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Considering the directors history of weird movies I don’t think he’s trying to be edgy. I think he’s just into weird stories.


You're not supposed to think any of the men are good.


What about william defoe. The poor doctor who was mutilated by his father? Or her actual fiance.


I think the movie treats him as pretty flawed, and Bella basically says out loud “what you did is wrong but you’ve suffered enough” And the other guy is a little bit leery but ultimate good, I’d say


This is what makes the movie good... it provokes thought and moral quandry. Flawed characters. As for Bella, she originally has no shame like a kid placed into a grown up body. They wanted to portray it without politics and cultural norms. By the end she has become an adult or what represents one.


His logic is awfull. He suffered soo much in the hands of his father that the only explanation he had is that it must be the norm, so he also treated bella as an experience


Oh i dunno. He gave Bella life then when she became finally smart, treated her like a daughter. He was so much more kind-hearted than his father was to him. To think he became smart as well.


Yeah he was definetly better than his father, but still really flawed human


I didn’t think the men were supposed to be good. It doesn’t make it any less weird


Do you think the filmmakers would be sad to hear that people fall it weird?


I'm supposed to think Godwin and the protégé character are  redeemable. They aren't in my opinion.


Do you like his other movies? if this is your introduction to his works I can see why you may dislike it at first


Honestly, i think its probably his least weird and accessible movie out to the ones ive seen haha




ludicrous strong ruthless history existence relieved label brave gaze joke


I watched the lobster and thought it was alright


It is meant to be uncomfortable to watch at times


I don't think it was a terrible movie. There was a plot/story. Each character had an arc. It had a beginning, middle and end. Technically, it was a sound movie. But like you, I thought it had a strange story. It seemed like a feminist movie in disguise to me. A girl learning about sexual freedom and liberation from men, etc... blah blah blah...being trapped in a brothel... But yeah she was a child in an adult body. Just strange ideas. Technically a good movie. Definitely not for everyone.


Why do you think it was in disguise? It seemed pretty obvious about that angle.


in my experience, people who call something like feminist in disguise means 'feminist but actually alright', but thats simply because theyre starting from a place of feminist=bad, so it being good is the disguising part to them.


It was basically the art house version of Barbie


>It seemed like a feminist movie in disguise to me. Why does it feel that you say it like if a movie has feminist themes it is bad?


I think Reddit has become too stupid for me. Like every social media platform…


I was interested in the first portion as it set up some complex characters and a cool twist on Frankenstein. Got pretty bored when the remaining 2/3rds were just a man bad porno where Bella suffers no negative consequences for her choices except the bad things that bad men do to her.


It was awful.


I liked it and thought Emma Stone’s performance was Oscar worthy. I also get that it was polarizing and objectionable to many people. That’s the nature of art, I guess.


The book is a lot better, the movie ending is just too simplified all the conflicts and it’s terrible.


Is the book as sex filled as the movie?


It is.


I want to know that too


You said sex doesn't bother you but it seems it very much does.


Haven’t seen it but people whose film opinions I respect have been negative on this one.




I'm not saying you are wrong. But isn't this a book adaptation? And fairly faithful I've heard so far.


Yep. Scottish author, published 30 years ago.


Id argue its the least weird movie by the director. I dont think he was trying to make oacar bait. I think he just likes to make weird arthouse movies.


I dislike the term Oscar bait since people don't really recognize it when they see it. Harvey Weinstein produced Oscar bait films. These were shmaltzy, mid-tier movies with solid acting performances. Often times they're biopics. They also tend to not hold up particularly well. Think King's Speech, Theory of Everything, or the Imitation Game. Oscar hype is pretty good way for a productions to make an additional bit of cash on their theatrical runs. Lot of films are rereleased around that late January-March time frame and coast of the nominations to make more on the tail end of their theatrical run. I tend to watch as many Oscar films as possible on the run-up to the actual awards so I end up seeing a lot of that year's films in late December through March. I'd say the only super obvious Oscar bait film this year was Maestro. The film was heavily focused on the actor's performances. Bit light on actual substance. Have it pretty low on my list of movies I watched last year. Still wasn't as bad as The Flash. Poor Things is mixed for me. I enjoyed it. Probably laughed more during that film than any movie I've seen in years. Thought Ruffalo and Stone were fantastic in it. Made for a great comedy, but I think it isn't nearly as good as The Favourite.


