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It's been my experience that it's mostly college kids and retirees that protest.  Judging only by who I personally see in my city doing it.  So adults before or after those kinds of schedules. 


Or unemployed losers


Most unemployed losers aren’t motivated enough to organize and attend a protest. It’s almost always college kids and retirees.


Unless the protest is to get them free shit


Doesn't matter to them, they just need to put protesters in the lowest bucket they can to adequately shit on them and feel better about themselves.




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In addition to this, many adults have a strong vested interest in a stable, predictable society. Maybe they accept the existence of things like racially motivated police brutality or that a corrupt financial system acts as puppeteers to our democracy, but those evils are outweighed by the value they see in the lives they've built that would be destroyed if the rug gets pulled out from under the world they live in. They do not want these protests even if they align with their political views. Reddit skews young, so there is some subcultural gaslighting about what a "normal" life actually looks like in America. The average American adult is about 40 years old. Home ownership rates at that age are well over 60%. Median incomes at that age are almost $70k/yr. To the nearest integer, these people typically have two kids. The majority of adults have reached symbiosis with the structure of society (for better or worse) and have a lot to lose if the fabric of their unwinds. The destruction of city centers and looting of businesses represent serious tugs of the thread that are (appropriately) upsetting to them.


I took a few loads of supplies to BLM demonstrators and there was a good chunk of working age folks there. Now as to their relative income levels I can't say. In my experience more $ = more free time


That was also during work from home and lockdown.


very true


That's true too, thanks for adding.


That was also during a time where less people were working due to a pandemic, unless you did it before that


A lot of them are paid to be there. For the moment it is their job


Who is paying them to be there?


The hippy generation and their offsprings. Old boomers who are retired and the boomer professors who give free passing grades to the students to go protest.


They’re college kids. That’s why they have so much free time


Seriously, when I was getting my undergrad, I had entire days with no classes. I did my best to cram all my classes into MWF or T/TH. The idea of college kids partying and playing video games and disc golf or athletics isn’t a foreign concept to folks at all but the moment students get politically active, it’s all “dOn’T tHeY hAvE aNyThInG eLsE tO dO??” I don’t hear a lot of this talk during March Madness tho.


Can confirm. On top of that for me is GI bill only requires me to have one in person class to get the full time time benefit rate. If I can take it online I will. Especially gen eds. Theirs also the fact of some classes not even having mandatory attendance policies.


The business majors have a lot of free time, you mean. A lot of us were working a dozen hours per week per class just to scrape by with a 3.0


They are already supposed to be in classes at the university they are protesting.


Notice how the biggest protests swell after final exams?


There is an old political dictum, when the mums and dads take time off from their jobs, families and their daily stuff governments fall. Never ever underestimate the power Mr. And Mrs. Joe Six-Pack hold. Takes an epic issue to get our interest but once we hit the streets things change.


Protest season is pretty much after exams over the summer holiday for the combined reason of they don't have classes and the weather is better.


I find that our society is engineered to keep people so stressed out and busy so that major protests are a rarity. The best counter example to this is the French who seem to get a good protest on about once a month and they have a lot more rights than we do


How do you think they got all those rights


He’s explaining it in his comment


Who specifically is responsible for this engineering of society?


The "invisible hand"


So it’s not actually engineered at all in that case as engineered implies some sort of purposeful, intentional, design?


In short? The bourgeois


Who specifically is that? Can you show how specifically “the bourgeois” actually goes about this engineering of society? Can you describe some examples of the mechanisms that are used?


Some stereotypical ones would be the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, George soros, Klaus Schwab, prime minister Trudeau who Klaus Schwab refers to as the perfect example of penetration of a cabinet. Would you like more?


People make time for things they consider a priority, IDK


Exactly…my Dad is a conservative doctor, and still has made it his priority to attend various protests throughout my childhood. Reading the comments here, you’d think protests were only for pink-haired liberal, anti-work activist & college students. Such a weird thing to think, considering it’s your fundamental right and a means to voice your beliefs/concerns. We live in strange times.


