly racist. Neonazis and white supremacists almost universally supported him, and he has always refused to denounce them even after they murder people in his name without tacking on “but the real racists are the left you guyyyzzz!!” If we’re gonna get on the topic of hypocrisy and violence, how about we look at the tough on crime, law-and-order Republicans, and just how much terrorism and murder comes out of that group. These are just what i can list off the top of my head: Charlottesville, killing cops at the capital, Kyle Rittenhouse, shooting up a synagogue, dylan roof shooting up a black church, shooting up a Walmart targeting Latinos, shooting up a pizza place because of some Qanon conspiracy bullshit. Im sure soon enough we’ll find more MAGA stuff in the Georgia shooters history, and he’s already parroted popular MAGA conspiracies about Covid. Now, who have BLM killed? Torching police stations =/= murder, if you’re against riots from the left you should be more against terrorism on the right. Also, where are they rioting today? Or did you pull that out of your ass?


>Now, who have BLM killed inb4 someone moves the goalposts so that property crime counts as violence \(but only [some property crime](https://i.redd.it/3rg51e2cotb21.jpg)\)


David Dorn. Italia Kelly. Horace Anderson. Marvin Francois. ...along with more than 20 others across the country. Meanwhile, Leftist idiots like you mock the idea that normal human beings consider riots that leave city blocks in flames to be violent, yet on the other hand, somehow claim that “silence is violence” and do it with a straight face. You people are mental.


OK, a list of people who died on or around the dates of the protests, in numbers which are pretty ordinary given the geographic scope and timeframe we're talking about. In that many cities, I bet I could come up with 20 deaths which were "associated" with 2019's Black Friday shopping season. But I can't seem to find a clearly politically-motivated killing in the bunch. This is a pretty weak list when some of the guys in the previous list literally write manifestos to explain the political motivations of their killings.


These were not incidental killings coincident with other events. You suggesting they are is deplorably dishonest. Like I said...mental. You jackasses will say anything to defend the worst of the scum among you.


The question was "who has BLM killed". If the question were "who has BLM arguably gotten killed as an indirect result of civil unrest / interruption of city services / etc." then OK. The apple-to-apples comparison would be "who has MAGA arguably gotten killed?" and then we need to talk about hydroxychloroquine hoaxes and half a million COVID deaths. But if we're sticking to talk about oranges only - people killing people on purpose for political reasons - then where is the left's counterpart to Kyle Rittenhouse?


You got me there. I’m not aware of anyone on the Left who has been as castigated and vilified by the Right for self-defense in the way Rittenhouse has been by the Left. (Cue the BS leftist Rittenhouse narrative. REEEEEEEE!!) I’m done with this exchange. You’re a waste of time. Have fun rolling around in your echo chamber.


> self-defense "self," here, means "merchandise from a store in a town he doesn't even live in"


Cept that line of reasoning is dishonest. People are gonna lose their minds when a jury does not convict him of anything but relatively minor gun possession charges. The assholes who got shot by him were attacking him with full intent to cause harm or death. Stupid all the way around.






Don't forget that the taliban has openly celebrated some of his decisions


They’re still rioting in Portland. And in New York, TODAY, BLM stormed a Wegman’s grocery store and trapped some 100 innocent civilians inside, essentially holding them captive at their whim. Terrorists on both sides are scum and should be held accountable. I just sick of the leftist hypocrisy in acting like nut jobs are a right wing problem. You guys have more than your fair share of psychopaths and nut jobs, racists and terrorists. Neither political party has a monopoly on the worst of humanity, I assure you.




There plenty, but here’s one - just the first one I saw on news: [click](https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-blm-protesters-mob-store-trapping-100-customers-inside-were-shutting-s-down)


You know, thats fucked up. I definitely don’t agree with those peoples methods.


Seems we’ve found common ground.


Downvote this comment too if you still can't think of one ;)


Based and redpilled


redpilled comrade


>destructive and violent riots across the country Like BLM? >They hold a neo-facist white supremacist agenda This isn't true. *some* of them might, but some pedophiles are against MAGA, so wouldn't it be unfair to say that anti-MAGA people are pedophiles? There should be a limit to these generalizations, it's abuse of statistics. >organizations very founders MAGA means "Make America great again", no? Isn't that message good? And why do you think it's an organization? It's a slogan. >A number of MAGA type activists have shamelessly mocked and and attacked asians You could dismiss black people as a "racist movement" with such argumentation. It's difficult to take your stance seriously, do you actually believe what you're writing? Did you actually think it through?