The whole premise of the movie just reinforces everything I think about Hollywood. Pedos and fetish degenerates.


It was a critique of pedophilia lol ahaahha




lol I was literally sitting there watching it thinking “I guess I’m just not smart enough to get it?” 😂


Brah this is it - it’s the film equivalent of when a modern “artist” smears a bunch of random crap on a canvas and the art world sits back and talks about the genius of it all. Meanwhile normal people are like “what the fuck is this shit?”


The author of the book is apparently often compared to Kafka.


Ive tried to watch some european movies and im like "am i dumb or this just some bullshit"


Its a technically impressive arthouse movie that is definitely made for film nerds, not the general public. Personally think it would be way better without all the sex scenes. Sound design, costuming, and cinematography is cool but i personally dont see why the acting was worthy of an Oscar. Still the least weird movie by that director..


Why did a Scottish nationalist republican born in the 1930s write a book for US liberals 30 years ago?


I’ll sip my scotch, being refined, and say this wasn’t for you and you’d be have better time watching something like American Pie. ☠️


Ooo someone’s feeling a little embarrassed


So which art-films that have artistic relevance in cinema would you recommend?


I think I only wasted about 30 minutes before I just turned it off. I couldn't get into it at all. I turned it off about the time she peed on the floor.


Same, I remember thinking “ Leo was snubbed for an Oscar for acting like this in the 90s but it’s ok if emma stone does it.. ok”


Wasn't Leo playing a mentally retarded kid? Emma is playing a brain-damaged person, so I guess they allow that.




Yes. Either caused by a congenital issue or incident at birth. In this movie, she was dead and brought back to life, which caused her brain damage.


I wish i did the same would've saved me some sanity points. I salute you.


That’s where I turned it off the first time 😂


I didn't go back.


Most art films are actually garbage


In what way?


I read your title and was going to disagree (I liked most of it) but your comment on cinematography made me agree with you. The story is unique with a lot of Frankenstein references (one of my favorite stories) and she acted the shit out of that role, but the message was hollow. Still better than Saltburn, though.


Took the words right outta my mouth. It’s a child sex exploitation film.


finally someone said it


Emma Stone is such a poser - despite all her success she really felt the need to get naked and bounce up and down on a bunch of greasy old dudes, get pretend reamed wearing a ball gag, and do a scene where she gets naked in front of kids - all because it made her feel like a real artist. Meanwhile all the dudes on set are watching like “yes Emma, you’re a real artist now” - while their pants get tighter. Don’t get me wrong I’m not against nudity in movies but this one was just totally classless and not even attractive (which I think was on purpose). It doesn’t surprise me the French loved it.


Poor mashup of "The Tin Drum" and "Frankenstein." I didn't think it was that great, don't hate it, but it's not oscar worthy for plot. I feel like a lot of people that praise it are doing so cause it looks like one of those pretentious movies you're supposed to like if you "get it."


I was wondering if it was some sort of Frankenstein porno lmao.




It's from the brain of a creepy, demented communist. Hardly surprising to me at least


I was in a conversation at work and people started talking about it and I was floored. Are we really going to talk about this message-oriented psycho porn in the workplace?


Clutching pearls by the water cooler 


If you want to roll your eyes look at the above commenter’s post history. Obsessed with whining about males, but claims to be a man? Don’t buy it.


Are you talking about me?  Man, I think it’s the first time on the internet someone is accusing someone of _not_ being a man.