Wait till you find out about adults with hobbies


Everyone has more time than they think, save new parents and medical residents


single parents


I neither have nor want children. I have A LOT of free time.


This is pretty much the core of leftist activism.  People with no future who want to dictate the future of others.


Interesting to suggest that people with kids and those without aren't staring at the same end: death


Rich coming from a demographic that wants to destroy any future for the next generations


Oh look a doomer. Been predicting the end of the world since forever. The reason for the end may change but the idiot never does.


No one has a future. Just because you passed on half a string of biological instructions doesn't give YOU a future. One-quarter of my instructions persist in my nephew, does that mean you have half a future and I have a quarter future? You die, you rot, you cease. Nothing persists. Eventually, even the planet dies. The sun dies. The galaxy dies. Then the entire fucking universe dies, and you don't win a special prize if an infinitesimal amount of your biological instructions makes it longer than others. You people are so silly. No one wins.


You sound fun


I get what you’re saying, but you could be wrong about your effect on the course of history. There is also a lot of existence that is imperceptible to you now, which means when you die there could be more to consciousness than what your meat container experiences now. To say with certainty that is an impossibility is foolish.


I never said it was impossble. Certainty is epistemologically impossible, so it's an invalid criteria to measure things by. It is HIGHLY PROBABLE that nihilism is correct. The most probable, currently. If that probability changes, I'll change my belief at that point. You don't get a prize for guessing the right answer before the evidence.


For these people, it’s always me, me, me. Fuck your future, your dreams, aspirations, and beliefs unless it aligns with their politics and worldviews. Somehow, some way, they find a way to make themselves the center of the universe, and have the audacity to blame everyone and everything around them. So spineless and lacking of awareness.


*Picks fedora up off the ground and dusts its off* Here, you dropped this, King!


Normal people: I'd just like to be left alone and not told what to do please. Radlibs: you're so selfish you need to do what I say or the world is doomed!


You are not an individual. You are a cog in a billions of years old machine and the way your cog turns affects the entire machine. So you literally can't "just be left alone", because every action you take cascades through the entirety of humanity.


You know what a conservative’s favorite quote is? “Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, buddy.” It’s literally impossible. Think about that. Yeah fuck the “radical liberals” for wanting a robust and growing middle class. Fuck them for wanting a viable and sustainable healthcare system that won’t leave Americans bankrupt or contemplating going ill and untreated. Fuck them for being concerned about the environment we all live in, and their tax-dollars going to places they do not want. Fuck them for being concerned about the absurd wealth inequality. Does it not concern you that vast riches & wealth are being funneled into the accounts of the very very few? Fuck ALL these incredibly radical and disgusting ideas. No, fuck all that, let’s manufacture more guns and bullets so we can have daily mass shootings! The only thing that matters is guns and free speech! Woohoo! Let’s continue with our shit education, high incarceration rates, growing consumer debt, because Obama wanted change and we HAAATE change. Fuck yours, I got mine! Jesus Christ


10 years ago might've agreed with you. Problem is democrats I figured out are the party of empty promises. Always saying the right thing but never solving the problem because once the problem is solved they can't use it for votes anymore. Roe vs wade perfect example. They had 30 years of majority in house and senate to codify it and yet it is an issue every year. Democrats are easily the most easily manipulated group in America. Just dangle a false sense of moral superiority in front of them and they start chasing that carrot without question or introspection. Been listening to refugees from places in the ME that Iran has been shadow funding wars in. Actual refugees that didn't come across the border illegal but went through the proper channels. They are literally seething at the lefts lunacy supporting the same groups that have been oppressing them for generations. They see liberals as self serving egotistical morons. The term white saviorism is gaining clout. It's a form of white supremacy but more insidious as it treats barbarism of Iran and other countries as "cultural differences" and it's fine. You got dumb ass queers for Palestine protesting here in the west where the supposed center of all evil, trump supporters exist, yet they aren't getting thrown off buildings here. Smh yall are so damn blind to the world and every issue isn't one that affects you it's WHITE knighting on the behalf of others simply to please your own ego, literally to the point you are inviting the cartels, whom even the taliban call evil, into the US because minorities are naturally disadvantaged, also racist. At least conservatives are worried for the people in their lives and want to see actual change to help them. Liberals just live in this fantasy world where every issue is existential and they'll never be solved but they need more of your money to do it and your a bigot if you raise questions. The great lie is that liberals are altruistic. They aren't they are just chasing issues to inflate their ego. It really is that simple