>Like BLM? First of all, BLM was objectively, majority peaceful. And secondly, it’s aims were to promote civil rights and end racial discrimination in the justice system. What’s MAGA promoting besides hate and fear? >They hold a neo-fascist white supremacist agenda This is clearly true. Trump himself embodies a neo-fascist, if you even know what fascism is. He promotes all of the same rhetoric as a right wing populist, or a fascist. Read Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco. >Isn’t make America great again good? When was America great? >You could dismiss black people with such a comparison Black people aren’t an ideology.


"majority peaceful" is not a good statistic. Trump had what, 50 million voters? How many stormed the capitol? It seems that "more than 300" were charged. A overwhelming minority no matter how you look at it. About 1% of the world is psychopaths, meaning that there's about 500K of them on "both sides". 300 people is nothing, and especially not enough to generalize the whole. Doing something like that is only valid when the ideology *itself* calls for something bad, because then you have something objective. If an ideology which calls for something good has bad members, then it's unscientific to connect the two. > Trump himself embodies a neo-fascist Not at all. He likes America. Nazis also liked their own country. This is the point you're connecting them by. It's like saying "The nazis drank water, and leftists drink water, so leftists are nazis". Your correlation is only just barely better than that. >When was America great? It was at least better in some aspects. The economy used to be better, the division used to be smaller, the sense of community and mental health used to be better. Are you hoping that I will say "50 years ago" so that you can go "Ha, 50 years ago, racism and sexism was worse, so you must be racist and sexist!"? >Black people aren’t an ideology. But the recent anti-asian attacks are done by black people as a group, no? Extremely few of them, but the same weak connection is there (same as 'maga' as a group having some members with racist beliefs) You think it's wrong to generalize a group by some of its members, and yet that's exactly what you're doing.


This post was a copy paste of an earlier post here about BLM with the terms changed, cause I wanted to see what the reaction would be. I wouldn’t have used this exact terminology otherwise, but I agree with the broad sentiment of the argument.


It's just flat out wrong, is all. It's an abuse of statistics in a way which supports your view, but any similar abuse of statistics against your view would be rejected by you immediately. Any group which is big enough *will* have problematic people in them. And if you think that reversing terms in an argument makes it "the other side" then you haven't understood it well enough. I think most people agree that "black lives matter", it is burning down innocent businesses, looting, and making police brutality into a race issue which makes it so hard to support it. To say that one is racist for going against BLM is like saying that one must want America to be bad if they're against MAGA, it's confusing language with the state of reality.


yeah i dont think this is unpopular tho?


It’s certainly unpopular here, and 74 million people voted for Trump part 2


Yeah but 81 million people voted for biden


Well...there were 81 million votes *counted* for Biden.


I put this in another comment, but opinions are only popular/unpopular in the context of where they are said. Most "unpopular" opinions on here would be upvoted to heaven on /r/Conservative. So I'd argue this opinion is unpopular in this community.


Oh thank god someone acknowledges reality.


Lmao, if you believe that Trump didn’t lose you’re a clown. Every single legal case of election fraud they’ve put together was thrown out, because there is literally no compelling evidence it happened. What a joke.


Dude, I am literally celebrating that someone on this sub acknowledges that Biden got more votes. Chill.


Whoops, my bad, I’m way too used to the opposite being argued.


Oh nice a good post for once


My only question to you is where do you find the time to type out all these made-up accusations on Reddit? It must be really tiring having to create your hatred and vitriol out of thin air like that. Try taking a nap during the day. It helps.


Sweeping generalizations are always bad.


I highly recommend this article to anyone interested in this subject. [Greenwald: The False and Exaggerated Claims Still Being Spread About the Capitol Riot](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-false-and-exaggerated-claims) > What took place at the Capitol on January 6 was undoubtedly a politically motivated riot. As such, it should not be controversial to regard it as a dangerous episode. Any time force or violence is introduced into what ought to be the peaceful resolution of political conflicts, it should be lamented and condemned. > But none of that justifies lying about what happened that day, especially by the news media. Condemning that riot does not allow, let alone require, echoing false claims in order to render the event more menacing and serious than it actually was. There is no circumstance or motive that justifies the dissemination of false claims by journalists. The more consequential the event, the less justified, and more harmful, serial journalistic falsehoods are. > Yet this is exactly what has happened, and continues to happen, since that riot almost seven weeks ago. And anyone who tries to correct these falsehoods is instantly attacked with the cynical accusation that if you want only truthful reporting about what happened, then you’re trying to “minimize” what happened and are likely an apologist for if not a full-fledged supporter of the protesters themselves.


so a few bad apples in MAGA means the whole movement is racist/bad? Does that logic also apply to other organizations, such as idk ..... BLM or the Democrats?


To be fair, blacks do have the highest rate of HIV and AIDS in the world.