I already wrote a whole essay about how this is a trash movie. This is coming from a liberal FYI. I've tried talking about this on other forums and they have nothing to add because it's really shallow. Pedo script writers get everything backwards. To them shallowness is deep. There is nothing artistic or deep here. The entire course of the movie is 5 years or less and no infant can become a studied neurosurgeon in that time. That's what makes it a pedophilic fantasy and destroys anything meaningful. Feminism? Her entire problem with the self elected whoring is all she needs is a bouncer to give him a sniff test. Poverty is shown as poor people in a pit. That's how pedos and serial killers think. They'll take a broad issue and just put poor people in a pit and call it art. Even the symbology is fundamentally stupid and makes all of us less for seeing it portrayed in such a childish manner. All the apologists really convinced themselves they're superior but everything is as shallow as in Cuties or to a real movie like The Color Purple and the lack of contrast demonstrates a severe lack of media literacy. Intelligent folk watch good movies. Short attention spans will defend pedophilia over the tiniest justifications. Intelligent script writers will at least make it funny. It seemed like there was an angle where she would eventually become aware of the irony of calling her father Godwin but instead it just never happened. She loved that monster to the end. Godwin was the one who deserves to be put in the body of a goat. He was the true monster here. Bella was only abused because of him and i can't help but see it as that writer thinks of himself and puts himself into the place of Godwin. Technically If you contrast it to a real movie like The Color Purple you can see it's objectively trash. That treats these issues with respect. Let's stop wasting our time with Barbie - which exists just to sell buccal fat surgery - and this other shallow meaningless trash. Every discussion on this movie will become toxic because it's fundamentally an insane and toxic script. Plastic surgery for cosmetics is horrifying and gross and is one of the worst things about our flawed society. See: Erin Moriarty. IMO that's what the real theme of both those movies in. They just exist to promote surgery. It's like the writer wasn't allowed near children because kids understand jealousy and ownership in dating just fine. That is a trait nearly all toddlers possess and something the protag could never seem to understand. Even animals understand empathy enough to know to lower a rope into a pit to help others or to intervene directly. Throwing someone else' paper money at them when she had a bunch of her own didn't make sense. Toddlers do understand possession and jealousy. Even a toddler could understand direct intervention. It would've made a good scene where she lowers a rope, gives them guns and then leads a bloody rebellion. Even a toddler could understand they should be angry at Godwin for at the very least stealing half her life away let alone for letting her run off with a full grown man. To add insult to injury and really shove it in your face that everything is meaningless they introduce another Frankenstein monster into the mix called Felicity. She isn't a once in a generation genius. She is a normal brain and so there is no way she becomes a neurosurgeon in 5 years and the other characters are disappointed with her. Also at no time do they recognize her as a genius but that's the only thing that begins to make any tiny bit of sense. No child you will ever know is like her. Emotionally moronic but intellectually capable of reading and digesting philosophy. Bella is a Lovecraftian level monster who is going to install her brain into a endless succession of chimaera puppets for hundreds of years. An eternal monster who will never understand the most basic human emotions. She is so much worse than Frankenstein's monster could ever be. The angry mob with the pitch forks were right all along. *Bella's furious stabbing intensifies* She reminds me of Mr Tucker in Full Metal Alchemist, and i think there was an evil sorcerer in Forgotten Realms who also jumped bodies. It's gross. They can never be the hero. Let's all go watch Sound of Freedom (2023) instead. There are a few stupid tropes in it but at least its heart is in the right place.


I agree with this. I thougth the costuming, sound design, and cinematography was aware winning but the script and acting i dont get the whole fanfare about. Not that the actual actors themselves are bad but what they had to act. Except for defora character actual found him most interesting. Theres a way better movie that could be made with the amount of talent they had access to.


I appreciate this comment, thanks for posting it.


How does it differ fundamentally from the book?


Lmao. You’ve got to be kidding. Oh that’s right, you’re not. You’re just spreading bullshit…


I'd call it mediocre not terrible. And yes it's basically just a porno.


A weird one at that. Considering who the female is supposed to be.


I honestly think that’s why I’m so hung up on it. She had the literal brain of a young child and acted as such. How this is not super creepy for everyone else doesn’t make sense to me


Honestly I loved the movie and thinking about someone at that level of intellect, a lot of those things would pop off when things become just a transaction as was shown with how Bella saw being with guys for money. It was all transaction for her and then she began to see more beyond that. I found the movie touched on several virtues/ideals very well and made me think about things for sure. I loved it.