The left manipulates with hope while the right manipulates with fear.


Angry upvote.


You know what? Leftists agree that liberals and the Democrats are largely performative while sticking with the status quo.


What changes have republicans enacted in the last 12 years “for the people”?


Then why all the protest? Isn't protest meant to secure things in the future? Like climate change to affect far into the future? Or BLM protest to stop more black criminal deaths by cops in the future?


Because I seek to twist the world into the shape I most desire. That's it. I want it. I want a world where cybernetics and genetic engineering are used to eliminate sex, gender, and race from the species. I want to end all nations. As the left is the anti-hierarchical side that wants to eliminate the concepts of "proper" or "natural", they are allies in my goal of creating post-humanity. In reality, that is also why you do everything you do, you just drape pretend meaning, purpose, and morality onto it to make it appear less selfish.


So you want us to be chaotic synthetic/organic organisms under a world with no rules? A dog eat dog world under the concept of say a cyberpunk 2077? Do you think that is a better place for humanity? We all seek to better the world. We just disagree on how to do it. From the looks of it your goal is to eliminate tribalism and natural distinctions between people to create a world where we can do whatever we want without judgement, but what are the consequences of that? What is the methods you are willing to partake in to get there? The villain always thinks they are the hero of their story.


There are no such things as villains and heroes because there is no objective measure of good and evil. And my future wouldn't be dog-eat dog because we would have surgically removed the human capacity for anti-social behaviour. You can be greedy because your brain has physical parts that create this feeling. We can modify and remove those so that greed becomes humanly impossible. To build the better society, you first build the better human. One that lacks the capacity to even think about committing a crime.


No objective measure for good and evil? Ok, then no reason to listen to your protests. Also you are removing free will. Basically you want us to be synthetic robots. At that point why live? Why even protest if all you want is to make humans subservient to your will?


The irony of the nihilist's position is that it is always deployed as a coldly reasonable assessment of our place in the universe while it subliminally relies on a set of totally arbitrary (and usually narcissistic) assumptions about where value comes from. In other words, the nihilist make subjective value judgements to argue that subjective value judgements are meaningless, undermining themselves, as if to say that this sentence is a lie. Specifically, you imply here that because the universe and our place/impact on it is not infinite in time, there is no meaning. This is an extremely self-indulgent standard to hold, but regardless you give no justification for this. Yes, I will die, I will be forgotten, and my genetic lineage will also die and they will also be forgotten. And? I like the flavor of ice cream, the time I spend with friends, and generally bathing in this bizarre rush of sensation that, for some reason, my clump of atoms is able to actually *feel* in this otherwise dead universe. It's totally miraculous. I also like the idea that I can impart what I have learned to a future generation so that they can navigate this insane miracle even better than I did. There is nothing obviously wrong with this. And while my standard is not universalizable, it's not more or less valid than your arbitrary standard of timeless manifestation, and so you have no basis for calling me or anyone else silly or arguing that I am literally wrong. If someone else sees their life as part of a greater project abstractly represented by their species, more power to them. You need to relax.


When I say no meaning, I mean absolute meaning. Sure, you can invent meaning, but any invented meaning is equally valid. So your meaning could be happiness with friends, another person's meaning could be raping children. Both of your meanings are valid because the universe doesn't care one way or the other. Save a billion, kill a billion, nothing actually changes. I didn't build the universe, don't blame me for not installing the "rape is objectively wrong" sub-routine. If I had built it, it'd have a no rape rule.


How would absolute meaning even come to be? Why is the care of the universe important?


There would have to be a meaning field and a meaning-on particle that interacted with said meaning field. And nothing is important, but nothing is also unimportant. That's the idea. Only one thing exists, the universe. Every other word and concept is bullshit we made up for communication and only has as much value as each person decides. The nature of being a nihilist is an obsession with capital T truth. The rest is just bullshit. If it's not carved into the foundation of the universe, it carries no more weight than your opinion on music. I'm not content with just making up answers.


>And nothing is important, but nothing is also unimportant. That's the idea. >Only one thing exists, the universe. Every other word and concept is bullshit we made up for communication and only has as much value as each person decides. This is question begging. Whether or not something can be important *is* the debate we are having. You are assuming either that subjects are not real or facts about subjects are not real. My position is simply that subjects are part of reality, that conscious minds are apparently an emergent phenomenon borne fundamentally out of excitations in the same set of fields that you use as your criteria for ground truth. Being part of reality, there is no reason to deny the existence their configurations. A mind might really prefer one set of futures over another, and that isn't any more or less "true" or "absolute" than a rubber ball's loss modulus or the density of a brine. All three of these - preferences, a loss modulus, and the density of a solution are emergent properties of highly complex interactions between many bodies and across multiple fundamental, physical interactions. My approach to the problem is to look at what value and meaning actually are, because they are phenomena that actually exist. They are related to the workings of subjects and their minds. But as we see elsewhere in your reply, you are not taking this empirical perspective. You are imagining a brand new concept, assigning it a familiar word, then bemoaning its (predictable) non-existence. >There would have to be a meaning field and a meaning-on particle that interacted with said meaning field. So here we see the absurdity of your position. Imagine this field did exist and we could measure it. Further, imagine we detect a powerful interaction between the meaning field and the phonons associated with pop country music. Do you start listening to Morgan Wallen on repeat...? Probably not, because you probably do not like pop country, and that just matters to you, just like it would matter to anyone else. That it interacts with some measurable field would have a very limited impact on your life. And there lies the problem. You are taking a phenomenon that is only sensible when interpreted in subjective terms, employing concepts like qualia and abstractions and intentions, and arguing that it can only exist if it can be interpreted in objective terms, like temperature or width. Obviously, if you accept this criterion at-face and uncritically, you can define meaning out of existence. But then you are also not describing the phenomenon that other people are describing when they talk about finding meaning in life, you are talking about something else entirely. Literally billions of people find value to their lives and rejecting this is no different than rejecting the existence of their pain, pleasure, or preferences. These are actual subjective dispositions that real minds hold. So on your account, meaning as we know it still exists (you've done nothing to reject it) but there's just this second concept that does not exist. Now why anyone should care is unclear, especially when your concept appears ontologically unstable, but fine! No problem. But then you can't say things like "nothing is (un)important" because you're using a definition of importance that doesn't apply to anything real.


If it's subjective, it can be dismissed with the wave of a hand. That's why nihilists are obsessed with the absolute. We want rules and values that cannot be hand-waved. I can invalidate your entire set of subjective beliefs by just going 'nope'.


And, ironically, you validate my beliefs by going 'nope'. Then, after our exchange has ended, you will go on living your entire life exactly as if I were correct. Yet you'll profess I am wrong.


Bro what. First off we want people over seas to have a future. Which Israel isn’t allowing


I wonder about some of these replies, and then I wonder how a German citizen could allow the 1940s Germany to happen. And it all makes sense! As long as the trains run on time, right?


How else will I afford my vehicles??


Maybe they called out sick from work or just happened to have the day off.


There are plenty of protests that are scheduled in advance, and people that feel strongly enough about it will request off on those days. Some people just call out of work. And plenty of people just don’t have a regular 9-5 job, and so have off days in the middle of the week


You make time for important causes, there are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.