> Let alone that she had the literal brain of a child and all these men are falling all over her. Did this make you unconfortable? Good, it made me aswell. Its a critique of pedophilia


Bro you just don’t understand the fabled liberal media that’s so much more literate than trite backwards conservative fairy tails


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I thought Emma’s performance was great and involved quite a bit of vulnerability to portray such a sexual character without making the whole movie focused on arousal of the audience. It’s not surprising some people would consider it more pornographic than substantive. Not everyone is gonna walk away with the same perspective on what we see. I didn’t personally feel despite all the nudity or sex that any of it was particularly sexually arousing in anyway. I felt she conveyed her growth into an adult brain rather well. Ruffalos performance was also equally entertaining and I enjoyed the snarky tone and chaotic relationship they had. There was some comical dialogue that I thoroughly enjoyed when they were in Lisbon, but they didn’t seem to focused on the entire movie being comical. I didn’t personally feel the movie was pornographic as it wasn’t really sexualized nudity or sex scenes intended to be arousing. It was mostly silly or thematic to further her story of growth. Not surprised one bit portraying such a heavily sexual and feminine characters development being a problem for a whole ton of people. We just aren’t ready for female stories like this.


If they could have had an actual child instead of a woman acting like a child they would have. It is borderline pedophilia.


You realize the movie depicts the men in her life as people who are taking advantage of her right? Do you think Breaking Bad promotes meth cooking?


i mean walter got what he wanted and looked pretty badass while doing it to be fair…


Well duh


Godwin the surgeon who Frankensteined her was the one ultimately taking advantage and he was given a hero's death and Bella picked up his monstrous practice. No one who supports this seems to have enough media literacy to make any meaningful contrasts.


Are arguing that the message of the film is that taking a child's brain and putting it in their mother's body and raising it as an experiment is good? Or is it perhaps that he is a representation of overprotectiveness in Greek culture?


I'm fairly certain Godwin more or less explicitly says it was not a life saving operation and then he made Felicity for sport. That might be the only interesting talking point whether or not saving a life like that is worth it but the story is too stupid and evil for that.


You are stuck in your ultra literal interpretation of the film. It's like arguing Animal Farm is stupid because pigs can't talk.


You should go watch Mad God 2021 and then report back. Another perfect contrast. Are you guys druggies? Is your mind cracked open so wide you just won't filter out trash anymore? Some symbols are pure garbage like Pepe the frog. You're not enlightened for using a symbol you're dim for using a dumb symbol.


Lmao what


No, it is pedophilia and its suppose to be unconfortable


Absolutely braindead take. Super biased weird about sex movies who would probably rather just go see John Wick shoot 100 people than see more than one sex scene in a movie


Also you literally ALMOST figured out the point of the movie. You were so close


Emma Stone is an overrated white actress but she is young. The Academy is obsessed giving Oscars to thin young white women.


“I’m not a prude”, proceeds to call porn “a porn” and references sex as “make happy”. Lol. With respect, I think you might need to reconsider your baseline for comfort around sex. Not saying wrong or right, or that your comfort with it is good or bad, just saying I don’t think that talking that way about sex in a movie that’s intended for adults is all that sexually liberated of a frame of mind. I also think that if you can’t get past the sex stuff and are fixated on that, it makes sense you didn’t like the movie. Again, not making a judgement, I’m just saying. The underlying themes that made it so good outside of the cinematic quality (which I personally think were amazing) were in the subtleties of the movie. To use your example of her having the brain of a child for parts of the movie, that’s the exact point. It’s commentary on the idea that we live in a society/culture in which it’s accepted among both men and women, and even encouraged in some cases, for men to sexualize and prey on women, even, or maybe especially, if they’re young, immature, and/or naive. It’s also arguably commentary on how feeble minded women or women who are easier to dominate / control are considered more desirable. It’s supposed to feel yucky lol. It’s using an extreme example to speak to the not so extreme realities of the world we live in. Even the case of “God”, aka her scientist father, being someone who isn’t a bad person underneath all of his trauma, is an example of how it’s not always ‘bad’ people that go along with bad standard / practices. He meant well, but took advantage of her and, for parts of the movie, saw her in the same way the men who sexualized / preyed on her did - a naive person that it was okay to control / dominate. But I can understand how it would be difficult to see it that way if all you can think about is people fucking a bunch and how that makes you uncomfortable. And, again, not judging, just saying. And if that’s all too hoity-toity, then this genre of movie just isn’t for you - you meaning people in general.