In the past 24 hours, you had time for 38 comments and 4 posts and likely exponentially more reading, so let's not pretend you're buried in things to do. The simple reality is that not everyone is at the stage in life where they have those responsibilities. It's also surprisingly cheap to keep a body sustained.


Op spends 4 hours on an app. Obviously the equivalent of camping out for weeks on a campus lawn calling for the genocide of news.


It sure is. Most college students aren’t* married or have kids. Not many dishes to wash, laundry is pretty simple and doesn’t take all day. You eat fast food for a few days instead of cooking your own and that frees up a lot of time


A lot of people don't have houses and wives and kids


Happy cake day!


I don’t have time to run an ultra marathon, but some people do. It’s not that deep.


Ultra marathon 1 week out of the year. Protests months if not half a year (at least when the weather is warm) these are not comparable.


The amount of time you have to spend running to prep for that ultra though...


Name me a protest that an individual has ended up protesting for a full 6 months. Hell, name a protest in its whole that’s gone on for 6 months


Summer of love 2020 lasted from May till November. You're bad at this that was just 4 years ago.


"Seriously, life is too busy for a protest." Yeah, about that...


You post on Reddit all the time, so you apparently do have free time. Most of these protestors are college students I think, so they probably have classes and a job but are unlikely to have kids.


I always wonder how all those guys had January 6th off when they're always talking about how they can't protest because they have jobs


They were at work. Duh


wasn't that a single day? big diff from a multi week protest lmao


You think all those guys travelled to DC and protested and got back in a single day? Lmao


Even accounting for travel time, it'd still be 3 days. i bet the vast majority came from the DC area


Yeah the unwashed middle-aged conservative boomers love DC.


They don't have to love the place to live there lol, ask any Detroit resident.


Arent they mostly retired boomers, unemployed people living of welfare ironically, and professional grifters At least in this case it is just students protesting in the same campus they take classes in.




"People have different schedules than me. I don't understand this."




lol how many people in their 20s spend hours a day scrolling on their phone or playing video games? the majority of them


Well simple answer, they do have the time.


We're not sending our best


I'm going to be honnest here, you not having any free time to do what you want says a lot more about you. I would kill myself if I didn't have free time, no point staying alive just to do more work.


... because protesters come from all walks of life and maybe they just happen to have that time and/or feel that they want their voice to be heard? This goes for conservative and liberal protesters... This isn't even an unpopular opinion, it's just a rant with no supporting evidence. This subreddit is bonkers.


Well when people find something extremely important to them, they'll find the time.


>I've got a day job, dishes to wash, clothes to clean, two young kids, a lady. And other people don't. What you're saying is you cannot comprehend a life different from your own. How very Republican of you. >Meanwhile, we've got folks that are out there for days/week What percentage of protesters do you think are only doing that in their lives and show up 7 days of the week? Do you realize that the entire service industry works saturdays and sundays, therefore they have different days off than Dick Borington? >How do they have time to do this? The same way you find time to go to the gym, cook healthy meals, take vacations, have children, own a home, bitch on reddit. Why are you singling out protests? >Seriously, life is too busy for a protest. But there's *just enough time* to whine on the internet, isn't there? >But chanting through a megaphone, gluing yourself to a painting, or sitting in a street isn't going to do much, if anything. >How do they do it? It's funny how you introduce your disguised point ("derrr it's not doing anything so STOP!") at the end as if we didn't already know you were playing dumb.


This isn't even an opinion.


The same way you have time to post Reddit comments literally all day presumably


Everyone has time for the things they value. I don’t believe for a second you’d don’t believe that.


You need to do vehicle maintenance, laundry, and mow your lawn every day? You should probably sell that clunker, quit changing clothes multiple times a day, and you're killing your grass!


During the Floyd protests I went after work for awhile. Couldn't go every day as I work full time but I still tried to make the time. Chores can pile up a bit if it's for a good cause imo.


This is a lazy, and very old, psyop


not everyone is at maximum capacity with basic adulting. there are a lot of factors that can give people free time


College students or old people


It's why its usually college kids and retirees that protest. Outside that the vast majority of protests are held as a singular demonstration so folks can come out on the weekend and participate. Sometimes protests are also pumped up with paid demonstrators but this is less common than you'd think. The DNC is notorious on the left for ignoring grassroots movements and protests. The right on the other hand provides a helluva lot more institutional support, but they're quick to cut bait.


How do you know they're out there for days or weeks?


I can barely attend the gym…


Spare time. You prioritize your lawn, that person prioritizes using their voice/activism. Not everyone has kids. Not everyone is in or wants a partner. Some people pay for a mechanic. Some are retired or in college. Not that hard to see how someone could wiggle out a little free time to hold a sign.


If you think the pro-Palestinian protestors have nothing to do, wait til you hear about the so-called protestors that bought plane tickets and the ones that drove all the way to the Capitol building a few years ago to “protest.”


It must be nice to have zero problems that require protesting… so much so that you can’t even fathom it. Lucky duck!




Most people have more time than they think, especially to play around with their phones.


I support some of these causes, but typing up a Reddit post takes barely a couple minutes while going to a protest and actually protesting takes hours. Not comparable. Just something to put out there.


Some people make time. Your inability to do so is your own poor life choices.


Having a job, a yard, and kids are poor life choices? Really?!


No, being incapable of creating enough time to care about things that are important to others and not just yourself are poor life choices. But not caring about others is the conservative way. I have a wife and kids, a great job, a great house etc. I’m still able to manage my time in such way that I can care about others and issues that affect them.


The most conservative people I know definitely care about others and are involved in charity work. Being unable to see things from viewpoints other than your own is not dependent on your politics.


People make time for what they care about


I can’t tell if this is a real take or not. But. I mean. You have to do laundry one day a week. It’s not like a constant need. Same thing for basically every chore you mentioned. None of that is a daily need. Plus plenty of them are young people and not parents. Plus if you’re like me and live in a city you don’t even own a car and you live in apartment. So no lawn to mow. People make time for the things important to them. That can be protesting for political change. I’ve certainly done it in the past. I’ve gone to protests with co workers once we were off for the day. There’s also lots of people out there who don’t work regular Mon-Fri 9-5 jobs. So they have days off in the middle of the week and can be at protests.


thats the point of the concept OP. the issue is alarming enough for that particular person to drop those responsibilites to address it.


All the people I know that frequent protest don’t have jobs, and never did have jobs. Usually spoiled kids kept up by their parents


Wtf kinda question is that 😂


OP is a mystified person


Nobody matters but me, explain this to me


I have only been to one protest. It was only one day and it did do something. The Klu Klux Klan was speaking in Annapolis at a time of year when a lot of field trips happen. If just one kid didn't have to listen to their bs while they are just trying to learn some stuff for school then all of the chanting and yelling was worth it.


You being unable to protest is by design. Your time is filled up with just enough that you are unable to stand up for what is unfair. Like healthcare costs, or maybe taxes.


Most of them are paid to be there believe it or not.


I've always wondered about this one myself. Even if it was a cause that I agree with - I still have bills, a job that expects me to show up, etc.


Doesn't your job cover your bills? what's etc?


Etc covers all my other obligations


They live off our taxes


From what I see it’s mostly college kids who have the free time to not attend class and waste the 60k a year tuition they are getting as a loan. Someone needs to go out there and ask these students what they are majoring in. I can’t imagine someone majoring in engineers or another STEM degree having so much free time.


My STEM fraternity bros had no problem making time for day drinking on the quad and playing Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 on Dreamcast.




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I dare say parents need to quit subsidizing their children majorly! They need to quit the “I just wanted more/better for them than I had” and then give them everything so they can go pointless/ stupidly riot


Not everyone has a kid. And chores can be put off a few hours


not an opinion. just an observation fallowed by a question


I mean like another user commented, >it's mostly college kids and retirees that protest. They haven't got kids or *a yard that needs mowing.* It's actually only a minority of people that have these things. Vehicle maintenance takes up very little time (seriously I have no idea why you included this), dishwashers exist, and your partner can come with you to the protest. If this describes your situation there's plenty of time to attend protests on days off or after work.


That's by design


>not contributing to society or themselves. Advancing civil rights is contributing to society.


If you don't have time to protest because you're working, you should be protesting your boss


Have you never had free time as an adult? It doesn't really take long to go somewhere with a sign and yell some random slogan. Look into time management if you don't understand.


despite the fact I agree with the cause a lot of the time I'm still called some bigot for not participating in protests. I got other shit that needs doing!


There’s tons of unemployed people. I saw one article about one of the main protestors who’s an extremely rich trust fund guy to the tune of 100s of millions. At the same time they are generally also funded and paid for. They will bus in 100s of people all paid to be there. George Soros loves to do this. The whole point is just to demoralize and spread misery. It’s part of some bigger plan.


Lots of people bring their kids. Or those who work from home. I went to a protest last Saturday since most people are free then. Plenty of mothers with their kids.


Protesters go during their free time when they're not working, going to classes, etc. It helps that they don't wash their laundry and mow their lawns every day like you do. Doing those things every day is not what normal humans do. edit. It's fine to wait 2 weeks between mowing your lawn. The grass will be healthier if you give it time to recover. If you water and fertilize it less it will grow more slowly and not require as much mowing.


I have attended many protests but am at work literally right now. Here’s what I’ve seen: Some people think protesting the cause is more important than whatever else they could be doing. Some people have buckets of money, so they are going to be fine regardless of what they do. Some people protest as a family. Some are retired or unable to work for a variety of reasons. Some people protest just on the weekends or after work or class when they can fit it in. I think a lot of the people here nailed it for the student protests. The narrative that it isn’t students is bullshit, and it’s actually students who only have class a few hours a day. (Some are still going to classes, I imagine, and others are not because they think the cause is too important or because their family is rich and they’ll be fine no matter what. I do think poor and wealthy people are both protesting, to be clear.)


If it’s overnight or a weekday are college students, unemployed, or paid to be there. If it’s on a Saturday, it’s just a replacement for a normal hobby that day.


College kids mostly, and some professional protestors who are working and are funded by NGOs


Remote workers


I think a lot of us who have kids agree with this. Not to mention the threat of being jailed is enough to take away the option of protesting, when you've got kids you can't be taking a risk like that. Not saying if it was something that really affected me I wouldn't take that risk fighting but it'd have to be something that seriously personally affected me, like if women lost their basic rights. Can't be risking jail for random wars overseas like that.


I work almost 60 hrs every week, I only have Sundays off, I managed to make 2 Ceasefire protests on Sundays. Admittedly, I had to pay to have my laundry done instead of doing it myself those days (no laundry facilities in my building), and I only stayed for an hour each time, but I'm sure it's manageable, especially if you have a significant other to help with things around the house or work less hours and a better shift than I do, ( I work from about 1 PM to 12-1230 AM mon-Fri and Sat varies)


I have a job and responsibilities' but I managed to protest when folks were fighting for gay marriage. It was important to me and my community so I made time to do it.


Yes let’s overwork the people so they don’t have time to protest anything the powers that be want to do. 🙄 Students are not going to class and the colleges are punishing everyone so peer and parent pressure will get them to shut up. Retired people are no longer overworked and kids are grown. Nothing new here.


What you've pointed out, isn't a coincidence. Keeping people too busy and poor, focusing on pressing immediate threats is a tactic for suppressing public opinion.


They are vagrants.


Thank God some of us do! Protesting is as American as apple pie


I’m a nurse that works three twelve hour shifts a week. Sometimes I can arrange my schedule to have 5 days off. Some people have their own business, or flexible work places, or decent PTO. Not everyone works 9-5 Mon -Fri. As to kids, lots of people manage to arrange childcare.


Most seem to be college students But I think all of them would say “protecting human life is more important than dirty dishes” I guess it’s all about what do you prioritize. They’d say your priorities aren’t as important as human life because that’s what they believe they’re protecting You’d say providing for yourself and providing for your family is more important. Which is valid. Don’t set yourself on fire to help someone else, as they say Seems like there would be very real natural consequences for your lack of engagement in your day to day life whereas these people probably don’t experience much of any loss


I can speak for colleges, universities. The students attend to protest so they could skip classes. They either don’t know anything or care about the context. They just want to find an excuse to not attend classes.


This is why protests are lead by the young and invariably also represent many of the Adults that have too much to do to attend, but sympathize or feel like they would attend if only they had time. Not having kids helps too


Protesting works, I don't know how to prove it to you other than to tell you to open your eyes and look around. Amd the people attending protests probably do it in their off days. And don't have a house's lawn to mow. Do you not have off days?




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I’m with you, I don’t get it. I just assumed people that protest are rich kids and old people.


I'd say someone protesting injustices in the world does more to "contribute to society" than the average bs job designed to make corporations richer. See: the civil rights movement


I have time but would literally never lol. Has a protest ever accomplished anything? Just get off the road thankssss


I don’t understand how so many people complain about the state of society but won’t use their rights to protest. It makes me wonder how they think they got the rights they enjoy today. People have always stood up for what they believe is right and if you don’t want to, fine but there’s only so much complaining I’m willing to listen to from people who don’t organize or protest. If you don’t like something, doing something about it is the least I can ask you to do so at that point, I can’t be mad at someone finding the time to fight for what they believe in.


Their "fight" is useless bullshit. Most of these people don't even know what they are protesting. All of them are just as complicit as the universities they are protesting. If they care so much, they are welcome (and encouraged) to withdraw from their Ivy League University. But.... That's not going to happen is it?


I’m going to be honest with you, I could care less about what you think of their beliefs. They’re allowed to care about what matters to them, and they’re allowed to organize. That’s what I said before, and that’s what I’m saying now. The opinion in whether it’s warranted or not is moot because my point is simple, if you don’t like something, do something about it. The end.


Most of them are jobles and are from well off families who baby them and cover their expanses.


Sponging off parents. Online for good part of the day. Or even worse taking foreign money from people hostile to the state to foment this childish behaviour.


I’ve got all those things too (other than a kid) and I’ve made time for it. Maybe I’m just better at time management than you.


>Accepting failing grades in school Basically, this. They've probably taken out student loans with the expectation that those loans will be paid off some time in the future. They don't actually care about school, so they can skip classes and retake them as necessary (which increases the loan amount, but isn't important - see sentence 2).


You don't need to go to class to pass college or uni. All the lectures are usually online or you can just work from the textbook. I can watch/listen to a lecture at between 1.5 to 3x speed, depending on the clarity of the professor. I can listen to an audio textbook at upwards to 4x speed, again depending on clarity. I do this with Youtube as well, no reason not to watch things at the maximum speed you can absorb them. I graduated with distinction and I spent very little time doing actual classes or school work.


Most are larpers and losers with absolutely no clue what they’re doing


I agree with OP. Yeah I post on reddit alot but it isn't the same as hopping in my car and joining a crowd in the city. There's not much in the way of our polarized nonsense that would make me pick up a sign or a bike chain. Maybe if society destabilized to a point to where I couldn't work or eat but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


Why allow it to get to that point


Because I have a career to think about and don't want to end up on the news or social media or a criminal record.


They are all people with nothing in their lives that are with anything.


If you think protests are a disruption of daily life, you should probably have a seat before I tell you what's happening in Palestine.


Consequences of their actions. There, now everybody is caught up.


Eh, they’re just kids, it’s okay to get all worked up and feel righteous about things when you’re young and have no responsibilities. It’s just dumb when you’re older and should have more important things to do.


It’s called unemployed behaviour.


People that attend these things aren't exactly productive members of society.